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  1. The BEST. She’s my aspiration. Best body, clothes, face, everything. She’s the whole Housewives package. Delusional enough, but not infuriating, has a cabaret, not too mean too often (she had her moments, but for the most part a good egg), crazy marriages, etc. She’s nuts but harmless and a little bit relatable. Strong agree with all!
  2. 100%. Outside of this show, I doubt Shannon has real friends that don’t roll their eyes or laugh at her behind her back. I have someone like this in my life—peripherally as I would never allow this person to get too close. This is an emotional vampire. Shannon’s boyfriend in the background looks like a hostage. My son tested positive and I took care of him and didn’t freak the hell out and run out of town. We all quarantined and then life went on. What would have happened if instead of Shannon testing positive, one of the kids got sick? Would she take care of her kid? Let’s even say it was the kid that didn’t go to the party, so you know, it’s a ‘good’ kid and not the evil kid, what would happen? Would Shannon care for the kid? Bring her soup? Tea and pain meds? Change her sheets? Or would she stay at the boyfriend’s and let her child fend for herself? I know the answer. She’s vile.
  3. I liked it too! I liked her putting that shit on and parading in front of a camera crew, NGAF. I wish I had that confidence.
  4. Or like a skilled con artist, some is true and some is lies. Something about the way she talks reminds me of a slick sales pitch. Too fast, too agreeable, a lot of contradictions.
  5. I cannot STAND HER EITHER! She’s a monster. Imagine being those poor kids living with that narcissistic freak of a mother! I was so disgusted with her this episode. ‘I have to be strong for my kids’ MY ASS!!! She is the worst. Making them feel so awful like that! And she wasn’t even slightly sick—much to her disappoint, I’m sure! She seemed to be BEGGING for some symptoms just so she could weaponize it against her family! I was appalled. My instinct is to never scare my children, comfort THEM, not seek their tears! Ugh, she totally disgusted me this episode and I think she’s winning the race to worst housewife ever, and those are some pretty big shoes to fill.
  6. I’m getting con artist vibes from her. Was giving her the benefit of the doubt, but now not so sure. I caught her on Heather McDonald’s podcast yesterday and she actually went through the same exact routine, claiming PTS, then hyperventilating, then saying ‘give me a minute to pull myself together’. I saw it first on this episode on the trail, but then hearing it again, played out the same way on the podcast, set off a red flag. (As an aside, Heather being Heather, talked right over it, and Elizabeth’s act lost its impact, and didn’t quite land, lol.)
  7. If I had an opportunity, I would do it. Maybe just an overnight. I have a weird fascination with it. Kind of like Schrute Beet Farms. Like when Pam and Jim stayed at Dwight’s place. I think it would both be kind of sweet and horrifying at the same time. More towards horrifying tho.
  8. Had no idea there was a book!! I know what I’m doing over my vacation! Thank you!!
  9. I think the problem with this show is this in a nutshell. They just don’t mesh. None of them. I think they actually have the worst chemistry out of all the franchises. What a difference between this crew and NY!
  10. Mine TOOOOO! My fave! I can never resist and actually just DVR’d it for the thousandth time! Lol Veda is my favorite villain. She’s just so damn rotten. I first got hooked on the movie when I saw Carol Burnett do it as a kid, and was always fascinated by it. Also have a thing for “All About Eve”. Another one I saw countless times. Joan and Bette are the best, shades of Tamra and Vickie in “Baby Jane” 😉
  11. We’d probably get Meri-The-Shill. She would have no interest in us, just our money, and out would come the racks of ugly shmattas and the door-stop-worthy Rice Krispie (?!) treats. (Rice Krispie Treats...who the hell buys that garbage?) Mariah would be skulking around looking for something to scold someone about. Riding around that beautiful landscape on a motorcycle has GOT to be the coolest thing EVER! 🤩
  12. I’m in! Let’s go! Lol Wouldn’t that be so fun and crazy?? Our company Was actually able to pivot and switched gears around April/May to become essential. They started producing scrubs, masks, everything with “Healthcare Heroes” logos printed on it... but was VERY scary for a while. There was a point back in March where suddenly every single order stopped. Just stopped. And the orders that were placed and fulfilled where not getting paid. Suddenly no money AT ALL was coming into a 500-person company. I was watching people all around me getting fired every day. Manufacturing, sales, customer service, marketing, creative, etc. It was very difficult to get through. Not really back to where it was, but we will see what the future holds. Hope it gets better for all of us.
  13. I live in fear that they will bring those two bags back!
  14. Agree with your post, and not to defend Kelly AT ALL, or Fox News for that matter, but they have many non-conservatives working in front of the camera, Donna Brazile, Juan Williams, Sheppard Smith (yes he left, but he was working there for years) they also have many non-conservative panelists working there. Again, not defending anyone here, and not saying Rick Leventhal is or is not conservative. Actually don’t really know his personal political positions. Anyone can say anything in public for brownie points, (Brawnwyn and her hired photographer at her protest insta moment) and vote a different way. (Also adding that many MANY true conservatives would beg to differ that Fox News is conservative. It may seem that they are by non-conservatives, but in reality their conservative viewers have been leaving in droves.)
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