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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I thought about Amelia as well, but from the sound of it appears to be way to drastic to simply be brushed aside like it happened with Owen and Cristina. Of course, it could also be less dramatic than they're making it out to be. If it's really Owen, it's clearly overkill at this point after the choking episode and it ought to have severe repercussions for his character. I don't see it happen now that he has a major SL of his own going on. I also considered her half-sister (Molly?) or Thatcher, but I hope even the show realizes that piling up the heap of Meredith's family tragedy would be simply grotesque at this point. It could be a nurse or a previously unseen doctor having a psychotic outburst or something.
  2. That's probably right. Although I assume they had something planned for her, hence that nonsensical stuff about her being broke and looking for a roommate and then shacking up with that hot intern whose name I've already forgotten. Surely it had to lead somewhere or else why would have they just pulled it out of their asses (but, knowing this show...) and then it got aborted for some reason. That it's been her biggest "storyline" this season tells enough about her current status on the show.
  3. I'd say Jessica Capshaw would be leaving if I didn't know she had prolonged her contract. What's happening to her this season doesn't make any sense at all. Yes, I know it applies to the majority of the cast, but at least most of them are stuck in the same old same old, while she hasn't done absolutely anything except serve for the occasional comic relief.
  4. There's no way a regular would get away with this and it's not the end of the season and a way to write someone off the show. it's got to be someone we haven't seen before or a very minor character.
  5. I agree, but it looked like another "Perfect Penny killed my husband" situation. That is, the show taking the (highly dubious) perspective of a single character which somehow goes completely unopposed. Callie's bisexuality surely has to rank pretty low on the list of all things that contributed to the downfall of their marriage, so it seemed absurd to dwell so much on it. That breakup was a mess. Like Callie saying she'd throw her ex-wife out of the window, which was pretty bizarre and uncalled for as Arizona was completely reasonable about the whole situation although reasonably not thrilled with it.
  6. There's something I never really got and catching some reruns on TV reminded me of it - where did the whole "Callie is bisexual and Arizona can't handle it" thing come from? There's been literally no mention of it ever since they got together until the episode with their final breakup. Arizona did often feel insecure around Mark, but that hardly has much to do with Callie's sexuality itself. In fact, I don't think the word "bisexual" was used in all the seasons after Callie first hooked up with dr Hahn as much as it was in those episodes focusing on their marriage counselling and breakup and immediately after it. It must have been a way to introduce a male love interest for Callie which they later dropped for some reason.
  7. And another thing is that no one is enough of a hardcore badass doctor except for the selected few who also happen to be regulars on the show, so their dating pool is really limited to like 5 other people - maybe a few more if they some day decide to explore their other side, like Callie once did.
  8. The problem is that this show is seriously suffering from "Rachel and Ross syndrome", that is, they decide that two people are perfect for each other and can never have a proper relationship with other people. They can break up and date again, but it never lasts long and eventually they get back together. Or they don't, but it's always right there until one of them leaves the show. It happened to Alex/Izzie, Mark/Lexie, Owen/Cristina and I feel Callie/Arizona and Jackson/April are there as well. I don't think any of these characters will have a serious, meaningful relationship outside their "perfect couple" as long as they're on the show.
  9. This, so much. Or even another surgeon, just not the one we see every week. But then again, the show has made it clear many times that every surgeon outside their little clique is a horrible failure that no one should ever want to go to, so I guess that's out of the picture. But if it's a big hospital (so big that Perfect Penny thought she might never run into someone who was close to Derek) there should be enough options for everyone. In general, I hate when TV shows do that. Like Desperate Housewives, where everyone kept hooking up with people living on the same street and that we saw in every episode. After a while it starts to feel somewhat... incestous.
  10. I'm afraid that April's and Jackson's storyline will be a repeat of Callie/Arizona needless drama that drags on for much too long. They get back together and pretend to be fine only to have a huge bunch of issues beneath the surface that pop out all the time. Just like Callie and Arizona should have either separated after the plane crash or found a way to pull through their problems, the shows needs to decide what it's going to do with these two ASAP.
  11. Agreed. There's no way it turns out he was actually responsible for her death. Regardless of whether he's going to hook up with Meredith eventually (which would obviously make it impossible for him to be the bad guy), I don't think the show would bring in a regular with such a dark history. I could see it be the assisted suicide thing, where the mother is understanding but Owen is not. Or maybe him choosing to honour her wish not to go along with further treatment in a case of terminal illness, while Owen believes that there's more that could have been done.
  12. What happened to the hilarity that was supposed to ensue with Arizona and DeLuca as roommates? Have they even shared a scene together since?
  13. I know! It's so annoying, It's something that would actually make sense and it's right there, it just needs to be expolored. Instead they decide to give Owen a dead sister out of blue and bring in two additional characters who have very little reason to be there in the first place.
  14. Riggs' arrival is actually worse than Perfect Penny coming to a hospital where her "victim" worked. I mean, the last time she spoke to his wife she seemed understanding and forgiving, to PP could have thought/hoped that her working there wouldn't be that huge an issue. On the other hand, Riggs must know that Owen hasn't moved on, whatever it is that happened.
  15. I agree, but that's how Amelia must have seen it. "He doesn't trust me enough to let me in on what's bothering him, but he has no problem telling it to Meredith, and who exactly is she to him??!" It sure would make me question myself where my relationship is going. And when you add in the fact that she feels that Meredith has already shut her out when Derek was dying, yeah, a freakout is coming. It makes me wonder if Cristina knew about it and whether she'd say something to Meredith, them being so close and all. Honestly, it's probably something they randomly made up along the way.
  16. It also makes me understand Amelia, at least up to a point. It's obviously something serious and if she and Owen really are going somewhere, he should able to open up to her and tell her what the problem is. Instead he shuts her out and chooses to confide in Meredith, who while being his ex-wife's "person", is actually just another co-worker for him. Of course it doesn't make it OK to say all those things, but I understand why she'd be hurt.
  17. Amen to all that! They were never really that close for her to automatically take his side in a dispute with someone, especially when she doesn't have the slightest idea what it's all about. Sure, I'd understand that she'd want to be there for him in case he experienced a personal tragedy of some sort or developed a drinking problem or what not, but this is just stupid.
  18. I didn't think Amelia came accross quite as badly as she did in the promo. Yeah, she said horrible and absurd things but she was feeling shut out and it can be really painful. I can at least get her somewhat and felt sorry for her in the end. But she's totally going to do it with Riggs and it will be more drama and yawn. Meredith's concern for Owen still seems forced and contrived to me. Speaking of him, he told Riggs "It's my family, not yours", which I don't think he'd ever say to his sister-gone-brother no matter what he thought of such choice, so yeah, it's his brother in law who he holds responsible for his sister's death. Sigh, Arizona is still comic relief. Also, what exactly is she supposed to be doing? I thought it was kinda funny when she said she makes a living treating sick babies when the patients we've seen her work with this season are a 90-year old man and a woman with a burn on her butt. While we're at it, they'd make a cute couple. I hope Jo rejects Alex's marriage proposal. They have issues and a wedding ring isn't going to magically solve them. I liked how she and Stephanie resolved their situation. No grand speeches, no over the top emotion, no "you're my person" crap, just two people acknowledging they've been in the wrong about the way they've treated each other.
  19. I thought it was a bit odd how everyone clearly went out of their way to avoid terms like "race", "racism", "black/white" and instead kept referring to it as "the thing". Since I'm not American (or living in a multiracial society) I almost missed it when Maggie and Amelia first started talking about it. I actually had to rewind the scene to check if that really is what it's about. Do people really talk like that?
  20. "Do we hate him?" Ugh. Yet another line after "Perfect Penny killed my husband" that makes Meredith Grey, a renowned surgeon and the MOTHER OF THREE KIDS!!!1 sound like a 12 year old. Her siding with Owen was completely ridiculous, but even worse than that, it wasn't at all believable. She basically had no interaction with him in like forever and now we're expected to believe that she's going to be his person because Cristina told her so and back him up no matter what. Yeah, it's just fake drama to keep them separated until the writers think it's the right time for her to move on with her love life. I felt for Jo. I didn't think she was unleashing on Penny and certainly not in the way Stephanie went all psycho on her a couple of episodes ago, I don't think she has anything against her, she was just genuinely sad that she couldn't take part in a surgery on a case she's been long involved and a patient she cares deeply about. I get that. But like the others have said, she needs to learn how to stand up for herself. It's funny, here we have two people whose partners have problems at work and both have completely different yet completely useless reactions. Alex is being dismissive and doesn't really care, while Callie cares too much and acts way out of line. But hey, maturity is getting really hard to find on this show lately. I loved the scene with Arizona and Richard at the bar, but she's been relegated to comic relief status for a while now and I don't like it. Give her something meaningful to do for a change,
  21. Her response to being fired was so hilarious. It was like, you want to fire me for almost killing a patient, remember that I actually did a kill a patient once and you didn't fire me then, so you can't do it now! Way to make your case, girl.
  22. Same here. George didn't have to die, he was about to join the army and leave the hospital anyway.
  23. He told Meredith that Jo was the girl he was going to marry. Their relationship got like 5 seconds of screen time since, but he definitely is/was into her.
  24. That was possibly the worst thing about Izzie. On one side we have people like Leah Murphy who make up this huge romantic love story for the ages every time they take a liking to someone and who deservedly get a mocking treatment for it, but with Izzie we were always supposed to take it a at face value and just run along with it. It stopped being believable really quickly. I could never get into her pairing with Alex in season 5 as it just seemed so random. The way I saw it, she might have just as well fallen for Mark or Hunt or whoever.
  25. It was very long time ago and I've never rewatched those episodes, but I could swear that Callie started out as a weird girl no one knew/liked? And then she transformed into a sex goddess of some kind.
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