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Everything posted by Joana

  1. Yeah, it was very well played. She was genuinely sad, but without any hysterics or grand speeches. I wish the show would be like that more often. I was actually surprised that I kinda liked the dynamics between Meredith and the army doctor in the end. It looked like they were having fun and it wasn't unpleasant to watch. On the other hand, I do agree with the poster who said that Meredith dating again isn't all that necessary. I dunno, from what I see it, losing a husband is much different to getting over a bad breakup, so "putting yourself out there and getting it over with" really isn't the only option. It seems perfectly normal to me that some women in such position would simply wait until there's a guy they really are interested in, if he shows up.
  2. What's clear to me is that after all this I really don't want Jackson and April to get back together. There's still some (very slim, but still) hope for Callie and Arizona, but I simply don't see how these two would ever work.
  3. Yeah, Alex is clearly nothing more than a Dear Abby now. And how many times has Bailey overheard on someone's sex talk?
  4. Yeah, it was a bit too much. I'm glad no one took her side, because what she did was completely out of line, but her moping around all miserable the entire episode got irritating after a while. The thing is, Arizona is not socially incompetent, she must have known what she did was wrong before 289 different people told her so. And it would have been totally ridiculous if she suffered any professional consequences for what she did, after all those times people blatantly broke all kinds of rules without as much as a slap on the wrist. Herself included, with stealing dr Herman's records. Not to mention Meredith ruining Derek's trial, Bailey going against the explicit wishes of bubble boy's parents, THE LVAD WIRE and on and on and on. I liked her scene with Amelia, though. It's always nice to see interaction between people who don't usually communicate on the show, and this time it didn't feel contrived or out of place. I'd like these two to interact more often. Speaking of Amelia: I agree with this. I thought there was a bit of spark between them in the last episode. It could be interesting. If they can make it happen without turning into a messy love triangle of some kind, I'm all for it.
  5. But what could they be discussing for Jackson to snap at April saying "Why is she telling me this"? From the look of it, he's clearly upset that April hasn't told him something she should have and it can only be pregnancy. Of course, they can always go around and have them talk about something completely unrelated so April ends up telling him the truth and Arizona doesn't look bad, but it would be a pretty big cop-out and honestly kinda lame.
  6. I thought about that too, but then Jackson looks clearly annoyed and says "Why is she telling me this?", and I don't know what it can refer to other than the pregnancy.
  7. It's really annoying. Also, while subtlety has never been one of the show's strenghts, it gets so irritating that everything has to be grandiose and in-your-face at all times. It was obvious Penny would win Amelia over eventually, but of course Amelia cannot simply ackownledge that Penny is a competent doctor who deserves to be treated fairly. No, she needs to be completely awed by her mad surgical skills and then proclaim her as the best resident she's ever worked with and a God's gift to medicine. Meredith can't just answer the guy's phone calls or call him herself, we need him to call her 24/7 because he cares so much and then show up at her workplace unannounced. Because yeah, it's totally something people would do after having met once on business for a few hours and it's not at all weird. Etc, etc.
  8. I'm curious to see how (if at all) they're going to explain Arizona's decision to tell Jackson about the baby. There's no way to make what she did look good but I at least hope they're going to stick with her professional concern as the reason and not bring up additional BS, like pulling another "Meredith sides with Owen" stunt saying she did it out her loyalty to Jackson or something.
  9. Exactly. I caught a rerun of those episodes on TV recently and Meredith treated Jo just fine. She stood by her after that Peckwell fiasco and encouraged Alex to keep things with Jo going. Hell, she openly said she liked her. And after that, Jo did absolutely nothing wrong to Alex and was nothing but loyal and supportive of him, so the whole "Meredith didn't trust Jo because she didn't want Alex to get hurt" excuse is pure nonsense. But yeah, whatever the reason for starting this ridiculous storyline was, I'm glad it's over, in whatever way. If it indeed is over.
  10. I agree, but on the other hand, after all this time, would they even bother with the show if the rating dropped dramatically or would just pull the plug? It's hard to tell.
  11. It makes sense and I agree that Jackson needs to know, except that there's really no justification for doing it behind April's back. She could have warned her that she's going to tell him. Or encouraged Jackson to talk to April without telling him what the deal exactly was and thus given her a chance to tell him herself. That's what you're supposed to do if the other person is nothing more than a professional acquaintance, let alone a friend.
  12. Exactly. I mean, I share that interpretation and it does make sense to me, but it's still something that hasn't been discussed or looked into on screen, while there have been plenty of opportunities to do so. I think it certainly started that way, but I did feel they had genuinely bonded over time and now these happenings make you question that. That's the biggest problem on this show now, you just don't know if whatever happens have some actual meaning in the grand scheme of things or everything is just random and down to lousy, sloppy writing.
  13. The current version of Callie that does little but complains about the lack of sex or is looking forward to her hot sex or talks about sex generally is for me about as attractive/interesting as Penny, so they're a good match as far as I'm concerned.
  14. The writing for her this season has been abysmal. There were some issues before, like for example how it's never been really explored why cheated on Callie, but it's especially bad now considering she's been little more than comic relief. Her relationship with April - first the pregnancy joke that was in awfully bad taste and now revealing her secret - it almost looks like they are making her appear like a shitty friend on purpose and I can't possibly understand why.
  15. The BIG CONFRONTATION!!!1 was such an anticlimax. But I guess it's another case of promos making something look more dramatic than it actually is. So apparently Meredith doesn't even realize how crappy she's been to Jo even though it's been going for ages and it's visible to pretty much everyone. And moreover, she's doing it out of concern for Alex. Yeah, right. But at least that SL is out of the way and I do believe it's really over now. Though, I've been wrong about that before, so who knows. I don't mind Penny, actually. I think the actress is improving and I would be OK with her staying on the show. That said, they really are trying too hard to make her happen. It would have been more than OK if Amelia had simply said that Penny is a fine doctor doing her job right. All this "ZOMG, best intern EVER, born to be a neurosurgeon" is definitely an overkill. Speaking of Amelia, I think she has some pretty good chemistry with Nathan, surprisingly. Still, I do not want any more love triangles on this show. And speaking of chemistry, or lack of it - Meredith and the army doctor: what the actual hell is that? Why is a guy like him ALL OVER her even though he barely knows her, they had next to no interaction and she's made it clear she doesn't want to keep in touch with him? Such BS. Yeah, I know in GA's universe it probably spells a love story for the ages, but in the real world, it's more than just a bit creepy, not to mention completely unrealistic. Arizona is probably my fave character on the show, but what she did to April is hideously wrong. I get that she must have been annoyed that April didn't want to get tested, but at the very least she should have had an "Either you tell him or I will" conversation with her. To paraphrase the immortal words of Joey Tribiani, she's so far out of line she doesn't even see the line, the line is a dot to her! I don't see how April can ever trust her again. But of course, within a few episodes they'll be BFFs again and act like nothing has happened. Like I said not too long ago, couples on this show are happy as long as they're not given any screen time. This is the 2nd episode in a row that the show has paid attention to Ben and Bailey, and uh-oh, things appear to be going south for them. I just hope they don't use the tired "Weak male can't handle the strong, independent, hear-me-roar woman" SL for them. Callie (and Maggie) talking about sex. What else is new.
  16. Of course, like Arizona hopefully realized by now, although there's some suspicion that her leg grew back eventually. But one leg in the middle of the body?! However, like with all such outlandish cases on the show, I believe/hope it's based on something that's actually happened and they didn't just pull it out of their asses.
  17. Well, the guy looks like a walking poster for vanity and self-absorption, and such types rarely go for the likes of Meredith. Not that she's ugly or anything, of course.
  18. Meredith backing up Penny made sense to me. Penny's been on her service for a while, they've made amends, it doesn't seem unbeliveable she'd want her to be there instead of Jo she doesn't have much professional connection with. I don't think it was necessarily a dig at Jo, but considering the huge confrontation that's due to happen next week, it probably was, and it really doesn't make much sense. I thought the reason they came up with Meredith's epiphany regarding Alex and Jo (no matter how stupid it was) is that they realized that Meredith's disdain for Jo never made sense to begin with so they wanted to somehow write a way out of it, but now it seems they're sticking with that storyline and it's so puzzling. Maggie is starting to remind of that Bones character. The difference is that on that show they couldn't make up their minds on whether Bones is just slightly socially incompetent or has full blown Aspergers, here they can't seem to decide whether Maggie is just a bit ditzy or a bumbling idiot.
  19. Blah, I really don't care for superhero episodes. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt how it would all go: they'd come in all big-mouthed and confident, then something would go wrong and they'd be lost at what to do, but of course they'd eventually come up with a miraculous solution in the last moment. It was basically a carbon copy of Dr Herman's surgery. While the other doctor sure did act like an asshole, he was also perfectly right - the patient was a guinea-pig. Ben's storyline was equally predictable. And yes, all realism flew right out of window with the cut LVAD wires and that was ages and ages ago, so they can all stop pretending to be so outraged. Maggie is just so awkward. I miss Lexie.
  20. It absolutely does, but they should talk about it. They've been together for God knows how long now, they live together, Alex was apparently thinking about marriage for a while, Jo was the one who wanted to know where their relationship was going just recently... They should be able to have a proper, meaningful conversation about their future instead of this cutesy stuff that looks like it's been written out of a 15 year old's diary.
  21. But Owen punched him in the face, at his workplace, in front of bunch of other people. That's how angry he was. And then had another bout of PTSD. People were wondering if Nathan had abused or perhaps even killed his sister, as only something that extreme would justify such a reaction. It turned he didn't really do anything and that kind of misplaced anger warrants psychiatric treatment, in all seriousness. I hate that the show will most likely act like it's nothing.
  22. I also think the two stories are fundamentally different even though they might appear similar. But it also shows how ridiculous it was that Meredith sided with Owen even though she knew what happened. She should have been all like "You know, I could easily blame you for putting me on that plane like you blame Nathan, but I don't because it would be ridiculous". If she knew, of course, as it now appears to be dubious, but the way she talked to Amelia made it seem like she did. It's not even as if Nathan was supposed to be on that helicopter but couldn't go for whatever reason and then his wife took his place. This is literally nothing. I can't believe they made all this hoopla about such a non-issue.
  23. Seriously. I've always liked Callie and Arizona as a couple, but the writing for them has been such a hideous mess. It's not enough they had to endure so much nonsense while they were actually together - Africa, baby drama, Callie's accident, plane crash, leg, cheating, "therapy" BS (living together with someone and talking care of a child while not speaking with each other is something I will never get over) - they continue to mess with them long after they've separated. Pregnancy retcon, Callie making up stuff about how she felt after the divorce, forgetting the timeline and making Arizona seem hung up on Callie ages after their break-up... All of it makes me not want them to get back together because it would surely mean more crap is coming.
  24. For sure, Arizona was hurt and angry, but as far as divorces go, that one was quite civil. I don't blame Callie or anything, in fact, I think it's a shame she's being wasted on nonsensical filler stuff. And of course it's not a big deal, it's just annoying how this show has the tendency to make stuff more dramatic after the fact for no particular reason - Lexie being eaten by wild animals, anyone? If there was a bigger meaning to it all, for example, if this was them paving the way for Callie and Arizona to get back together, fine, but I don't think that sort of long-term planning exists on the show anymore. I agree. There are some times you need to have your mind made, or the very least articulate your thoughts on things in question. I don't see how Alex could be fine with it, especially since he's been considering marriage for quite a while.
  25. It was certainly played out awkwardly. At first Nathan insisted that they operate on her, until he agreed to just... stand about forever doing nothing. Because the surgery was too risky? But why consider it as the first option, then? And then after waiting around for ages they were suddenly like "OMG, let's get this woman surgery NOW" and it was all so dramatic and all so obviously too late. But then again he didn't blame Meredith for anything, so I dunno. Thinking about it, didn't Meredith already know about his wife? I thought Owen's mother had told her what had happened.
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