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Everything posted by Joana

  1. It seems like they're trying to stamp it out lately, hence Arizona's "fireable offense" and this fiasco with Ben. Of course, it might be simply too late after 12 years of violating medical ethics in every way imaginable on a daily basis. But yeah, this was in no way worse than Shane deciding to perform a surgery he clearly was not prepared for and effectively killing a man. And moreover, he was also found to be cheating and manipulating the hospital software in order to get extra work hours. As a consequence of all that, he was actually rewarded with going with his mentor to the best hospital on the planet! Ridiculous. Although, he was my least favourite character on the show ever, so I was beyond thrilled to see him go away for good in whatever way.
  2. Oh, yeah, the endless stream of fetal surgery cases that she now solely makes a living out of (or not - remember she's broke and needs a roommate!) is one of the most nonsensical things on this show - and the competition is stiff there. That's probably what would have happened IF they had a custody agreement. But since it never ocurred to Callie that Arizona might have a say in it and as Arizona went straight to the lawyer, I'm now inclined to believe that they do not have it legally arranged.
  3. It's something I don't get lately. She's a pediatric surgeon with a fellowship in fetal surgery. Why is everyone now acting as if she was a regular gynecologist? Why was she even on this case? Or last week, for that matter?
  4. Possibly the worst thing about this show is that so many things are constantly played out just for the drama and are in no way addressed later, nor do they bear any consequences even when they logically should. Bailey orders a full lockdown that not only turns out to be wholly unnecessary, but also results in the death of two people? It's instantly forgotten. Arizona is shocked to see the condition the patient is in and repeatedly asks who performed surgery on her, thus implying it was not done properly? Well, how the actual surgery went is clearly not as important as whether he saw the elevator door or not. Meredith once ruined a clinical trial because of her personal connection with a patient? She gets invited to sit in an ethical committee. As does the person who physically assaults colleagues at workplace. I'm surprised they didn't give Izzie Stevens a call to join them, she would have fit in there nicely.
  5. If they shared custody, Callie couldn't simply decide she's moving away and taking Sofia with her without even consulting Arizona, could she? And since they lawyer made it clear it was a custody case, I don't think it's full custody Arizona's after because it would clearly be groundless. To me, all of this implies they haven't made any legal settlements and now Arizona is asking to be lawfully recognized as a parent. I'm not sure I buy the "being in the zone" excuse in Ben's case. They're surgeons. Their job involves making far-reaching decisions in a split second based on a multitude of factors that may arise at any point. They have to be aware of the surroundings. I mean, in this very episode we saw Bailey questionning Arizona about her actions earlier in the day just as she was performing an incredibly stressful emergency surgery - an equally ridiculous scenario, but still.
  6. That they would basically render the entire hospital dysfunctional because a child might be missing annoyed me SO much. Did it ever occur to them that someone might have been taken to an emergency surgery just as it was happening and it couldn't have been performed? What would they do then? "Oh, we're sorry that your spouse/parent/sibling bled to death locked in an elevator while the hospital was locked down because a child in distress was hiding under the stairs." Yeah, it would look awesome. And hey, something like that did happen. I mean, Bailey was afraid Meredith of all people would sue the hospital when she was beaten by patient, but she didn't even consider any of the endless possibilities of legal complications that could come out her decision to lock the place down. And all that just because Alex was being all Helen Lovejoy and "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN???!!!" Gross. Neither Callie nor Arizona look good in this, and I say it as an Arizona fan. Callie being all casual about moving to NYC for a year but hey, Arizona can visit anytime she wants must have been such a slap in the face for Arizona. I understand she would be furious. But then again, Arizona lawyering up without giving any indication to Callie that she's unhappy with her decision is awful as well. This will all just blow up in their faces. And the only thing worse than this ridiculous scenario is if they somehow use this debacle as a way to get them back together. The same goes for Ben and Bailey. Bailey had all my sympathy for a while since she really was put in an impossible position - that is, until she decided to violate the DNR order just because. I get why it was done like that, so she could see Ben's POV in knowing what the right call is but still going against it because in that moment you feel something else is the best for the patient. Just April/Arizona last week with that pregnant teenager. Those tricks got old a long ago. And like it's been said, Ben was unbearably entitled and smug about the whole situation, he did not look all that sorry that two people ended up dead because of a decision he made, he was more sorry for himself. Bailey did seem OTT vindicative in the end all things considered and it's clear she does not trust her husband, both personally and professionally. It would make sense if they split up, but I'm sure they'll be magically fine within a couple of episodes. I'm glad April and Jackson are behaving like two reasonable people again, but I totally do not want them to get back together.
  7. I'm guessing it will be an Arizona-centric episode covering her relationship with Sofia ever since she first found out that Callie is pregnant, overcoming the initial shock and discovering herself in a somewhat unexpected role as a parent. It would have the potential for some emotional stuff. But she's almost certainly fighting a losing battle, even if it's just about not letting Callie take Sofia with her. I don't even want to consider her asking for full custody, it would be pure nonsense.
  8. I agree. And I don't think Callie would be opposed to it if they discussed it normally. They've shown to be completely reasonable in their parenting arragenements even in more difficult situations (cheating, divorce), so I struggle to think what they could be doing that results in a bitter custody battle. Knowing the show, it will again be a total lack of communication. Like, Arizona overhears Penny saying Callie might be moving to follow her, so she just sues for custody without talking to Callie about it, and then Callie gets offended and decides she's definitely going away and taking Sofia with her etc.
  9. Also Jackson and April getting divorced, her feeling betrayed by her best friend and possibly taken to court. The story of Nathan and Owen's sister. Amelia relapsing. Maggie getting her hopes up for DeLuca only to be ghosted etc. Light! As for Callie and Arizona, I just don't see how both can get out of this looking good. If Arizona wants parenting rigths, why would Callie deny her? It wouldn't look good. On the other hand, if Arizona's suing for full custody, it's unreasonable and Callie definitely should be pissed about it. And if it's about her going away with Penny for a year and taking Sofia along, can't they talk it through and come up with some kind of solution, having them visit each other as often as possible? We'll have to see how it plays out, of course, but it doesn't look promising.
  10. I was thinking about that too. And maybe she also freaks out because of that missing kid. But wouldn't it be strange to straight up sue for parenting rights? Wouldn't she be able to just talk to Callie about it? I can't imagine she'd refuse it. And yes, I would also expect Meredith and Nathan to have interacted a bit more if those two are meant to be. So far it looks more like we're headed to an Owen/Amelia/Nathan love triangle of some sort.
  11. Yeah, I see now I had it mixed up. Now I have no idea what decision Arizona could be making and why. It has to be something related to Sofia - what else can it be? - but I really can't think of anything that would make sense. It would be so odd if she just sued for custody out of blue, so far we haven't seen anything that would warrant it. And if that is that, going away with Sofia without telling Arizona anything would be an even bigger overreaction than April's restraining order. But whatever happens, it's sure to be a mess.
  12. It says that first Callie makes a decision about Sofia without consulting Arizona and then Arizona makes a decision that can affect her relationship with Callie forever. It probably means that Callie decides to go with Penny and take Sofia without talking to Arizona about it, and Arizona then sues for custody. Which would all be pretty horrible.
  13. I agree, I just don't see how it could work out. I could see them bond over Sofia's illness or a similar problem, but that doesn't seem to be what's going to happen. Maybe if the circumstances were different and they had kept in closer touch, but as it is, Callie's been over Arizona for a very long time, is in a happy and committed relationship with another person, so I have no idea how getting sued for custody by Arizona (assuming that is how it's going to play out) would make her realize she's still deeply in love with her. It would be beyond weird. Obviously leaving everything behind and going away with Penny would not be the ending Callie deserves. But honestly, keeping her only to give her a line per episode about missing/looking forward to sex like she's been written for en entire season is an even greater disservice for the character. What I see as possible is a parellel to the Africa storyline in them getting ready to leave together and then Penny cuts it off because she doesn't want to separate Sofia from her mother or whatever.
  14. To support Arizona, probably. They're roommates, after all. A bit surprising that April isn't there. Why is Bailey there, though? I don't think she'd be picking sides in that matter. Is Chandra Wilson maybe directing the episode?
  15. Bailey seemed annoyed that Ben didn't apply for the grant, which would suggest they could do it themselves and didn't need to have someone else nominate them. But yeah, there was no explanation why Callie wasn't present at the meeting. It's not that she was excluded due to conflict of interests as Alex was there even though he's in relationship with a person who applied for the grant. Perhaps she got pulled into a surgery and couldn't make it. They could have mentioned that.
  16. I was never totally sure what their backstory was. I suppose it's reasonable that they'd keep Catherine in the family if her husband turned his back on everything they stood for and she on the other hand showed interest in expanding the business, which she obviously did. But then, now it turns out he tried to take Jackson away from her only to completely vanish later, which doesn't make a lot of sense. And there was this time she gave a grand speech to Jackson and April talking about how she built a whole empire with her bare hands or something. Wouldn't the foundation have already been well established by the time she entered the family? But maybe she was just being dramatic. I feel like they should have just made her an Avery by birth and be done with it. Except that she doesn't have a problem psychoanalizing other people, in a hideoulsy rude manner to boot. "You're just jealous because I'm operating circles around you while you're relegated to trash duty"? Give me a break. Or suggesting that Amelia gave Penny the grant only because she wanted her out of the hospital. Anyway, I agree that going about doing stuff behind your friends back is not something you do. And you know what else you don't do? Talk trash about your friends behind their back. It could have crossed their minds that Penny only applied because she had heard Stephanie make derogatory comments about her.
  17. Exactly that. And I don't think the writers were really trying to tear Stephanie and Jo down, what they did was not out of character for them, IMO. Stephanie is clearly arrogant and entitled and I don't think it was suprising that she accused Amelia of backing up Penny only so that she would leave, because I totally see it as something she would do, while Jo was shown to be quick to assume the worst about people when she thought Stephanie was lying about her childhood illness. When she talked to the patient in the end, she said that she had been screwed over by a friend, that is, Penny (or "the redhead", as he put it).
  18. That's how I took it as well. Amelia endorsed her at first, but the others were supporting Penny and in the end she agreed with it. There's really not much she could have done about it. And her saying to Stephanie to GTFO (better phrased, of course) was more than appropriate. Although, I do think it was very much in Stephanie's character to just naturally assume she's so much better than everyone else and if she didn't get what she wanted, it's because of someone else's shady business.
  19. Yes! Amelia is desperate for Meredith to let her in, while Meredith keeps shutting her out. Because Meredith is the Sun, and if Amelia doesn't get any of her light, she'll wither and die. Why, because the show said so.
  20. I'm confused by this as well. How did she get to remain an Avery if her divorce was so ugly? Especially considering she was clearly shown to have no qualms with lying and elbowing in order to get ahead. She lost all my sympathy when she went all psycho on Jo at the infamous dinner party at Meredith's when she was just trying to be nice to her. She can be screwed over whenever as far as I'm concerned. As for Kevin McKidd, I first watched him on HBO's Rome. His character there was also dark and troubled, but was played SO much better than this rage-filled mess here. I wouldn't miss Owen at all if he left.
  21. Exactly that. It was so bizarre to see Arizona of all people so adamant about not violating the patient's privacy rights. Take the pregnancy out of equation - would a child be allowed to make potentially life and death decisions? Would they respect her wish not to be operated if she was simply scared or didn't want to have an ugly scar or something? It was definitely grey area. I get that it was supposed to be a parallel to a previous episode, but come on.
  22. It would be so weird if Penny just left like that. They've gone through so much trouble to prop her up, establish her characater, redeem herself for Derek's "murder", show her skills, has been given an insane amount of screen time, and in the end, she simply walks away? Uhm, OK. I mean, it's not that I would have a problem with that, but wouldn't that be the most pointless storyline ever? I keep thinking there must be more to it and that it's also related to Callie's departure from the show. As a cliffhanger, if nothing else.
  23. Yeah, but 14 is not really the same as 16, you're legally able to do more stuff when you're 16, right? Also, pregnancy wasn't the only issue, it was also about a possibly life-threatening condition requiring surgery, shouldn't a legal custody be aware of all the circumstances? This! Don't you need to provide evidence of some sort? Would "I overheard my former mother-in-law say they're suing me for full custody" really cut it? Also, can it be done in a matter of hours?
  24. So we know Stephanie is going to do something horrible. Is she maybe going to sabotage Penny in some way to get the grant instead of her? Seeing how the show continues to be all Penny all the time, it wouldn't surprise me.
  25. Yeah, it caught my attention too and I was also expecting something bad to happen to the patient (a creepier and less charming version of Denny, BTW). It was really weird and random. Amen to that. It's getting so stupid and unrealistic. Meredith doesn't care about them. Maggie actually seems a lot closer to Amelia than to Meredith. They have little in common. All of them can easily afford a place of their own. Just stop with the whole sisterhood thing, for God's sake. It isn't working. And neither is Penny. Are we supposed to care about this whole Stephanie/grant drama? I don't think this necessarily means she'll leave, though. And I don't mind her in smaller doses but the whole "Penny is a doormat until she awakens her inner lion and lets everybody hear her roar" shtick just keeps playing out so awkwardly. The April/Arizona storyline was so, so, so ridiculous. Also, would a 14 year old really be allowed to make her own medical decisions? What if she was 5, would they also let her decide whether she's having surgery or not? In general, the episode was about as subtle as an elephant in a porcelain store.
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