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Everything posted by Joana

  1. No, those two situations can't be compared. While we don't know what exactly happened between Jo and the other guy, it's clear things got physical between them to some extent and it may have been self-defence. What happened between Alex and DeLuca was entirely different. Sure, Alex could have thought he was trying to take advantage of Jo. He may even keep saying it to himself in order to ease his conscience. However - DeLuca was fully clothed, he got up immediately when he saw Alex and tried to explain what just happened and finally, even Jo told him to stop. He didn't really see anything, he just made an assumption and went along with it, taking it to an extreme level. It's just too different and I'm in fact going to be really annoyed if the show tries to play the "Oh look, it just means we're the same!" angle. Also, while Jo might accept that Alex was trying to defend her, she really should ask herself if she really wants to be defended like that.
  2. I find it ridiculous that all these hot guys who we must assume should have no problems hooking up would be pining so hard for Meredith the minute she gives them any time of her day. She and Riggs had sex once, which was actually months ago in the show's universe and he's still ALL OVER her. Because she's the Sun, obviously. It's a shame because it really was possible to present us with a mature, relatable story of a woman finding love when she thought it was no longer possible for her. But hey, why do that when you can have silly drama.
  3. I agree. I thought there was some real potential there and was quite disappointed when she ended up being paired with Owen. If they were that desperate to have a love triangle, that one could have worked much better than this nonsense. In general I find love triangles on TV shows mostly terrible. Most of the time it's obvious right from the start that one of the parties is the fifth wheel there. Jane the Virgin did it exceptionally well, for example (though I'm only midway through the season 1, they could have well ruined it there as well), this show can't pull it off. Those we had previously (Derek/Meredith/Addison, Owen/Cristina/Teddy) sucked.
  4. OMG. No, it's not true that "no one really knows who likes who for what reason". Everyone knows who they like. Maggie likes Riggs. Riggs like Meredith. Meredith likes Riggs, in Shonda's head at least, as Ellen Pompeo for some reason sure doesn't act like it. Stop it, show. I can actually sympathize with Maggie here. I used to act like that when I was younger. I'd get stubbornly invested in some guys and be stupidly persistent. I basically needed to have "Gurl, it's not gonna happen" spelled out for me loud and clear in order to get the message. So, I understand why she would think that Nathan's "I'm not ready to date anyone right know" means she still has a shot. It's just that she's getting too old for that crap no matter how emotionally immature she is, and it again shows how poorly and incosistently written she is. Her reaction to DeLuca's ghosting was very level-headed and mature, and now they are again writing her like a 12 year old girl with her first crush.
  5. True, but I think it's logical that DeLuca would see her as his superior first and Alex's friend second and that it's not easy for him to separate the two. I never thought she really meant to threaten him, but I can see how he would take it like that. However, I am surprised that she realized what she had done and felt bad about it. I fully expected her to be completely oblivious about it, insist she hadn't done anything wrong and keep pushing her agenda.
  6. If this is supposed to be Meredith fighting against her feelings or not allowing herself to open up to Riggs or whatever, it's failing big time. It looks like she just doesn't care as much and that's why it makes zero sense that she's not being upfront with Maggie about the whole situation.
  7. This. My jaw dropped when Bailey asked him if he was OK working with DeLuca. Sorry, but WHAT? I was 100% sure he'd be suspended until the trial. I guess expecting things that makes sense is too much to ask from the show at this point. It's obvious that the Denny Duquette clinic was specifically mentioned for the first time in like a billion years just to rub it in some more for Alex. I do feel sorry for him, but he had it coming. The love triangle is so infuriating. For a split second there I thought we had got ridden of it, until Riggs said he wasn't ready to date anyone right now. I immediately knew how Maggie would take that and just UGHHHH. If you're not interested in someone, just go out and say it. It's going to be awkward at first, but it saves everyone's time and energy in the long run. I'm not at all invested in April and Jackson. It's clear that it's only a matter of time before they're back together, so zzzzzzz. Their parts did feel like a different show. Looking forward to Arizona's return next week. Did I miss something or they didn't even bother to explain her asbsence?
  8. Yeah, something weird is going on with the peds department ever since Arizona took that fellowship. As interesting the whole story arc with Gina Davis was, it turned out to be yet another example of a plot that serves its purpose for a while but messes things up down the road, like Meredith having the 3rd kid or the entire hospital board business. I don't think anyone really knows who's in charge there or what Arizona's specific duties are now. But if Alex is being demoted, I guess the writers will decide he's been the chief.
  9. Isn't he the chief of pediatric surgery? So someone will have the replace him, and yeah, that person will probably be Arizona's new love interest.
  10. So far this love triangle business looks incredibly stupid, mostly because there is NO love triangle to speak of. Sometimes people can be genuinely torn between several options, that's clearly not the case here - everyone knows exactly what they want. It would all be so easy to settle if the people involved didn't act like they were 12. The next episode's promo shows Meredith asking Nathan not to go out on a date with Maggie. I think he is going to do it, just to mess with Meredith. And they'll probably have a good time on it and will spark at least some interest in Maggie on his side, so that this nonsense could be prolonged for a few more episodes.
  11. IMO Gizzie was even worse. At least with Ghost Denny I can sorta see how it might have looked romantic/interesting/dramatic/whatever in Shonda's head, but it was simply impossible to transfer it on screen. Gizzie is on the other hand simply inexplicable, unless you see it as her revenge on Heigl and Knight.
  12. Well, I do like Jo and yet such blatant retcon is making it really difficult for me to get on board with this storyline. Had there been at least a hint of a troubled woman who had to change her identity in order to get away from an abusive husband in her former actions, it would all be so much easier to take and go along with it. But like DearEvette explained above, there simply hadn't been any of that. Not only did this storyline come up completely out of nowehere (like Owen's sister, for example), it also goes against pretty much everything Jo's character stood for and I don't like it one bit. I certainly don't blame Jo for Alex's actions, those are all but him, but I can't help but think she contributed to this whole mess by stringing him along all this time. The situation would have never escalated as much had she simply turned down his marriage proposals earlier. Of course, her reasons for doing that turned out to be much different than what we had been previously told and it's all so contrived. I'm going to wait and see how it all plays out, but at this point I can't imagine how they can write themselves out of this mess in any reasonable way. Hopefully I end up surprised.
  13. My biggest issue with Maggie is that she's just not a well written character. Callie used to get on my nerves a lot, but she was at least written consistently and in a way that made her believable - a kind, warm and well-meaning person who's also lacking boundaries and is prone to oversharing. Such people do exist. Maggie, on the other hand... I don't know. I think it's a classic example of writers wanting a character to be too many things at the same time - a child prodigy workaholic who's also been around the block and is both shy and socially awkward but also playful and mischievous, she has loving and supporting parents but then acts like she was raised by wolves and never knew the concept of having a family until she met Meredith and her kids... There's something constantly off about her. I can't take her seriously, at least not yet. I think I compared her to that Bones lady before. She would act like that all the time - one moment she'd display thorough, in-depth understanding of human interaction, the next she'd be all "Uhm, what's this thing called love you all keep talking about?" Nope, doesn't work like that.
  14. On Grey's, when it makes sense for something to happen, it doesn't and vice versa. Realistically speaking, there should be drama with Owen and Amelia, as they're two very messed up people who rushed into marriage without thinking it through. And so, because this is Grey's, I wouldn't at all be surprised if their marriage was all bliss and smooth sailing (before some kind of tragedy inevitably occurs 3 seasons from now) and the "drama" is not being able to agree on the colour of curtains or something.
  15. This is the bottom line. They have simply gone too far. There were other ways to make it all happen - for example, Alex could have knocked DeLuca out and then he falls and smashes his head against the table or something and gets injured. Sure, it would be soapy as hell, too, but it's also something that might just really happen. That way, Alex does something bad and wrong, but the consequences are much more serious than what he has intended and he has to deal with them. Actually intending to smash his brains out pushes everything beyond repair, as far as I'm concerned. Also, the fact that Alex would actually feel the urge to even physically attack DeLuca in any way over what (in the worst case scenario!) seems like a case of consensual sex should make for a compelling enough story, except that it would require some actual good writing instead of blood, CPR, mortal danger and ZOMG!!!!1 drama. Like I said, this is every bit as bad the LVAD wire. And they could cover that one up by the supposed love story for the ages and the tragic discrepancy between Izzie's intentions and their outcome. I really don't know how they're going to make this one work.
  16. An idea - maybe the ophthalmologist mentioned in this episode will be Arizona's new love interest? Nowadays they rarely even bother pretending there's more hospital staff than the same 10 people we see every week, so perhaps there's a reason why her name was brought up.
  17. Yeah. The only way such a vicious beating is even remotely justified is if it's 100% unmistakably clear he was hurting her, aggressively forcing himself upon her while she's trying to defend herself. It's clear that wasn't what happened. Of course, we can't know how it looked in Alex's eyes, but if that's how he interpreted the situation, that also speaks about his own issues.
  18. I don't blame Jo for not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth under those circumstances. It's pretty understandable she didn't. However, I do think there's very little excuse for letting Alex stay so long under the impression that DeLuca was basically trying to rape her. We did see her yelling at Alex to stop, but what by all accounts never happened was her saying "Stop it, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG". And it should have happened at some point, preferably before he got beaten to a pulp. Now, I get that she was in shock and froze, it can happen, but she still could have and should have done and said something much sooner. Plus the fact that she wanted to flee and leave everything behind before even trying to clean up the mess she partly caused doesn't speek well about her.
  19. I totally agree, but unfortunately that's how GA's been for a while now. I'm fairly sure the previous season was supposed to go very differently, but then something happened and threw everything off. DeLuca in particular seemed to have two storylines building up (living with Arizona and hooking up with Maggie - and both were hyped by the writers as "hilarious" and "fun and sexy"), and then both were suddenly dropped like a hot potato. I suspect that the reason was that Sara Ramirez's departure wasn't really a last minute decision and they had to write a way out for her, hence all the Penny drama, but I guess we'll never know.
  20. Well, we can maybe assume that they have bonded off-screen. The last season was such a disjointed mess that it's basically impossible to tell where most characters stand with each other (Maggie second-guessing her breakup with DeLuca after not having acknowledged his existence for like half a season being an example of that), but it would make sense for Arizona to care more about DeLuca than she would about some other random intern. I'm not saying she should unconditionally side with him, but it would be natural if she could see his POV more than other characters would. It would make sense. I really want someone to be there for him. The poor guy deserves it. He's literally the only one in this whole debacle who hasn't done anything wrong.
  21. A preview for episode 3 says she's torn between her loyalties to Alex and DeLuca, or something like that, which makes sense. Let's not forget that DeLuca was there for her and testified on her behalf (doing a pretty good job, at that) when she was fighting to keep her daughter, while Alex couldn't be bothered as he didn't want to "pick sides", which I still call BS on. Now, I don't for a moment expect Arizona to be petty and vengeful about it (honestly, a character even remembering what happened 3 episodes ago is probably too much to ask at this point), but she's pretty much the only one who's invested with both Alex and DeLuca in any meaningful way and her position and take on things should certainly be interesting. I really wish she had been in this episode. I know it was beyond the writers' control and I can't blame them, but I think she would be the one pushing to find out what really happened out there the most.
  22. The whole "You knew and you didn't tell me!!!!!1" is such a tired TV trope. Unless, of course, it comes from Monica Geller's mom in Friends, which was awesome! Here, not so much. So, shut up Maggie. And Nathan can shut up and GTFO too. It was so annoying how he kept popping up everywhere. A lot of nonsense has happened on this show over the years, but at least we could say that it wasn't as bad as cutting the LVAD wire. Well, this IS just as bad. And it was 100% unnecessary. Alex didn't have to beat DeLuca up within an inch of his life. DeLuca's eyesight and career did not have to be in danger. A "regular", bar brawl kinda beating would have made for just as an intriguing storyline and would have been infinitely more believable. This was a total overkill, especially since you just know that Alex is not going to jail or losing his job and that DeLuca will be just fine, and that within a few episodes everything will be forgotten. And Jo. She had to speak up the moment the first punch landed on DeLuca's face. She does not come out of this looking good. I already had trouble relating to her BS retcon story, even more so now.
  23. Jo and Stephanie should go the way of Izzie and Cristina from back in the day and acknowledge that while they'd be there for each other if necessary, they're never going to be best friends and it's OK. I must say I really like how Maggie and Amelia have bonded. It felt spontaneous, organic and believeable, unlike they're respective relationships with Meredith. Amelia's obsession with Meredith's approval and validation is just unhealthy, while Maggie's connection with her feels somewhat forced and weird with her random "I love your kids so much!!!1" stuff. So not looking forward to the Jackson/April reunion. It's going to happen and everyone knows it, so they might as well pull it off in the first episode and be done with it. But yeah, they'll almost certainly drag it out for as long as possible.
  24. I agree. Maggie was essentially a retcon, like Arizona's pregnancy or Owen's sister. It's already annoying enough that they seem to be turning to such cheap tricks increasingly often, but to take something that's been universally accepted as the truth (i.e. Richard being Maggie's biological father) and then turn it upside down would be pushing it too far. There are shows where such things are the norm, GA isn't (or at least hasn't been) one of them, so it would be disappointing if they went in that direction. Moreover, it's been made well clear that Maggie is not looking for a replacement father figure, so such storyline wouldn't serve any real purpose or contrinute anything substantial to the story. It would just lead to more carousel flashbacks, and God dammit, we do NOT need any more of those.
  25. I simply don't think GA is the kind of show that would have such surprising twists.
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