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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I believe it was intended to be something she could have said. And probably has done. Alba as Miranda wasn't as funny, though, because she was cleary shoehorned into the role. Those two are nothing alike. Miranda had issues with intimacy, not sex. Alba is Miranda's housekeeper Magda, who once went through her drawers and replaced her vibrator with a statue of Virgin Mary! Sadly, she never had brunch with the gals, so she couldn't be a part of this scene. Hearing "You've only dogded a bullet if it's too small" from your own mother (even in a parody scene) is so icky. I also disliked Jane's conversations about sex with Xiomara. When she was having trouble getting into groove with Michael they had a conversation that seemed about appropriate. This here wasn't. Jane really, really needs a friend or two. I hate it when shows become so insular and forget that their characters have lives or any human interaction exept with other regular characters. S1 was nothing like that. It happens a lot, unfortunately.
  2. This episode had Ross/Rachel vibes all over it. It's exactly what happened on Friends a billion times - Ross and Rachel would appear to have moved on and be over each other, happily seeing other people - and then they'd randomly have *the moment*, just enough not to shut the door completely. Also, I don't think it's a coincidence that Jane said that seeing her parents get back together is a dream come true in the same episode that Mateo mentioned wishing they all lived together. So they're most definitely the end game and we're just a few more annoying love triangles away from it.
  3. I didn't care at all whether Jane was going to have sex or not, I just wanted them to get that storyline over with. I'm a bit annoyed that they wasted like 5 episode of an otherwise uneventful part of the season just to make a point that women can have casual sex and it's OK. Which, sure, yeah, except that Sex and the City already did it and then some 15+ years ago. Speaking of which, the intro with Jane's face on the bus a la Carrie and later Rogelio as Charlotte cracked me up. We're used to red herrings by now, so Petra's situation wasn't really dramatic or anything. I am curious to see who's on the sketch, Magda is a good bet. Gosh, I just want this to go somewhere. I'm not sure I'm in for S4. These upcomming episodes better be GOOD.
  4. As far as countries go, Czech Republic is actually not a bad place to be and is slowly becoming a desirable immigrant destination itself. It certainly cannot be compared to the likes of Venezuela. Anezka is just giving them a bad name! :D I really hate it how the show plays her as kinda retarded for laughs when she's in fact known to be more than resourceful. I don't find Fabian that attractive either. Sure, he has a hot body, but so does everyone on TV, so whatever. And another thing is that, how to put it, he doesn't give off a vibe of someone who'de be sexually interested in women. For some reason, almost all male characters on JtV apart from Rafael and Michael are like that.
  5. OK, we're finally going somewhere, but it's still been dragged out way too much. I can't help but think that if this was season 1, it would have all been wrapped up in three episode tops. I think/hope Petra won't be in any immediate danger in next episode, though. There's probably more to Chuck than they've led us to believe now and he's not all bad. I'm really glad the show ackownledged Lina's absence. The reasons why they've become distant from each other felt very realistic and it was nicely done. On the other hand, I'm really not buying Horndog Jane. That said, I'm not buying her trying to have a real relationship with someone like Fabian either. TBH, it just looks like they wanted someone with a hot body who'd take his shirt off a lot on our screens. And hey, not that I'm complaining about that, but we basically have it on every single show out there, so I'm not sure JtV had to take that route as well. Enough with Alba and Jorge! Speaking of him, he doesn't sound like Spanish is his native language and it's distracting me a lot. Is Xiomara ever going to have a storyline that doesn't revolve around Rogelio or men in general? She's become such a boring character. And the writing for her certainly wouldn't pass prof. Donaldson's test!
  6. Why so few comments? Where's everyone? For some reason I thought I'd really hate this episode, but I actually didn't. It would be even better if I found Fabian at least remotely attractive, but hey. Rogelio was a lot more relatable and less cartoonish than he'd been for a long time. It's great that they finally acknowledged how important Michael was for him, too. And there was the cat! I was becoming worried that they had forgotten about it. I still don't care about Alba and Jorge, but having tables turned against her with her on the receiving end of the flower preach was awesome. And so was the twins knowing that the douchebag is really Petra's boyfriend. Oh look, Bridget's back! I thought they'd switched actresses completely. I didn't actually mind Luisa and Rose that much this time, but I still insist they need to either fully integrate them or write them out. And most of all, just decide where you're going with them and stick to it. How many times has Luisa had to choose between Rose and her family now? This is silly, but it's bugged me for a while. Admittedly, I've been out of the loop with the world of telenovelas for years now, but do they really make shows like the last two Rogelio has starred in? "Passions of Santos" did look like it was based on something that could have actually been made, but the other ones just strike me as odd.
  7. Petra wrote to her sister in Czech! It's stuff like this that still makes me watch this show. And I love Petra, I really do. Please don't assassinate her character again, show. I have a feeling they're trying to make Alba more fun lately and I'm not feeling it. The entire Jorge stuff is a total snoozefest for me. I think I actually preferred her while she was still preaching about the flower and whatnot. Yes, she was beyond annoying then, but at least she felt authentic.
  8. That's exactly how I feel. This was the first episode of this show that I found boring, but then again, I was already feeling less excited than usual going into it. For one, the show is just not as funny as it used to be. There are some moments here and there, but I remember the time that literally every other scene had me cracking up. Also, there's this feeling of constant deja vu. Everything seems like a particularly non-eventful filler S1 episode. The Xiomara/Rogelio stuff has dragged on for so long that whatever emotional impact it might have had is lost on me. I just don't care about them anymore. And I can't really take Petra's motherhood seriously as we get to see so little of her actually dealing with the twins. We're told she's a dragon mom, but you know the old TV rule - show, don't tell. I'm all for Rafael/Petra coupling and I think they have great chemistry together and work really well, but them hooking up like this at this point makes me pretty sure they're only doing it so that they could both get it out of their systems before Rafael inevitably reunites with Jane. The show seems determined to take the safe, bland, predictable route, and I'm not sure I'm here for it. And my God, if we never see that shot of Petra moving Scott's body again, it will be too soon.
  9. What really bothers me is that she seems thoroughly incapable of writing anything that's not strictly autobiographical in nature. I mean, I get that the parallels between her book and her life are basically a convenient plot device, but they really should tone it down a little, because she might as well look for a new career the way things are now.
  10. Why was Rafael trying to hide Scott's burn book in Petra's room? I guess it's going to be explained, but I can't think of any plausible reason. Based on these 3 episodes, it doesn't seem like Michael's death has brought any structural changes to the show. I can't see anything that couldn't have been achieved with Michael still alive. Well, except for Jane and Rafael being this close, so I guess it's easy to see what that was all about. I don't think it's going to happen just yet, but now I'm fully convinced it's happening eventually. Even though I'm not really sure what I was expecting, I thought the show would take another direction. It feels like they hit a reset button, but instead of expanding and taking a new perspective, we're just back to square one. Sometimes it feels like watching season 1 all over again, just without Michael being around. I'm not too enthusiastic about that. The show still has those nice little details that make me keep watching and I still enjoy all/most characters and their interaction, but I feel I'm less and less invested.
  11. I think he was projecting his own feelings onto them, because he's probably blaming himself on some level for "giving up" on Megan. I didn't find the usual doctors-patients parallels all that subtle, it was way too obvious right from the start what it's all about. Still, the show has done much worse in the past, so I didn't mind it all that much. The case with the schizophrenic patient was particularly interesting and rather well done. I was almost sure that the woman would calm down completely once she saw her parents and that they could take her home and live happily ever after, so I appreciate it that the show ackownledged that psychiatric conditions are usually a lot more complicated than that. I usually like her, but Jo was really insufferable here. I especially hated it when she basically started harrassing the patient and putting him in distress when he was about to undergo surgery. He could be the worst person in the world, still it doesn't mean he deserves it right before he is supposed to be operated, and to save someone else's life, no less. Anyway, I believe this is all the set-up for Jo's BIG REVEAL!!!1 and I really hope they get it over with already. Speaking of storylines that cannot be ended soon enough, the whole "April is a job-stealer" nonsense needs to stop. Seriously. Arizona and Minnick, ugh. First of all, Arizona's huge turnaround literally overnight is ridiculous. Like someone said, it feels like we've missed a couple of episodes dealing with the development of their relationship. And to me, they are even worse than Callie and Penny. At least Penny was a decent human being, for what it's worth. So far there's nothing that has convinced me that Minnick is not the smug asshole she was when she first showed up.
  12. About Petra's scene with Rogelio - I'm not a native English speaker, so I probably can't really tell, but I would never say that Petra's accent is as heavy as Rogelio's. I have noticed she's been talking unnaturally fast lately, though.
  13. I sure am! I miss having her around. And I get that it can be an issue with the actors in supporting roles not always being available, but I really wish we had a tighter cast. The same goes for Luisa and Rose. Not that I want them to be present, I cannot emphasize enough how much I detest that storyline at this point, but having them randomly pop up here and there isn't any better either. At least give them a proper closure. I feel something is definitely up with Rafael's girlfriend, but if it's so, they really should give us at least some insight soon. Otherwise, the narrator forgetting about her all the time is a joke that's going to get old quickly. And whatever her deal is, I hope it's not another pointless storyline not going anywhere, like the stuff with Catalina. Also, I don't think we've seen the last of Anezka, even though I'm not sure how I'd feel about her being back.
  14. Being tired of Arizona's "gay hook-ups" is like saying you're tired of Jo doing surgeries or DeLuca doing, well, anything. That said, it's gross that they're obviously still trying to make it happen with Minnick. Just no.
  15. Damn, the show knows how to manipulate me into caring again with that damn cat. *sobbing* Such a great shout-out to Michael. *still sobbing* Finally we get to see some real interaction between Jane and Petra and it's great. I'm really liking the dynamics with them and Rafael and I sure hope they're not going to ruin it with any attempt at reviving The Triangle any time soon. Petra and the douchebag guy are kinda gross for now, but I'm sure it will turn out that there's more to him. I'm not really fond of child actors (the Scavo kids on Desperare Housewives being an exception), so I'm not really looking forward to seeing a lot of the New Mateo. Jane struggling with being a mother of a child with behavioural issues is an interesting storyline. In general, the episode was well done. More than well done, even. But I feel the show is just too different now and I might not be able to hang in there. We'll see. I'll try.
  16. Maybe they can also have Jo's husband be Derek's long lost brother who once had an affair with Arizona's mother and is responsible for the disappearance of Owen's sister, if they want to go all Mexican telenovela on us.
  17. This. So much this! And it's also something I don't understand. Just like the showrunners spent so much time and energy building Michael up, they also invested a lot of effort into developing a relationship between Jane and Petra, and it was complex, intriguing and fun. Those were two people just too different to ever be truly close, but the circumstances have brought them together, they have to deal with each other on daily basis, and so they realize they might see eye to eye more often than they'd think. It's always interesting to watch something like that unfold. So, what do we get now? They have literally not spoken to each other all season long. Also, the narrator's enthusiasm about "the bitch being back" was an incredibly tone-deaf moment. I don't think more than like 2% of the viewers wanted Petra to be evil again, so it was really bizarre the show would pretend it's something everyone was anxiously waiting to happen. They have taken it back since, but it's still something that never should have happened in the first place. I don't know. Judging from the letter to the fans (which I'm thoroughly unimpressed with, BTW, and I don't get why we're supposed to care for the creative process behind the final product instead of the product itself) and the current developments in most storylines, it seems like they really are interested in basically creating a new show. I don't think it was even remotely necessary at this point, but of course, if that's what they want, they're free to do it. It's just it doesn't mean I have to watch this new show.
  18. What I find really surprising about this development is that the show had put SO much effort into building Michael up, only to have him gone so soon. He wasn't just some guy who happened to be Jane's love interest and who could be easily discarded if the story required so. They well went out of their way to make sure he really is Jane's ideal partner, the person who knows her best and can give her what no other man can. And it worked! Even so many of the hardcore Jane/Rafael fans have warmed to Jane and Michael's relationship a lot over time. I guess this loss would be much easier to take had he always been portrayed as one of the men who've made an impact on Jane's life and not the man who meant everything to her. I really don't think the show is now going to pretend that Michael never existed. I also have no doubt they're going to respect and honour his memory like his character deserves. It might have not even happened so that Jane and Rafael could be the endgame. Still, it was so incredibly refreshing to see a TV couple that was so happy, yet so realistic and believable, with all the everyday joys and sorrows of a true relationship. And it sucks so much to see it gone, no matter what the writers' motives and intentions were.
  19. And I'm not buying the "They have to keep Jane single to make things interesting/Rafael is THE ONE and it was always going to be him in the end/happy couples don't work etc." excuses. I already have that on pretty much every TV show ever. I don't need to watch JtV for it. I thought this show was different and braver than most others and that's what's kept me hooked. And since it's now pretty clear the writers are not as creative and imaginative as I thought they were, I really don't know there's any point in watching the show further. Seeing them go all Ross/Rachel with Jane and Rafael is not something I'm particularly interested in.
  20. And no, I don't trust the writers to make it work, not anymore. Having Michael come back from the dead and then die for real just 10 episodes later is horrible writing. Introducing several characters and giving them huge screen time only for their storylines not to go anywhere is not good writing. Rehashing the same old (already absurd) storyline like Luisa/Rose over and over and bloody over again is certainly crappy writing. I am interested in seeing how Jane copes with the loss of the love of her life, as well as what goes in the lives of other characters I've grown to like so much, but I simply don't believe anymore they will be able to pull it off.
  21. This is serious BS. I knew this was going to happen and I just wanted to see how it's going to play out. They might have as well had him be hit by a bus, like George on Grey's Anatomy. So what was with the whole career change thing that was done so incredibly poorly I thought there had to be some twist to it? None of it makes any sense now and it's just very poor writing. I like every character on the show (at least those who are among the regulars), but Michael and Petra the most. They add something special to the show, the way I see it. And yeah, now he's gone and I don't like the direction her character has taken ever since she woke up, so I don't really think I'm in for this show anymore. I might still give it another shot, but it's definitely never going to be the same for me again. Oh, and I am so OVER Luisa and Rose. It's not funny, cute or charming. It's downright pathetic and disturbing.
  22. Especially since the departments they're running seem to consist of one person, respectively.
  23. You know it's bad when the mystery of yoghurt left outside the fridge generates more discussion than just about anything else that happened in the episode.
  24. Between Minnick being a smug jerk and Richard acting like a petulant baby, I had a really hard time picking a side in that conflict and even caring about that storyline. And Bailey continues to be the worst. Poor Ben. First Jackson doesn't let him assist on his surgery just to spite Minnick, then Jo treats him like trash when he was just trying to help her out. Speaking of her, I like her, but she was beyond annoying in this episode. I can't get behind acting like a total bitch to someone who didn't do anything wrong just because you're feeling blue. I knew Alex would suddenly appear in the last scene of the episode when he was nowhere to be found 5 minutes into the it. And what a surprise, he's not going to jail! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT???!!?!! Except, like, everybody. I was kinda surprised that the woman didn't die, though. Her idiot husband confessing that he's guilty for the accident being the last thing she ever hears would be totally something the TV and this show in particular would do.
  25. I agree. All of it can easily be set in the future, even Rogelio's and Darci's new arrangement, if the child is already born. Also, the fact that Michael is not even mentioned (other than that Brett Dier is "also starring") is VERY telling and all of these happenings seem awfully casual for the immediate aftermath of his death, so I do think they're going along with the time jump. What really pisses me off about his death (apart from it happening in the first place, obviously) is that he and Jane never had a chance to enjoy their marriage. There was always, always something in their way and they were constantly stressed out because of one thing or the other: the shooting, his rehab, money issues, moving, career change and so on. Even in the last episode before his departure they had a big fight. If they knew he was going to die, they should have at least given them a couple of episodes of pure, total, blissful, unconditional happiness. They were such a great couple and they deserved it. I know that's not how life works, but frankly, I don't care. They've been through so much and they should have their moment, and they never got it.
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