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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I think they must have at least flirted with the idea of pairing Alex and Meredith together. The whole "Meredith treats Jo like crap for no reason" business went far too long to be just a coincidence or bad writing, and the way it was eventually resolved didn't make anyone smarter about it. Obviously, it would be a big deal and a build-up of some sort would be needed, so perhaps the thing we would take away from the whole thing was that Meredith was subconsciously jealous of Jo, or something. That would also explain why Jo and Alex as a couple were given so little material. As for Penny, like I said, she must have been brought in in case Sara Ramirez chose not to renew her contract. I mean, they couldn't have possibly thought that adding a new character to the already overcrowded cast just because was a good idea? And really, finding a way to write Callie off isn't easy. Another major character death would make the show look like a joke, so that's out of question. And they can't really pull a Cristina/Teddy (or heavens forbid, Erica Hahn) on her because it would be difficult to explain why she'd leave behind everything she has going for her in Seattle - Arizona with whom she shares a child, being the head of her department, part owner of the hospital, board member etc. And this way, going away because of her partner would at least make some sense, as in theory they're deeply in love and whatnot.
  2. Of course, it could well be just baiting. Still, I have a feeling something big is coming up for those two. I don't think it's a coincidence that they've interacted in two episodes in a row. And the last episode basically killed whatever tiny hope there still was of the two of them reuniting, so whatever happens, I don't think it's anything good. Perhaps it will be a misunderstanding of some sort that makes Arizona believe Callie is trying to exclude her, so she freaks out and sues for custody. I wouldn't be surprised. Anyway, I'm starting to think that Penny is being built up so much just so that her leaving with Callie would be justified. That is, that their relationship is well established enough at that point so it wouldn't look odd if Callie decided to follow Penny when she for whatever reason decides to leave.
  3. Not to mention De Luca's surgery that also got cancelled! Must have been a slow day at the hospital.
  4. Maybe such material is her making amends with April and being really really really really sorry for what she did. It's stupid, but I do see it as something the show would play up as soul-wrenchingly emotional moment. And I'd much rather prefer that to custody battle over Sofia.
  5. I have a (bad) feeling it might be something like that. What bugs me, though, is that it's said that Callie makes a decision concerning Sofia without consulting Arizona. We saw in the last episode that she apparently sees herself with Penny forever, so it would make sense that'd she'd want to include her in some way, but would she really do it behind Arizona's back? It would be horrible and a complete opposite to how their parental situation has been portrayed so far. I know character assassination is all the rage on the show lately, but it would be disgusting if they went there.
  6. The thing is, it was all fine and cool and interesting while she was still an intern and had nothing to take care of except herself. But now she's a single mother of three children - the fact the writers love to play up when it's convenient for them but totally ignore otherwise - and she cannot afford to go on freaking out like that. It's awesome how Amelia apparently never even considered what happens to her brother's children if their mother goes nuts like that. If I witnessed my sister or a close friend lose it like that, I'd be scared shitless and demanded that she sees a therapist. Over here, it's no big deal, because, Meredith.
  7. I think it might be the case. That April withheld information about her pregnancy (which is what seems to be what she's the most upset about) could for her be a sign that she's going to deny Jackson the parenting rights once the baby is born. It's a big assumption to make but it wouldn't be totally out of character, IMO. A woman like Catherine must have seen a lot of crazy stuff people are capable of and has thus developed sort of a protective mentality. And I also agree that she/they could argue that April is not mentally fit enough to solely make decisions concerning the baby's health. Basically, I think it's one of the following two: either she thinks April is not acting in the baby's best interest by refusing to get tested (but then again, it's a question how much she knows about it because Jackson apparently didn't say anything and it's doubtful that Richard knows all the specifics of the situation) or she's afraid that she won't let Jackson be involved when the baby is born. I really, really don't think she's acting like a good fairy meddling in their business so they can see their undying love for each other and understand they should always be together. It would be majorly out of character for her and I'd be disappointed if the show went there.
  8. I agree that Catherine liked April in the beginning, but that doesn't necessarily mean she'd want her to marry her son. And I can totally see Catherine as one of those mothers in law from hell who insist that no woman is ever good enough for their boy. Besides, she is very direct in her dealings with people. If she for whatever reason wanted Jackson and April to stay together, she'd come out and say it.
  9. Yes, but I don't see why she would think that staying with April at all costs would be the best for Jackson. It's not like he's heartbroken and miserable, he wanted the divorce and is doing fine without her. Besides, they were unhappy for a long time and they're clearly not compatible, which is something she had argued since the beginning. I don't think she'd move a finger to get them back together, let alone devise such an elaborate plan.
  10. I was annoyed with the whole "I don't want you/I'm not ready for you to meet Sofia" stuff and didn't like it that Penny went and apologized to Arizona for it. Even if Arizona really had a problem with it, well, it would only be her problem. Sofia was a patient and Penny treated her, because that's something that doctors do. As long she didn't tell her about her relationship with Callie, which she didn't, everything's fine.
  11. You know, honestly, it might be it. She's just pissed that April lied (or kept quiet about the pregnancy, rather) and wants to get back at her. It makes as much sense as anything else. Also, poor April! She's been betrayed by someone she trusted twice in matter of days. I can only imagine how she's going to freak out when she finds out about it.
  12. Yeah. I would have also thought they were already past the "I love you" landmark for quite a while, I mean, Callie was already comfortable enough about their relationship to present Penny to all her friends months ago. It was basically all played out for the dramatics.
  13. I think both were at fault there. He wanted them to stop hiding, which sounds more than reasonable. Then, she takes it to mean, hey, let's publicly announce our relationship to the entire hospital. And have a dinner with my father. I see why a guy would be weirded out. And then he starts ghosting on her, because of course that's what people do in 2016. The only good thing about the whole situation is that she had enough common sense to confront him about it. They started out as a cute couple but it got old really quickly. It was so weird that I actually put it down to bad acting. I just couldn't assume there were some ulterior motives behind it, especially not something this malicious. The only thing that even remotely makes sense to me is that she wants to prove that April is going against the baby's best interests by refusing to get tested and/or treated (but how does she even know it - Jackson didn't tell her anything?) and she wants to make sure Jackson has a say in it as the baby's father. Of course, I have no idea if it would hold up in court, but everything else seems just too far off.
  14. Catherine Avery just doesn't strike me as the type of person selfless enough to willingly give up her son's love and support at least for a while in order to make him happy in the long run. Also, it's very debatable is April is the right person for him and I'm sure she's aware of that. She's up to no good.
  15. I can understand why she did it this time, though. Anyone would assume that he had assaulted Meredith, the way it was all played out. About the Mt.Everest guy - was the issue just that he was too tall or was it implicated that he was also, uhm, too endowed? What Stephanie was saying during the surgery would suggest so. If it is the latter, the writers are binge-watching Sex and the City because there was the exact same situation there and the guy in question (or rather, a specific part of him) was also referred to as Mt.Everest.
  16. I totally agree. And the explanation that she did it because it felt too good is even more laughable. Of course, it would have been more than understandable if she had been rattled or upset or even a bit depressed, but to completely lose it like that is not something a sane person would do. I really hate it that the show will simply gloss over it like nothing, because hey, it's Meredith. The worst is that the guy still came back to her. And said he'd keep calling and coming over. Good God, just give it a rest. It's something I had to learn the hard way - if it takes THAT much effort just to start things off with someone, it's not worth it. Sometimes it really feels like the writers are binge-watching Sex and the City. All these characters seem possessed by the spirit of Carrie Bradshaw. She was always yearning for drama in her relationships. I wish they would at least once in a while keep it nice and simple and easy, like it's supposed to be. So, Callie and Penny have officially crossed the bridge now. It's odd they're trying so hard to make Penny happen. It's going to sound really shallow, but I think she would work so much better if they did something about her hair. Almost everyone on the show has really nice hair and hers is so thin and lifeless, it makes her stand out negatively and probably highlights how dull her character generally is. People have done crazy OTT things a bunch of times over the years in GA, but what Catherine did here surely has to rank among the very worst. It was so cold and premeditated, the only thing that lacked was a cartoon villain laugh at the end of her conversation with Jackson. I don't think she'll try to take the baby away from April though, I believe her goal is to make Jackson take part in the decision making process about the testing the baby needs to have. Or at least that's what I hope for.
  17. Because she cares about him and wants to be with him, but realizes she can't because he's a mess himself and she can't pull him through it as she would drag herself down just as she's starting to recover. Naturally she's sad.
  18. I remember the episode where the patient was a girl who had been abducted years ago. Bailey knew about the case, it made a big impression on her and she quite upset over it, so when she went to the kindergarten and didn't see Tuck immediately (he was in the toilet), she freaked out. Or it could be something else I've forgotten.
  19. But Cristina was not a recovering addict. Of course she's "stronger" than Amelia but it's not a fair comparison. As for Arizona and April, well, April could not have made it any clearer that she does not want to be treated by Arizona, so I'm not so sure that she can even be seen as her "potential doctor". In that case, literally every relationship in a doctor's life would be with potential patients, they'd basically never be legally allowed to tell anything to anyone. I'm not sure the case would hold if Arizona took it to court. But of course, it's meaningless to think about it as it's clear she won't be getting fired.
  20. Normally I'd think it's something really minor and/or stupid, but with the continuing character assassination of Arizona I'm not so sure. I hope it's not like her hitting on Penny or something, it would be really awful, but you don't know with this show anymore.
  21. I don't think anyone's saying that it really should be a fireable offence, on the contrary. Speaking of which, I can only assume Bailey was under the impression that Arizona got the information about April's pregnancy as her doctor, otherwise it makes no sense even for this show's views of ethical standards. It's weird though that Arizona didn't even try to explain the situation when Bailey went on about fireable offenses and her breaking federal laws. I guess everyone knows she won't be getting fired, so why even bother. And I don't really think she's a pariah either. It's not like people are refusing to speak to her, they're just letting her know (and not unsolicitedly) that what she did was wrong.
  22. From what I understand, they've been seeing each other for a while (I think they said it was their third date?), plus Amelia seems to be living there again, so there must have been another time jump, however miniature. The reason he's naked is that she had apparently kicked him out the bed, for the reasons we're yet to see.
  23. I'm wondering if this is the end of Owen and Amelia. They've been going back and forth aimlessly for ages, which is something even the writers acknowledged, and now they take another hit. Even if Owen comits himself seriously to this relationship now and decides to seek professional help and start counselling or whatever, it would seem so hollow as the moment just isn't there anymore and hasn't been for a long while now. I wouldn't at all be opposed to Owen's departure from the show at this point. I can't see what he has to offer except for endless angst or how his character can be expanded.
  24. He can't do it if he doesn't even know April's pregnant. And in the end he compromised and agreed not only to his future children going to church, but also following them himself. As someone who shares his views and beliefs, I'd say it's a very big compromise.
  25. I wanted a story for Arizona, but what I got is her being a slut, a shitty friend and a clueless moron unable to understand the basics of human interaction, so I kinda regret that I did :o
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