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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Yeah, this bothered me. Stacey is bright enough to realize that if she taps, Jeff is gone, too. She doesn't need the reinforcement and it made Waz look bad. I'd expect that from Gary, who wasn't too subtle in his talk with Stacey. Stacey isn't going to tap. I think they're just building up all this drama because Jeff is the guy we love to hate, but he'll be here for a while.
  2. If Jeff tosses their stuff - which I don't think will happen, as much as we all hate Jeff - then all of his stuff is fair game. Although, I am enjoying the commercials with Stacey saying she has Jeff's fate in her hands. Wouldn't it be awesome if she tapped just to screw him over?
  3. I really wish someone could tell me how Amber is some kind of elite survivalist when she's tapped more than she's completed? Sad about Gwen; I've always liked her. Hopefully Matt can get that bow quick because Jeff ( 🤢 )and Stacey will be back to "trade." Unless Matt can throw them off - "Sorry, I can't think about it because I'm sad that Gwen left. Come see me tomorrow." and then spend the day making his ladder. Although, Waz & Gary had a great idea for bow retrieval. Hope Wes and Matt can team up. Cheeny and Dan is a pretty shitty pairing in my book. The two survivalists with the least amount of time. And I totally agree with @Liberty, I've heard enough about Cheeny's Raynaud's syndrome. If it's that serious, maybe she shouldn't be out there? Steven is one of my favorites, so hoping he can go the distance. If I put money on it, I think it will be Matt, though. Mr. Max wondered why Laura hasn't been around for any challenges lately. I thought maybe she was just over it, she has a 9.9 PSR and wouldn't want to jeopardize it. He thought maybe she thought her rep was damaged after her pairing with Jeff and doesn't want to show her face. 😄 Yeah, I can't say I'm much of a fan this time around, even with one of my favorites.
  4. Liked the rematch between WD and Minotaur. I thought WD had the edge this time, but Minotaur deserved the win because they got screwed last year. I love how they barely mentioned that WD was unstuck last year when every other bot that got stuck last year was counted out. I think Minotaur might be the only one with a chance to take out Riptide, unless Yelly McObnoxious makes a big mistake.
  5. Is it worse if it's warm or cold? I still can't decide... So the charging port on my laptop came loose (probably from accidental yanking of the cord) and I was without a computer for a couple weeks. I made an appointment with Best Buy's Geek Squad. I took the computer in, he looked at it for all of 2 minutes and said, "Yeah, your charging port is bad. We can fix in in a few minutes, but we can't order the parts." WHAT? You can't order parts? WTF nonsense is that? They could have marked up the part 300%! He told me to order it from Amazon and they'll put it in. He gave me the model # of my laptop and showed me that the part was about $8 on Amazon. So I got home and ordered it and my son said "I bet I could put it in. No guarantees on the work and I'm not liable for any damages." Got the part, it was the wrong one because the Geek gave me the wrong model number. The actual part was $4. My son fixed it (after some serious cursing). It still blows my mind that Best Buy wouldn't order parts.
  6. I've been seeing this one a lot during hockey games and I love it:
  7. There's a Halloween ad for Kit Kat/Reese's (I think) where the kids dressed in regular costumes get one piece of candy each, but the girl dressed up in the Kit Kat/Reese's costume gets both. She says "See ya later, boys" which kinda irritates me, but not as much as the fact that none of those kids said thank you. Maybe I'm old...
  8. Finally got to finish this - vacation last week and so much to catch up on this week. Glad Woniya went the distance. She was one of my favorites on her last season and if Amos couldn't do the distance, I wanted her to make it. Kudos for being the first woman and the competitor with the most days Alone. Although that last shot in the helicopter, with her dirty hand over her partner's nice clean one? Hope she jumps in the shower as soon as she gets back.
  9. I think Billings is trying too hard to make his weapon bigger and badder. All it's doing is making the bot self-destruct. Also, bots have evolved since he won, with better armor. Yeah, not a fan of WD, so I was glad to see Endgame take the win. I still wish Will Bales got to go all the way. A nice surprise that After Shock lasted as well (and as destructive) as it did. Mr. Max finally got the answer to his question. The Giant Nut fits the Giant Bolt!!!!
  10. I'm on Comcast and I got the correct episode On Demand. But I watched a day later and that's when the new episodes are usually up.
  11. Good, it wasn't just me. I thought the DVR screwed up again. I did manage to watch on demand. I'm going to spoiler my thoughts, because it looks like most people didn't get to watch it.
  12. The shelters were all pretty cool. I did like Jordan's the best, but only because of the food cache.
  13. Finally got to watch this. For some reason, I thought this was the last episode. Good thing it wasn't. Nice wins for everyone. Loved the Grouse Catcher 2000, but wouldn't she have to disassemble it if she gets one? then have to rebuild it? Again, why are they waiting until day 12-13 to set snares/traps? Maybe day 2 or 3, after you've had a chance to see where the game runs. Michelle already looks too thin to go on. Impressed that Woniya and Michelle actually came back with all those health problems. I literally turned to Mr. Max during the episode and said "I hope someone collects those traps after they leave."
  14. Yay, Ghost Raptor actually won one!! Boo, Witch Doctor is in. I really like Whiplash, despite Matty Vasquez's crazy eyes. Sucks that they get so close and lose every time. WTF was Perfect Phoenix doing there? That bot won shit last time it competed. Mayhaps Ray Billingsley had something to do with its inclusion?
  15. I agree, this wasn't the best XL season. It did have 3 of my favorite survivalists, Jake, Gabrielle and Jeremy, but I still wasn't compelled to watch. Took me two days to clear it from the DVR, when other seasons I was right there Monday night with remote in hand. Why couldn't the producers give Wes, Jermaine and Sarah three crawfish, huh? They gave Waz and Jake one each. And maybe they should have put a fish on each of Jeremy and Trish's lines. Jake's foot looked nasty, but there was no way they were pulling him for something non-life threatening on day 13 or 14. It's not like when that chick ate the festering bird head and had to be pulled on day 20. Ky and Gabrielle were a great team, as were Jake and Waz. Trish and Jeremy did good. I loved how he held out his hand for her as they got to the top of the ridge. That food spread was so lame. Walmart crackers and pickles? Maybe that's what bothered me about it. Laura and Steven did it first and did it better.
  16. Clay did have the best boat. I was originally confused why Britt didn't get dinged for not using the tarp, but it wasn't a prerequisite of the challenge, so I get why Lucas thought it was good.
  17. I would be very surprised if more than one person goes the distance. I still don't understand why, if you have PTSD from your first season, you would go for a second. Rooting for Amos, because I liked him during his first season as well as on the skills. If not Amos, Winoya.
  18. The only thing of interest was Kraken's retirement. It was long overdue. The bot is very durable, but not very competent. I hope he comes back with something better. And yes, I did get a little verklempt.
  19. Too bad for Sara. But when it comes to avoiding permanent damage or getting a survival notch on a belt, I'd ask them to point me to the truck. I don't understand how some people can argue with the professionals on something like that. I'd love to have a drink or three with him. He seems like he would be so fun. Loved his comment to Waz (paraphrased) "your joke was so terrible, I almost tapped." Glad Jeremy and Trish finally got a fish. I loved his fish dance. Hope Ky can hold out with that mouth infection, but damn, they SUCK. I had one when my MIL died and I had to suffer through the viewing, funeral and wake after in severe pain. Thank God my dentist opened the office for me on a Saturday to take care of it. Not defending 4 days to make a crawfish trap (which does need a tighter weave), but Sarah was told by medic AND Wes and Jermaine to rest that day, so really, it took her 3. Still a bit long, but I'm sure it's tedious work and I'd be wanting to take breaks too. What the hell is he doing? He looks like he belongs on Walking Dead instead of Naked & Afraid.
  20. I'm pretty sure the day they dropped is day one. The chyron was saying 49 days left when they were dropped off. They should have just waited until the next day. Having only a few hours to set up shelter really put them behind, and it's going to be hard enough to make it.
  21. This year, I put habaneros and jalapenos in pots, since I've never had anything try to eat those before. Except this year. Hello to the the tobacco worm. Like a tomato worm, but a little differently colored. It ate every one of my habaneros. I hope it's poop burned.
  22. I am really getting tired of the Duck Duck Go commercial. I despise that song to begin with and it doesn't help with creepy guy mouthing new lyrics.
  23. Our original garden had 10' fences around it so the deer couldn't get in, along with a mesh top so that birds couldn't fly in. But chipmunks can tunnel under those fences. The little bastards took a bit out of every one of my strawberries. One bite. Every strawberry.
  24. I am surprised we haven't had more tap-outs.
  25. I liked Glitch when it competed in the regular 2021 series. But it was a bit, well, glitchy and didn't go far. But damn, that hit on Rotator was intense! Who didn't see Free Shipping going up in flames again? Nobody?
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