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Everything posted by Gregg247

  1. I'm always amazed by how many people on this show continue to work in a place where the boss screams at them, treats them like dirt, falls behind on paychecks, runs a business so badly that tips are non-existent, and yet, they never consider quitting. Sami, the manager, hadn't been paid in 5 years! He and his girlfriend, the waitress, lived with her parents since they had no money. Sami, QUIT! You work in a bar; you can find work in another bar that actually pays you money. You could be the dishwasher in another bar and make more money than you're making now. You could actually work ANYWHERE, doing ANYTHING, and make more money than the $0/year you're making now. QUIT!!!!!
  2. I was surprised at the end of the episode when the end credits stated that sales had only grown 20-30% since the rescue. You'd think that with those extensive changes, sales should have doubled. I liked the family and was really rooting for them to succeed. Unlike many episodes, these people seemed genuinely nice, but in over their heads. Most people "rescued" on this show are complete jerks. I think the uncle should go back to running the glass company and let some professional managers run the bar. Getting out of $1,000,000 of debt is a tall order, and I don't think any of the family members (completely untrained) are up to the task.
  3. Another episode of "Scorpion", another example of Sylvester whining about some new fear/phobia/hang-up followed by conquering his fear/phobia/hang-up followed by everyone telling him what a great hero he is for overcoming his fear/phobia/hang-up. No offense to the actor who plays him, but I absolutely hate this guy! Someone please give him a job in an office or something, because he REALLY shouldn't be working in the field. He's the kind of person who gets people killed. Otherwise, I kind of enjoyed the show. I like all the other characters, especially Toby, and the science behind the search for the missing hikers, the "proper" order to exit the helicopter, and the way they sent the smoke signal up was all pretty cool. What was the team's original plan for rescuing the hikers (before the fire started)? Were they going to locate them down below and then send in a rescue copter to pick them up later? That seemed less-than-optimal, especially since there was a good possibility that one or more of the hikers would be injured. I thought they'd put the team in a big helicopter that seats 15 people so they could have the team, a set of paramedics, and room for the hikers. When Cade declined to go on the helicopter, I thought it was going to turn out that he was scared of flying in them, too, just like Sylvester! lol
  4. I enjoyed the show last night. I like the idea of bringing "all" the guests out at once and creating more of a chat-type atmosphere. It's a little less scripted and more conversational. Last night was a gimme, though, as both Tom Hanks and Mila Kunis are considered very good talk show guests and can talk about just about anything. What's going to happen when his guest list devolves to what Craig Ferguson was always stuck with--one mildly famous person from some CBS show and one person few people have ever heard of? There may be some lllooonnnggg episodes in the near future. Otherwise, thumbs up. I don't generally watch late night shows anymore, but I like that this guy is trying something a little different.
  5. I thought the doggy TV idea was pretty poor. First, you have to assume your dog is anxious the ENTIRE time you're gone, not just the 1-2 minutes immediately after you leave. Then, that they will respond/want to hear from you throughout the day. Third, that they won't tear that I-pad and device apart trying to get more treats. When the owners first came out, I thought they were a typical married couple until she said she was 14!!! The guy loved the product so much he quit his full-time job to run it! I don't blame the girl for coming up with a weak product; she'll grow and learn. The guy, though.....I hope his wife is a very understanding lady once she realizes what he's given up for this girl's "dream" product. Lori wasn't allergic to the lemonade. She just knew from watching The Wizard of Oz that if she touched the liquid in the glass, she'd melt.
  6. That was a very exciting episode, even if everything will get reset later due to the time travelling. My favorite character is Harrison Wells, so it was cool to see him have a major part in the show this week, but not cool in that I think his time on the series must be getting short. I was a big fan of "Ed" back in the day, so it's good to see Tom Cavannah back in top form. I'm going to miss the scenes at STAR Labs with everyone in the group discussing the latest bad guy and how to defeat him/her.
  7. My favorite scene of this very good episode was when Louis came to at the end and Alicia called him out about setting her up with his $18 million going to the donor's family. When he panicked and asked where his money was, he sounded just like Alex Keaton! haha Say what you will about this show, but they consistently get the best guest stars. (Many times, they get comedians to come in and play dramatic parts VERY well.)
  8. As a longtime fan of TGW, I had no idea any of this stuff was going on behind the scenes. To be honest, I kind of noticed that there had been fewer scenes between Alicia and Kalinda, but then again, there have been fewer scenes between Alicia and EVERYONE on the show recently, except for the guest stars. This is why I hope Alicia loses the election and gets back into the courtroom. As far as Kalinda is concerned, her character hasn't exactly been tossed into Siberia with a shovel and 5 bean seeds and told to fend for herself. Of all the supporting characters, she seems to get the most consistent screen time. She always has a personal relationship (or 2) front and center, she has a scary subplot with Lamond Bishop right now, and she still does all the investigative work for the other characters (what happened to the blonde lady who was her assistant/competitor?). She almost has her own separate show going on right in the middle of this one! Of all the supporting players, she seems to be the first-among-equals -- at least for screen time. Personally, I'd like to see more of Eli. He's my favorite character aside from Alicia (yes, I still LIKE Alicia!), but as much as I like "funny" Eli, I also liked the smooth operator he was in the early seasons, when he knew everyone important in politics and was a real player.
  9. I didn't. I remember when it came on; the premise didn't really appeal to me. The funny thing is, I only started watching The Odd Couple because I enjoyed the original TV show back in the day, and I'd heard that this version was terrible, so I wanted to see how bad it could be. I was pleasantly surprised to find such a funny, enjoyable show (so far!).
  10. I didn't find this episode very funny (stale plot), but this is the first one that didn't make me laugh out loud several times. Overall, this is a good show. Felix is a little weak as a character, but Oscar is hilarious. I was never a fan of "Friends", but I did watch "Mr. Sunshine" (terrible) and "something something Sunset Strip" (terrible), so this is Matthew Perry's best work for me. The supporting cast is all good, too, especially the Daytime-Assistant-the-the-Manager (hah!) at the local bar.
  11. Woohoo! I correctly identified Torgo from "Manos-The Hands of Fate" as soon as they first showed the artist's sketch! The mystery itself, though, seemed a little torturous--way too many twists to be believable. I wonder if the writer of this episode started with the idea of using Torgo's picture in some way, and wrote the mystery around that.
  12. Remember how, in S1E1, Skye confronted that guy who ended up becoming Deathlok and told him how lucky he was to have these super-powers? Well, I guess she's rethinking her position on that right now, huh? I assume that once she gets her powers under control, she'll be able to create extremely targeted earthquakes around her target rather than just general rumblings all over. Otherwise, what a lame power to have! I think I can buy Skye as a computer hacker and/or a super-powered person more than as a competent kung-fu fighting field agent. The way she's whipping out guns and beating up bad guys right now seems lame to me. Where's Ward? I used to hate that guy, but once he turned villain, he's much more fun. Kind of like Tom on The Blacklist -- the weakest character on a show suddenly gets cool.
  13. This is the first season where I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid. I don't think Chris and Whitney will get married, because they just don't match as a couple. In fact, the problem with this season was that none of the women appeared to be ready to move to Hooterville after dating this guy for 6 weeks. It's just asking too much. My favorite part of the show was when Neil Lane showed up at the Dubuque hotel; he looked like he was in shock. I wish they'd had a camera crew follow him from the airport to get his initial reactions to Iowa-in-winter. I wonder if this was his first visit to a "flyover state". Ah, the stories he'll have to tell his Beverly Hills friends! haha I don't like Britt or Caitlyn, but I am curious about how they handle this terrible idea of 2 bachelorettes. Doesn't this mess up the P.R. budget for ABC, having to push 2 women instead of "the chosen one"? Do we know for sure that they're going into Bachelor Thunder-Dome, where 2 enter but only one leaves? I thought they'd both be bachelorettes the entire season, handing out roses to their own picks. It all seems needlessly confusing to me.
  14. That was weird, but not in a good way. I liked when they did this same type of episode last season when it showed how the characters were thinking through a case, and the different ways things could go. This episode, though, was just a lady randomly thinking through her whole life. Isn't that better left to "Previously on The Good Wife..." at the top of the episode? Very self-indulgent. Midway through, I couldn't help thinking that the producers must be very comfortable with the idea that the show will be picked up for another season. If they were close to cancellation, I doubt they would have wasted an hour on this kind of silliness.
  15. I was disappointed in the Race planning this week. That one team, through no fault of their own was 17 hours behind the others due to plane reservation issues. I have no problem with different flights landing at different times and spreading the teams out a little, but this was just ridiculous. At that point, I think I would have just started sightseeing rather than finish the tasks with any immediacy. Enough with the dancing challenges! One a season is fun (and all you really need). "Tree" vs. "Ski" It looks like "Ski" was pretty much impossible. If every team that attempts a challenge is forced to switch to the other one, somebody on the Amazing Race staff has screwed up. They had this happen last season, too, when teams had to run along that greased pole over the lake to grab 2 flags. No one got it.
  16. The Coco Jack guy was a bad risk, and I agree with Barbara that he's a business partner you wouldn't be able to count on. He started giving his resume to the Sharks about how he went to Julliard to become a composer and percussionist, then he bought some RVs and travelled the country selling those, then he worked in Colorado doing something, then went to CA and joined a vegan/organic farming movement. He was all over the place. What happens when he wakes up one morning and decides that coconuts aren't really his thing, and he wants to become an astronaut? The sorority sisters were irritating, and I had a hard time understanding what they were saying with that weird cadence they both had in their voices. Up and down and up and down, and I couldn't follow their conversation at all. Not a bad idea for a company, but I had no interest in the business at all. Maybe I'm old, but I didn't realize it was illegal to ride around in the back of a pickup truck. Is it at least still legal for hound dogs?
  17. Well, Carly is my favorite from this season. I think she fell into the "friend" category with Chris early on, and was actually offended by the women who were clearly (to the women in the house) just there to manipulate Chris and get farther in "the game". I'm glad she told him about Britt's fakiness, and he seemed to appreciate it a lot more than previous Bachelors have. I also noticed that Carly was the person he immediately hugged as soon as TWTA ended last night. Britt won't be the next Bachelorette for the simple reason that she just (fake) cries too much. Its her go-to move, and the only one she has. Can you imagine her crying every time she talks to one of her 25 suitors? She'll rub her eyes right out of their sockets! I couldn't understand why Jade (and maybe many in the studio audience) felt that Chris kicking her to the curb due to her Playboy pictures would have been terrible, or why Chris had to keep denying it. I wish he'd just said, "Yeah, I'm not a fan of the idea that my wife is naked all over the Internet." Why would that have been so wrong to say? Chris' explanation about Jade's family also made a lot of sense. He'd been dating a sweet, shy, country girl, and suddenly her brother is calling her a wild mustang and her father told Chris that Jade was too much woman for her previous boyfriends! WOW! That would be hard to get past, especially on a dating show where you have to constantly cut contestants each week. If you have to cut somebody, are you going to cut a woman you feel like you understand okay, or the one who you suddenly realize you don't know at all? I never really cared for Kaitlyn, and her complaining about coming in 3rd place didn't work for me. Chris had 3 women left and had to drop one. Juan Pablo told Andi straight out that she was his third favorite, so she was the first to go, and he got beaten up over that (with good reason, but still). Chris at least had the sense to not make that same mistake, even though we KNOW that's what happened. In a perfect "Bachelor" world, the Bachelor would fall in love with someone midway through the season, and then just drop the other "ladies" as needed for production of the TV show until he's left with the "winner". In an actual "Bachelor" world, the bachelor likes several of the women and keeps the ones he likes the most until the end. Maybe he falls in love, maybe not, but he's going to drop the "ladies" as needed by production in the reverse order that he likes them. I understand why Kaitlyn was surprised to be cut that day in Bali, but 4 months later, she claims she STILL doesn't understand?!? I don't buy it. I think Kaitlyn will be the next Bachelorette (I probably won't watch, because I won't care what happens), but if the producers go crazy and make Kelsey the next Bachelorette, I'll be glued to my TV all season. What a weird, disturbing TV show THAT would be!
  18. I enjoyed the show more than I thought I would. It was well set-up early on, but by the 20 minute mark, I started thinking, "Where are they going with this?", because there's no way I could watch 13 episodes of a guy wandering around all by himself. The addition of Carol reallt made the show for me; I enjoyed their differences and how grating they were to each other. When Carol was complaining about how her to-MAH-toes were dying from lack of water, all I could wonder was why they decided to settle in the DESERT of all places. The lack of A/C must have been terrible, even in that nice house with the giant backyard toilet. One of my favorite TV shows was Red Dwarf, which had a similar premise of one guy stranded on a spaceship 3 million years in the future, all by himself. At least he had holographic crew-members, sentient cat people, and robots to keep him company.
  19. They did such a good job with this episode; all the little details were just right and made me go, "Oh yeah! I remember that from the movie!". I liked how, instead of finding a couple of cute girls "sunbathing" in the shade, Barry stopped to greet a couple of elderly ladies under umbrellas. The ending, with Barry's triumph at the homecoming parade, actually got me choked up. Incredibly well-done and funny.
  20. Who ever is in charge of setting up the dates on this show (No, not Chris, the person who ACTUALLY sets them up!) should be fired. These have been some of the most boring dates I've ever seen this season. Since when did a "date" consist of walking down some streets and waving to the locals? it used to be that the couples would do these things, then go to a location for a tour or an activity, followed by a nice dinner. Now, there's almost never a meal served. No helicopters, no zip-lining, no beautiful yachts, just Chris, his "lady", and lots of free time with nothing to do but talk about their "journey".
  21. Oh no! Lizzie and Ressler are captured by bad guys! A child in their care is kidnapped from them! Other red-shirt law enforcement officials are brutally killed and never mentioned again! How does this show keep coming up with such innovative twists? /* sarcasm */ I love the premise of The Blacklist, and I'd like to hang out with Red (during his non-violent moments), but this show has fallen into a rut so fast and so deep that I'm not sure its ever going to get out. There may be some people out there who only want to see Blacklist scenes of torture and despair, filmed in the dark, with confusing images of action, but I think most of us tune in each week to see interesting stories for our characters to get involved in and solve. Lately, all we get are the exact same scenes, with the villain and his M.O. slightly changing from week to week. If the world was really as bleak as it appears on this show, Director Cooper would be looking forward to the sweet release of death from whatever mysterious and vaguely sinister disease he's afflicted with.
  22. I just want to know why no one on this show eats this season! Every other season, most dates (1on1, 2on1, group) end up around the dining table. This season, though, the dates involve everything except food. I think only 1 of the hometown dates last night took place over a meal, but no one seemed to be eating. Why is this? Options: 1. Chris really WAS raised in a barn, and eats with his mouth open and is so disgusting that the producers decided to shield the viewing public from this nightmare. 2. Chris can't eat and talk at the same time, so each meal with "the ladies" consists of 30 minutes of chewing in silence. Not exactly riveting TV. 3. The budget on this show was slashed, and the producers couldn't get a product placement deal with the greater Des Moines McDonalds franchise. 4. Chris prefers chewing his cud in private.
  23. I've never been very good at predicting couples and "who's right" for someone, but I THINK that the best match for Chris would be a sweet, small-town, not-too-bright girl who likes the outdoors and her critters. Really, an Elly-Mae Clampett type. I don't think any of the final 3 on the show (or really, any of the women we've seen this season) are a good match for him. I'm a sucker who always thinks, "Well, even though most couples don't work out on this show, THIS couple definitely will make it!" This year, I'm confident there will be no happy ending for Chris (outside the Fantasy Suite, that is!).
  24. I wish Chris H. had asked Andi why she quit her job as a lawyer as soon as the show ended, and if her trying to get a new job in the "entertainment industry" contributed to her break-up. Also, how many football games did she have to sit through last Fall? I'll bet she just LOVED sitting there not being the center of everyone's attention! LOL I don't like Caitlyn or Britt, but the other 4 "ladies" all seem nice, so Chris has a good group to choose from. Arlington was kind of sad, with all the closed businesses. As Chris said, with improved farm technology, there's much less need for field hands, so fewer people work the farms, which means fewer residents of farming communities, which means fewer businesses in the area. I guess that high school services all the nearby towns, too. Otherwise, they couldn't have enough students to field a football team. When Chris went on and on about his football days, I kept thinking to Rob Lowe and "Peaked in High School" Rob Lowe on the DirecTV commercials! EDIT to add: What's the deal with the lack of food on the 1-on-1 dates this season? Chris takes the "ladies" out to do some stuff, but he never feeds any of them. Obviously, they're eating at some point. Why not show this?
  25. I really liked this episode. For once, there were some interesting twists and turns, and the bad guy turned out to be not-so-bad after all. The guy who played the villain is becoming a favorite of mine. He was the bad guy responsible for Tony Stark becoming Iron Man, he was the science captain killed by Romulans (with Thor) in the Star Trek reboot, and he was Cliff Barnes's adopted son who killed himself for "his father" on Dallas. He's a good actor, and a welcome addition to any cast.
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