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60 Excellent-
S09.E10: Skunk In The Barnyard
islandgal replied to Chit Chat's topic in The Real Housewives Of Orange County
I don't know if this was another award given to herself, but I immediately thought it was. I loved how she tried to play it as blase as possible. Like "oh, look how quaint. Another award for the pile." Really interested in the Heather/Shannon fight. I do wonder if Heather will emphatically state that she wasn't gossiping or try to shift the topic like she usually does? When she topic shifts I immediately conclude that she did that shit because there is no reason for someone as articulate as Heather not to give a simple answer like no and make it clear. -
I really hope those venture capitalist were actors or TLC shills or otherwise, brotha, you just lost a quarter of a million dollars. Wonder how long before Kody is shown driving a new or newer car or maybe even a motorcycle? Nice to see them throw yet another some irrelevant nonsensical party. It was nice to briefly see Truly looking healthy and happy! Not a Robyn fan but at this point I really do think she is the only one of the wives who is 100% about that polyg life. It is her motives that make her suspect to me. Frankly, for a bad as a financial situation as Brown family is in, I bet it is tenfold a better position than she ever would have been in if she hadn't joined the family. She doesn't have to work a 9-5, she lives in a McMansion, someone pays her bills, she is the prized pig in the poke and has an army of babysitters/servants to do her bidding. I did like that Robyn tried to defend Christine and help not to make her feel so bad about her stupid ass statement at the presentation before she was completely shut down by Kody. That scene went to further illustrate how asinine Kody's statement was last week that he has no power or say in the family. Kody quelled Robyn immediately. I always get a chuckle at their money woes, especially with regards to paying for colleges and then catch sight of one or all of the sister wives with a fresh acrylic nail french manicure. Never change Browns. It is a small thing but it does add up and just another small indicator of where their priorities lie. The flashback of Kody from S1 was a bit of a revelation. Hard to believe that his hair used to be even worse than it is now.
What a great episode and what wonderful observations everyone has. My simple ass came away with one tidbit that left me breathless all night: Ethan bottomed for Dorian. Mercy (fans myself). I am disturbed by how hot I am finding Josh Hartnett. I actually find Brona and Ethan sweet and cute. The hooker with a heart of gold trope is making the eyes roll out of my head, but I love seeing them together. I did wonder if Ethan was there for a straight week because who the hell was looking out for Brona in the meantime. She probably hacked up a lung lying in that fleabag motel.
S09.E09: Not a Good Day LA
islandgal replied to psychoticstate's topic in The Real Housewives Of Orange County
Tamra is a death eater. I really don't have anything more to say about her. It was just be a waste of keystrokes and internet space. When she said that I laughed. It just came off to me like "some of my best friends are poors!" You can say that again. At least with the prior collapses, like Vicki and Don, it was a slow descent. At the time of introduction, we knew there were problems in the Gunvalson marriage but the relationship didn't initially read as terminal stage 5 upon arrival. With Shannon and Dave, within the first few episodes, their relationship isn't even in terminal stage 5. It is beyond that. I feel like I am watching it in the throes of its final death rattle, gasping out its last breaths. It is terrible to watch and yet I can't look away. One thing I can say is that they are putting back the real in Bravo reality tv. I don't think she is being a bitch, just to be a bitch or just a harpy by nature. She seems like a pleasant and sweet person with some whackadoodle philosophies. Her whole demeanor almost seems to change when she interacts with him. She loses all perspective and humor and goes in on every little minute detail that bothers her about him. My thoughts are that Shannon is making David pay for something he has done in the past. I just want to know what he did. -
S06.E15: Ten Gallon Spats
islandgal replied to LotusFlower's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
This isn't the first time Heather has been extremely insensitive to Aviva's handicap. Didn't she make a joke about it at the mud run or something? I too think the wheelchair was a production setup also. Aviva had no plans on going ever so I don't think it was her. Speaking for myself, as an able bodied person with 2 legs, hell sometimes I feel like I need a little help getting through airports. It is all I can do to stop myself from hitching a ride on one of those little trolley things. No matter where I am flying to, no matter the airport the gate I need to get to is always, always, at the very opposite end and the furthest from where I am standing. This is why I always shake my head when I see the housewives walking through airports with 5 inch stiletto heels on. To use the oft overused HW rhetorical question: Who does that? It seems asthma can be gotten at any age. My dad got it in his 60s. My parents had to remove all the wall to wall carpeting in our family home to alleviate his symptoms. -
S06.E14: Sex, Lies & Facials
islandgal replied to Lola16's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
I refuse to re-watch this episode so maybe someone else can confirm but my impression was that Aviva was offering some eyewitness account. Not of the threesome itself (Thank the powers that be) of course but more circumstantial evidence. Didn't Aviva say that she [Aviva] invited Nana over to her home, let her sleep over in one of her children's rooms, realized the next morning Nana didn't sleep in her assigned room and then Nana had breakfast there the next morning? Nana refuted all of this so Aviva is looking like a lying liar who lies. -
S06.E14: Sex, Lies & Facials
islandgal replied to Lola16's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
No mask can disguise Kelley for me. Not with that physique. I'd recognize Kelly Bensimon's mean tuck game anywhere. I hate the phrase walk of shame because I feel it is only ever used to describe women going home after a tyrst. So I loved Sonja calling it a victory lap! Luann was glorious. I loved her whole "Bitch, I am not the one!" demeanor and attitude with Aviva without actually having to say the words. Technically Aviva probably didn't 'invite' her, Bravo production did. However, Aviva told them this tall tale and therefore, introduced the storyline. Luann wasn't here for Aviva's semantics which was where all the 'I am not stupid' stuff was coming from with Luann. Get it girl! Damn, even when George is not on, he is and his sexual predilections are still being discussed. Give me a damn break! I usually hate Ramona's trifling meddling ways, but not this time. Loved that she immediately got the scoop and sniffed out the lies Aviva was trying to sell about a George/Cody/Miss USA threesome. Why would a gorgeous woman like Miss USA go for an old broken down lizard like George? She has got the tools, so if she were to go out golddigging I think she could do way better than that. I couldn't believe that damn facialist. Is she for real or an actress?!?! If she is a real facialist how does she expect to keep clients if she is shown so freely spreading all kinds of gossip. I imagine a facialist is much like a hair dresser where clients just shoot the shit, talk about their lives and gossip about people they know. Just dumb! Victoria's art was amazing. I wouldn't mind that work of art in my place. So much better than the fleur de lis seen on RHOOC which passed for art. LOL! I don't think Sonja was late for the fashion show. She showed up just in time not to have to bid on any of the dresses. LOL! Aviva in the promo? I wish she couldn't stay on planet Earth due to her allergies. Kristin looked amazing at Aviva's art show. Loved the hair and even the dress which seemed both art deco and contemporary all at once. -
S09.E08: Not So Silent Night
islandgal replied to swankie's topic in The Real Housewives Of Orange County
Don't even know what Tamra's thought process is here. Is she upset that she wasn't featured 1st or that any other gym was promoted over CUT period? Because seriously, there will be fitness clubs and gurus featured after her. There are no exclusives. She was completely irrational and almost looking to be upset over some bullshit! Even assuming Tamra's version is the absolute truth I don't think Heather should waste or squander her opportunity for a shaky work friend with a fly by night gym who turns on people on a dime. I actually think Shannon and her husband's marriage seems a lot worse than Vicki and Don. At least Vicki and Don had fun fake snoring together. I could imagine that there was once love and laughter and at least a half full love tank with Vicki and Don. Don't see it with Shannon and Dave. It is interesting to see Shannon refer to the way she and Dave interact as banter in her blogs. I don't think that word means what she thinks it means. There is nothing playful, flirty or good-natured about their back and forth. Loathe as I am to admit but I think Terry and Heather banter (this season anyway) and sometimes Tamra and Eddie but not Shannon and Dave. Are they still trying to make Danielle happen? She is a bore. Her husband though? Can't even lie though, I find her husband umm..... interesting. It is like Fire Island grew two legs and started twalking (twerk walking). More please. -
I am just shocked that Mama Joyce has been able to hide her crazy so well on camera for so many seasons. People were cheering her on her 1st season on and she seemed to be a voice of reason. She went from that to raving loon seemingly overnight. In the battle of the truths, the story goes that it is usually somewhere in the middle. Having been exposed to Mama Joyce planning to entrap Todd, believing the gossip on the streets from any old fool is the gospel according to Matthew, I think the truth probably is closer to Kandi's dad version. Do I think it is the 100% truth? NO. But being one of the jury members in the court of public opinion trying to figure out who is the most reliable - I'm going with Daddy. However, I look at him sideways because a man who truly wants to be a part of his child's life would have fought for it. I feel like he just shrugged and said 'aw, fuck it!" and left his daughter to be raised by a viper. "I was just having a Porsha moment" - oh goodness! LOL!
S09.E08: Not So Silent Night
islandgal replied to swankie's topic in The Real Housewives Of Orange County
Shannon has the posture, walk and carriage of a woman in her early 70s with a calcium deficiency. Seriously, take a look at her when she is standing sideways. I know this was an episode full of WTF'ery because at the end I thought Vicki was the one that made the most sense. Tamra really is cowed and intimidated by Heather, which is a sight to behold. Usually when she is arguing with people, especially those she has loved to go after in the past like Gretchen and Alexis she gets such a nasty gleam and look of relish on her face. None of that is ever present when she goes up against Heather. Everything about her countenance screams 'oh, shit I really would rather not be doing this.' I can believe that something shady went down but really all that shit is moot now that Heather got her a spot. Like Vicki shit, that is a gift. Tamra is treating it like it was her god given right. You know what is strange, the one person I wound up disliking more this episode wasn't even Tamra. It was Terry's bitch ass. What gives him the stones and the balls to send a text to Tamra telling her that he told Heather not to do the show?!? I see that as a huge betrayal and one of those instances where I have to quote the much reviled Nene Leakes but Terry is too much in the women's business with that damn text. If I was Heather, I would have turned into Ike Turner in the back of that limo and beat him with my red bottom shoe. It wasn't his place to send such a text to Tamra. That just made everything worse. Still don't care for Heather but I am on her side vs Tamra. Oh and that phone call was hella fake. It might have rang (Terry probably pocket dialed) but I don't believe any child was sick. How many times do they ask if it was 10:30? Too well timed and public to be real. -
How dreadful!! I would really love to know what about My Sister Wives Closet (which WTF?!? at the name) is so all consuming to Robyn? WORST. BUSINESS. IDEA. EVER! The jewelry business is saturated enough and really there is no brand loyalty when it comes to these type of consumer products. Then she tops worse on top of bad by making the concept even more damn narrow by relating it to a marital practice (plural marriage) that is rare to say the least. Bethanny Frankel she ain't. I can't put the blame solely on her either. All the wives and Kody seem to be banking on it if they are going to present it to venture capitalists. What a passive aggressive POS Robyn is to link that fail of a business to a possible baby. Kody is such an idiot about everything, but in this instance, I am talking specifically about the house in Lehi. If he wants detailed blueprints then he needs to engage an architect not a damn general contractor. I was surprised that Meri had tears of frustration in her eyes. Was it that damn deep? Plus, I thought at that point she should have just told Kody to talk with the contractor directly instead of being a go-between. Besides, what does Kody do all day besides running from house to house being an ineffectual husband and father? Surely between his hair grooming routine and awkward tuck ins, he has time for one simple phone call to explain what he wants to see? I am really seeing the weight lost on Janelle now. It is starting to show in her face. I thought Meri looked like she lost some weight too but her face tanner and horrible makeup overpower everything.
If this were an instance where it was strictly about Kandi's business (i.e. about managing an artist's career, booking studio time, a launch party for a new album etc.) then I would agree with this analysis. However,I think it is Todd's business in that this is his wedding too, which he may or may not be contributing too. This assistant shirking her duties has a direct effect on what should for all intents and purposes be one of the most important & significant events of his life - his and Kandi's wedding.
Aww goodness, why didn't Bravo or Kandi think to hire Dwight. He would have had Kandi coming down the aisle riding a giraffe. Congrats to Kandi, her premiere had 2.442 million viewers. That is a huge win! I like Kandi, but I find it hard to believe that she is a size 6. I do see Carmon as taking advantage of Kandi or at the very least getting over on her. Anyone who can not show up to work for 3 days and refuse to take their boss's calls and just shows up and still has a job is not your normal employee. Todd may not have been the most diplomatic but he wasn't wrong. Mama Joyce continues to be horrible.
Does this make the British the original hipsters? Some of these Americans are acting far too thirsty. I don't even know why anyone would want to run in such rigid, stuffy, humorless circles. I don't see how anyone could be happy where everything you do like the hat wear to an event is criticised. What is even the point? Just to say you attended a garden party with the Earl of Sandwich? I don't know any of these chicks names yet expect for Caprice (her face is a plastic surgery mess) and Annabelle, who has an old lady wither about her face and body. Seriously, how aristocratic, noble, or royally connected can any of these women be if there are on a Bravo reality show? Back on TWOP someone allegedly in the know gave a lowdown on all these ladies and the answer seems to be = not much, if at all. Those 2 Brits are probably nothing more than younger, hipper versions of Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet). Annabelle's has room for a pony. Interesting that some wonder how Lisa would fit. I don't think she would be outright reviled or excluded but I also don't think she would be enfolded into the group and welcomed to breath their rarefied air either. She has $$ via owning nightclubs and restaurants which is probably seen as a step above day laborer. As far as I know she has no royal connections and seems a bit flashy and show-offy. I always have wondered about her accent though. Is her accent naturally posh or has she been working on it for years in order to sound that way? I think one of the greatest tells among the Brit elite is one's accents. From what I gather what you sound like, where you went to school along with your connections to a title are the end all, be all. I find the class distinctions and emphasis on title pretty gross but fascinating.
S06.E13: Win, Place, Or Sonja
islandgal replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
They met on Sugar Daddy? So that ball waxing story was just George waxing poetic? WTF?!? If I ever deigned to sign up and the best I could attract was George, I'd dump all the sugar out my bowl. I didn't think anything Ramona said was racially suspect. Ramona was told she had no parents and having no parents has no racial connations to me. However, if Ramona hadn't been told anything about her parents and than assumed she had no daddy then I would look at her sideways. Sonja on the other hand... WTF was that shit about her neighbors thinking Cody would be her dealer? SUSPECT! Back to Ramona, aside from the no parents crap, I detected no lies. The trouble is one should NOT say everything that they think. Ramona's #1 problem. George's funeral comment was one of sickest and strangest things I have ever heard said on this show. I am more mad at Bravo than anything. Not only do they darken my screen with his wretched presence, they go out of their way to encourage his perverse and disgusting antics and I will include some of cast on this one too. Holding his engagement party at a sex shop, come the fuck on! Carol asking if his fiancee squirted - she just lost some shine. One nice thing I will say about Aviva, she has been very gracious and kind to Cody. Mama Joyce can take a lesson from her about how to treated perspective spouses marrying a monied relative. Actually, it seems all the ladies have been nice and kind with a slip up or two. Ramona was rude, but I did think her intentions were good. Frankly, I thought Sonja was ruder with the dealer comment. I would love to have a more diverse cast but I always fear the ugly head of prejudice rearing its ugly head. The trip to the races was great fun, but I thought the only woman that looked great from head to toe was Kristin. Luann's dress seemed far too casual for the hat and the other girl's hat/outfit combo just didn't seem right to me. I was suprised by Sonja's outfit. I thought she would bring it to Saratoga.