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Everything posted by CheezyXpressed

  1. I still like Abby. (She states her opinions and keeps quiet, which is enough for me) But I think she's wrong with going after AOC's comments, because AOC is fine. Maybe she's a bit emotional since she's bringing two kids into this world. But as someone her age, how can you not be afraid for the next generation? I'm Muslim, our religion preaches having kids, but the politicians are destroying the planet and it's scary. Kids are getting puberty earlier, we have so many chemicals in our bodies, and the environment is in shambles. It's terrifying. And if you're not scared, then you're not looking at the world. I don't have kids and when I think of having them, I just wonder what I can do to protect them and keep them away from everything. And Meghan changed the subject and didn't let Sunny finish, which is why Abby will always be better even if I disagree with her views.
  2. Since when was Meghan for controversy and politics in Hollywood? Didn't she complain that awards were getting too political and she used these things to escape the real world? if she changed then that's great, but I did a side eye when she said that she's always been for this because I feel like that isn't true.
  3. For Muslims, we have something called an ‘aqeeqah, which is where the parents give meat to others as a means to thank God for the baby. It happens after the child is born and the parents do this for those coming to celebrate lol. You can bring gifts, but if you don't then it's okay. Even weddings, which sounds bad, but in my culture I never really saw people bringing gifts until more recently. Some did, but it definitely feels like it's happening more now. Even then, no one would shame you for just coming and offering a prayer for the couple/baby and enjoying your time. I always bring stuff, but it's not a must. I've heard of baby showers for every baby though. I think the general rule is if you spent a lot for the first baby, then you don't have to do it again for the next.
  4. Somehow I missed this segment today. I'm shocked that Meghan said, "What do they think of American humour?" That's such a stupid question. It could be relevant, but Larry Charles is promoting comedy from these places, so it would be better to ask what kinds of humour they enjoy using. It's about them, not America. Anyways, she asked the question and he answered which is fine, but I wish she saw that these "otherworldly" people are able to find humour from a place that routinely bombs them and dismantles their governments. There was some nuance here, you know. They understand that the governments are at fault, but not the comedians or the regular people there but Meghan just hears America and she's happy.
  5. I didn't know who he was until this happened, so I'm not sure if there were any signs. Apparently he wanted to be a saviour for people like him and he called himself the gay Tupac at his concert after the attack. There may have been more signs, but no one really noticed since it was mostly harmless. I don't know why people do this. There were some people claiming that they were attacked by Black Panther movie goers for being white and that was fake as well. Some people are just idiots who will go to the lowest common denominator for attention. I'm just worried that some other person will do this after seeing the attention Jussie got.
  6. Allegedly, a certain Nkechi Amare Diallo did the same thing back when she was black. The attention that they get and the victim complex that they create gets them off, but even if I understood that it's still hard to understand. This is a big story, so I get why the news media are covering it like crazy but providing additional attention towards him and his lie just feeds into the attention that he was initially seeking. If he lands in jail, you know that he's going to have interviews lined up for him. A documentary might be made about him. He'll write a book. He'll go on Celebrity Big Brother. He's going to have more offers now than he did before. So why feed into his insatiable hunger and focus on bigger problems. There are still kids who haven't been reunited with their parents on the border. I'd rather the media and the View focuses more on that then some celebrity lying.
  7. I read that Chris has 50/50 with Kail, so it would make sense that he doesn't pay child support.
  8. I agree. I thought her interview on the View was great for her PR and made me question why she is getting so much hate. I still agree with her foreign policy and I think free health care is a must (I'm Canadian, so free health care is just the norm for me) but after a quick google search I feel like the interview could have more than what we got. This might come as a shock, but it almost feels like the panelists didn't do enough homework before the interview started and just relied on their 4am guy.
  9. I hope there's a bit more nuanced about this. Considering how the show wanted to go the progressive route, it might be that the Elders are fine and good people but they're out of touch with the realities of the witching world. They're old and they've been in power for a long time. So maybe it's that the Elders need to work with the Sarcana and change things so that everyone could be happy.
  10. Today was the first day that I heard Tulsi speak and I was impressed by her on the show. Now that I've read about her other views, I kind of wish the View did a better job interviewing her. I don't expect much, but it seems like the only things they pushed against her is foreign policy and free healthcare. She apparently voted to help dismantle parts of Obamacare and she apparently likes guns. She has some views regarding the LGBT as well that should have been discussed. She also seems like she's super religious, so a question about abortion would have been good too. She has some progressive leanings, but she also seems like a moderate in other parts. Abby and Meghan keep asking about a more moderate/centrist Democrat and Tulsi does have some leanings on that side. There's still a lot that I don't know about her, (to be honest, I'm not really going to look up anymore lol) but a quick google search helped finding some questions that the View should have asked about.
  11. Right? I'm honestly confused here. Maybe it's because I'm not American, because nothing she said seemed bad. Meghan asking for more Rep. And then saying 'Why her?' About AOC is kind of weird. Why is Meghan so obsessed with AOC? I almost want AOC to come on the show, because I have a feeling that Meghan will call in a sick day and not be there for the interview.
  12. Free healthcare, supports the Green Bill and environmental causes in general, wants free or inexpensive secondary education and wants to limit US intervention and wars. I'm confused why this Congresswoman is so hated and was viewed as a crazy person. The ladies on the View treated her like some sort of slime monster or something. I don't get it. Which views of hers is causing so much disdain?
  13. Friends don't text friends about Venezuela or politics. They get drunk with them, as that's the only acceptable means of socializing.
  14. I like this Congresswoman. I've never seen someone have this view on foreign policy and since she's been in Iraq, she knows first hand what is going on. Will she win, I don't know, but I like her foreign policy and her laugh in front of Meghan.
  15. An audience member would be interesting. It works for the Real (we have a forum guys) when they have their wheel, but maybe they're afraid that the person will challenge the host(s) or be more knowledgeable than them.
  16. I especially miss her whenever they bring up Kaep. Sunny would state her point, while Paula always said something to the affect of "He's a good QB and they're definitely blackballing him, but the owners are looking at the money aspect of it more than anything else. To have him on your team would alienate many people." Meanwhile, the others who took her place just talk about the flag and some weird disrespect angle that they have. With Paula, those discussions were a bit more nuanced and since Paula has a sports announcing background she could actually say that Kaep was a good QB and that the league has worse ones on the field. Plus her disagreements with Whoopi were funny as were her horrible jokes....I miss Paula.
  17. It's been a long time and Meghan has kind of erased some of those memories, so perhaps you're right. She did have empathy in Survivor though, so somewhere between then and the View she kind of lost some. Not as much as Meghan though....
  18. She was missing her book, which is the last thing that she has that belongs to her mom. Plus she's going through puberty too and the whole vampire thing so her rebellious nature seemed fine here. Kids do that sometimes and even though it's annoying it's human. I don't know if Nicole believes that anymore, because she wanted Amy and Brad to break out in the last episode. It really seems like she's checked out of the project and just wants all of this to end. I wonder what criteria the vampires need in order to create more vampires. Do they just have to suck a bit of their blood for them to turn compared to the scientists who look like they were killed completely? Hopefully they expand on this on the show.
  19. Every episode has been fantastic for me and the latest one is no different. Amy and Brad are still the stars of the show and I love their chemistry. Babcock, while I feel for her, is clearly into her new powers. It makes sense too, considering how powerless she's felt all of her life. Going after Nicole like that though....Babcock is going to be in for a rude awakening when she bites Nicole only for Nicole to come back and be a vampire too. I wonder if they'll have a better bonding time then? It's at least nice to know that Babcock was purely interested in Nicole and not Richards. For some reason that makes me feel better, because you know that he's all like "She's after me, because she loves me or is obsessed with me." Only to find that she's actually obsessed with Nicole. I don't think his ego could take that. This is the problem with going after death row inmates. Not all of them are going to be like Carter. Those like Winston just want to kill and those like Babcock want to rejoice in her newfound strength and be free. Outside of Carter, Amy and potentially Elizabeth, all of the other vampires seem like the worst people to be vampires. These scientists at Project Noah have horrible tastes in lab rats. Oh, I just realized something. Since everyone Winston bit turned, doesn't this mean that the Asian doctor turned as well only for him to flat line again? What about the female doctor that Carter bit when he accepted his vampirism? I want the best for Amy and Carter, but I'm with you there. Let them all fry. I was surprised by the Lear and Nicole here. Especially Nicole. She was willing to do these experiments if it meant saving the lives of millions. A million lives over one. But now that Amy is in the picture and Elizabeth, it's back to one over a million. Since both Amy and Elizabeth haven't gone off the deep end, would they actually die if Fanning dies or just feel horrible pain?
  20. Was Knansie telling the truth about Marisol not being able to see Macy? Cyd said that her boyfriend became a demon and tried to kill her, so she had to vanquish him. Could it be that Marisol would have awakened the dormant demon inside Macy and caused Macy to try to kill her? Which in turn would result in Demon Macy dying and Knansie not being able to increase the demon species on earth? I'm glad Lucy is hanging around. I like the girl and it just sucks that she's being controlled by her ex-boyfriend's dad. Oh well. And somehow, Parker is now growing on me. First Galvin and now Parker. It would be nice if Parker remains a friend for now and works with the Charmed Ones while trying to put down his demon side. It would be nice if the show somehow makes a case that just because someone has some demon in them, that doesn't mean that they're evil. Everyone is in control over their own destiny and everyone can be good or evil. Maybe if Macy and Parker embrace their darkness without falling into evil then it would be an interesting twist to the show.
  21. I was expecting a boring week, but I'm excited about Wednesday. Desus & Mero are fantastic, so let's all hope they get two segments and they're allowed to talk about politics along with their new show. ...knowing the View they'll get a quick 3 minute segment, but I'll keep hoping for more!
  22. Underneath everything, I think Bitsy is probably a nice person. I mean, she was seen as the sweetheart on Survivor. I'm not sure about Joy, but outside of Rosie, it seems like she also got along with the other hosts even after she left. I don't know if it's due to her family or Geddie, but there's someone there who definitely ruined her sweetness and told her that this was the way to get by on the View. Even though I was technically on her side during the Split Screen Gate, I still don't think Elisabeth has to answer for what Fox said about Rosie and it shouldn't have been brought up on the air, I feel like Geddie jumped on this chance and made things 1000% times worse. What could have been. Either way, despite everything she turned into she's still better than Meghan on the show.
  23. Meghan made her point during the Amazon conversation and then interrupted everyone else. Maybe this is why they let her end the conversations, because that way she'll remain silent and let everyone else have their piece before she starts interrupting people. When I heard about the Amazon topic, I thought it was sad that all of those jobs were missing and I'm glad Sunny brought up that these were all (or most) high level job, which is fine but also sad because like Sunny said there are local people who are on food stamps and they won't be getting those jobs. If Amazon is right beside a housing project like that, then rent prices will go up along with everything else around the building so those people will be struggling to find a place to live. I'm in the minority, because I liked her hair, but this picture is way too funny.
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