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Everything posted by CheezyXpressed

  1. Her criticism towards Rashida was that Rashida supports BDS and she doesn't like that AOC said that Israel is occupying parts of Palestine, which doesn't make sense because that's a fact. What does she think settlements are, fun houses that everyone can live in? I didn't even find Omar's tweet offensive, because it seemed clear to me that she was talking about the lobbyists and not Jews in general. Lobbyists are all about money, but she apologized so that should have been the end of that. I'm glad that the ABC guy was there, because if he wasn't then these statements would have just gone by without any retort.
  2. Your welcome. 😛 This is the first time I've seen Lolo in anything, so I'm kind of at a loss by her whole "False Prophet" and then dragging Ryan on Twitter. Her comments on Tom could be true, but even then she has to know that Big Brother has live feeds right?
  3. Maybe. I mean, she said on Insta that we don't know the real Tom and that YouTube scrubbed all of what he did in the house. If only BB has something where views could watch the house and see what's really going on? Oh and then she decided to talk smack about Ryan https://mobile.twitter.com/lolojones/status/1096119961762713600 She seems like a sore loser.
  4. Congrats to Tamar. She deserved it due to gameplay and her alliances, but this season makes me wish that they don't have another celeb bb anytime soon. The first season was so much fun. Sure the winner at the end wasn't right, but it seemed more strategic and less personal. Omarosa and Ross were against each other, but they still had convos and seemed cordial. You can really say the same here. I don't know. It was awkward and took away from Tamar's great gameplay.
  5. They should have had Dr. Ruth for more than one segment. One to talk about her show and one where she answers questions. Also, criticism of Israel (i.e. the government) and their policies are not anti semantic. To say this is a huge disservice to the Palestinians and the Israelis living there.
  6. I really need to sleep lol. I think Ricky might win. All the guys will vote for him, because Tamar scared them. The ladies will vote for Tamar, but Nat might vote for Ricky since she'd have seen that Tamar was okay with her leaving. This might have been a smart move on his part. And now I really have to sleep. Night y'all!
  7. I'm in bed, just saw that it's Ricky and Tamar in the end. I guess Tamar wins....I don't see Lolo voting for someone who kicked her out, but I do see Tom and Kato voting for Ricky. ....if Julie is adamant about saying Moonves no matter what, then the least that she could do is scrap this final two and just name Kandi the winner. I don't think anyone, save Ricky and Tamar, would mind.
  8. I'm not staying up for this. 11pm is just way too late for me. I'll probably watch it on Global after. But I think I'm fine with whoever wins. I'm leaning more with Kandi winning and I'd be fine with Dina too. The rest made people cry in the house, but if one of the three win then we'll have our tier African American winner. That's pretty huge, considering how long the show was on the air.
  9. Richards is an ass. I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him or go back to that loser. Is his ego so much that he doesn't want to admit that Babcock has been messing with him? Even though what Nicole was doing was unethical and getting Amy on board was horrible, I'm glad that she's still human underneath that lab coat. I wonder why the other vampires didn't mess with her. I'm curious to see what she'll do when she meets Babcock. Hopefully she breaks out and goes to Brad and Amy. If that happens, I hope the show doesn't put Nicole and Brad together and then Richards getting angry over that when he's with Babcock later. We might get another Fanning if that happens. Daniel dying is okay with me, because he was stupid too. Plus, it allowed us to finally meet Winston who, while a horrible human being, is also quite delightful. A great manipulator too. It was obvious that he was in control the entire time, but like he said, he likes making himself look powerless in front of people to see what they would do. Putting him with the overachieving scientist was a recipe for disaster and you could tell that Winston loved every moment. I did too...Is it wrong that I hope we see more from him? I was missing Carter and then he showed up. He looked menacing when talking to Brad, especially when he got up, but then his lips started to quiver and my heart broke for him all over again. I need him to be okay. I really need him to be okay and at peace. So far we've seen the vampires control at least three (four if you count Richards) people at the facility and instead of doing something about it, they want to weaponize them. Is it sad that this isn't hard to believe? I'm still loving the show, can't wait to see what happens next.
  10. I don't know if that's true. I think she'd be able to win against Ricky and Tamar. Not sure about Kandi or Dina though.
  11. When I watched, it felt like Kandi just wanted to vent about having a frustrating conversation she had with Tom. She understood that he wanted Ricky out and wanted to make sure that this was the way to go. I believe she even told Tamar this and said that Tom is just really gunho about Ricky leaving. Maybe it's because it's been 20 days, but she wrongly assumed that Tamar would be rational about it. It did seem like Tamar was at first, but then the gold room told her to go ham on Tom. Kandi looked annoyed when she was hearing it, so I don't think she expected Tamar to do that. This just makes me feel bad for Tom and Kandi. Tom, for obvious reasons. But Kandi hasn't had anyone to talk to since the beginning of the game, because Tamar made sure that everyone viewed her as an annoyance. People were afraid that if they spoke to Kandi, they'd face Tamar's wrath, so Kandi has been alone for most of the game. Dina has been there, but Dina is also not here. And despite all this, Kandi has been loyal to Tamar.
  12. I feel the same. I'd love for it to be Tom and Kandi who are at the top of the AFP just to see Tamar's face. She says that she and Kandi are cool now, but if she learns that people like Kandi more than her I think their friendship might fall apart again.
  13. I hope Kandi saw that Tamar won't be a proper ally and she flips. She should go to Ricky and Lolo and explain that she and Tamar have been working for awhile, so she expects to be out up. Then he nominated Tamar and Kandi, Dina wins and saved Kandi and then Tamar leaves. Tamar probably whispered to Kandk that she won't use the Veto so Tom can leave, but isn't that why Tamar was angry at Tom before? It's okay for Tamar to betray her ally but not Tom? Kandi is too good for this show and season.
  14. Tamar has poor jury management skills and she's been super extra the entire time, so I don't fault her for the two dancing because that's to be expected. What I don't like is how she didn't use the Veto on Kandi. Tamar keeps getting annoyed that Kandi is ruining Tamar's game, but Tamar has no problem doing the same to her. Screaming at Tom two seconds after Kandi confides in her. Not using the veto, when you know Kandi would have immediately helped Tamar out. I hope Lolo/Ricky turn on her and that Kandi helps out with this. As for Tom. I think he played horribly and let his paranoia get to him. But he didn't deserve the vicious treatment from the Gold Room.
  15. Imagine if Jonathon, Ryan, and Kandi teamed up from the beginning to kick out all of the problematic people. I wouldn't mind having a final three of them. Throw in Joey and Dina and make it a final five. Oh what could have been!
  16. I've been checking on Reddit and someone mentioned that he brought up Tamar as a replacement so that Ricky can go.
  17. Yep. And now he's thinking of using it on NEM so everyone will be forced to vote Ricky out. Which is fine, but he's alienated his only teammate, Kandi, when he said that if she's not on board then he might put up Tamar so Ricky will definitely go home.
  18. As a fellow Canuck, I'm going to try to give Tom the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe he knows that the house is against him. So him antagonizing his only ally and the only one nice to him, will somehow show the others that he isn't down with anyone and maybe they will only go after him and not worry about Kandi? The way he's playing, I don't think Tom thinks he'll go far so maybe he's doing too much and trying to keep Kandi safe without actually keeping her safe? Or, he's just doing too much and doesn't care anymore? He should sit with Kandi again and say that if they get Ricky out now, then in the next comp they'll get Nat out. Then again, it's not like Dina or Kandi will win so...
  19. I can't wait to see whether Lolo says, "I can't believe Tom used the veto and is now trying to BD me! He's the son of the devil!" or "I can't believe Tom didn't use the veto when he said that I was going to go up. What a monster!" Hopefully, Kandi speaks to Tom and tells him to stick to the plan. And during the double eviction, I'd love it if Dina wins just to see what she'll do. I think she'll lose it, but if she somehow wins it will be funny to see. I think she's smarter than she lets on. But because she gives off a clueless look and speaks nonsensically no one is even paying her any attention. Dina might win this, because everyone will forget that she's even there. Edit: I spoke too soon. Tom is doing too much. Just for the sheer fun of it, I hope it's Kandi/Dina final two with both of them never winning anything until the end.
  20. If Tamar ends up winning the veto and doesn't use it, how angry would Lolo be?
  21. Poor Carter. Poor Rachel. Poor guy who was shot in the head by Richards. This show keeps getting better and better. Like everyone else, Brad and Amy are fantastic together. I really love their scenes and banter. Fanning is a delightful villain. He's a jerk, but I can understand why people follow him. It's scary, considering what he's planning to do, but I want to see it happen too lol. Babcock really is seducing Richards and instead of being smart, he just runs away from it while acting strong. I like that she was sent to Amy, probably thought a feminine touch would help bring Amy to their side, only for it to backfire. Hopefully Amy helps Carter. I want only good things for him.
  22. I feel like they didn't really go in depth with Liam's comments. I want to preface this by saying that I don't agree with what he was thinking or his rage. It stemmed from a place of anger and bigotry and that is never right. But why are people condemning him for being honest and saying that he got help, but not understanding that we have policies that target minorities based on the same reasoning. Police target black people because there's an environment that views black people as thugs. The U.S. Is building a wall to keep out the bad hombres, based on the idea that they're rapist and drug dealers. Every Muslim knows that if you go to a mosque, there will be informants there trying to lead people to do bad things. Shoot, even women get blasted by incels and nice guys due to misconceptions and the women get killed as a result. Even on a micro level, whenever a terrorist attack happens Muslim women tell each other to be extra careful because people will target us. Or they'll pity us for things that have nothing to do with my life. It's unfortunate, but if we keep viewing people as other and not as our neighbours, friends, or whatever then you won't escape these feelings of bigotry. I disagree with Joy here, because we should be talking about it and realizing that everyone is guilty. That is normal, what isn't normal is not getting help for it or letting it stew to the point of breaking.
  23. I think I have better faith in Tom now compared to before, because there's no secret power and Kato isn't around to ruin things. Kandi seems smart enough to make sure he remains on course to breaking up the Lolo, NEM, Ricky alliance. He should put Lolo and NEM up and if Ricky wins it, then I'd be interested to see if he uses it or not if he's not on the block. If he truly is all of chaos then he might start backing away from them and go towards Tamar and Kandi. It won't work, but I can see him trying to do that. Even if he does use it, Tom can nominate Tamar. Ricky and Lolo/NEM will vote for Tamar while Dina and Kandi vote for Lolo/NEM. Tom would break the tie and hopefully he'll go for Lolo/NEM. I think Tom will nominate Ricky and Lolo though.
  24. I just realized that after my post lol. Okay, so my hope lies in Dina because if Kandi gets Veto then I think Dina will go up and ruin this.
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