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Everything posted by CheezyXpressed

  1. The funny part is that during that exchange Abby mentioned smoking gun first by saying, "I'll say it, it's a smoking gun." But didn't dwell on the gun part since she was making a point.
  2. I definitely agree with you there. There's too much too soon, but I think once we get past episode 13 things should start to settle itself in terms of pacing. There are times when low ratings will knock you out, but sometimes the CW will get rid of a show that does okay in ratings just because it wants to change things up (Secret Circle).
  3. It does seem like Meghan was spoken to about what happened, because today she's hardly spoken and sounds sad when she does. It works for the show, since the others do have chemistry and can continue fine, but I do hope that Meghan feels better and just learns to listen more than yell.
  4. Joy: There's been no other President that has had their own news organization. Whenever he says something Fox News backs him up. Abby: I don't know if you can say that.. Joy: Okay, but let me finish first. Abby: Ok. That's all I want. Joy said her point and then Abby countered and it was all fine and dandy. A proper conversation and discussion without any bad feelings or tension. Just a differing of opinions but a normal conversation. Unfortunately, Meghan dampened the mood soon after. Fun story, I'm watching the show and a Cheezy family member cam in and said, "Is Meghan angry yet?"
  5. I forgive the show's fast paced nature due to it only having 13 episodes at first, before it was raised to 22. They had to get enough plot threads out there to garner interest and make people want another season. If the show gets renewed, then I think the writers will slow things down a notch. Galvin and Macy have a good platonic chemistry. The show is forcing them together, but they work better as friends. It's sad that Galvin had chemistry with Summer and Macy has had more chemistry with Harry and the bug guy, but it is what it is. I don't actually mind Galvin as much when he's a friend and not being a passive aggressive Nice Guy. If he ends up learning witch craft and learning about his heritage, while remaining a non romantic interest to the girls, then I think it would be pretty interesting. His family knows magic, so there's something there. I didn't like Parker before, but his story is starting to have potential and he does have chemistry with Hunter and Maggie. Hunter is showing emotion. which might show that demons are not all bad. I'm really interested in seeing how this show progresses with this. It would be even better if Parker could emote more, but he did better this episode than the last. Charity and Harry don't have chemistry though, so seeing that almost kiss was awkward to watch. Charity casually mentioning genocide is kind of off putting though. I wonder if Harry will learn that the Elders purposely placed Fiona in the asylum/purgatory place due to her affiliation with the witch group. Charity definitely seems to know more about them than she is letting on. The witch group makes perfect sense since the Elders have always been shady. There's obviously going to be witches who will try to rebel against them, while still being on the good side. Perhaps the Charmed Ones will go down this route as well? I mean, their Mom did it.
  6. I didn't even say anything to her or tagged her. I just mentioned that I didn't like her unprofessional behaviour and was blocked. I'm kind of surprised too, because I didn't attack her.
  7. I think that's what she was trying to do as well, but Whoopi introduced the topic by comparing Bush to Trump. Even Abby kind of eluded to the fact that Bush could handle the press while Trump can't. She didn't say Trump's name, but it was clear what she was trying to say. Then when Joy was saying how she liked the clean act bill and Trump is ruining things. I think the moment Joy spoke about climate change that's when Meghan flipped.
  8. The faces on Sunny, Abby and Whoopi....Even though Sara's new show isn't doing well, I'm sure she's happy that she doesn't have to deal with this anymore.
  9. They were arguing as they went on break and you could see the faces of those in the audience range from wondering what was going on to "Oh this again...." Fighting may bring in the ratings, but it's making the show unbearable to watch. It's troubling too, because it's making me nostalgic for Elisabeth. We all wondered who would be worse than her and now we have our answer. It's fine being a conservative on the show, in fact I welcome it, but it seems like if you're a blonde conservative you can't handle it.
  10. I don't think I can handle any more of these fights and outbursts, especially if it means going to commercial so soon. It's incredibly unprofessional and you could see people in the audience not looking amused by the entire thing.
  11. This season has made me like Cleen, who would of thunk it? I think Amanda is staying because Tiara and Angel left early and they were the two best female artists that they had. Stacey wasn't the greatest, but she was knocked out when she did a better tattoo than Austin, so now that there are no females left they have to keep Amanda. The problem is, she's not good. If she was like Tatu Baby, who was in the bottom a lot but was still an amazing artist, then it would be understandable but she's not. She's still around because Christian viewed her as a daughter and decided to keep her around at the cost of his team. I don't really get it, but whatever. She was fine in the beginning, but she peaked early. Chris mentioned that when he's angry or frustrated that he needs some time alone to process it before moving on, but Christian is confrontational and doesn't give him space. Chris has been consistently good and while he plays it safe, he managed to beat Tiffer last week so....I read that he got texts from his teammates saying that they were sad for him to go, only for him to learn that they backstabbed him while he watched the episode. Hopefully after this season we never have to see Christian again or any coaches. Let them all fend for themselves and limit the drama.
  12. The Isabelle segment was a waste of time, but it was funny how big she was smiling when she held onto the knife.
  13. I may not agree with Abby, but she's still professional and can engage normally after. This is why she's better. Plus, she never said that there's something she hates about her job. when Meghan tried to include her too, Abby immediately shut that down.
  14. I think my bias is showing. I don't mind Abby raising her voice, because it seems like she has some insight on what's going on via her father. Plus, we still managed to hear most of what Ana said. It did sound like she was listening to Ana but disagreed and agreed on some points. There was still a conversation happening here. Plus after it was over Anne still smiled and spoke to the other women. Yet Meghan annoyed me, because she was over talking and not listening. And she continued to look angry when they were leaving.
  15. I feel bad for Sherri that you didn't include her. Her latest stint on the View as guest co-host was good. When she isn't overplaying her shtick she's fine.
  16. Maybe it's because I've never done any Christmas celebrations, but the Rudolph segment was a bit over the top for me. So much passion so much anger over this?
  17. It's always hypocritical, because both sides do this and then romanticize past leaders. Everyone, including Bush, Clinton and Obama, have done messed up stuff. The problem is that it was more hush hush so not everyone knew about it. The ladies said that they didn't know that tear gas was used before and that's a problem. I don't like Trump, but I do appreciate that his bad actions are so transparent. While we still don't know everything, we do hear a lot and that's a good thing. Hopefully this level of transparency continues and doesn't stop once he leaves office. That being said, what is happening now is happening now, so talking about the past isn't ideal. I hate to bring up another show, but the Real managed to have a better conversation about this issue than the View.
  18. What's wrong with AlJazeera? I don't get Meghan's point there. So what if he sold his channel to them? As for Leo Dicaprio, his documentary acknowledged his own hypocrisy of using planes while trying to combat climate change and how naive he was/is about the issue. But it also stated that the problem isn't from an individual level but from a corporate/state level. We can all try to reduce our waste and change our light bulbs, but if things are not being done at a higher level then everyone is doomed. I'm glad the rest of the table understood that this wasn't a left right issue. Who cares what Leo or Al Gore is saying? Like Joy said, they don't make the policies the president does.
  19. Outside of yesterday and Friday, I thought this week would be boring so I haven't been watching. Bernie is interesting, but I suspected that he'd praise Meghan's dad and he did. Everything else seemed ho-hum, but now I'm regretting my choice if today looked fun.
  20. The scythe thing that the demons were trying to get formed into the weapon Sailor Moon use to use to battle the Negaverse. After I saw that, I couldn't take that right seriously. Macy's dad is probably locked up in that prison, which would be interesting. Not only for the character, but it would provide a proper reason why the elders wouldn't allow Harry with Macy....it would be a rehash, but since they are going with Cole/Phoebe 2.0 then what the hey. As long as Parker isn't seen as just evil and treated like Cole was at the end, then I guess I'm okay with it. I don't like the actor for Parker, but since he's been bumped to a main cast member we'll probably have to get use to him. Just like we have to get use to Galvin. I preferred him here than before. If he remains a friend to Macy then I'm okay with it. And while it was annoying that he was interrupting her, I think he knew that she was going to fire him and tried to give reasons for her to not do that. I think many people would do something similar and hope for the same outcome that happened here. The lightning girl is probably going to hook up with Mel, which would mean that 2 out of the 3 charmed ones will be involved with 'bad' characters.
  21. This is pretty much how I felt and similar to how I felt when Austin was against Stacey. Stacey/Turk did a better tattoo, but both parities should leave already. I don't care for Cleen or Christian, even though they put out some amazing work, and while I'm happy to see three black contestants make it this far I'm rooting for Team Cleen because Christian is just the worst.
  22. I assumed that since the show would be thanksgiving centric that I should skip it, but if they spoke about real world stuff and Meghan was okay then I'll have to check it out on YouTube when they upload it.
  23. She is a grown woman. I mean, she's older than me lol, but it's still sad seeing someone behave that way on air. It's almost like she feels like she has to be the sole Republican who is always with her side and trying to get others to understand, without understanding that this is the View and you're meant to just share your View and move on to the sex topics. Say what you want about Elisabeth, but I do remember her still participating in the other conversations and getting along with the other co-hosts (minus post-fight Rosie and Joy). I just don't get why she's so angry.
  24. I kind of feel bad for Meghan. I wish she had people who could tell her to behave properly or at least just be mindful of her body language.
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