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Everything posted by Lion

  1. That's just not true. One need only read a story or two about children in foster care to understand that children can and will continue to love their parents, even when their parents are their abusers.
  2. I'm surprised that others are surprised that Fiona didn't stick with her ultimatum. I mean, that was always going to be the case because it's in keeping with who the Gallaghers are. They even still allow Frank to stick around after all these years of him trying to suck the life out of everything he touches. Furthermore, that's also just realistici. People will issue ultimatums all the time and then backtrack when faced with the consequence. It's different saying you won't support a teenage mother's choice to have a baby and then seeing that baby in person. A lot of people wouldn't be able to kick a baby out in the literal cold. I really like Kev and V's story. On the surface they look like they have this totally messed up life. But really they are the most well-adjusted and level-headed in the cast. I just hope it doesn't turn out that Svetlana screws them over. It's apparent that they gave him a lot of money. We know that Frank wouldn't have handed over all that they gave him to Fiona for her wedding. He always always always keeps some for himself. Plus, I doubt he has the other half he owes the hitman. And it may be an off duty cop.
  3. Um, the communicating is in the symbolic refusal to acknowledge anything more that JR says. Communicating isn't just via written or spoken words, ya know. Some examples of actions being a form of communicating - Con attendees held up lights in show of support for Jared Padelecki suffering from depression, NYPD turning backs on Mayor deBlasio while he was speaking, my nephew kicking and screaming when I direct him to the bath tub.
  4. According to the Bruner rule, I've prostituted myself. Like, a lot. Guess I can check "sex work" off the ole bucket list.
  5. Damn these people have some terrible PR folks. Would be interesting/amazing if WonderCon attendees planned a silent protest during the The 100 panel. Maybe turning their backs or holding up Clexa masks every time JR speaks or something. It's obvious he doesn't get it, but maybe in the future others will get it and will be more sensitive when writing LGBT characters.
  6. Wow, I sound like a broken record so I'll just point this out once more. Yet more evidence of the minority voice being held to a higher standard. Discussing the con and lie of religion in a very obvious tv/radio interview is only 'dickish' if one thinks the truth shouldn't be discussed and/or if one thinks that the minority voice should just shut up and take the abuse tossed their way because we must always pander to the vocal and loud majority. Hmm, seems we've all heard this rhetoric before. "You can be queer and here, just don't flaunt it in our faces by holding hands with your partner in public or holding parades" or "you can be free and black, just don't try to sit at our counter" or "you can be a woman in politics, just don't do anything that reminds us you lack a penis" and so on and so forth. "You can be an atheist, just don't talk about it, and if you do, use code and talk about the constitution instead."
  7. Yes, he got all up in everyone's faces...by politely handing out cards and then standing at his own clearly labeled booth until people came to speak with him. I mean, seriously, did several people watch an entirely different episode??? Maybe some are mixing up Silverman with the narrator who did get up in people's faces, with a camera. Or maybe people are confusing what Silverman was doing at his own clearly labeled booth with his private radio and tv interviews he was given, formats which are quite different than meeting with the public. Again, the minority voice is always held to a higher unfair standard. In case anyone is misremembering the segment:
  8. It's not unusual or even surprising that the minority voice is held to a much higher standard than others. I'm an atheist in the bible belt and its ridiculous the things I have to put up with. I get labeled aggressive or hostile for simply walking away when my coworkers decide to do some prayer session, and I work for a government entity where fucking prayer shouldn't be part of the daily grind. The dude standing in front of his booth engaging people who stop by at CPAC is only a hair more 'aggressive' than I am when I walk away from work prayers, and that's only because he's making noise whereas I'm nearly silent about it. There's not really any way for the minority position to win here because the standards are always impossibly high.
  9. It's pretty obvious what his purpose is. To bring awareness. It seems pretty reasonable to both shed a spotlight on atheists and agnostics as well as to pull the political parties back to secularism. I mean, religion before women's health is on the chopping block AGAIN, states all over the place are trying to pass 'religious freedom' laws to make is legal for people to discriminate against LGBT under the guise of their gods, etc. Who's the douchebag?
  10. It's weird to be upset at the atheist when he was at the CPAC, a political event that is drenched in religious ideology.
  11. Ditto. I've lost complete interest in this show, but am sort of fascinated by the fallout from the showrunner's horrible gaffe. ETA: Was perusing that wedeservebetter.com site and got to the part where the #ClexaForMe day happened and seeing the showrunners and writers encouraging it and soothing everyone's fears despite already having filmed Lexa's death is really sickening. I don't think I can read on.
  12. That's the thing, though. Most people who say they are for small government - especially those GOP politicians - are for it in words only. What they usually mean is that they don't want to be involved in those 'liberal' things like health, education, the environment and so on. They want the biggest baddest government for security, surveillance, immigration, military and such. Government that improves the lives of all, including those people don't like,is bad. But government that harms the lives of many, especially those people don't like, for a symbolic feeling of safety is good. It's hard to make sense of it.
  13. Really good episode! The casting on this show has been top notch. I connected so well with the priest that I felt an itch in my throat when he died. Wish he could have stuck around. Bummed we still haven't seen whether or not Luci is still bulletproof to people not named Chloe or Amenadude. Hopefully we get certainty when Malcolm tries to assassinate him. Very interesting interactions between Luc and Maze. He sniped at her multiple times and she was giving him the eye. What happens if she turns against him? Is she even physically capable of doing so or is her loyalty oath just words? Really bummed this show is bleeding viewers.
  14. Yup, that was seriously infuriating. I can't imagine a way I could possibly continue watching the show now.
  15. Thaddeus has been in the top 1000 names since name registries started to become a thing.
  16. They might have technically been actors, but my experience with Drumpf supporters tells me that they were probably the real deal. They never make any sense and it's always the liberal media's fault when Trump is found to have lied or supported the KKK or whatever.
  17. The Cruz segment had me in stitches. I've encountered a lot of people over the past few months who state they support Cruz because he's so disliked. It boggles my mind that being obscenely disliked is somehow a positive. It seems a lot of people conclude that being dislike means that he's not beholden to anyone and I'm always looking wide-eyed and frantically pounding my fists to the table trying to explain how being disliked doesn't mean what they think it means.
  18. To those of you who have suffered extreme emotional distress due to these posters who believe speaking about bullying and other mistreatment is childish or immature or the poster who is now denying that allegations of bullying have even been made, know this - you are not alone. You are not childish. You are not at fault. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You do not need to prove anything. If you have been bullied, there are many of us who are decent and who believe you without requiring you to jump through hoops. I'm sorry you've had to be subjected to the terrible, disgusting commentary from the posters in this thread.
  19. Anyone that has to wonder whether or not bullying is wrong has a problematic relationship with ethics. smh. Gonna have to stick with my previous stance of no further engagement because conversations with these sorts of people never fail to make decent people ill.
  20. Sure, things we see on screen can turn us away from a show. But things that happen in the background can be equally important to people. People can stop watching the show for whatever reason. My issue is with this disgusting assertion that speaking up about bullying and other mistreatment is childish. I can't even....Just because YOU think that twitter trends are eye rolling doesn't mean that they actually are. There is a right and wrong here, and I'm sorry and shocked that so many here don't seem to understand the wrong. It's genuinely disturbing. I guess now I'm starting to understand why so many didn't get why Lexa's death was problematic.
  21. Wow. Yeah, when these actors have the clout to be on Vanity Fai, maybe you'd have a point. Until then, their platform is twitter and cons. Despite what some claim, twitter isn't some childish platform. There isn't some guidebook that says speaking up must only be done in certain types of ways. Sometimes in happens in courts, sometimes in Vanity Fair, sometimes at little-known conventions, sometimes even by accident. The fact that what they are doing will likely end up hurting them in the long run is what makes it brave. They are saying what they can, where they can, when they can, probably pushing the limits of whatever their contracts stipulate, and knowing full well that their careers are likely to suffer for it. Further discussion on this will be nothing but ongoing disagreements so I'm no longer going to engage. There is simply no way that I would ever agree, in any way, that people speaking up about bullying or discrimination is childish. The very thought violently disgusts me and I can't see the point in further discussing with those who thinks speaking out against bullying and other forms of mistreatment is immature. Gag.
  22. Sorry, but no. There is nothing 'childish' or 'immature' about the public being informed when an employer is mistreating their employees. A personal grievance might warrant discussion behind closed doors, but a problem that affects many isn't something to be swept away. I can't imagine any decent person would claim that it's childish or immature for workers to protest Wal-Mart for any variety of things including low pay, discrimination against women, etc. A huge problem in the entertainment industry is that the careers of workers is often held for ransom should they speak out about harassment, abuses, discrimination and more. Kesha's recent court battles is but one example (I'd challenge anyone to even so much as imply that Kesha's abuses should have been handled completely behind closed doors). This isn't just a little minor argument a single cast member had with a director. It's not some petty difference of artistic opinion. These cast members are fucking brave for speaking out about mistreatment on set. They don't have the sort of clout in the industry that would insulate them from this. They aren't Leo diCaprio, for example. They are letting the public know that a product we consume is being created with questionable ethics. This is not dissimilar to something like an Apple employee blowing the whistle on sweatshop labor creating our ipods. Perhaps you've decided that you don't care how a product ends up in your home so long as it does, but to claim that it's childish to reveal possible abuses is sickening. It's the same sort of rhetoric that comes from the crowd who says Kesha should shut up and be grateful her abuser made her famous.
  23. I've spoiled myself with this, didn't realize CW killed off another lesbian on Jane the Virgin. So not excited to catch up with that show now. I think it was last season they killed a bisexual character with Sara Lance on Arrow, though they maybe think it doesn't count since they brought her back.
  24. That tumblr is spot on and needs to be shared everywhere. I get red in the eyes when someone ignorantly says "but equality blah blah blah".
  25. Never has a LWT episode bored me so much nor has one made me feel so tiny and helpless. Tackling other topics seem almost easy by comparison. With things like tobacco companies, or transgender rights, or abortion laws, or even Drumpf, I feel like I can react immediately and even do something. I can vote, I can write letters, I can protest, I can share with people I know, etc. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do about special purpose districts. Pretty much the only conclusion I had before falling asleep is that it seems like a good money making scheme and then went down the rabbit hole discovering just how unethical my mind can be.
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