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Yours Truly

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Everything posted by Yours Truly

  1. LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for sharing your FIRST HAND experience to outline what Sutton at the very least MAY HAVE been facing. I don't think anyone can absolutely deny the potential for Suttons distress in this instance. Also, although I don't have personal experience with such matters it totally makes sense that a change like him moving to another country would warrant revisiting the current custody arrangement. I mean wouldn't they have to now include provisions for how taking the child out of the country would work? Timing, scheduling, length of time allowed? Also, just because something is on paper doesn't mean that her Ex can't OOOOPPPPPSSSS blow past the designated date the child should been back in the states. The only recourse Sutton would have is to fight it in court internationally which would be a horrendous thing. Child custody is very tricky and can be a very tumultuous experience. I don't blame Sutton for the knee jerk panicked reaction of what "could be".
  2. This has always stood out to me and I always wondered why Kim got so much flak. Yeah, yeah it comes out that Kim is an addict but her first season Kim just seemed so unsure of herself and out of place all the while slightly keeping to herself and showing herself to be awkward. Even her "blow up your lips some more" moment wasn't even that bad or erratic. I understood Kim's point but all people mostly wanted to focus on was how Kim claimed to have taken care of the family which people wanted to challenge as not true. Whether or not people want to believe that Kim contributed to THAT degree I still think it's fair to say that Kim in fact WORKED more than her sisters so her observation and explanation about not being as socially adept as her sister still stands. The first season I found Kim to be pretty average among the other women besides being visibly awkward and uncomfortable. The following seasons, Kim was crucified and I'm not surprised her demeanor ended up showing more negatives. I'm inclined to believe that the bomb Kyle dropped at the end of the season tanked Kim's "functioning" part of her addiction ( you know, her ability to keep it somewhat hidden publicly) and this is why we see such a dramatic spiral in the following seasons. I'm happy she got off the show. Kyle seems to be all too happy to bring really harsh and stinging information out into the public eye about any and everyone else around her and that's always been why I don't like her. Kathy was a friend off and brought us some nice lighthearted humor and as Kathy came more and more into the fold Kyle slowly but surely divulged how rocky her relationship with Kathy can be. Kyle needs to out people and I truly and honest think its straight spite, retaliatory, vindictiveness and nothing else. Kyle desperately like showing people in a bad light and if she's got it out for you she's gonna create that narrative and figure out a way to spill as much as she can using whatever and whoever she can. And when she finds fame whores like Taylor, Rinna, Dianna, Teddi and to a lesser extent Dorit she has all she needs to set shit in motion. It's how she operates that's always rubbed me the wrong way. She has a very underhanded way about her. Crystal was very ready to jump on the Sutton hate train, Dianna too. Rinna is ready to do battle with whoever and Dorit is such a follower that she's game for anything. Brandi, as much as people hate her, had Kyle's number which is why Kyle went after her with gusto. Brandi understood that Kim was the scapegoat for Kyle's mean girl ways and wasn't having any of it. Too bad Brandi is now bat shit crazy so yeah, but back then Brandi really did have Kim's back for a while there.
  3. This too. I think it's so corny to focus on just the working out and being sober as a weird thing to be concerned about because of course it's a positive thing to be healthy but what no one is articulating clearly is that there seems to be an abrupt change with regards to Kyle that INCLUDES the working out and giving up alcohol. Kyle of course is going to misunderstand it to push her victim narrative and so she can go on the offensive claiming how ridiculous it is for the others to find fault in incorporating a healthy routine into her life. Girl be healthy but add that to your OBSESSIVE working out, cutting out alcohol, rumors in the press, missing wedding band. I think the ladies want to call out the lighter stuff cause that's better and safer (so they thought) to mention than dropping a question about her marriage issues and cheating rumors. They probably thought asking about the work outs and alcohol was an easier way to open the conversation and hopefully segway into what's really going on.
  4. THIS!! The repeated season one over the weekend and caught the dreaded limo scene with Kim and that episode really showed Kyle for who she is. At the party Kim comes in and hugs her best friend Melody and now I will say that editing may be at play here because we then see Kyle say that Kim is acting drunk. She whispers this to Lisa who of course looks bewildered and a tad bit taken aback. I like Lisa but I do have to admit that I didn't like how she handled the Kim situation with Kyle. Granted Kyle could have had this moment after observing Kim at the party for a while but the editing makes it seem like Kyle says this no long after Kim arrives at the party. After the Taylor Kim confrontation and you have ALL the wives hovering around Kim and Taylor continuously attacking Kim and Kyles bullshit, Kim removes herself from the party. Kyle then talks to Adrienne and IS DESPERATE for Adrienne to "ask the right question" because Kyle lays it on thick about how "nobody knows what she's gone through with her sister, there's a lot of crap that she CAN'T talk about"....... She goes on and on extra distraught and pained and continues to drop hints about all the things about Kim she HAS TO stay quiet about and how much it's taken a toll on her. She is desperately trying to lead Adrienne into the question "Oh my God, honey, what is it girl? Let it out if it's causing you this much distress" The way Kyle was presenting it was in a way the begs the person to give her permission to finally open up about HER troubles and she needs to unload whatever is weighing on her. It was funny to watch cause Adrienne was such a limp lightweight and God bless her she's was really trying to be neutral so she didn't bite. You can see Kyle get more and more frustrated with Adrienne and then walks off with a hump and a " uggghh forget it.." I bring this up because I think the producers A) wanted to remind viewers how Kyle is know to be a hateful bitch by reshowing that season and B) to show us the similarity between Kyle trying hard to get the other person to out information for her. I found it funny how Kyle kept ad libbling for Sutton and creating a whole dialogue of what Sutton was actually saying (along with the new girl) basically putting words in Suttons mouth when she said none of what Kyle was declaring she did say. Another classic tactic. Sutton doesn't fall for it, doesn't give Kyle what she wants so Kyle just spouts a bunch of nonsense and somehow when the issue comes up again it's going to be about Sutton having to defend herself for the words and narrative Kyle created at the table and assigned to Sutton. And the wives will run with it and Sutton just might give in and admit that maybe she was thinking some of those things and VIOLA! Now we have Sutton guilty of something she didn't do. But back to the comparison to season one. Kyle LOVES outing something. She loves demanding a conversation and she loves putting words in peoples mouths. She loves acting like the wronged party and behaving as if someone has done something that they haven't done so she can be the victim. That whole exchange at the table was ridiculous. She created a WHOLE dialogue for Sutton and then scolded her for it meanwhile Sutton said NONE of the things Kyle was spewing. It's amazing the way Kyle sets the stage in such a messy and obvious way and it manages to stick. As a viewer I'm here barking at the TV saying but "I'm seeing this with my own eyes and hearing everything and yet the narrative is seriously going to shift to Kyle's lies being valid and Sutton being guilty of what Kyle's trying to accuse Sutton of? That's really gonna stick? OH COME ON!! I always hope that I'm wrong at shit doesn't turn out that way in the next episode. That somehow someone shuts it down or whatever cause it's just too much of a stretch of an imagination to believe these women didn't hear what I heard. It's makes my head hurt. I did love the way Sutton waved the whole thing away with "then it's cleared up, great" while taking a bite of her food. I just hope she follows up with more of that. She repeated it a couple of times that she's satisfied with her answer and she's fine to move on without anything else. That's a good approach. Sutton needs to shut down her participation in that narrative. Saying she's good and all her questions are answered would have been perfect. Cause Kyle's trying hard to set Sutton up and the new chick is right there with her trying to assign all the bullshit Kyle is serving up to Sutton.
  5. I really wish Sutton would stop offering up apologies WHEN SHE'S NOT WRONG!! This is why the women continue to scapegoat her. I hate how much they lay at Suttons feet that just simply isn't true or valid and Sutton eventually apologizes for some form or version of their trumped up negative assessment of her actions. This is what I mean when I say she still hasn't gotten much better in the way she handles them. She's a bit more measured and restrained but she's still very weak when it comes to sealing the deal. Garcelle also needs some work on sealing the deal and putting a period on some of her interactions with them. Garcelle tends to leave stuff open ended. It's funny, cause for all of the Garcelle praise and all of the strut Garcelle brings there never truly seems to be a solid period put on the end. She too, seems a bit wishy washy and limp in some of her interactions and that's one of the few things that bug me about Garcelle. I understand that she wants to make sure she comes across as level headed and not emotional but sometimes she sounds a tad bit whiny and it kinda grinds my gears a bit. I need some more solid assertiveness especially since she's so adept at having their numbers and giving it back but then, in my opinion, her momentum just dissipates and fizzles out leaving me feeling like when a show doesn't come back for another season after leaving us with a cliffhanger season finale. Cheated.
  6. Sutton is always getting blamed for everything. I mean she really is the scapegoat in this group and it just gives me all kinds of ick. I'm happy that Crystal doesn't seem that eager to join the pile on as much anymore but the season is still young so we will see. I just hope Sutton doesn't lose Garcelle as an ally cause if it wasn't for Garcelle I don't think Sutton would survive their antics. Sutton has gotten stronger with her push back but hasn't really gotten all that better, if that makes sense. Yes, she's more assertive and yes I'm happy she's gotten better in her tactics (I think she a little more thoughtful and measured in her one on one reactions and responses) but she hasn't gotten all that better with regards to expressing herself clearly. She's still awkward and she still backtracks when she tries to clarify past reactions and behaviors. Sutton needs a good dose of straight shooter serum. EX. Kyle pointing out her comment about being on the board of so and so at the Magic Mike show. My response to such a stupid comment being made by me: "Yeah, yeah that was pretty random, I know and to be honest I was annoyed and spouting dumb stuff. But yeah, the reason I was upset was because it got a bit too raunchy for my taste and I didn't want to watch the rest. End of story." And whenever she does have a sit down to discuss something her tone is waaaaayyyyy too apologetic. I like her measured way of speaking so that's not what I'm talking about but she is just way to contrite in her delivery especially when her behavior or reaction isn't all that bad. I need her to be a bit more steely in her apologies. I'm definitely one to own something and apologize but I'm also no one's whipping boy so my apologies (apologies over dumb petty shit, no serious heartfelt, to someone important) always have a hint of "and that's the last I want to hear about it" attached. You ain't gonna hold something over my head and continue to flog me for it over and over and it definitely ain't up for every and all of these ladies to use against me either. That's one of the things I hate about the franchise. The idea that everyone can use one petty incident over and over and over again as some sort of torture device. As much as I love Sutton her addition has made this particular practice much more frequent since Sutton encompasses so many traits of a scapegoat so she's such an easy target.
  7. And it's painfully obvious too. I can't believe anyone was on her side when she did what she did in LVP's home. That was beyond the pale but at the same time what she did to Kim in the Limo was absolutely heinous... oh and her manhandling of Sutton as well as dismissiveness to her miscarriage is another doosey of shit human behavior... come to think of it, it doesn't take a lot of investigating to find plenty of moments that show us that Kyle is just not a good person. I've been able to warm to her a season here and a season there because her antics were less in your face and the funny part comes through so I've been happy not to absolutely loathe her on occasion but man oh man she is just a plain ole nasty bitch.
  8. Never said it can be resolved just that I'll never condone normalizing bad behavior just because it has become so constant. I'll continue to criticize ugly and deliberate over organic and unplanned. In my opinion Sutton maneuvers through her moments as it happens. Maybe she handles it badly, maybe she's outgunned or maybe she comes out slightly unscathed. Either way I feel that Sutton is just Sutton. Good, bad, ugly, drunk, badly dressed whatever. To me, Suttons bad qualities are pretty mild. Not to say they can't bug, or rate a slew of eyerolls and not to say that some see qualities in Suttons that are even considered problematic. I still want there to be a line. I don't expect it but I WANT it and I BELIEVE it's not wrong to hope for it, as well as condemn those who gleefully cross it selfishly with the intention of major damage. I've stayed away from plenty of reality shows because their format crosses too many lines for me to stomach and the Housewives have come close on many occasions but I stick with it, with a hiatus here and there. The deliberate targeting of any housewife bugs me. That's why I call it out. The attacking of housewives bug me and I don't mean having a dramatic disagreement or airing out grievances either, because the show is all about drama. But lines being crossed using mental health and emotional distress (i.e gaslighting) and bullying is something I'll always speak out on. There's nothing wrong with sticking to my guns just cause the same ole' housewives broken record continues to spin. It'll always be wrong no matter how many times Sutton pulls out her face roller or how many "unhinged moments" Sutton has. That's just me.
  9. Exactly! Crystal seems bothered by the idea that her brother is still carrying on about the issue and it's written all over her face that she wants him to be over it. Cause you know that means this is a subject that puts HER in a bad light and God forbid Crystal takes accountability for any of her bad behavior. HER truth is all that matters donchaknow?
  10. That whole scene was ABSOLUTE cringe to me and Crystal is SOOOOOO defensive. Very, "oh well" about it too. You can see she doesn't like being MADE TO FEEL guilty about her part in it, not that she ACTUALLY feels guilty about it. I mean, that's some serious shit and Crystal looks a bit sheepish but doesn't really seem to look remorseful and seeing just how hard it STILL hits her brother just reinforces my dislike for Crystal. She's a spoiled, entitled woman with a dash of mean girl who thinks that her opinion on matters is what goes. It was a bit chilling to see her just blandly repeat "That's the Chinese way" like she was just explaining feng shui and not her and her mother ruining her brothers life. That little exchange really renewed my dislike for Crystal. I've always gotten a selfish vibe from her and that really sealed the deal for me.
  11. The treatment that Sutton receives is inappropriate, unacceptable and meanspirited. Full stop. I think its a cop out to wave a hand and say well she should just leave. Maybe she feels the show helps her getting stronger when it comes to her anxiety. Maybe it's something that gives her more confidence helps her be more assertive. Whatever Suttons reasons for being on the show doesn't excuse the ridculously offensive behavior of the the ladies towards Sutton. If it was just some catty drama that would be one thing but a big chunk of how they target Sutton revolves around her emotional state and trying to call into question her mental stability during any given conversation. To put it simply, they weaponize mental health and wellness and viciously hurl it at Sutton every chance they get. It's not only a Sutton thing for me it's the disgusting manner in which they go after her using something that isn't a laughing matter, shouldn't be taken lightly and most definitely shouldn't be used against ANYONE in such a nasty, hurtful way. Trying to normalize this sort of ugliness or blaming the wronged party sounds a whole lot like she's asking for it. From day one, I've always stuck with the idea that as raunchy and crazy as reality shows get (at least the one's I watch) crossing a certain line is, and will always be an unacceptable approach to "doing one's job". This is why I don't watch the way more volatile and questionable shows out there because I can't stomach them. Turning a blind eye to someone's bad behavior and rationalizing being a shit human is a skillset I've never acquired so there's also that.
  12. Nice that people notice, I mean in all honesty it should be pretty obvious since a lot of it is usually ON FILM. Kyle was the one to elaborate on Suttons mood and make unnecessary determinations about how the group should proceed. My observations that are backed up by what is shown on the show is that Sutton has a bad reaction to something and SOMEONE ELSE picks it up and runs with it and puts a negative spin on it when it can easily be a throw away moment. Now granted, I know the women are doing their thing to create drama but when it's based on blatant lies and misrepresentation about what Sutton ACTUALLY does that's when I feel like it's such a rip off. I saw with my own two eyes what happened can we at least try to keep the underhanded dealings a bit more stealth? Be a little more clever with whatever set up you're trying to implement. But no, it's just straight to accusations that doesn't even come close to what has actually happened. It's so obviously ridiculous. I think that's the biggest problem for me. When it comes to Sutton they really do take one detail that's accurate and then create this whole other story and make Sutton the center of it and in a negative way. Putting words in her mouth, telling her to own the narrative they've chosen for her based on their misrepresentation or misinterpretation on what she's actually done. That's the part that I feel goes to far. One thing turns into this HUGE slight that Sutton has to answer for and time and time again I'm always dumbfounded at how big the leaps are when it comes to what these women concoct in terms of Suttons transgressions. I'm constantly like "huh, what? where on earth did they get all that shit? How did they get there from Sutton using a face roller? Or Sutton returning a coat? or Sutton misunderstanding a prank? or Sutton feeling uncomfortable over a gift?" The amount of disdain they find for all actions Sutton is just so simple minded and distasteful. They assume reasons for Suttons actions and then accuse Sutton of bad behavior based on their ASSUMPTIONS without actually listening to Suttons stated reasoning. How are you going to tell someone they are lying about their own explanations because you think it's something else. Whether you may be right I think it's ridiculous to tell someone else what was going on in their own head even if you believe you have a good understanding of what you THINK is the real case. You can't harass someone into sharing your version of their thoughts and that's what they do to her. They TELL HER what she's really mad about then punish her for what they feel is dishonesty. I mean they don't even need Sutton around if they are going to completely discount what SHE'S saying is the issue and continue to believe the narrative they've created which is usually always way more dramatic then it even needs to be even if there is some accuracy in what they think is the real deal. Even if you are right that she wanted to go up on stage, so? Why does she have to admit it? Why does it turn into a witch hunt? It's the overkill. I get the creating drama part but it's the overkill in where they want to put Suttons mental state that gets me every time. They don't seem to be happy until they see Sutton visibly distraught and I don't care what anyone says, it's bullshit and in my eyes its not something that should be normalized just because it's a reality show. Yup, and it's never fun to watch. If drama is the goal, fine but low hanging fruit has always and will always bug me.
  13. I think the difference with me is that I don’t fall back on generic “can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen” logic. 💁🏻‍♀️ The shows are typical wash, rinse, repeat however I will still call out BS. Being on a show doesn’t excuse ugly behavior whether it’s expected or not. Sutton is there for a paycheck, or exposure, or whatever the hell she wants to use the show for. She should be able to take advantage of the platform just like the rest without the price being viewers accepting her mistreatment. Nope. I’ll continue to base my observations and opinions on how people should behave and not just conform to the model the franchise shoves down our throats. Im not losing any sleep over any of these ladies and their trials but I’m not gonna compromise what I think is right just because these women happen to be on a reality show. Whatever Sutton’s reasons are for staying on the show and subjecting herself to this doesn’t matter. No matter the format, treating people badly is wrong. No one “deserves” ugly treatment and deeming it okay sucks. Yeah she doesn’t need the money but apparently she needs something the show provides. Why should it be okay to torture her? As much as viewers WANT to describe the franchise this way it really ISNT supposed to be the premise so I refuse to accept that as some legit description of what the women should expect.
  14. I think its that I distinguish Suttons moods as just that, moods. They aren't actually outbursts. The erratic behavior happens when the "follow up" occurs and someone chases after her to prod her for more information about what's bugging her. Most of the time she doesn't want to spill cause Sutton, herself understands that it/she would either A) sound ridiculous out loud B) won't explain herself well C)not be received well D)is ill timed and not for a group discussion. Yes, she has her moments. It is what it is. I think it's wrong to expect her to NOT have moments. That's what triggers are. They show up in the most ridiculous of forms and affect emotions with no warning. I won't fault Sutton for having reactions to a cast of women that make it a point to "other" her. She has reason to have those misgivings and unfortunately it leads her to misread situations that then cause her to have emotional reactions. I give her that right to make mistakes espeically when she's around women that make it a point to put her on edge whenever they can. Even during "lighthearted" interactions she gets a lot of their needling aimed at her. All that stuff gets stored away in the mind of someone with anxiety and pops back up in an emotionally charged moment and that definitely doesn't help Suttons cause. What Sutton doesn't do is jump up and start lashing out and targeting others at the drop of a hat. For the most part we constantly see Sutton TRY and remove herself once she's realized that she's having a strong negative reaction to something or other. Whether people think it's stupid or not, something internal is driving her to be emotional and she understands that she's on the verge so she tries to isolate herself in order to gather her bearing. Does she recognize the oncoming fit BEFORE she's noticeably upset. Nope, but so what? I don't expect Sutton to regulate herself to the degree that she doesn't "offend" the other womens delicate sensitivities over seeing Sutton in a bit of a snit. So they see somethings upset her. Okay, so? Sutton isn't tying anyone's hands. They can just chose to shrug their shoulders and leave her be not take it as a personal offense that Sutton needs to go gather herself emotionally away from the group. But that's what they do. They villianize her for being visibly upset about whatever instead of just leaving her be. Going to check on someone is just that. Checking on them and that's all and do that ONLY if you want to. Chasing Sutton down to demand she explain herself is a whole other matter and is what turns a moody moment into what they are always desperately hoping to classify as a bratty outburst. Yeah, maybe it ends up as a bit of a bratty tantrum but it doesn't usually start out that way. Usually it's maybe a lowkey snit, or moody snark but Sutton mumbling this or that isn't the same as an unhinged outburst and the women don't seem to be able to distinguish the two. The harping about such small details is just as bad as what they are trying to accuse Sutton of doing. Making small things bigger than they need to be and that's exactly what the women do when they deal with <bully> Sutton.
  15. Also, in all of Suttons "outrageous" episodes have we truly ever seen her tear into anyone or completely lash out maliciously? I think her most notable outburst was the ugly leather pants comment and that's during an argument that she was trying to avoid. Erika's hurled some nasty shit STRAIGHT out of left field during a misinterpreted conversation at a dinner table. Rinna has thrown a glass, had a melt down at her own table randomly, Kyle has physically attacked Sutton with her claws, I mean in this crowd Sutton is the mildest offender and yet somehow the negative narrative that follows her reaches mindboggling levels. Like really? Suttons issues are the biggest crux of the group and the hardest to manuever around? It's all so absolutely ridiculous.
  16. I don't think she's full of crap I think there are moments where she's better versed in her own defense and/or already prepared for a confrontation so she's already mentally prepared herself and then there are the moments that catch her off guard and it's in those moments and situations where she goes a bit over the rails in trying to manage the onslaught. I tend to see the genuine bewilderment in those situations where she's honestly amazed at how meanspirited the tone turns. I'd be taken aback too if i were engaged in a conversation and someone starts hurling medical diagnoses at me AS AN INSULT like Crystal did on that boat. It's the need to start hurling hurtful commentary at Sutton because she's not handling a confrontation as well as other deem she should in that moment. It's a tactic that is very common when people are at a loss during a confrontation and can't seem to move the discussion forward in a positive way OR better yet on their own behalf that they start shifting the tone and making YOU feel like YOUR crazy and commenting on how your mental health is what's causing the discord as opposed to just being at odds with each other. It's a very mean and cruel way to try to win a fight and they use this on Sutton constantly. I don't like it when it's used on anyone cause its a manipulation and I hate when people use the distress and emotional imbalance of the other person as A) justifiable cause to be aggravated with them to the point of nasty retaliation and B)as something to mock them with. I also hate it when the attempt is made to turn the episode around and claim that it's a weapon THE OTHER PERSON is using on them as a manipulation. Yes it happens but at the same time the recourse isn't doubling down and feeding into the mental health stigma by claiming the episode is false and is being used as a tactic OR criticizing the episode by calling the other person unstable and unpredictable. That's just plain old mean. People not being able to keep their cool and resorting to nasty and hurtful insults using mental health as their big swing bug me a whole lot more than Suttons "episodes" whether they are questionable or not. I find it absolutely astounding that grown adults can't keep it together enough NOT to take such an ugly approach when dealing with someone who is trying to work through whatever episode or moment they are having. Trading insults back and forth when having a disagreement or confrontation and going back and forth with nasty drama on these shows is one thing and one big thing a lot of people tune in for but to be reduced to PICKING on a castmate with the overall theme being about emotional distress, mental health. That's a different angle I've never been on board with. Deliberate and planned out cruelty has never been something I blindly accept as something that comes with the territory because it shouldn't. There are plenty of ways to amp up the drama and I really need them to remove the negative approach towards mental health and emotional wellbeing as on of those ways.
  17. still "has anxiety".??? hmmmmm. It always amazes me the liberty some take in deciding whether someone's struggle is either A) authentic and/or B) legit. Like it needs to be proven. So I guess her "anxiety" isn't legit to some but I'm always left to wonder who is anyone to make that call? It's soooooo weird to me.
  18. AGREED!!! What's truly bothersome of those sort of displays is the fact that the behavior the women see as problematic is something that SHOULDN'T be seen as problematic. They are basically saying that if you're having a moment where you are struggling emotionally and mental health wise and you can't manage to keep it under wraps or mask it in a way so that absolutely NO ONE catches wind that you're in the middle of an episode then you're at fault, it's open season on being ridiculed and you are the one in the wrong for daring to disrupt an evening with your pitiful mood swings. They act as if someone having an emotional episode is unacceptable and it's disrespectful to them if you display any distress. Look, I get being frustrated at ill timed episodes but for these women to continuously mock, ridicule and criticize a persons attempt at managing an episode is just beyond the pale. They go after Sutton as if she stands up at the table, immediately has a blow up and then goes around berating them all. Sutton has had her moments but I do not recall her ever laying into the group UNTIL she gets followed and interagated and made to feel in the wrong for even hinting at being upset over something or anything for that matter. Me, personally, it's not up to you to decide HOW discreet I need to be with my discomfort and attempt at management. If you catch me mumbling to myself while leaving a room then oh well. Hell, even if you see me leaving a bit abruptly... again, oh the fuck well. I think that what truly matters is that I don't stand up and start giving attitude, making snide remarks or taking it on anyone DIRECTLY. What matters is that I'm removing myself and my shitty mood from the environment so that A) I can cater to MY NEEDS (which I need noones permission for) and B)Distance myself from what's causing my unfortunate reaction. This in itself is not for anyone else to come at me sideways about. Complaining about that is childish blowing it up into something it doesn't need to be is also childish. But I guess that's what the franchise thrives on. I'm just not feeling this idea that any of these women can TELL Sutton how she's supposed to feel and how she's SUPPOSED to deal. Most of these "episodes" these women are mad about came about because they wouldn't just let Sutton be and wanted to needle her further in the moment which is never going to produce a positive result. Hey if that's the recipe fine but it's the deception and the pretending that they aren't a huge cause of Suttons actions that get on my nerves. Bother Sutton get a moment okay pathetic but whatever but at least accept that you choose to create the moment, looking at you Kyle. (The same way she helped create the tequila moment, where Kathy left the venue upset). Kyle is all about the "who me?" angle and it's just so repulsive to me.
  19. THIS!!!!!!!! I think that's what really annoys the crap out of me. I think Sutton does try to manage her awkwardness and just because it isn't executed perfectly doesn't mean she's AIMING to make a scene. It's the criticizing her attempt instead of recognizing that she did in fact TRY. But no, it gets redefined as her deliberately trying to seek attention and you know what being awkward like Sutton and having a bad moment ISN'T where you WANT the attention. This go to theory has always bewildered me. "Oh, Sutton wants the attention. It has to be about her, she wants to be disruptive". Um, what?!? All she gets is grief and targeting when something like this happens so why on earth would anyone think she's doing it ON PURPOSE? Ever since she's joined the cast her discomfort and coping attempts have be highlighted and scrutinized and dragged out front and center each and every time. Dorit was the first if I recall correctly. Sutton confided in Dorit that something, someone or the current situation was a bit uncomfortable for her but she also said that she's trying to make sure her discomfort goes under the radar and what does Dorit do? Question her about it at the table and force her to acknowledge it which again, Housewives TV, par for the course but to then label Sutton as the one who highlights the moment is a huge dishonesty these woman present over and over and over again. Coping mechanisms aren't perfect and it's near impossible to execute them perfectly or without anyone's knowledge because there IS something wrong and that CANNOT be denied and all these women need to know is that something is bothering Sutton for them to go in on her because her even BEING upset is not allowed or its her being rude, or her seeking attention. Basically telling her that any sort of bad moment is not approved by them so if she has one it means she just wants to cause a scene. It's always going to be a lose, lose for Sutton. And it's only going to cause more anxiety cause imagine having a moment and then panicking over whether it's going to be noticed, picked apart and turned into a weapon against you? Sutton is always going to be on edge because even her coping mechanisms bother the women and are called out as plot devices to further Suttons "me moment". Like uggggghhhh! I really hate how they go after Sutton and their biggest ammunition against her is how poorly she manages her mental health around them. Like she's supposed to check all that anxiety at the door whenever they are around each other. Weird fucking requirement. It's nobody's call to decide what issues create an emotional response. It's hella entitled to decide what should and shouldn't be importation to someone else's emotional wellbeing. That's what these women are doing to her and to be honest, having a moment isn't for someone else to approve or deny and it confuses me every time one of these women think it's something they are allowed to decide about on Suttons behalf.
  20. See this just doesn't hit my logic meter. It's not whether there IS something to tease her about it's about Huh? What? Teasing????? Really? We still do that after school age years? Why is it okay to tease her at all? I get its a reality show but conflict, manufactured drama, pearl clutching and the like is par for the course. Grown women, MALICIOULSY teasing another woman....???? Yeah, that's ridiculous and completely bonkers to me. Launching a campaign on someone like a popular girl clique in high school is just all kinds of pathetic to me. Nah, can't relate and can't justify, I mean as a grown woman. It's utterly ridiculous.
  21. And in the van she decided to chime in and use the word unhinged. Like, okay if you just can't help yourself and HAVE to go in on Sutton (no, they really don't, but....) the way they choose to describe things to the extreme and use the most hurtful words is what's always the main source of my frustration and aggravation. Not to mention that this is coming from Kyle who never seems to be able to say anything kind about Sutton when in a group setting. Notice she can never bring herself to say things like, "you know what I don't think it's fair to do this now in the van, it's not necessary, let's just table it or better yet, let it go". Now I know that is an ABSOLUTE fairytale but I want to point out how Kyle can't ever seem to defend or defuse ANYTHING! She's either adding fuel, or whimpering nearby as some helpless bystander. If she does choose to insert herself it's usually to pile on and join a side that already has plenty of aggressors towards any particular target. I just can't with Kyle's method of handling these group conflicts cause she's never on the positive side of any of them. She has a voice when she wants to criticize and chastise but goes immediately mute when it's time to defend or be a friend and she's been that way since season one.
  22. She's didn't cause enough of a scene that SHOULD have disrupted anything. I mean it's a strip show and men are dancing on the stage with 2 of the cast members. Like I said, it wasn't for all that. The only reason why it WAS a big deal was because there was the typical "follow up" that turns into the "big thing" Sutton did wrong. <yawn> and <eyeroll>.
  23. My problem is, Sutton is trapped in a vehicle with them putting her on the spot. Nowhere to run and that just isn't fair. What is also bugging me is them acting brand new to Suttons tendency to be emotionally distressed. I'm never a fan of dismissing someone's emotional meltdown. If I somehow feel it's inauthentic then I'll just refrain from the interaction but for the most part the way these woman scold Sutton WHILE she's in a distraught state always makes my slap hand itchy! It's like they are telling her she's not allowed to have bad moments and as annoying or ill timed as they may occur no one has the right to create a dangerous space just because they are annoyed with it. Sure, be unhappy about it and maneuver through it however you need to in order to keep your sanity but one of the options isn't to attack or berate. Regardless of whether you feel it's irrational or not. You are in control of YOUR behavior and reaction and if the only thing you can think of to do is lash out then it's time to remove yourself and refrain from engaging. It's never okay to retaliate just because your annoyed or fed up or frustrated cause 90% of the time it isn't being done as something strategic and it's coming from an emotional vulnerable place. Even if it wasn't I would err on the side of caution cause I personally wouldn't want to take the chance that I'm wrong and I've just been an asshole to someone who's in the middle of going through it. That just ain't it for me but ya know not everyone aims to "do better". What purpose does it serve to berate her for getting emotional when doing so is only going to cause her more distress and further her emotional breakdown? So basically they do it so they can continue to get more ammo so they can then continue to accuse her of constantly becoming unhinged and erratic. It's a never ending cycle. Plus, who does that anyway? I mean, I get it's a show and all that but come on. To gang up on her over the night before? She took the opportunity to directly address Erika and what she did at the elevator and it got turned around into them airing their grievances about her walking out of the show. Like whatever! See, I wish I was Garcelle cause I would have done a WHOLE BETTER JOB at defending Sutton in that moment. Not fighting her battles but Sutton does need a referee cause the constant unnecessary roughness she encounters on the regular rates at least that. I would have calmly in Garcelle's dead pan way interjected something like "Whoa, whoa, right now we are talking about what Erika just did and how that was fucked up. If we need to circle back to last night then we can but right now Sutton is voicing her unhappiness over Erika deliberately embarrassing her". The women having negative feelings over Suttons behavior the night before doesn't justify what Erika did and I would have highlighted the issue at hand and kept the focus on that first. It isn't about fighting Suttons battles for her it's about evening the field when Sutton gets GANGED UP ON. That's different than taking over and fighting her battles. Also, Garcelle needs something like this in her arsenal: "I don't believe showing loyalty to my friend is fighting her battles. I accept my friend for who she is and even though there are times my feelings about Suttons behavior mirror you ladies it still doesn't change how I feel about her or how I intend to treat her." Garcelle seems to teetering into trying to explain herself to the others on the subject of Sutton and that disappoints me. This would be me: "I don't have to prove to you all that I am straight with her and have honest moments with her all the time but Suttons gonna be Sutton and it's not my place to tell her to be anyone else than who she is. I choose when I give her grief and how I give her grief and I also choose not to put our friendship on the line based only on her erratic moments. I'm not blind to Suttons ways I just don't judge her solely on those ways and that's why our friendship works." So yeah, maybe a little explaining but there would definitely be a silent "and that's that" at the end of the sentence. For sure.
  24. .......while suffering from mental illness which is why, in my opinion, makes Kyle's manipulation and lashing out worse. I'm not saying they don't have issues but ALL THREE of them have them and for me, it's always going to be about Kyle trying to monopolize the trauma as just hers while ignoring that her sisters grew up under some pretty heavy circumstances too. The constant cry for empathy and sympathy by constantly throwing her sisters under the bus is what turns me off. Now she's crying about how Mo isn't delivering what she needs and how she's always made decisions for others. Hey, growth is good, self discovery is awesome but going on a journey for better mental health should be positive. Apparently Kyle's rebirth (which should be a positive experience) is going to come with how more people have disappointed her, mistreated her or haven't been there for her. To be honest, I think her particular gift from that childhood is never ever truly being happy with anyone around her because she's always in a state of victimization. She has an overwhelming need to be acknowledged at all times, for all things, and for all roles or else you've taken advantage of her and are ungrateful. It's a shame that's where she's headed but that's the true cross she's bearing. It's not Kim, not Kathy, not Mauricio. None of these people are putting that cross on her back. She's picked it up with gusto and what's driving that is HER personal trauma stemming from her childhood. That's not something she really wants to look at. Sure she can acknowledge all of Kim's faults and Kathy's faults and how trying it was growing up but Kyle has yet to claim any dysfunction other than "caring too much" as her lasting scar <eyeroll>. Kim has her demons and I'm sure Kathy has hers but Kyle tries to convince herself and the world that her demons aren't self imposed, but instead put upon her by Kim and Kathy and now apparently Mo. The only responsibility she accepts comes with the description of "I'm this way because I've always been the one to accommodate" yet again making it about other people. She needs to accept that she's also adopted some toxic traits throughout the years Kathy and Kim acquired theirs but you never see her use that sort of narrative. It's always in the context of how she has been a victim while denying that same victim status for her two sisters. That's never lost on me which is why I tend to sour towards Kyle. No self awareness at all and yet she wants others to be mindful of how THEY affect HER and HER mood and emotions. She needs some self reflection and some serious self awareness and she needs to stop making it about everyone else's crime against her. Even while she working on bettering herself it's now come with "revelations" that others aren't measuring up to her expectations. I'm saying, Kyle loves that bus and loves tossing people under it.
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