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Yours Truly

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Everything posted by Yours Truly

  1. I guess the way I see it, the term trainwreck sums it all up. What else is there to pick apart? Plus, throwing around words like narcissist, toxic and all the buzzwords of this generation has just turned into a merry go round of nothing. I get the fascination but after a million years and a billion assumptions along with oodles and oodles of 'life experiences" chiming in, this subject can pretty much be summed up by a series of bullet points. The predictability of the sisters ups and downs has made it numbingly dull so I guess I'm in awe of how it's even still fascinating at all. I mean I'm curious and all about new developments in their lives sure but the master class of armchair psychology regarding Kyle and Co. has completely gone stale to me and it seems that the show is still clasping onto the imagined morsels they think are still on the bone. We've had the backstory for sometime now and Bravo producing Kathy at a reunion for a season she didn't even appear on just illustrates just how much they want to ring out of the "Richards Sister" bone dry sponge. It's such old news at this point I'm hearing the voice of Tom Brokaw echoing in my head. LOL.
  2. The over analytical sensation that is "interpretting the Richards sisters" has RUN ITS COURSE. The many different ways found to describe these women in such unfavorable light is astounding. Now look, I go in on Kyle cause she's still on the show and I dislike her the most of the three. To be honest, I like Kim and have sympathy for her and I still like Kathy and don't find her behavior anything but unfortunate at times and pretty "average unhealthy" if that makes sense. I'm Gen X where all the pearl clutching done now a days makes me roll my eyes and laugh. I think some of it is an overreach and quite honestly I feel the most comfortable judging and speaking on Kyle because we see ALOT of her. And although Kathy is apparently on Paris's show which gives the viewers a bit more of a window I'm just not that interested in forcing a narrative that fits how we are all "supposed" to feel about the woman. House of Hilton also doesn't interest me or gives me anything but another "narrative". With Kyle I've SEEN with my own two eyes for over 10 years what she's about so with her I'm pretty confident in my assessment of her so there's that. Anyhoo, with that said, the way I see it is that Kyle reaps what she sows. I don't give equal weight to the other 2 (Kathy and Kim) because I feel like they have their roles, I won't deny that, but I've found that, in my eyes, the role Kyle CHOOSES to play is the most sinister of the three. Sorry, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  3. I am so over seeing Kyle's "sister dynamic" as anything but unfortunate. The dramatics over toxic this toxic that, unhealthy this and that and the other just gives them ALL the attention they crave. Kathy can be mean. Big whoop. Kyle is nasty and cruel, well mean girls usually are. At the end of the day I feel sorry for Kim the most because this cruel dynamic and one upmanship actually morphed into a life threatening addiction whereas for the other two they are just stuck in their "I want what I want" selfish bubbles. I can validate the childhood traumas that turned them into these characters but I can no longer (well I never did cause diagnosing is not my thing) diagnose them with anything other than life. These are the people they are and they have chosen to manuveur in these detrimental ways. Ehhhhh, whatever. I've seen worse.
  4. She really wasn't which was sooooooo strange. Have they ever done that to that degree before? I mean I get not getting everyone in the shot when focusing on one or two wives talking but even in shots where they were just sitting there listening to Andy rattle off a question she was omitted from the shot. It just seemed so deliberate and noticable.
  5. But, but Sutton is loaded!!! We have to minimize everything she's been through, going through, trying to do because she's got a ton of cash!
  6. She didn't take all his money though so he still had plenty left over to make her life very stressful. Even strong independent women would have be absolutely distressed if they were faced with more court battles. I don't understand anyone who would actually think having to deal with something like this as no big whoop and not at all emotionally draining and upsetting. But I mean, hey. We do have Kyle who thinks nothing of outing her sister as an alcoholic while watching her other sister sink under accusations of racism and otherism, and film her children during emotional family discord, minimizes miscarriages, and suicide deaths of family members.. So I guess to some Suttons troubles weren't really troubles.
  7. OMG, see how the misinformation snowballs because a false narrative is shoved down our throats? You are correct! Garcelle described the gift as a "I messed up gift" and proceeded to give an example of cheating.... (or did she?) now I'm a bit uncertain if Garcelle even used that example of if she just said when a husband messes up and wants to make up for something.. See how that happens. Someone mentioned a "cheating' scenario as a reason and now I've assigned that to Garcelle but now I'm not so sure. I will say Sutton was very ON this season and it looked like she's finally got a good handle on how the show operates and what her role as a housewife is. She was aiming towards something relevant which was Kyle's changed behavior. I don't think she was necessarily "going after" Kyles marriage in particular but was trying to get at whatever it was that was amiss in her life because it was painfully obvious to everyone something was up. Whether it was just a midlife crisis or even something bigger the goal of the show and the women on it is to bring out the truth about each others lives while the cameras are rolling. Some of them take it to a cruel space but for the most part the whole point of the show is to be intrusive and overstep boundaries so that we can get the tea. Point, Blank, Period. I don't think Sutton inquires where at all ridiculously intrusive. Just intrusive enough to meet the requirements of the show. The likes of Kyle, Rinna, Diana and now 5.8 are the type that think that being inappropriately hurtful, reckless and cruel is the way to get that particular job done and most of the viewers DO NOT APPROVE! I do like Sutton but regardless of that I don't believe she did anything outside of what is expected of any housewife during the course of filming and Kyle trying to villianize her for taking a pretty mild approach to the job description when Kyle chooses to throw her whole family and friends under the bus in order to achieve this goal is just astounding to me.
  8. That weed dinner she spoke with Sutton in the library and when they were at the table Kyle was the one pushing for Sutton to ask/say something. Kyle was dying to bring it out and BLAME Sutton for it and Sutton didn't fall for it however it still managed to come out due to some corny back and forth interaction amongst a few other chiming in , I can't remember who and exactly how. Funny enough, what I thought would happen did happen and Kyle is STILL running with the narrative that SUTTON was bringing stuff out about her marriage and the little bit of conversation they did have at that table wasn't SUTTON'S doing. Kyle gave her ridiculous "explanation" and Sutton accepted everything she vomited out. Wasn't it Kyle who was babbling stuff at the table to someone "under her breath" I think updating on Dorit maybe? on the conversation she just had with Sutton or whatever, then Kyle started riling herself up, then went after Sutton to come out and ask and Sutton refused then Annemarie jumped in and asked something along the lines of "what the hell are we suppossed to be asking about" and that's when GARCELL said "about her marriage". Kyle finally got someone to take the bait and even AFTER that Sutton kept saying okay I'm good, you're explanation is good enough for me pass the salt.... and yet here we are at the reunion and Kyle staying on script is still referring to that dinner as if SUTTON was the one that brought it up at the table. And speaking off they show the clip of Sutton on WWHL and it clearly shows ANDY bringing up Suttons $300,000 alimony and all she says is (as she shifts a bit uncomfortably in her chair) umm, yup... So why would he even set that up as a question about her bragging? Like this is the part that infuriates me because they really do MAKE UP a whole different version of what has ACTUALLY happend, what we see ON FILM and with our own eyes. It's absolutely ridiculous.
  9. And apparently he had an idea of what HE wanted cause she shared that the initial conversation started off with him telling HER that her and their son would be moving to London along with him. So yes, I can understand why there was some panic on her end especially after we now know she never really pushed back on anything with him even after the divorce. She's played a very passive role in their relationship during and after marriage so citing "her rights" as a parent and independent person isn't so cut and dry.
  10. This sounds like exactly what they are doing. It's a business move and although I will say there are probably real and true emotions involved Kyle is used to cover ups and keeping mum. I mean she's constantly told us over the seasons that her mom/family just DID NOT air dirty laundry and that was one of the worse things to do. She's made it a point to describe it as something that has been detrimental to HER mental health over the years little by little setting up the stage to ALLOW her to out her sisters and whomever else she felt the need to expose whenever she deemed fit. I think the angst might be a bit real but only because she's truly panicking because of course any type of revelation about her, Mo and the marriage will definitely affect REAL LIFE reputations and jeopardize business. Yes honey, there's a reason why it ain't a bad idea to keep some shit to yourself and not feel the need to blast it all over the world. Oh, now Kyle seems to understand the relevance of not putting everyone business out there ALL THE TIME and maybe being discreet about things. Kyle is doing her damnedest to minimize the fallout because she's always understood the gravity of things like this spilling into real life and how it affect so many other things. It only matters now because it's her life possibly being disrupted. She's is such a reprehensible person. I'm just not understanding the timeline though because I thought filming wrapped so why would bravo cameras be allowed to extend a filming period and set up cameras during their off season? So what it was close after filming ended. I just don't get how that works.
  11. I don't follow their social media like that (although I'm not against it I'm just not on other platforms besides facebook and instragram) so I really do appreciate the extra insight from the members of this forum.
  12. Good! Now I don't have to go into the reunion anticipated this showdown. LOL.
  13. I hope this isn't the case. I hope it's a misdirect and Suttons issue isn't about anxiety over what Kathy may bring to the reunion. Also, even if Suttons episode has nothing to do with Kathy's arrival I hope Kathy's presence isn't partly going to be an attack on Sutton. I don't want it to be something like Kathy outs things Sutton has shared about Kyle or trash talk or whatever cause it's just such a non starter for me. I also have no interest in seeing Kathy put on the loyal sister mask and tsk tsk others that have made her sister feel bad so now she's taking the obligatory position of defending Kyle against her "enemies". To see this angle used to "go after" someone as opposed to "the loyal sister" being used when warranted, oh I don't know like when two of Kyle's besties were ganging up on her sister last season and seasons of Christmas past. Like if they pull that shit out of their ass to go after the likes of Sutton......SUTTON. This is where the family bond finally shows up? Taking down Sutton? That would mean after the show they have plans to shoot fish in a barrel and steal candy from a baby.
  14. Is she speaking specifically about making and earning or is she highlighting the part where there's a difference between having decision making freedom and asking permission? I think the $$$$ clouds everyone's perception of what Sutton is saying. She mentions her store frequently because it's an endeavor that she decided to put into place of her own free will. It's not something she had to wait on someone else to be okay with. She's finding her footing, something she admits to letting go off in the name of being a mother and a wife. To me, the fact that she has the means to fund it through her huge divorce settlement doesn't take away from the message she's trying to send. She's proud of her progress because she's very thoroughly explained how little she ventured in these matters during her marriage so it's an accomplishment for her to mentality be in a position of authority and decision making for a venture of this size. Also, having money doesn't necessarily mean everything is gonna be gravy and even though she can sit home and be lazy and shop all day and do absolutely nothing with her money she chooses to stimulate her existence by being productive, becoming more competent in a business sense and applying herself to more than just buying pretty things all day every day. She can speak on becoming more than she was before. Just because she loaded doesn't mean her journey is irrelevant and people have to gatekeep HOW she expresses her progress.
  15. I also get frustrated with this narrative as well. I don't think Sutton is trying to claim anything but independence. She's advocating that whatever the dollar amount the marriage reaches it's VERY common for women to fall into a routine that all in all is still normalized by the public but one that is still very detrimental. Especially if divorce ends up being the outcome. Suttons story is especially relevant because she didn't even see the divorce coming. Sutton believed she was safe, that it was okay to be vulnerable because she's in a union where her needs are met and she protected and there is no reason why she shouldn't believe it would continue. Sutton's message, at least the one I think she's really trying to convey, is that no matter how beautiful and flawless and non tumultuous a marriage is, it's important to stay a strong participant in your life regardless of what that may entail. Sutton could've have still been the wife she was but in hindsight she wishes that she still maintain and identity outside of the marriage. Because she put her whole being into being a mother and wife she really was scared and terrified when the divorce happened. Not knowing what her next move was going to be. I mean after the divorce she still leaned heavily on Christian and she just wants it to be known that there is a difference between the Sutton she was during her marriage and years after her divorce to the Sutton she is now. Finally feeling confident in herself and how capable she truly is. These flash backs to her life before marriage hit home just how crazy it is that she was a completely functioning woman once upon a time but still found herself floundering out of her marriage with little to no confidence. Her message is, be strong, independent THINKING and stay confident even after marriage so that you have the MENTAL wherewithall to bounce back better than her 11 year struggle. Take the money out of the equation and pay attention to the bigger reality of Sutton's independence/confidence. Really tired of people missing what her real message is because they can't get passed the fact that she's wealthy.
  16. This! So the season finale wrapped but xyz later the cameras are in EVERYONE's home to film a reaction? I could maybe understand setting up for Kyle's talk with the family (as distasteful as that is) but that's a planned moment so the cameras coming in after wrapping flows better. But the cameras at the wives homes still rolling and casually filming to catch their spur of the moment reaction to the "breaking news". It was a very confusing vibe.
  17. I'm starting to think that this is all damage control. This would be the first time that a family scandal has been outted ahead of time. The narrative controlled and the strife shown before actual and OFFICIAL proof shows up. We are seeing very veiled and vague "problems". We are seeing Kyle "taking action" and Mauricio being faced with "consequences" all in a very shadows and secrets sort of way. When whatever it is finally comes out and the accusations backed by PROOF shows up Kyle and Mo are going to be in a position to say, "old news, we have separated, gotten therapy, reconciled and moved on. We've already shared that we were going through a rough patched and needed to fix some issues that occurred within the marriage." I think this is their attempt at minimizing the details when it finally does hit the presses. Minimizing scrutiny into details and picking apart emotions, resolutions, explanations, excuses etc. etc. etc. I don't know if it'll work the way they want it to but I do believe they are trying to set the stage, set the pace and set the finish line for this particular scandal that's about to come out. Kyle isn't going to divorce Mo and she needs this angst and this footage of her struggling, giving it it's "due importance" and a good amount of her "seriously" contemplating ending the marriage so that when she chooses her marriage it looks like she's actually "thought about" leaving him at some point. The public is gonna want to see her wrestle with the decision and so Kyle can save face and not come across as a kept wife that just looks the other way she needed this season to outline how "hard of a decision" it would be to stay with Mo.
  18. I wasn't debating whether or not Kathy is or isn't a horrible person just that just like anyone else she is gonna run her space the way she's gonna run her space. It is what it is and if that's how she rocks then you either rock with it or don't. Now in connection with KYLE, what we've seen and how we see Kyle present it, USE IT, and manipulate the narrative for her own benefit is what makes me yawn. There's discord in the family, big whoop. I can't with the helpless routine anymore. We deal with unpleasant people in life, that's just a given. Some are family, some are frenemies and others are cashiers at Starbucks. I mean, the constant need for Kyle to paint such a morose picture of herself as this trapped, caged animal at the hands of her abusive sisters is just too much. The part I find distasteful is how performative it is. Woah is me, I've been abused, I'm such a whipping boy, I'm so mistreated. Look, there should always be room to sympathize and allow people to feel how they feel, to validate honest traumas and abuse but what Kyle does isn't for healing or resolution. She constantly weaponizes these details over and over again and seems to need a head on a platter over and over and over again. From outing Kim in the limo, to attacking LVP in her own home, to dropping hints regularly about how much she DOESN'T say, which begs people to want her to spill (which she not so secretly WANTS to do), to being a whimpering bystander as well as a low key informer in the situation with Rinna, Erika and Kathy, Kyle is a very serious contributor to the ugly dynamic and narrative that engulfs the three. That's what my point has always been on the topic of Kyle. It's so overdone that it's now coming across as a schtick which is a shame considering how serious the actual subject matter is. But I just can't care.
  19. It's also crazy just how friendly and muted she is with Erika and Rinna. Kyle has NEVER been her nasty mean girl self with either of them. The times where she was "stuck in the middle" of the conflict with her sister (Erika with Kathy and Rinna, Kathy and Kim) she wasn't aggressive, nasty or combative AT ALL. Her reactions to them was sheepish, vulnerable and teary eyed pleading that they not make her life harder by going after her sisters. If they cared about her then they needed to keep in mind that their attacks on her sisters ends up hurting her. That's never sat well with me because her "defense" of her sisters wasn't even a defense it was more of a "please stop picking on them because then they are going to pick on me". It wasn't the "stop fucking with my sisters cause if you fuck with them then you fuck with me!" that I and many would have led with. Erika and Rinna are mean girls and so is Kyle which is why Kyle won't ever take them on in a strong way. They are her kind of people and she doesn't want to mess with her status in that arrangement. I like Kyle best when she sticks with the lightheartedness, the fun and light teasing, also when she's home doing her mom thing too but when the claws out Kyle shows up, which is inevitable, that's when I'm back on my hate train. Her need to mock people and snark on people isn't terrible per se but it's the undertone of nastiness where she's framing it as laughing AT YOU and not with you. That's what truly bugs. There are times where she's teased and joked where it can be just that a tease and a joke where everyone can have a fun little laugh but instead of letting it be that she includes an undertone that shifts the vibe. That's why you have so many instances where people have been unsure of Kyle's intentions when making these digs. She does it pretty often. I think what makes it even more nasty is that it could have easily been a fun tease moment for EVERYONE but with her little twist she's decided to spin it just enough to leave a bad taste in the intended parties mouth while giggling and making eye contact with others in order to make the jab official yet cloaked if that makes sense. Ugghhh, can you tell that this woman just works my last nerve?? LOL She's text book Mean Girl Bully and I HATE, HATE, HATE, Bullies!!
  20. Bully and backstab is the perfect way to describe the way Kyle treats her sisters. It's one thing to have a toxic cycle which they seem to have with each other I will always maintain that Kyles approach and management of that sad routine is so much more malicious, cruel and nasty. Actually I'm not that broken up about the imperfections in their sister relationship and to be honest I'm pretty over all the "suffering". I don't get this narrative that this sort of thing HAS TO BE a never ending punishment. I don't understand people who NEED to be affected by EVERYTHING. The amount of stuff that I let roll off my back once I hit the age of 40 is kinda incredible. Not that I've grown just that a switch literally flipped where that whole "life's too short" mantra really and truly feels real. Yeah, that simple. And this is coming from a woman who has a crackhead, heroine addict, alcoholic, sister and a mom who had a gambling addiction, alcohol addiction and heroine addiction (herione addiction was finally kicked for good when she got with my father). Lifes too short to play victim, to hold on to things that only make you feel bad and to things you CAN'T control. The biggest problem in that sister dynamic is the amount of control they each want to have over each other and to be honest as Kathy and Kim age I think they are less and less concerned over dictating the others actions while Kyle still wants to highlight her sisters shortcomings all the live long day. I know Kathy is probably controlling but at the same time I think the issues truly arise when Kyle decides to overstep boundaries that Kathy has implemented. People can have their boundaries without being labelled controlling. Kyle wants to act with no repercussions and this leads to her narrative that she gets mistreated when in reality the harsh treatment she gets is earned recourse. At the end of the day I am so tired of their dynamic being presented as something so outrageously unique that Kyle is such a victim. It's called life. Get on with it already. I come to these narratives about Kyle because of the way she continuously like to be meanspirited toward her friends and then gaslight any and all situations to read as them being in the wrong. She did it to LVP, Sutton, even Camille. I know I'm in the minority but I was on Camille's side season one. The way Kyle speaks too and about the "friends" in her life is just such an unpleasant thing to watch. This episode was no different.
  21. Yeah well the more we learn about Sutton and the more Sutton gets to showcase this side of her that is waaaaayyyy more interesting than just the mean girls scapegoat the more I worry that the target on her back will get bigger. Don't get me wrong, I love Sutton so I would love to see more of her being in her element I'm just cringing with anticipation that some of the others especially Kyle will try their best to still turn her fabulous existence into a punchline. They already tried this episode. Kyle with her making light of Suttons connections and pretty impressive socialite living by focusing on the ashes. Now that Sutton is starting to pull a little bit away from the awkward label and filling out what we know of her with some rather bomb ass truths about her life so that she's more rounded out I fear that the next gripe will be about pretentiousness. I mean they've already thrown it out there already but now that the awkward angle has continuously fallen flat since Suttons been more unapologetic in those instances therefore rendering the others powerless I wonder if the next attack will focus solely on Suttons "misplaced" sense of superiority. UUggghhh.
  22. I just don't want it to turn into some "well AnneMarie wasn't wrong TECHNICALLY" and I also don't want it to turn into the housewives tripping into a place where AnneMarie is able to assert that the others are in fact mistaken. I don't want any scenario that absolves AnneMarie even slightly. If the women don't trend lightly and accurately it can be spun into AnneMarie "isn't incorrect when said this or that" and Crystal is mistaken in saying that AnneMarie overstated anything. The problem truly lies in the fact that AnneMarie has weaponized her medical background in order to accuse Sutton of lying about having a condition. I would rather stay focused on that distasteful bit of nasty behavior and not get too caught up on AnneMarie's grandstanding. Well actually I have no problem with them calling AnneMarie out on her attempts at flexing by distastefully comparing Anesthesiologists to Nurse Anesthetist as one and the same but I first I want them to just call out the basic trifling behavior of being all up in someone else's medicial business to such a disgusting degree. That deserves all the energy first then they can tackle her corny and unnecessary professional flex.
  23. So I looked around a bit on line and it does show that Nurse Anesthesiologist is an acceptable term to use and is synonymous to Nurse Anesthetist. I say this only to keep the eye on the prize. AnneMarie is actually describing true information and is explaining things that actually occur in 27 states. CRNA CAN work independently without a Doctors supervision in the Anesthesiology field. In 27 states CRNA's (which includes Nurse Anesthetist/Anesthesiologist) can actually perform independently during surgical procedures. There are different models that outline different collaborative and/or supervised procedures when practicing independently that can be implemented by the establishment they are working in (clinic, hospital, private practice). AnneMarie has said that she is a CRNA and since her specific field is anesthesiology she very well could have met the requirements to be providing this particular services INDEPENDT of supervision. Question is HAS SHE? Is that how she is currently practicing? It sounds like she's describing a level where she COULD practice considering the education and certifications she has under her belt because as a CRNA in California (one of the 27 states that allow CRNA to practice independently once they are licensed) she can, but my question is does she go into any surgeries WITHOUT supervision? Is that the current set up where she works now? She could very well be working under one of the models that still have physician supervision because although the state recognizes her credentials and permits her to work independently it is still the establishments discretion on whether they will allow her to. Each practice determines how they want to run their medical team. The part that is distasteful is that she is trying to put herself on the same level as MD's and although it looks like CRNA's do in fact have a good amount of independent decision making and performance freedom she chose the wrong way to go about highlighting that detail about her particular profession and her particular skillset. Example: I'm a Marine. I achieved the rank of Sgt. I'm in the military and so is a PFC but that doesn't mean that the PFC is at the same level as a Sgt. or a Sgt. is the same level as a Master Sergeant. An NCO has no business equating themselves to a SNCO even if they perform the duties of a SNCO which does sometime happen in the form of billets (job titles, positions that are usually reserved for a certain rank but can be filled by a lower rank if the need arises). In these situations a certain amount of authority is bestowed upon the lower ranking service member, which they can wield depending on the situation but in those circumstances the Marine still needs to maintain a respect level for ranks above his. AnneMarie is flexing in a way that's inappropriate even though she is citing legit information. There are ways to assert your experience, knowledge and profession without overstating your title. That's usually a no no in most professions.
  24. I don't know where I fall percentage wise in the LVP like meter but I never thought LVP was such a mastermind. I think she's liked to play around. I think she liked to tease and poke. I think she liked to drop tidbits and earn her paycheck but I never thought she ever completely orchestrated or completely formulate take downs. I think on occasion she addressed or casually brought up sensitive stuff but then left it to the rest of them to mishandle it how they chose. Not that she expected them to take off running with it but that she never thought beyond the moment and what the others wanted to turn it into hand nothing to do with what her intentions were when she initially brought it up. Simple as that. I don't think she ever had an absolute outcome in mind when she would speak on or comment on some of the more dodgy shit floating around the group. To be honest I think KYLE is the one that pushes an agenda when dropping comments and innuendos and implies shit in her conversations about the other women. Her intentions are absolutely obvious when she goes down that path. "I've seen you push your food around the plate claiming a small esophagus as your reason for not eating". Then later seeing AM's reaction to that and how AM is diving right into that narrative Kyle DOES NOT try to shut it down at all. To me LVP was a jokester and on occasion used inappropriate material. Other than that I never thought that any of the accusations against her had any merit.
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