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Everything posted by floridamom

  1. Someone needs to show those boys how to hold a spoon when they eat.
  2. I questioned the suitcase also. Why is she bringing it to school with her? Substituting does not require a bachelor's degree in all places. Some counties that I have lived in in Florida only require a HS diploma but if you have a bachelor's degree, you are paid more per day. Remember, this is only substituting...maybe a day here and there in various classrooms. You are not the teacher teaching curriculum. Mostly it's to babysit the classroom until dismissal time.
  3. I watched their Youtube last night....Travis is going on some trip with "the guys" for a few days and Katie is "conviently" going to TN to see the Bates/Carlin. Why is this? I guess she also, as Tiffany, isn't allowed to be by herself. How hard is it for her to be with ONE BABY for a few days? Once again, they don't admit the truth here..that women aren't allowed to be by themselves. This keeps them from becoming self-reliant which is part of being an adult. Yes, Katie has matured some since she married and became a mother but she , IMO, is still immature in some ways.
  4. I watched their YouTube about Lawson going away for some Medic training; jumping out of planes....Callie was sent to stay with Tiffany...Why? Isn't Tiffany, who is a grown adult allowed to be by herself for a couple of days? They skirt around the reasons for this....the IBLP/ATI/Gothard belief system says that women are not allowed to be on their own....even adult ones. This irks me.
  5. I can't believe that Derick called those women....didn't he see any red flags about this and the other courting rituals?
  6. Yes, let's give Jessa some time to turn this house into a "mold-diaper filled" one. I think it's filthy already.
  7. I am quite certain that Michelle's "loving the kids help in the kitchen" was her method to use them more and more; then hand off the entire cooking responsibilities over to them, which we all know that she did. Sly of her, really.
  8. Does the church's legal description "except out" or "less out" any of the whole parcel? If so, that part might not be owned by the church. Something is cooking over there at Chez Seewald and that church. Why would anyone completely renovate a house with major construction changes that they don't own? We'll stay tuned for any further developments on this.
  9. In my opinion, JB just scares his purposely undereducated children into submission with the threat of losing their inheritance. I also believe that the kids checking into this would be viewed by them as a grave sin in not obeying and believing their father, who walks on water. What a piece of work.
  10. Some absolutely great comments made here. Add me to the list of keeping a clean, organized home with scratch meals every day. I also packed my childrens' lunches for school each morning at 6am. Cooking dinner was my least favorite thing to do but I did it faithfully every evening AND double time on major holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter were held at my place. I cooked for 13-23 people all by myself while the beds were made,, bathrooms were cleaned up (especially for company) and house tidied up. Carlin "play works" if you ask me at the boutique; goes in when "Evan can drive her", has no time management skills. When I did work early full time early in my marriage, I cooked 3 days dinners on Sunday afternoon after church so I could just heat them up; maybe add a frozen boxed vegetable. These were the days before microwaves were common, no door dash, takeout was "pick it up yourself". A wonderful point made above was these girls did have 6-7 "helpmates" in their sisters. They concentrated on one area of household chores and always had someone else to pawn the little siblings on...their mothers were worthless if you ask me. Sorry for this long post but I am proud of so many of you posters here who did what you had to do and were good parents.
  11. SalaciousKitty: It was Alyssa who said they had to wear skirts on the show because it was her dad's show. I specifically remember this.
  12. As someone with swollen hands and fingers due to arthritis, Jill does indeed need to see a doctor about this swelling.
  13. It goes to show you that Gil and Kelly's household did NOT include all of the kids' agreement on modesty standards. They tolerated them until they left the home and married. If they all agreed with these standards they all would still be following them like Michaela and Erin seem to be doing. This show was as fake as the Duggar's TV show.
  14. Jessa's house had the floor raised. This is no small feat among the other things listed above. Still, why would someone invest money in a home they don't own?
  15. Perhaps that 1,000 person guest list of Jill's was because of the show and she was pressured by her father to follow the narrative. Maybe she wanted something smaller and more intimate but was unable to have what she and Derick wanted due to "contracts".
  16. If Ben is so unhappy with Jessa, and I do believe that he is, why is he still "making blessings" with her? I can't imagine it'a a great experience for him. Jessa is so cold and dictatorial. I agree those home improvements cost a pretty penny...no way Jessa could afford them. Jim Bob must be doling out her share of the profits in exchange for her signature on that lifetime of indenture "contract". What a terrible life for her and for Ben. No wonder he's miserable.
  17. So, Gil doesn't follow the "Jim Bob Duggar" method of indenturing his adult married children to himself? Is this parent-obedience until death a Duggar specialty or is it an IBLP/Gothard rule? If a Duggar specialty, boy, is Jim Bob a selfish, unchristian individual. I would love to hear from Gil, himself, as to what "his" rules are for his grown married children.
  18. I haven't seen this doctor's office video; don't know where it is to be found but I did see their most recent YouTube....what a bore. Nothing really to film, just advertise their boutique sale coming up...obviously this was partly a commercial for the business. However, in it, Evan did admit that neither he nor Carlin like to cook. There it is folks, the real reason why they constantly eat out/takeout. Carlin can't wait to drive again??? We'll see when this happens if Evan gets himself a real job. My opinion still stands that Carlin just doesn't know how to be on her own even with the kids and can't cope being by herself. She is just plain afraid. I am not a doctor but this is my opinion still so far.
  19. My opinion is that UP was blindsided by something they did not know when filming this mysteriously not aired season of BUB...TLC doesn't seem to have this situation going on with the Roloffs.
  20. How ironic of Jill to "advise" others to stay off their phones, etc as long as possible when she's on her phone posting most of the time. I don't believe her one bit when she says how she's "off right away". What a liar.
  21. That deck needed to be permitted and inspected by the county. I don't think she "legally" built it. An inspector needs to drop by and check it out.
  22. She said she purchased that plant of wood at Lowes. Does she not know that Lowes will give you one cut for free? She should have let them to it for her. I noticed the man in the parking lot looking at her like Jessa was a nut or something while she was sawing the wood right out there, and YES, with improper footwear. It was such a boring video, really. I wish they would quit with those awful "sermons" that they are giving their children. I would have an ulcer by now if I was told these things by my parents at that age. Awful of them.
  23. Where is this photo of Alyssa not looking so great? I don't follow her instagram or facebook so it's private; can't click on anything.
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