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  1. The Spencer storyline has just become so tedious. We get it Taylor Sheridan, you’re just in love with “The Adventures of Spencer” but the rest of us want the story to move along and putting Spencer in more and more ridiculous scenarios is dragging the whole show down, and I’m just guessing were about to get the same tedium with his wife. Ugh.
  2. I love this show and loved this episode, it went by too quickly. I’m currently rewatching ER in whole (for the third time), and this show just gives me all the feels and I’ve had a crush on Dr. John Carter for the last 25 years. Still do. My only pet peeve was I don’t know a single hospital anymore that doesn’t have a smoke free campus so Dana smoking outside the ER just seemed about 20 years off. The dog catching the rat was just so needed. Good boy!
  3. Enough already, can we please just get Spencer to Montana. I could have done without the prostitution horror bit, odd way to open the season. This needs to kick in quickly.
  4. I feel I am being “Lost”ed and I don’t like it. i watched After The Episode and the one show runner basically said “I knew I wanted to stick them out in the wilderness cuz I thought it would be cool”. Which basically said to me on some level they are just making it up as they go. Lost loved just doing “cool” stuff like polar bears and smoke monsters but in the end there was nothing explained other than, you know, purgatory. Since I guess we’re gonna put more thought into what’s happening than the actual writers, here’s my theory. Helena wanted to have sex with Mark but there’s really no easy way to do that in the offices so she decided they would all go into the woods, complete with an overnight stay and some comfy tents with heat and “whoola”, she got to have sex with Mark. I will say the actress did a great job revealing facial expressions and yes, we all knew she was Helena thru the whole ep. And I haven’t figured out some of the lore here. If they’ve never seen a waterfall as Milchek explained in ATE “I said it was the worlds tallest waterfall because they wouldn’t know any different”, so huh? It implies the innies don’t bring ANY outside knowledge with them, but that can’t be true or they’d all be slobbering idiots on the inside that don’t have basic speech. I feel like the writers want to have it both ways and when you really pull that thread it falls apart.
  5. I binged it in a day. Definitely kept me interested. The only issue I had was I’m not sure how sympathetic Mille came off. I get Belle was the villain here but Mille was trying to push this wholistic way to “cure” cancer too, she just wasn’t as successful as Belle was at it and that seemed largely why she was pissed at her. Mille came off like the bully in terms of her poor mother and I get she was actually sick (unlike Belle) but it seemed driven by vanity (not wanting to lose her arm). The level of delusion was mind boggling. The series did do an excellent job showing all the types of charlatans peddling cures to really sick people and it was just so sad. I was glad in the end Lucy got proper treatment and beat her cancer. I was also shocked that Belle didn’t just sell her idea as healthy living to feel good. The book and the recipes looked amazing. I guess her whole psychosis was needing people to feel sorry for her but she seemed to have a really good business sense in terms of the aesthetics of what she was doing. Glad this was only 6 eps, it didn’t need to be any longer.
  6. Had a definite Inventing Anna vibe. I’m intrigued and I just finished watching Kaitlin Deaver in Unbelievable so I’m enjoying watching her play a new role.
  7. It was the sloppiest “fake suicide” I’ve seen in a long time. He had a mouthful of Big Mac, they shot him in his left temple but put the gun in his right hand? And I guess in the FAM universe they don’t have gun residue testing. Worst assassin ever.
  8. Bye Jon Hamm, we barely knew ya. Maybe Demi will now step in to be the boss? That could be interesting. I’m finally actually liking Cooper, let’s go! And if it hasn’t been said enough BBT just elevates everything around him. I’m sad there’s only one ep left.
  9. I get they’re going for black comedy but this is just not good. None of these people actually behave like actual people. Who closes someone up in a wall? And why did he need to go to the trouble of dry walling it in? Wouldn’t locking the door suffice? And when you are selling a house don’t people just make an offer? All this bizarre jockeying back and forth makes no sense.
  10. I basically enjoyed the ep but I found Claire’s reaction to Jamie’s death absolutely ridiculous. It’s never occurred to her he could die? They live in a time where an infected cut can kill you, people drop dead constantly. And I know theirs is the greatest love story of all love stories ever in the history of time blah blah blah but it just grated. The catatonic state, the wailing. Maybe it was the way it was acted but I hated it. I was glad to see Jamie at the end if for no other reason that we didn’t have to watch Claire “grieve” anymore.
  11. I really enjoyed this and y the end I came to really like all of them. Anise & Willie forever! What a stunning couple those two are, I hope it works out, the fire between them almost made me want to try dating again. And I could watch a whole show of Anise and her daughter, Dwayna’s whole personality was just amazing! I didn’t call Suzanne and Avery at all, but I’ll be damned they seemed to really like each other. Go figure. Nate is a nice guy but he’s never going to find anyone. Lori probably wont either. They both just seem to want something way beyond their grasp, I felt so sorry for Lori chasing Felton when it was super obvious he was not into her, and that poor other guy that showed up to her party I just felt bad for, he seemed like a nice guy but Lori seems to want some “Hollywood” ideal and that type of guy is never going to be into her. Pam grew on me, by the end she seemed actually fun. Greg? Jury’s out? I liked this, it was sweet, they didn’t go out of their way to make anyone look bad, it was a refreshing little bit of tv.
  12. I’m enjoying this, up to ep 4. I googled Pam and she’s fudging her history a tad, yes she was married to the lead singer of Humble Pie, but she was not his wife when he died, his third wife was. That said she must have some amazing stories from that time period. I think she would tire most guys out pretty quickly with the frenetic energy. Anise is simply stunning, I hope she finds someone worthy. I’m going back and forth on Suzanne, one moment I really like her and the next she grates. Nate? Should probably just marry the ex girlfriend and get on with it. And I noticed in the flash forwards I’m pretty sure a girl I went to high school with is going to be on, so kind of can’t wait to see that.
  13. I’m enjoying this. BBT is perfect for this role, he hits all the tones of someone so good at what they do but so weary. Talk about a high stress job. I love the banter with the ex wife and I love me some Ali Larter. Taylor Sheridan always starts strong IMO, but wanes as time goes on. I’m finding Yellowstone unwatchable at this point so maybe Landman just caught me in a weak moment. I like seeing these industries I know nothing about, I don’t know how accurate but it holds my attention. And my gosh but Demi is just stunning still, I hope she gets more to do, and my love of Jon Hamm has lasted since Mad Men so I never tire of seeing him on my screen. Brilliant casting by Sheridan.
  14. Thanks for the link. And yet again Joan can’t resist bringing John into it. Gosh Joan did we really need to know John would have loved going to Disney. That would get old fast if I was Chok. I just picture her staring out the window of her newly purchased Chok penthouse in NYC Joan: [sipping her evening glass of wine with a very self satisfied smirk] Oh John would have just loved this While Chok stands in the background grimacing with his dead shark eyes wondering how much money he’s going to lose when they sell the penthouse only 2 months after buying it.
  15. So I think Dr Pacey is still in a Covid coma and this is all his fever dream. There’s no other explanation, the strangely opulent medical area alone stretches credibility. I think end of series he wakes up and we find out Captain Don is actually his doctor, nurse 3 way is his nurse and other guy who I still can’t remember his name is an orderly.
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