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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Apparently, Jilly unfollowed Joe and Kendra AND Anna as per reddit. This is pure gold and oh, it gives me so much joy. Don't judge - it's been a hellish few months. Seems that things are coming home to roost for that bitch at last. Nobody likes you Jill! Feed your poor starving children!
  2. I'm nearly thinking that she didn't show up at the wedding. At best, I'm firmly convinced that she's horrified that Jilly Pampa Mama is now a part of her family. #I'mnotgloatingatall No idea why she feels to superior, she's married to a disgusting piece of shit.
  3. Does Jessa not own a comb and brush? Her children's hair is always unkempt. Ivy is a strange looking child right enough, she looks like Jinger actually, I think. Poor Henry is always getting the short stick though, isn't he?
  4. There was a video posted on Reddit where Joy does some organising, taking her son to the TTH and going to a Doctor for pre-natal care (pick yourselves off that floor!). It was really strangely relatable, she seems relaxed and happy, wee Giddy-up is a total dote and even Austin showed up. Now I'm off to scour myself with something coarse and stingy for liking a Duggar video😱
  5. Whoohoo, thank you thank you, dear Pecan thief, for crossing over to the dark side, siding up with the snarkers. I don't think I'd have been able to sleep last night if I hadn't had my fill of some photos at least. So...the dress. Just as tacky as I thought, the puff sleeves, the shiny sateen polyester skirt. Nathan's pimp off colour suit that doesn't match. The flowers..... Having said that, I do hope he'll treat her well, that his family will show her how to dress, apply make up, cook nutricious meals, etc. I cannot imagine going from "never been alone, ever" to "let's shag and produce children" just like that. He'll be in for a surprise when he sees her without the 3 pounds of make up. She hasn't ever been alone, either with him or at all. It's all fun and games on her wedding day, but waking up to reality? Having to cook, clean, do laundry, be joyfully available (I doubt she'll be able to get pregnant, way too malnourished), be alone for he seems to actually work, that must be soul crushing, at least at the beginning. How will she cope? Are they going to have a public instagram, I wonder? Neither really seems the fame whoring type. I'm sure that Pampa Mama will post longwinded stories of how she misses dear Nurie
  6. "singing" is being extremely generous. Can we take bets on what we think the nurptials will look like? Seriously though, I hope that child will have a nice day, HER day, without the narcisstic bitch that is her Mother buggering it up for her. Jill will be Mrs Anna Duggar's BROTHER's Mother in Law. Or something
  7. Mr Jill always looks like the lights are on, somewhat, but nobody has been home for quite some time. I'll see myself out.....
  8. Honestly, seeing those malnourished children makes me so damn angry these days. The little one - Sofia? - looks like a fucking concentration camp victim. It's horrible.
  9. Dare I ask why you would buy such a things? I know Shrek's fairly indiscriminate in what he wolfs down, but......
  10. Lads! The Nurptials are finally here! I'm far more invested in this than I should be. I blame corona. And being at home for 4 months now (I think). I did think if I should dress up in honour of it, seeing as I don't own green eyeliner or cheap mascara, but I could dress up in layers, although I only own sluttish trousers and no dress or skirts. (I KNOW!!) There is no hummingbird juice in my fridge (what IS that even?), but I have some wee creamy cakes that I could snaffe instead. Google says the time in Ohio is 6 hours behind me, I'm imagening the nurptials to be around early afternoon, no? I.can't.wait.
  11. Jynnantonix, all, if I come across as blunt and direct, apologies. I AM German after all... I'm someone who deals with severe anxiety and has done for nigh on 40 years now. I've had every physical symptom under the sun, such as back pain, general pain, headaches, needing the loo every 5 minutes, shortness of breath, nausea, gagging, heart trouble, you name it, I've probably had it. That's what anxiety does to you. Due to my history (a "nice" Doctor telling me nonsense back in the day when I was young and dinosaurs roamed the earth), I am always terrified of my heart giving out. I cannot even count the amount of tests I've had and there is nothing wrong with it, yet the fear will crop up quite regularly .Again, that is anxiety. I've had it for over 35 years. Your daughter will not just snap out of it, respond to reason or just magically get better. I don't know what her problems are, but she has issues. Major issues. You won't solve this by talking to her, reassuring her, grumbling, or any other kind of talk. She literally cannot respond or change her behaviour. The more you tell her to cop on, wise up or just grow up, the worse she'll feel. Now if she were German, I'd tell her to go to a psychiatrist (only they can prescribe medication here) and then look up a therapist pronto to start therapy. I don't know what your system is like or able to do, but I'd suggest that's what she would do well to do. I feel deeply for her and you, I really do, but this isn't going to get any better without help. Please stop the Xanax immediately ,they are highly addictive and very dangerous. They are not meant to long term help. I take them when I must fly - no more than twice a year max as they are so very dangerous. Fingers crossed that things will improve very soon. Again, sorry if my posts comes across a somewhat blunt
  12. The video is horrendous. Those miserable looking children just break my heart. I firmly believe that jill will be fucking delighted if her sister dies for then she can be a MARTYR forever. ...I’ll see myself out to the prayer closet
  13. Isn't that the truth. We started a lockdown, albeit an fairly "easy" one for now (due to people's utter stupidity) and it feels weird already, although my weekend has been in no way different as I don't socialise much outside of work. But it FEELS odd, as I know that I mustn't do some things in the spirit of "let's not be selfish and stupid". How do you stand to live like that? Never enjoying the world that's beckoning out, always being afraid (due to my anxiety issues, I am always scared but hell, even I am not THAT scared), always seeing the worst in everything, being paranoid, afraid to enjoy knowledge that is out there, yours for the taking. It's sad. There's only so much housework one can do, even in their filthy mansion, only so much routine you can bear before you go stark staring mad. Why on earth do this?
  14. I just finished a drawing😂. Not that I'm really good at it, but it's a creative outlet. I cannot imagine a life that is so devoid of anything really - Jana is human tofu, much like Jinger, but unlike her, she hasn't even achieved anything by their standards. No husband, no children to care for, just endless rounds of decorating. How bored can anyone stand to be? She's getting on in age, chances are thin on the ground for her, I really wonder how she feels about this.
  15. These two are so boring and/or pretentious I can't even be bothered to snark
  16. I'm going to explode with anger. Really, literally about to explode. This ugly obese SLOB whose fucking leg is bigger than a single daughter can sit his fat arse down while his unkempt, dirty starving children stand there in this clutter?? I'm raging. These poor children need to be taken away to good loving homes, washed and fed and comforted. ..............we're on lockdown here due to the effing virus which is sapping all of my strength (as I have anxiety issues) so my patience is running thin. I may swear more than usual..
  17. Wee Trace is as much of an arse as his brother Nathan😂😂😂 I commented that it isnt gentlemenly to point the finger at the girl and that breaking up is normal and a time to grow. well...i was banned literally a second after clicking “send”. My my my, somebody’s touchy😂😂😂 that is why no bates boyo is getting within an asses’ roar of a girl. Good thing too
  18. Dear Jana. Thank you for being a doormat. ...thats what they are really saying, right?
  19. I'm about to head off to bed as it's 11.30pm here, but wanted to share this nugget with you that I re-watched tonight. Jill needs this😁😁
  20. I simply cannot wait for the shit to hit that particular fan. I'm not even pretending to be sorry about it.
  21. Oh my good fuck. I suffer from separation anxiety but holy shit, Jill is an entirely new level of stage 55 clinger barnacle. It wouldn't ever occur to me to cling to someone the way she does. They took smelly junk food into a salon, to stink the place out while Dreck sat around aimlessly, waiting for Jill to be done? Seriously?? THAT is a date in their world? And what's with the "WE" needed it? Needed what exactly? Jill does fuck all and he's barely pretending to be a student. That guy is going to crack sooner rather than later. Strange that he hasn't figured out a real job would take him out of the house for 10 hours a day. Jill needs therapy. Lots of it.
  22. The child looks like an alien. Downs also occurred to me, hopefull that isn't the case. Strange there's been radio silence from the Drama Llama. I wonder if she's being hit full force by postnatal depression. It'll make for a great story how nobody EVAH, like absolutely EVAH suffered as much as she did.
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