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Never Again

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Everything posted by Never Again

  1. claiming they give bjs for handbags isn't cute or funny its trash I'm sorry and shows what they think of not only themselves but their husbands …..its basically making "prostitution" funny would it be funny if they said they fuck their husband so he will give them cash? can they not earn money any other way? do they think so little of themselves that they equate sex with a job to get something out of it? (he only gives me money if/when I preform a sex act and if I'm really good at it he gives me a gifts too....see how bad that sounds?) Preforming a sex act in exchange for goods or services IS prostitution just cause they are married to the guy doesn't change that …... If they love giving Bjs give Bjs to their hearts content but don't say they only give them to get something out of it because you basically are making yourself a hooker for that bag point blank period … and what kind of example are they setting not only for their daughters and sons but for people who watch this show instead of going out and earning that bag like a normal person just drop to your knees and "earn" that bag that way.... its basically a job i mean job is in the name...….this show is just scrapping the bottom of the trash barrel... So I’m an episode behind and watched this last night and am currently reading these week-old comments. I’m only on p2 so I don’t know if anyone else has replied. But I need to say that don’t we always say that whatever consenting adults do in private is totally okay? Why is this different? If @Dance4Life and her husband want to handle things this way, why would we care? Just because you wouldn’t, or I wouldn’t, has no bearing on it. I say, girl, do whatever makes you and your husband happy. And note I said in private. What these gross OC witches did on this episode in a restaurant and on a train really turned my stomach. I’m no prude, and grew up in the 70’s, I’ve seen or heard of it all, and did some ridiculous things myself in my youth. But these women really acted pathetically. Imagine getting a sitter and going out to a nice restaurant to enjoy a night out with your partner or friends only to have these hags giving blowjobs to dildos, stripping down, humping, playing with their boobs, blowing whistles, screeching, crying, howling, fighting...what a ruined night. And I don’t think any of that was even an outgrowth of actual feelings or attraction. Tamra seems to be trying hard to stay center orange, and Braunwyn is just desperate to make some kind of splash. They don’t know how repulsive they come off. And I feel for their poor kids. And husbands.
  2. Agreed. I never understood the turbo love. At all. Also, why was he not sent home for pushing Jordan? How many times have we seen people sent home for that. I get that TPTB like having him on the show but that was too flagrant for them to ignore.
  3. I’m late to this part of the conversation I know, but I was completely unimpressed with Holly’s speeches and it sounded to me like her whole thing was “ hey I played invisible, yo, so just because you didn’t see my moves doesn’t mean I didn’t make them” and then she went on to keep saying Michie this Michie that, I held Michie back so he wouldn’t cross the line, we played together, etc blah. She’s a dope. If you were playing to win why would you stop someone from crossing the line? Let him lose, don’t help him. His answers sounded totally memorized but he’s been rehearsing answers to every possible question for weeks. And he made a great point that out of the 13 comps they won together, he won 11 of them. He carefully said he worked all season to get himself and her there. That right there is him taking credit for her being in F2, and then when holly talks all she does is talk about him also, I’m a little fuzzy on details but I distinctly remember Jackson and jack whispering the N word to each others hen talking about someone, and jack imitating someone (David??) as a gorilla. I don’t think Julie eviscerated these guys at all. A gentle slap in the wrist, at most. I really was hoping for something real but this will have to do like most of you, I cannot stand Jackson but not unhappy with his win. He was a beast and on game alone he deserved to win. So odd though, the kid was laser focused from day one on getting that confetti, did not deviate or think of anything else, and then when it happened he couldn’t even enjoy it. Something’s off about that dude. But I don’t care. My time with Jackson is now done. Thank u, next! On to survivor... thank you all for making this all so much more enjoyable!
  4. Nope I am doing it the other way. I can’t function yet learning new people and their names and all that with survivor starting tonight. I need my brain cells fresh and unscrambled so I can fully enjoy the BB finale. Even though survivor comes on first I am taping it and will deal with it tomorrow.
  5. Does Tim’s mean Tim Horton’s? Girl, I love that place so much I bought stock in the parent company (they also own Popeye’s chicken and Burger King). But what is a double double? I love maple flavored anything and I was recently driving through Pennsylvania and saw a Tim Horton’s and we really overdid the maple donuts, glazed ones and filled ones too. Best day of my life!
  6. I did not! Thank you.... I think (despite their names lol) those would be very handy. We used to have a dollar coin and a half dollar coin but I haven’t seen them in years. We also had a two-dollar bill but that’s gone too 💸
  7. One added benefit to being on this forum is I sure have learned a lot about Canada! I’ve never seen the BB Canada edition but now I know about a store called The Brick, I’ve learned that sadly a hurricane in the Caribbean can actually affect our friends up North, I’ve learned how their health care system works and what a shock the American system is to them, I’ve learned that they have pennies they no longer use..,probably other things that are escaping me now bc it’s 8:30am and I’m hurrying. I have a dear friend who is Canadian but these things have never come up. But it has been interesting and fun to learn from you guys and I hope you all have a good winter, till we meet again next year (or tonight actually, after what I hope is a satisfying finale)
  8. Not a big Kaysar fan myself, and never could see what the fuss is about. Not an extraordinary player. Not an incredible amazing human. Just seemed to me to be a regular guy. On a personal level, not even my taste in looks. I like a Will or Jeff or David clean shaven handsome type of look more. So yeah, not finding anything special about Kaysar.
  9. Every day I’ve been giving 7 to Nicole, 2 to David and 1 to Ovi. I want Nicole to win it, bc we never got the chance to see if the other two would have been deserving. But I think David had the goods to do really well if given any sort of opportunity, and Ovi is just so sweet. I want them to at least have a decent amount of votes, but not too many that it costs Nicole the win. I felt badly that they didn’t really have the chance to play. I wasn’t impressed by Kemi in the short time I saw her, she barely seemed engaged, so I don’t vote for her at all
  10. So stupid on so many levels. Nvm the obvious, basic normal idea of winning for yourself. Just in terms of her trying to hold on to this prize of a guy. It’s not enough that you’re long distance, and the age difference...you want him to walk out of the house with hundreds of thousands of dollars, yeah that’s going to make him less attractive to other women lol
  11. Wow this guy’s mind does not quit. I have to hand it to him, reluctantly. Even though it is probably killing Holly to think he might not take her, it doesn’t matter to him, he is scheming for that win 24/7. I think Machiavelli looks up to him at this point
  12. I don’t see holly as a yeah sure girl. More like an lol nope
  13. Lol Reddit makes me smile this morning. I think I would make some changes to his choices but hilarious concept regardless
  14. I gave this the 😢 face because I'm a Yankee fan, but please know we can still be pals. I won't hold this against you. I’m not happy that you’re a yankee fan making faces at me, although I’ve lived with the sneering yankee fans my whole life. I’ll let it slide ( baseball joke!) but only because we’re not even pals. We’re BB21 family!
  15. This was kind of amazing and told me a lot about Cliff the male chauvinist Hogg. He actually said that the deal that four people made to get each other to F4 didn’t seem as serious of a commitment as the one where two men shook each other’s hands. I guess the fact that the F4 deal had two females in it sort of nullified it. Just some silly little gals. Unlike those two Men of Steel looking into each other’s eyes and making a promise with a handshake. Because Men Matter
  16. I know I know and I despise Paul so I was thrilled with that but I have lived to pay the price because I watch MTV Challenge and Josh is so outrageously intolerable. Idk how much of that stems from his ego because he thinks he “won”; he doesn’t get it that the idea was that Paul should lose, and he could have been a sponge or a turtle or a piece of cardboard, anything sitting next to Paul was going to win
  17. WHAT?!??!?!!! This is the first I heard of that and I am nearing SS time! Boy it just never ends for the working people. That SS came right out of our paychecks. I thought Medicare was included automatically. Sigh. That stinks
  18. Oh, no! That’s terrible. Terrible. I hope you are physically better now! It’s hard to recover financially but I’ll never believe you’ve lost your dignity, even though it may feel that way to you, I’m sure it does not to others. My friends had to bury their 3 year old, they had insurance but it was not enough for everything, they wound up foreclosing their home and declaring bankruptcy. No one ever thought anything bad about them at all, not for a second, just heartbroken for their loss, but my friend was miserable about having to do that and she felt embarrassed. Also, I myself got cancer in my early 30’s, very unexpected of course, but idk what I would have done without my insurance. Then again I have a friend in Toronto who goes to Buffalo NY whenever something medically important toes on in their family. She says the wait is too long in Canada. So I don’t know the solution, but what happened to you is awful. I wish you the best
  19. Mhmmm I kind of feel that the asshole here is also the dealer who has this car sitting there for how many years? And when the original owner magically shows up after forever and it’s his very own car, just at that exact moment someone is on their way from Colorado to buy it. Just at that very moment after all those years. So the original guy offers him more and the dealer “lets” him buy it this guy’s story is not passing the sniff test on several levels, but I did enjoy reading it nevertheless
  20. If Cliff would have been evicted a week ago or two or three I would have said, good for him, an older family man, (I’m older than he is so I like to see the boomers do well); it’s tough when you’re older to handle all the physicality required... so good for him, he lasted so long, blah blah. But he stayed too long, all his ickiness has been pouring out and now none of us like him and he lost his shot at F3 and F2, nevermind winning, and also forget AFH. His shtick has grown wearisome. Plus he’s practically begging for sympathy and that makes me uncomfortable. Big Brother is an adventure, it is not a job. If you can’t afford the adventure, don’t do it. I thoroughly understand this is on his bucket list, and I assume he discussed it with his precious family that he lives and breathes for, and they decided it was doable. Someone upthread made some good point, that his family is grown and can bring in income too. And that if he told Sharon to use points if she couldn’t afford to fly to see him, well that means they’ve traveled plenty before. They don’t seem to be firmly in the poorhouse. I read that he was laid off after many years at his previous job, but quickly got this new one, as he’s an experienced professional. Then they told him he could only be gone X amount of weeks before they would be forced to give the position to someone else but he could reapply when he came back. I’m not saying they don’t feel a little squeezed, I habe no clue, but I don’t see how they can have nothing put away to get them through three months without his pay. Three weeks ago he was still in the running for AFH. He is overdoing it and it’s backfiring. Now I just want him off my TV; he’s making me twitch
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