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Never Again

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Everything posted by Never Again

  1. Last week Jackson promised Tommy safety if he jumped off the wall and let Jackson win HOH. They did not discuss safety for Christie. When Tommy subsequently told Christie about Jackson’s promise to him, her eyebrows went up but she didn’t say anything. Then in the diary room she was hysterically crying. Specifically, she cried that if it was reversed she would have made a deal for her safety and also Tommy’s, because of their relationship, and that she could not believe he didn’t make a deal that kept her safe. After all, she cried, we’re practically family! if that’s not from the horse’s mouth, I don’t know what is.
  2. To me there’s a huge difference between a secret alliance between virtual strangers made days ago that can crumble at any moment, such as the six this time, or countless other alliances that have shape shifted or dropped, versus a real life alliance of two people who have known each other for years on the outside and have to deal with each other after the show. And that difference is everything. ETA: just saw that @Lady Calypso said it sooner and better, and in more detail, and I totally agree with her solid points.
  3. Tinkerbell, if you’re old enough for mature woman lipstick and yet can still rock flesh colored leggings, I applaud you, go for it! Not many can do both, I know I certainly can’t! Let’s see how Holly comes off in 30 years. I don’t think she’ll still be wearing them lol
  4. No I don’t want Tommy to win if for no other reason than he and Christie have a very unfair advantage. At this point people realize they are a couple, but just in the way that Nicole/Cliff or Holly/Jackson are. But Tommy and Christie didn’t just meet on the show; they won’t lose touch after the show. Just as Christie sobbed, “they are practically family”. Christie lost her sh*t screaming that Holly and Kat knew each other before and had a huge advantage. But of course, it’s her and Tommy that have that advantage and no one still knows about it. I give them credit for keeping it hidden, but I don’t think it’s a level playing field, so I would be unhappy with a Tommy win. And if it’s Tommy/Christie in F2, idk, I think I prefer him over her, since he rescued her twice already. I hope we see a better F2 though
  5. I agree totally, the editors are crafting a storyline out of the raw materials they have. Even as I succumb to Jackson’s new smiley good natured helpful friendly class clown persona, I know I’m being manipulated. Without reading these comments I might not be this aware of it, but once you know it’s hard to ignore That’s it, in a nutshell!
  6. Trying to delete this and cannot lol. What is wrong with me?
  7. Agreed. But I was impressed that he started his niceness tour when he got voted into America’s Field Trip and realized that meant he was disliked. He actually took it very well and from then on he played differently, even if it’s all BS. But I take your point. It will be interesting to see going forward
  8. Not at all! It's like anything that has two sides to the same story: you accept and feel more the side that you get to see for yourself than the one that you hear secondhand. The husband is in the same boat: he knows how horrible Jackson has been because of everything I've been sharing with him about the feeds but he's a broadcast-only watcher so no matter how much I tell him, what he experiences is what they present on the show and it's what he leans towards. Even I find myself chuckling when I watch the show and they give me a segment on Nicole trying to smack Jackson with a pie and him being all jokey and fun. Then I come back here and root for Jackson to FALL IN YOUR PEE! Thank you for making me feel better about this! And @Callaphera this was a high quality comment, your last paragraph had me laugh out loud
  9. I can see that. It was happening to me too. But then I watched the Holly/Jackson fight - all twenty something parts. And now... I'm rooting for Christie. LOL. I haven’t seen that yet, I don’t watch the feeds but I read this comment section. Haven’t read the fight yet but I think I need to. If it cured you it might be just what I need!
  10. Oh no! Jackson has seduced you, too! Jackson and Christie are the same people. She is good at seduction. He has! And it worries me. Am I that dumb and vulnerable? Yet Christie I find despicable. I agree they are both seductive in their fashion as well as being quick to understand the nuances of the show. But she comes off so fake and all crying and whining. Whereas what I’ve been enjoying about Jackson is lately he seems so easy going, open to all the game experiences, smiling and enjoying the moments... I just find him appealing now. I might need to seek help!
  11. Alice, girl, I promise you, I despised Paul on his first season and that paled to how much I despised him on his second season, coming in hot with all those advantages and bracelets and immunity. I’m not exaggerating when I say that in all my wasted hours (years) of reality TV watching (I love it), watching Paul lose the second time might have been the most satisfying moment. It was like a Telenovela, him weeping and shaking his head, and saying not again, not again, while stupid Josh was having the vapors, and then Josh in the confetti, the audience applause, Elena pointing Jessica out to Cody, Cody and Jessica running to each other and kissing, Cody gets AFP...so satisfying. Not for any feelings towards Cody and Jessica, but because of how it all went against Paul in such a perfect storm way. I get giddy to think of it! But if I did like Paul I would 100 percent agree that deserves a shellacking!
  12. I think I’m going to get a shellacking for this....but... I only watch the episodes, not the feeds, and then I read this comment section so I pretty much have an idea of what’s going on, but not to the degree you feed watchers do. The first few weeks, (the Jack weeks), I could not stand Jackson. I hated how he treated the outsiders, hated how he treated Kat, hated his bromance, hated his humorless personality, hated his arrogance. He was every bit the pompous douchebag that he got Zinged for. But heaven help me. He has been growing on me so much. I’m trying to fight it. It started I think when he got nominated for America’s Field Trip and got it right away that they were hated. He has such a quick read and good humor about it. And he went to work to fix it. I also liked that when he was mad at Jack he stayed mad and didn’t get talked back into the Bromance. I like how he put up Christie, time after time (though I hate that he doesn’t follow through) I like how he laughs all the time, when he gets hit by a ghost on the wall, when he gets pied, etc. I’ve noticed whatever the competitions dish out he accepts with a smile as part of the experience. I like how he has come around to actually caring about Nicole and Cliff. He nobly took the unwanted W in the Wall comp to protect them. He seems so good humored and pleasant these days and he is obviously a total beast in competitions. Then I read this comments and everyone says he’s still such a dick. I’m sure you are right but since I only watch episodes I’ve still been enjoying him, maybe a little too much. I even like his looks more than I used to! I think I want him to win. Except for not voting out Christie he has played a hell of a game. And if he loses because he didn’t get her out, well that would be his own fault and it won’t bother me that much. I like Nicole on a personal level but she doesn’t deserve to win this game. Jackson does.
  13. If she said that it has to be the most blatant fishing for America’s favorite player I ever saw. Hey Christie how about talking to the girl while she was right there living in the same house with you. I cannot take the phoniness of this woman
  14. Well endowed lips....think of Steve Harvey, only without the mustache.  Lol I feel so dumb I never even thought that’s what you meant, even though it’s so obvious once it was explained to me! And now I want soup
  15. I am so dumb lol I thought she meant like beer chillers, that you use to quick cool cans of beer. I’m like, they make those for soup? Who wants cold soup? Never even thought of lips, which once you said it seems so obvious
  16. Ok my turn now! I’ve heard of shotgunning beer but what are soup coolers???
  17. She cares about her good character? Then she shouldn’t be banging some dude (who is a horrible human being) on live tv. Ugh dumbass.  If I remember correctly, Jordan refused to have sex with Jeff while they were in the BB house, because she knew her family was watching. I liked that. Or at least that’s how I remember it. I have a 23 year old daughter, I’ve been watching since she was 3. (Season 1 episode 1....) If she ever went on BB I could not watch it. I cannot imagine EVER being able to watch something like that, how do parents handle it? I could not. And what about her dad, her grandparents, her aunts uncles cousins.....no. Just no. My daughter is an adult and does not live at home, she’s fairly open with me, even then what she does in her relationship in her private life is just barely my business as long as she’s safe and happy. But on TV???? NEVER
  18. Really can’t stand Christie but at this point I don’t even care, I think she should win it. That was good gameplay on her part. I don’t like her at all, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t have to like her to respect her good vs. their stupid gameplay. I cannot understand why they ever let her stay. Those HG are morons, and Jackson is the moroniest moron who ever played this game, which is crazy bc last week he was growing on me. But now I feel they all deserve to lose, and Christie deserves to win, as much as it pains me to admit it
  19. WTF? Are those peas in that salad? Ok lol thank you @Vixenstud for ensuring that I won’t sleep tonight either
  20. Could she have made a tropical salad and that is shredded coconut? It definitely doesn’t look like it, it looks like cheese, but I’m choosing to pretend it’s a tropical salad so that I can sleep tonight
  21. No, Bella, no! Literally ONE minute after posting that, she posted this! What is wrong with that girl? If she sees everything he said, and everything he did, and what he’s doing with Tommy, and now with Analyse, and then wants to possibly continue with her relationship with him, I have zero sympathy for her. Can she be that stupid? And I don’t forget how nasty she was to Ovi and the others. I guess I really don’t think too highly of Bella at all!
  22. I hardly ever bother to do these BB voting things but I was all on board for this one. Get one of the 6 to sit on the block? Sign me up! Meanwhile what a waste of my time. And yours too, since most of us voted similarly. So of the highest vote getters, Jack gets eliminated on Thursday, his votes don’t count, Tommy wins HOH, his votes don’t count. Thankfully that awful Christie gets put on the block, yay! Oops, Tommy wins Veto and takes her down. Christie’s votes don’t count. Analyse and Jackson can’t go up, because the Field Trip twist doesn't allow replacement nominees. Their votes don’t count Another brilliant twist. I won’t be fooled again!
  23. I was so startled when Julie said “gyp”, obviously she didn’t mean anything derogatory but that’s not the point. I learned the origins years ago, and it is certainly a slur, which surprised me at the time. We are all still learning. (And it is spelled gyp, not jip) Just going to leave this here. I don’t think it’s up to those of us not in that ethnic group to decide how they should feel: “I encounter a lot of people who tell me that they never knew the word 'gypped' had anything to do with gypsies, or that it's offensive — especially when the word is heard not read," says University of Texas at Austin professor Ian Hancock, who was born in Britain to Romani parents. "My response to them is, That's okay. You didn't know but now you do. So stop using it. It may mean nothing to you, but when we hear it, it still hurts”
  24. Eh, Nick is creepy and he's definitely sex obsessed. I still don't think that automatically makes him inappropriate with children at all. I also agree that Nick is vile and creepy yet shouldn’t mean he is not to be around kids. I see no signs of him being attracted to children. However...he is clearly very inappropriate and doesn’t sense boundaries, not just in his actions but his conversation. He knows he is being recorded 24/7 and that his behavior and words can affect his career, yet he continues. So on that basis, if he can’t control his lustful conversations, maybe he really shouldn’t be around kids. Because there are some things not appropriate for children to hear, and Nick’s apparently a guy that doesn’t know when to shut it down. And, since he’s a therapist, he’s alone with them when having private conversations. So that makes me uncomfortable Also, I don’t see how Nick can go back to the real world and be considered a competent therapist, who should be a sounding board giving useful advice. I do not want to know more about my therapist’s thoughts and feelings than my therapist does about mine.
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