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Never Again

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Everything posted by Never Again

  1. That was great, thanks for the clip, I’d forgotten how funny Britney is and Ragan too. As soon as I saw Lane again I wanted to punch his face. Good times! Wow, Zingbot looks so young there 😉
  2. My Gd when will they have the veto meeting, it feels like a month since the competition
  3. Exactly! He was a great player but they helped him be that Nope. Nope.. nope. The advantages make him ineligible to me. I don’t know if you remember Rosie Ruiz but she won the 26 mile nyc marathon years ago. Then they found out that mid race she actually got on the subway and took it a few stops then got off and rejoined the race. Of course they stripped her of the title! To me Paul joined the BB race having skipped the first few miles. You can’t be allowed to win if you are granted immunity for three weeks upon entry. Derrick did more with less and I agree was magnificent PS Paul definitely did look like Rasputin and on his season I posted a pic of them side by side. It was eerie! ETA: just checked wiki and my facts are off, she won the Boston marathon but cheated and was stripped, she had run nyc first and came in 11th..after Boston stripped her, nyc went back to look at her race again and she cheated there too. Was stripped of both!
  4. You are not alone. I did not hate Paul. A lot of people liked him. In fact he's Nicole's favorite player: Oh great. Now I have NO one to cheer for. Nicole was never a D1 player but at least I liked her
  5. Off topic, but I was mesmerized by this beautifully crafted sentence. It’s ONE sentence, yet reads so nicely. Then I remembered you mentioned the other day that you are a writer. So now I just looked you up (I am not a stalker, I swear, I am just nosy and the internet makes life easy) and apparently you are a published author! Kudos to you, Brian
  6. Good, maybe he’ll find the part that says you have to eat slop when you’re a have not. And he can bookmark that for the producers who seem to have forgotten
  7. Done having kids? Bc you KNOW you can’t be done with the show!
  8. On Reddit they’re saying that Jackson has been telling Holly about his loyalty to her going forward, by explaining that any future girls he dates will have to understand that he will continue to like and comment on Holly’s Instagram, and that Holly’s future boyfriends will have to understand that too. Holly, if you are the eventual decider of F2 and you take this guy to the final with you, after he told you to your face that you don’t have a future except as Instagram friends, then you deserve your fate. ETA: this is surprisingly sloppy gameplay for Jackson, it’s not like him to tip his hand while she can still possibly decide his fate
  9. Remember when my daughter’s good friend Alexis accepted a guys promposal? And then a cuter guy asked her to prom so she accepted his, too and then had to tell the first guy? And so he asked someone else, and then shortly afterwards through the grapevine the cuter guy heard that she already had accepted to go to prom with someone else first and he didn’t want to deal with that so he canceled her and asked someone else, and Alexis went to prom but without a date? You might not, lol, but I sure remember it! My point being, once you make a deal in close quarters where people can find things out, it’s probably better to stick to the first deal. I think if Nicole and Cliff were evicting Holly, ok fine, or if evicting Tommy, then that’s fine too. But what’s the point of telling Jackson and Holly that you’re evicting Holly, but then turn around and evict Tommy? Now Tommy is understandably upset, but even though they KEPT Holly, she and Jackson are furious with them anyway and consider them disloyal, even though in the long run they stayed loyal? So now everyone is pissed at them, instead of just one side being mad. Now Nicole and Cliff are not going to have a good time at prom
  10. My shakeout of my feelings after digesting last night’s episode: I’m revolted by Holly, what nerve of her to continuously complain about throwing the HOH when she would have been evicted if she didn’t beg for her life by promising to throw that comp; I’m disgusted by Cliff, if he’s that close to Nicole...I don’t mind someone playing to win but his using their relationship and her insecurities and his dad persona to undercut her like that just rankles; I despise Jackson but he’s a fantastic player who makes his own lightning fast decisions and beasts the comps; I feel badly for Nicole but she should have played her own game at the end and went with her gut, although she sees that now. Also she was handed two of her HOH wins, so that matters too I assume Jackson will win, if my daughter dated him I’d throw up, but he does deserve the win. And I’ll vote for Nicole for AFP.
  11. Ya know what Holly? You were GONE if you didn't make this horrible terrible I'll throw the most pointless HoH the year deal with Nicole and Cliff. Think of it that way instead of being pissed you had to throw it. Gah... This is what had me yelling at my TV, I was so annoyed! Holly had a choice of being evicted or making the deal. She made the deal. She keeps on bitching about how she was forced into throwing it, how horrible she feels, how she should be the rightful HOH, on and on, but if she hadn’t signed up for the deal she would be gone and never even in the HoH contest. Oh, and I firmly believe she threw it eventually not because she promised Nicole and Cliff but because Jackson kept insisting on it, and she only cares about making him happy. Holly you idiot, your man cost you that HOH. I’m disgusted with Cliff too and at this point , personal feelings aside, I want Jackson or Nicole to win. Holly would be the worst winner, followed by Cliff, who at least tried, even though he messed up his ally. Frankly that was awesome, she’s trying so hard to comfort him, he doesn’t even acknowledge she’s alive, he only wants his momma. Holly good luck in life, because you are one woman who cannot read a room or a relationship. Then again, Jackson is a complete sociopath and they do fool you
  12. If based strictly on gameplay he has been physically, mentally and (currently) even socially very adept. He is surprisingly quick to respond to every new wrinkle. For example, when Tommy told him his secret, you could see watch Jackson’s face as he digested not just this info but all its ramifications, what it said about Tommy, what it meant in jury, what it meant in the house. But all he say aloud was “wow, how did you do it, must have been so hard on you” He’s sharp. He made a believable U-Turn into befriending the bottom feeders once he needed them. He’s good at every aspect of the game. Therefore he would be a deserving winner, so I was about to agree, and say yep let’s keep personal feelings out of it and reward superior gameplay. Then I remembered how I felt about Paul
  13. Thank you for sending the clip as I wasn’t able to see the other posted one. Yes they were at F3, I remember the third woman but not sure of her name. Maybe it was Nicole? That sounds familiar I wonder whatever became of Monica’s cousin. However since they hadn’t heard from her by day 4, I’m sadly not encouraged
  14. I can’t see it bc I’m not a subscriber. But is this where the HG learned about 9/11, and Monica’s cousin was one of the missing? If so, I have to say, it broke me up (I’m from nyc live in jersey now, surrounded by lost people and affected families). It also showed how brilliant Dr. Will really was. He figured out immediately that Flight 93 sacrificed themselves for the rest of us. Going on no info but the slight amount told them by production, he pieced it together instantaneously. I'm not sure, maybe someone else knows, but I think Monica’s cousin was never found. A man on my current block worked at the WTC and was never found; they still fly the flag. 12 people from my current town were murdered, 9 from the neighboring town I was living in then. Truly the most horrible event of my lifetime. I know so many people who lost people. May they all Rest In Peace.
  15. Hey guys, can someone help me out? Been a busy week and haven’t been able to read the comments (I never watch the feeds). So, per the quoted comment, Jackson and Holly were told the secret by Tommy, but they never told Cliff and Nicole? I saw Jackson the other night (I do watch the episodes) say that his foursome with Holly, Cliff, and Nicole is the most important thing of all to him. So why are they holding this info from their valuable alliance members? Something just ain’t right!
  16. @Melina22, all Carolina people, hang in there, stay safe.
  17. Busy today but just read all the stuff you guys linked to about the Swaggy and Bayleigh fundraiser for Kevin. Thank you all for sending and for so clearly explaining the story! Especially @IndyMischa @Lady Calypso @Nashville @HartofDixie wow I am STEAMED. Bayleigh has clearly lost her damned mind. I think she comes off even worse than him, “Don’t count my money”. Wow, this is money donated to KEVIN, it’s not your money! What has happened to the beautiful intelligent model and flight attendant from the great family? She has really sunk to his level and I think it’s a shame Poor Kevin I hope he recovers quickly. Trust me when I tell you that cancer issues don’t end once you’re lucky enough to be cancer-free. It’s a lifelong battle, including scans, bloodwork, medications, surgeries, endless doctor visits, and many associated side effects which create new health problems of their own. As I’m sure many of you unfortunately are equally aware. Kevin could still use that money. And the whole thing is sickening. Side note, somewhere above I read that Bayleigh told Holly how Jackson is being perceived by the viewers. How the hell is that allowed? Remember the days people would fly banners over the backyard and production flipped out? Now they are actually bringing the information to the houseguests themselves. What is happening to my show?
  18. Wait. Full stop. This caught my attention. I hadn’t heard this, I don’t pay attention to any of the HG except the current ones in any particular season. I didn’t realize Kevin had cancer. Ugh I hope he’ll be alright. You are saying that swaggy set up a charity fundraiser to help Kevin pay his cancer bills, then did not give him the money, because he said “the problem” is Kevin became cancer free? First of all, obviously it’s great news, not “a problem” if Kevin is cancer free, although you are saying it’s not true, which stinks. But obviously he still has enormous bills and could use the money. Second, if that was promoted as a fundraiser for Kevin and then swaggy doesn’t give it to him, is that even legal? People donate for a purpose, he can’t just decide to keep it! Swaggy has now transitioned from some dude I found annoying and phony to someone who should probably be arrested for fraud or even theft. And Bayleigh too If she’s involved. I will never know what she sees in him or why she would willingly spend her life with him. And if that is what happened, why oh why would cbs shove them in our faces?
  19. I’m still over Jackson due to Watermelongate but I have to mention that him silently drinking that coffee while Christie was crying was cold-blooded and I loved it
  20. TBH, I wouldn’t blame him. Jessica will likely vote for any female sitting against any male. Why cost himself a vote? on a personal level I don’t like it but as a game move, it’s smart
  21. This is one of my fave posts ever! This is the biggest compliment, I know you don’t hand out praise that you don’t mean. You made my night! For real 😀 Taping show I’m 12 mins behind going to watch now. This DE has me excited! Hope it all goes right lol thanks again @peachmangosteen!
  22. These are GREAT tips and I appreciate them tremendously. I will try them next summer for sure! But the mood I’m in now, for what’s left of summer I will just go back to my Manhattan upbringing and buy nice red ones already cut up! Why waste all that time? Here’s an idea I saw online lol also stay safe, hope you do not lose power 🤞🏻
  23. Yes I’m a thumper but apparently not a very good one! I thought it sounded hollow enough. Usually I do okay but I think I was lazy and impatient today and the produce section was crowded. I’m going to take my time next watermelon and I’m also going to slice it in half first like usual. Lesson learned!
  24. I hate Jackson again. Number one, I’ve now seen the fight, so, ugh But also bc this kid got me so in the mood for watermelon, and it IS summer, so I just bought a whole one, was about to cut it and then said hey lemme try Jackson’s way, it looks weird but interesting, so I did it his way which took just as long and the watermelon was not good it was white and light pink inside not red and if I had cut it the normal way I would have seen that with the first knife cut but I did it his way and I was too far in before I saw it was a dud and now I’m salty So yeah, hell with you, Jackson
  25. I remember that we knew they knew each other and that it was a secret, so I was very impressed by Christie. When they all introduced themselves tommy and Christie hadn’t known each other would be there and she immediately put her hands on his cheeks stroked them and said nice to meet you. With that gesture she showed him that she remembered him, that there wasn’t bad blood, and to not let the others they knew each other. Tommy looked like he was about to screech when he saw her, but she set the rules up right then and there, without even knowing in advance, and I was struck by that smart gameplay. And wow, vibrating like a tuning fork! That is such a perfect description of Tommy in that moment! Yet Christie was calm, cool and thinking for both of him. I don’t like her anymore but I was really impressed with her then
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