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  1. I think the tattoo machine is more for people who otherwise wouldn't consider a tattoo but this may change their minds. Probably not people who care about an original vs a print. They just want the tattoo. I'd fall in that category. If I were to get a tattoo I'd use the machine. A customized one from a ln artist is always going to be an option its not eliminating that. Obviously machine would have to be tested to see if it works.
  2. The tattoo machine was pretty cool but it's not a business he just made a machine. I have no tattoos but if I were to get one I'd want to use it. Another type of non milk milk? Really? I dont think that firefly device does anything for recovery BUT I am fascinated its basically a peripheral nerve stimulation device that could have with peripheral neuropathy. I ordered it to check it out.
  3. Stupidity vanity and hubris. They think they'll never get caught or face consequences. And sadly, they are often correct. Id bet he kept get a good lawyer and do a few years of a cushy prison get out just fine. But he probably has no money saved or planned for so he'd be 'poor' , in a relative sense though more accurately 'not rich'
  4. On that note I hate people who use the word adulting and complain about it Grow the f*** up
  5. OK boomer.... Jk....I've had this hapoen to me. Solidly gen x
  6. Plus that seems the epitome of entitled white girl. To take a year, or two, to just do Buddhism. Do she pay for this? Can't imagine its zero cost. Overall a bit of a letdown. Was expecting more. Way too much 'should we or shouldn't we' with the sexual implications on the boat.
  7. They lose everything. Money name and as he mentioned his business is ruined.
  8. This episode tim was talking about his dad I believe being a successful business owner and his grandfather was the governor of NC. Tim made it clear money is very important to him at least , and by extension her, in his speech after talking to his lawyer. Specifically said so. But you're right it's not all about money. Saxon has money, or comes from money, yet all the others there easily see what a douche he is.
  9. I think she's right about the people for the wrong reasons though. She just sees them as different and looks down on them for that reason. And she's only right really about the men. The women other than questionable taste in men, and being gold diggers (which in truth, isn't the mom as well) don't seem like bad people. Also she doesn't seem to recognize her husband is of the same ilk as them he just puts on a better social face with the life and family and country club. OK no younger women he lusts after but otherwise any difference ?
  10. I think gaitok will get fired for losing the gun and he knows it. Literal chekovs gun here. True about Saxon. In fact now that you point it out that's the unifying theme of these groups. A bunch of low key or dinners with one person looking for fun. That family , the three women, the young female older man couples.
  11. Sadly true. Convince everyone he is a victim. It made me think of trading places when Eddie Murphy says the best way to hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people Valentin was definitely screwing wirh those women for whatever reason with where he sent them amd im guessing it will continue with his friends.
  12. Is he? Didn't recognize him.
  13. I assumed he searched around in the cars waiting for someone resembling him and with a job he could 'fake' reasonably. that guy we saw probably wasn't the first one he asked in the car line.
  14. Yeah I looked at that too but still pretty red. I'm sure Austin and Dallas like all big cities are more blue, as shown, but I'd also guess she's in a rich white suburb, not 'in the city' and her area is hard core red. If you're referring to the map I posted it's by congressional district. They'll all going to have about the same population. I chose that view on purpose. And yes gerrymandering but still, outside major city center metros, which is blue countrywide, all suburbs and rural areas are red. I don't like it but it's just how the election went.
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