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Everything posted by 918lux

  1. I actually don't think that this article is correct- if Alex had an English peerage, then yes- she would have been granted the right to use the title between her first and last names...when she was married she would have been Luann, The Countess de Lesseps, then once divorced she would have lost the definite article and just been, Luann, Countess de Lesseps. However, Alex's title is French and since France does not have "nobility" anymore, there really aren't any hard and fast rules. Alex is allowed to be called "Count" as part of his legal name- and can pass it on to his first born son. Alex's wife can call herself "Countess" all(s) she wants, but it doesn't have any legitimate standing anymore.
  2. Commission for Life insurance & annuities just pay once when the policy is originally sold. Car & home insurance pays out each renewal period.
  3. Tamra came on in Season 2. But I see it more as Tamra's show because she seems to be the central "wife". Andy Cohen has called her the perfect "Housewife" because she always stirs it up and isn't afraid to go for the kill.
  4. There is no type for an abuser and there is no type of woman who is immune to being abused. I volunteer for a women's shelter and can tell you we see all kinds, women you would NEVER dream had felt trapped in their marriage with no escape even though they were the bread winners for their families. And when you go to their court dates with them, you see these meek, mild mannered looking men and wonder how the hell everyone got here. You can never guess about what goes on behind closed doors.
  5. I disagree, I thought not at least taking a sip was really rude. Especially since the event was comped and filmed, the polite thing to do is to take at least a sip and comment about how good it was.
  6. Yes- but my point there was that they all seem to be using "Kelly told us it was an upper!" as an excuse- they were ordering tequila to "stay up" and get everyone more in the mood...but I just don't buy that they honestly believed that tequila shot = 5 hour energy shots.
  7. It was obvious that once Kelly made the comment about Tamra's daughter Tamra, Heather and Shannon all agreed to try to get Kelly to get as nuts as possible in order to get her off the show. In Shannon's blog and on Tamra's twitter they both claim that Kelly had told them tequila was an upper and that's why Shannon was ordering it and encouraging Kelly to drink- BS everyone know that alcohol is a depressant. They were trying to get Kelly drunk to get her to lash out some more- it was obvious by Tamra's "all black for Kelly's funeral" remark & then sending the selfie. I'm no great Kelly fan, but I can see how she feels like everyone has been out to get her from the beginning.
  8. +1 except my MIL didn't invite anyone to our wedding & said she'd just wait and invite people to my husband's next wedding. That's why I can totally feel sympathy for Shannon. There is something that a nasty MIL can really do to mess with your mind. I definitely think Shannon is a little loony, but NO ONE deserves to have her MIL tell her children that she's a bad mother- that's just beyond.
  9. I think $8,000 without consulting your spouse qualifies as out of hand. It's "their money" not "her money".
  10. At this point the only one I like is Rich. At least he had the sense to say something along the lines of "Maybe Tiffany is taking Marie out of context"...I appreciate that he wasn't going to really engage in the drama, but was still there to listen to her. I am not buying that Tiffany never responded. It was totally suspicious that she didn't just hand her phone to LeeAnne and let her read the conversation, rather than just pulling out Marie's texts. The praying outside the house was unreal. I would have found it more believable if they had done it sitting in the car (not that I think praying before you go in and ambush your supposed friend is ever normal). Shockingly enough, I feel like I see disingenuous people here in Dallas praying in random spots all the time, so I guess I'm not totally shocked. Stephanie and her family seem the most normal. Although I thought her husband's interest in decorating was weird, they do seem to be a happy family. Cary & Mark...I just can't. Talk about an uncomfortable episode for them. They are just Alex and Simon with respectable jobs and a nice house. Bryan and Brandi- man, that was rough. They clearly had a normal "date" before she launched in to the talk about not spending enough time together, because he was suddenly drinking from a rocks glass and they had food. I think a big problem for Brandi is her inability to articulate what she feels in an appropriate way- she could have just said, "I appreciate how hard you work, but I'd like if we made an effort to spend quality time one on one and as a family- otherwise, what is all the hard work for?". Instead she fumbled around awkwardly and made the whole conversation very uncomfortable. Additionally, WTF were either one of them wearing?? And, when is she going to stop using Bath & Body Works "Art Stuff" line on her face?
  11. My general observations: Eileen- 1. If she had said outright "When you said, 'was that when the affair started?' it made me feel as though you were referring to my marriage as cheap and tawdry and hurt my feelings." I really think Lisa V would have apologized. Instead, Eileen said something along the lines of "remember when you asked me how I met my husband?" to which Lisa V was genuinely shocked as to why that would be an issue. Eileen's problem is her inability to articulate what was bothering her & then to continue to bring it up and then pretend like she accepted Lisa V's apology. I'd be confused and agitated, too, if someone I felt like I had apologized to multiple times (for something totally ill-defined) kept coming at me for another apology. 2. For all of her talk about how Lisa V is manipulative, she is sure the only one who has actually appeared manipulative on screen. She was manipulating Lisa R all season in to being on her side and then going at it again with Kathryn on the reunion couch! The woman is a study in projection. 3. Eileen is the reason Yolanda knows anything about the Munchhausen accusation at all. She spilled the beans early on & from the sounds of it, knew Lisa R. was going to bring it up on camera before it ever even happened. She keeps mentioning that Lisa R. had told her all about how Lisa V. encouraged her to say it, yet she didn't seem at all surprised by the fact that Lisa V. & Kyle refused to engage when Lisa R brought it up at the Pony Meet & Greet. 4. For someone who feels so offended by a friend wanting the gossip on her affair, she has no problem asking a friend for the low down on her sister "escaping" from rehab. Rinna- 1. Lisa Rinna. You cannot just say whatever sick, disgusting thing comes in to your mind- calling people dangerous, gross, Munchhausen,etc- and then say "I own it, that was then this is now" and think everyone should move on. Additionally, no one else should take the blame with you because they encouraged you to say something. You're a grown woman, the only person responsible for what comes through those ugly lips is you. 2. Lisa R cannot help but make everything about herself. She feels vindicated in her behavior RE Kim because she lost a sister to addiction. Kim isn't her sister and quite frankly, isn't any of her business. She wasn't on the show this year & they had no interaction until the final party. Her obsession with Kim and Brandi became borderline frightening. 3. I truly think she has a hard time discerning what people mean when they say things that could be taken multiple ways and wonder if she has a difficult time understanding tone and context. She only hears "I thought you were going to bring Kyle in to it." as "Why didn't you bring Kyle in to it?" rather than the possible "I'm glad you didn't bring Kyle in to it.". And she hears "There goes our **** story-line" as "Let's make this our story-line" rather than the possible "Oh no, now the whole season is going to be about Yolanda and her illness." 4. Does she not recall LVP coming to her defense earlier in the season at Erica's? She jumped in and said that Rinna never said that Yolanda has Munchhausen, just that Rinna had engaged in a conversation. Also, she was pretty blunt about the fact that, she too, thought Yolanda was inconsistent and her instagram was confusing. As far as all that goes, Lisa V "owned it" pretty early on. Vanderpump- 1. I wish she would just say, "We had spoken a few times about the inconsistencies displayed by Yolanda regarding her illness with her instagram and also some of the activities she was able to participate in. At one point, Rinna said that her hair dresser told her that Yolanda sounded like someone she knew who had Munchhausen and Rinna shared that information with both Kyle & me. When she mentioned that she would bring it up on camera, I told her that if she felt so strongly about it she needed to be clear that she was the only one who had said that word and not to drag the rest of us in to it. When she left that day, I did say, 'I thought you were going to bring Kyle in to it' meaning: I know you have discussed this at length with Kyle & I was worried you would bring that up and also drag us all in to it, but phew- glad that didn't happen. I also did own up to talking about the instagram and feeling like Yolanda was inconsistent right to her face at Erica's BBQ, so I was trying to protect you and say that it wasn't just you who was questioning it."
  12. According to the taxes and MLS history, Brandy and Bryan bought the house in 2014 for $905,000, so I guess he must be making decent money?
  13. This was just terrible! They don't even have decent real estate porn for us to ogle. Leeanne isn't an event planner, she's the sad hanger on that rich event chairs use to do their bitch work. Her "job" is owning a media company & doing PR...but she rarely works. She's a joke all over town. Although, I did laugh when she threw the Plano shade, that is a pretty spot on Park Cities/Preston Hollow lady insult...too bad she lives on the wrong side of Hillcrest. I'm not even going to touch Brandi & Stephanie, they're gross & they don't live in Dallas, so why bother? I liked Cary, but maybe because she didn't really talk? I can't figure Tiffany out, she came home to dry out, but we didn't really learn anything about what she does now, right? Other than shop consignment & cry when her boyfriend "sings".
  14. I don't think it's a character choice...I think Ruth's veneers are too thick and she can't comfortably close her mouth.
  15. I'm still trying to digest everything I saw last night. I definitely wonder why they didn't call the police and say that Alison (the sober one) had been driving with Noah in the passenger seat and Helen in the back. They could have easily said they were dropping Helen off on their way to The End and crazy drunk Scotty wandered out in front of the car on a dark road. Easy fix...but then we wouldn't have the show. The thing I loved the most (so far) was that the music when Helen and Noah were running in to the ocean was the same music used when Alison and Cole were together this season in Montauk. It was a beautiful moment and I loved the tie ins with the original couples. Something makes me think that it will all end up with Helen and Noah together Cole remaining with Louisa and Alison on the outside alone.
  16. Do we know why the actual charges are? Murder requires intent, an accident would be manslaughter I think. Does NY have the death penalty?
  17. Based off of Cole's testimony, I'm guessing we now know that the true gun scene was the one where Cole was trying to call Noah off Scotty in the front yard?
  18. I don't have an issue with her being named Joan(ie). Our preschool class has 2 Eleanors, a Vivian, a Francis and a few Harpers. Old fashioned names are very popular, especially family names.
  19. I was just watching the episode over again. I noticed that in Noah's segment, when he comes home & finds Alison doing the dishes after his solo therapy session, it's the first time he hasn't remembered her as "sexy-Alison". Usually in his segments she is surrounded by light, has fluffy hair, glossy lips & dressed like the sex goddess he wrote her as. This time, her hair was flat, she had on a crew neck shirt with a cardigan over it & was in the dark. Is he starting to see her as she is? Or is the bloom off the rose?
  20. Totally agree! I felt like flying through the TV when the therapist told him he had done a tremendous amount!! The same thing drives me crazy when I hear men say they have to "babysit" because their wife has a meeting that night....um no, you're not babysitting you're parenting. Changing diapers and learning how to cook isn't making it up to someone, it's being an adult in an adult relationship.
  21. I think the video was from the night of scotty's death, not when Alison was pregnant.
  22. 918lux

    S02.E02: 202

    The second episode is now available on demand. "Alison's summer with Noah is interrupted by an unwelcome guest. Meanwhile, Cole's self-destructive lifestyle causes everyone to become concerned."
  23. I don't see why Marissa didn't just say, "I'm happy for you to come to my party, but if you would prefer to do things more in line with your own traditions, we can just go out for birthday drinks the next day." I think that might have shut Juliet up and saved us from another season of party drama! I truly just do not see anything that's right about Juliet's perspective. She wants to have a traditional Thanksgiving, her way- but since she doesn't cook and doesn't want to have it at her house she needs someone else to facilitate it and do it exactly how she wants it? I don't think so. If you want to have a special holiday and do it with your traditions, then host one.
  24. I think Brianna would enjoy her life a lot more if Vicki wasn't always visiting...if you're always having out of town company, you don't get the chance to join clubs, play groups, etc. I'm surprised they haven't gotten involved in a church. Honestly, the first question any one asks when they meet someone in OK is "What church do you go to?" or "Have you found a Church Home yet? I'd love to take you to mine!" I know Vicki goes to Saddleback, so I I would think the evangelical scene that is so popular in OK would have been kind of familiar to Brianna. Of course I also have no idea what all is out in Choctaw (where she lives)...in the 3 years I lived in OKC I definitely never ventured that direction. I thought Brianna offering to stay in a hotel was pretty normal. We definitely stay in a hotel when we go to see my in-laws, there are some people you just aren't meant to be around 24/7! Vicki saying Brooks was traveling on business was such obvious BS...it would have been better to say he was going to be visiting his children- we all know he doesn't work. Call me crazy, but I am starting to believe the other women are crazy and maybe Brooks is the nice guy? He always seems to mild mannered and calm on camera (WTF is he doing with Vicki?) so I have a hard time believing he's this devious, evil person Brianna, Meghan and Tamra would like us to think he is. Of course, then I remember him saying Vicki's vagina was his favorite part about her and then he's ruined forever.
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