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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I wonder if the same photographer took both of these badly photoshopped pix:
  2. I think the picture is a publicity shot for her H of 11 line, meant to portray him as her Dutch Knight in Shining Armor, who scooped her up in his arms and rescued her after she broke her heel. Her lack of a full sized body makes him appear even more Hulk-like.
  3. I thought Darcey's dress and severe ponytail (which you could see the attachment ends when she turned her head) made her look like a 50s Sci-Fi movie "vixen from Outer Space."
  4. I get the impression that the professional studio makeup artists really do a good job. Heck, even Danielle looked "acceptable" at her Tell All.
  5. What was with Antonio's distracting blinking? Corny appeared to be calling him from her childhood bedroom. I'm surprised she didn't have a princess canopy bed and teddy bears. Edited to add: does anyone think Antonio was filming from Mama’s house? There seemed to be more decor in the background than in that sterile closet sized long term stay apartment where he stayed with Corny
  6. Wow, nothing says "I want you out of my house and my life" like changing your Netflix password!
  7. I'm confused because there were so many very brief "ring shots" from Darcey, but maybe the one she showed her daughters was the one she had bought for herself? Maybe she liked it better than his?
  8. I wasn't sure which jacket he was referring to, the one he was wearing and said he'd give her as they were leaving the studio, or his military jacket. If it's the latter, did he expect her to wear it every day with every outfit for every occasion? I call BS on the "surprise" that he was in the studio, but she didn't have his jacket or his appreciation ring with her which, to me, speaks volumes.
  9. Did any of the women who accepted proposals have their rings on? Even Darcey admitted she wasn't wearing her non-engagement/appreciation/promise/commitment ring so it obviously wasn't meaningful to her.
  10. I stopped all of that over a decade ago. She had to do everything while he watched - there was no room in that rabbit hutch they rented. All that work for nothing since she cried it all off when they said goodbye at the taxi. In fact, at their last kiss when Antonio looked like he was also wiping away rears, I wondered if he was really trying to clean up all the wet, smeary crap that had transferred onto his face.
  11. I just re-watched the rather cruel fake out Non-Proposal and Jesse definitely called it "An Appreciation Ring" to which she replied, "Oh, a PROMISE ring!" (shades of 8th grade) and now in her eyes, it's morphed into a "Commitment ring." Darcey is wearing his ratty military jacket like a varsity letter sweater while giggling "This will be my last name!" Later she's the definition of "ugly crying" at the airport, while I think Jesse is "fake crying" and can't wait until she turns the corner out of sight. Buh-bye
  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Exactly, and it's a beautiful thing
  13. Anything Abby makes selling clothes donated by Sean, Chris or another Sugar Daddy will be profit for HER!
  14. Well, in Larry's eyes she's a 10 but since he considers himself a 5, I think both numbers are inflated.
  15. Her lips are so distracting! I don't know if they're really that misshapen or she just applies the bright lipstick badly, but between her Betty Davis eyes and all the grimaces she makes when she talks, I find her unwatchable.
  16. WHAT was in those huge chests anyway? We certainly didn't see evidence of Pole changing his clothes multiple times a day, like he was a house guest at Downton Abbey! I wonder how long it took Kreeny to get rid of his greasy hairs! And why wasn't she wearing her ring in the taxi on the way to the airport? Did she get machete mugged again?
  17. Is it wrong of me to hope Pole gets the Zika virus?
  18. Just happened to catch the last few minutes of the episode where Jesse makes Darcey promise she "will never drink again" and found myself getting angry. That one sided rule should have been clear from the get-go, not after their relationship has gotten as far as it presumably has. How many other edicts will he declare along the way "it will be better for both of us if you..." just to get Darcey to jump through hoops and suit his own agenda? How sanctimonious can you get!
  19. I'm not defending Nicole or the idea of the backpack leash, but Azan seemed much more concerned about how HE would be viewed for May's behavior in the crowd than for the child's safety and he certainly couldn't expect them to exhibit Moroccan child-rearing practices the minute they got off the plane. Nobody is going to mistake Nicole for a local mother and any criticism is going to be directed at her (especially if he avoids making it obvious they're together to the casual observer, like by shrugging off her embraces.)
  20. I wonder if Nicole will beat Danielle's record of the "16 Calories Burned Workout" on the treadmill
  21. I certainly don't think that two year old May understands the implications of calling someone "Daddy". Nicole has taught her to call this guy she Skypes with "Daddy" and May just parrots it back like when you show a child that age pictures and say "what's this?" "Kitty", "who's this?" "Grammy", etc. May could be taught to call Azan anything; "Azan," "Bozo," even "Mommy's Moroccan Stud Muffin" (okay, that last one might be a bit hard to pronounce) but the concept of "this guy is your instant father so listen to him" is totally lost on her.
  22. Is that the French George Glass? oui, mon amour VERY impressive Brady Bunch reference ..in French no less! I admit I borrowed that from a discussion about Danielle Jbali claiming to have a new boyfriend
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