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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I noticed Nicole inserts “like” into just about every sentence at least once.
  2. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if Fundie Mama IS homophobic but I took her advice to mean that anatomically speaking Evelyn should be just fine on her wedding night. I also predict David will have some performance issues
  3. My favorite takeaway from tonight was when Mama Evelyn said, "Penises are designed for vaginas."
  4. When I think back on the things that I might have put on a wedding registry when I was 18, I just shake my head. I'm not saying that someone that age can't have good (or even fabulous) taste, but until I got out of college and lived on my own for a while, I really had no idea of what was necessary and practical for married life. As it is, I never use that complete service for 10 of expensive English bone china that people gave me for wedding gifts which my daughters now scoff at (but it looks nice displayed in my formal dining room, which is also unused)
  5. Since Wal-Mart Pioneer Woman items or an Amazon Gift Card are the only two options I see, does that mean they got everything else already?
  6. I was curious what was on their wedding registry to reflect their "fabulous taste" but the Amazon link has been removed. We know that David is into modern and stainless steel appliances, but I just can't imagine what Claremont's Favorite Thrift Shopper asked for (and what "less expensive" gift options they received, possibly from the Sheet Cake guests.) Another thing I was wondering about their wedding, could it have been like the Duggar weddings where the entire congregation is invited then there's a pot luck style reception in the church hall?
  7. I guess that would explain why the crew stood around and filmed the machete mugger stealing Karine's cell phone? I didn't know who that was, so I looked at pictures, but I think Mr. Blobby looks a lot more animated and engaging than Nicole. I'm still going with Little Lotta, except that LL was very kind and helpful.
  8. They should put her on The Moroccan Prison Diet. VEGETABLES every day!!!! ha ha, I was going to say that I could imagine her complaining that everything they gave her to eat was GREEN!
  9. "and there were no french fries! It's NOT FAIR!"
  10. Yes, remember when Nicole and Azan had the big blow up about her cheating on him (which I still don't believe really happened) and afterwards she called home to talk to her mother? She said something in her TH about "I don't want to tell my mother the truth" and when Robbalee said, "You don't sound so good, is everything okay?" Nicole just claimed that she was tired.
  11. Do we know that she was calling HIS phone? I've seen this happen where spurned lovers call the place of business or manager and is sure can get someone fired. I don't know what happened in this case, but it is possible I think in this situation Nicole wouldn’t be able to communicate on the phone to anyone who answered but Azan.
  12. I am also calling BS on that apartment Evelyn coveted was $ 1200 a month! I recall the downstairs being large, but only saw one bedroom upstairs and from the side view by the parking lot there appeared to be an outside stairway presumably leading to a second floor apartment. I looked at a real estate website for Claremont and found some listings for THREE bedroom apartments that weren't even that much. For example: http://www.rentalsinclaremont.com/claremont-nh-three-bedroom-apartments/ I looked at the address for the first one in the list and this is the street view: https://www.google.com/maps/place/143+Pleasant+St,+Claremont,+NH+03743/@43.3678045,-72.3408425,3a,75y,293h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQT1GYa25o0GV_VXXrLqfvg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DQT1GYa25o0GV_VXXrLqfvg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D293.56097%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e1c1dae2495d51:0xb0398a8b5aba5d79!8m2!3d43.3678544!4d-72.3409927 Many of the one, two and three bedroom apartments (on this site at least) are in the same building like the one linked above also has a 2BR available. (These crazy color schemes seem to be popular up there!) HEY, THERE'S A JAMAICAN RESTAURANT RIGHT NEXT DOOR! How worldly can you get! Finally, just out of curiosity, I traveled around on Street View looking at other sections of Claremont. They do appear to have a quaint little downtown area, but I can understand David's reluctance to live there.
  13. Because "the higher the hair, the closer to God!"
  14. Apparently, Jesus is her agent and directing her music career! But I'm glad to see she's taking college courses in music instead of relying solely on divine intervention. And yes, how many "life events and personal relationships" could a sheltered 18 year old from a small town in NH have experienced? "They Closed the Dairy Queen?"
  15. Yes! I really think it's going to turn out that he's a "secondary virgin" as defined here: "A born-again virgin (also known as a secondary virgin or renewed virgin) is a person who, after having engaged in copulation, makes some type of commitment not to be sexually active again until marriage (or some other defined point in the future or indefinitely), whether for religious, moral, practical, or other reasons and is subsequently considered by some a virgin."
  16. I don't think Nicole has any interest in exploring Morocco on her own and she even seems reluctant to do so when she's with Azan to act as her tourist guide. I still think she sleeps a lot when he's not around, after all she's there to see HIM! Her idea of exploring an area is probably walking around an enclosed air conditioned mall with plenty of benches and fast food restaurants.
  17. It just dawned on me that Applegate might have been deliberately staged as a kind of "Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden/Claremont" scenario. EVE-lyn gave him an apple and once he tried it, she expected his "eyes to be opened" like Adam's in Genesis. Plus we even got to hear the Wisdom of Solomon!
  18. At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)... Who needs education or talent when you have God on your side? He will provide for and protect that special little snowflake that is Evelyn. I truly believe that is her plan for life. She and her whole family seem to think that good things will just fall into her charmed lap. You're absolutely right. I was going to put in her "all things are possible through Jesus" philosophy but I always find it hard to believe people just sit back and pray for things to happen without doing anything to help themselves achieve a goal (apart from going on a reality TV show). Personally, I feel that God has many more important prayers to answer than Evelyn's dream of becoming famous. Edited to add: I'm a firm believer in the old adage "God helps those who help themselves."
  19. At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)...
  20. I thought this TH with Evelyn last night was very telling: "We're just moving so quickly towards this wedding date...I mean in a few weeks...and if David doesn't get what he wants, is he just going to pout about it forever? That's not something I'd be looking forward to..." (bats eyelashes and grins smugly)
  21. Between the bow tie, suspenders, bulging eyes and facial grimace, all I can see is a ventriloquist's dummy.
  22. If I ever have visitors from Italy, I'm going to take a page from the Family Evelyn Hospitality Book and take them to Pizza Hut for lunch and Olive Garden for dinner! My favorite Nicole/Azan scene: in the living room...Nicole: "Can't we just TALK?" Azan: "No, I don't want to..." in the hallway...Nicole: "Can't we just TALK?" Azan: "No, I don't want to..." in the bedroom doorway...Nicole: "Can't we just TALK?" Azan: "No, I don't want to..." (closes door in her face--and scene...)
  23. I highly doubt Evelyn even understands what the term means and is just parroting "big girl words" that she has heard her parents say.
  24. Is anybody else shipping Annie and Brother Antonio?
  25. And doesn't TLC have Google to do a thorough background check on the participants? How many have turned out to have criminal records, often domestic violence?
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