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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Ashley-Snooki said he often "hooked up with prostitutes." Maybe Chris also paid for them.
  2. Her earrings at the restaurant looked like Kensley might have made them for Mother's Day in some kids' craft class. I really wanted to smack that stoned smirk off of Luis's stupid face. I hope she's really sending him packing. Edited to add: Luis said he wished he was home in the DR, on a beach with A LOT OF MONEY, so it's obvious to me why he came to the US. I had to back up and count when Andrei was confronting Libby about the bachelorette party. He said the word "like" 62 times!
  3. If you look at her sister, you can get an idea of what she'd look like if she lost weight. Edited to add: Maybe Nicole's father agreed to sponsor Azan without really understanding what the commitment entailed and I still agree with many posters who think he did so because he was afraid that Nicole would move to Morocco with May permanently if Azan couldn't come to America.
  4. Exactly! Molly first asked if "anyone had a napkin" but Luis was on his phone and oblivious to the whole problem. Meanwhile Kensley just sat there scowling with her lap covered in ice cream and Molly sat on her ass and said, "Hel-loooo! Luis!" and when she finally got his attention, she basically ordered him to be the Cleanup Police because that was what a father would do. I've noticed she often plays the "she's LITTLE!" card when she refers to Kensley.
  5. IIRC, Nicole met a guy online and impulsively went to Texas to be with him. Things didn't work out, and she returned home pregnant (or having given birth) with May. Her mother talked about it last year when she was saying Nicole hasn't made good choices in the past and how she was concerned about her going to Morocco to meet Azan.
  6. Last year, Nicole confessed to cheating on Azan before she went to Morocco. This is (supposedly) the second time she cheated, as she first claimed to have taken off her engagement ring and went out with some girlfriends. When she was tearfully telling Azan about it, the "going out with her friends" became "I went out with a guy" but she claimed she was faithful and "nothing happened." They had a big argument outside the restaurant and the next day she called her mother but said in a TH that she didn't want to tell her the truth about what they were arguing about. I for one believe her that NOTHING HAPPENED because I think she made the whole thing up just as a test to make him jealous.
  7. On listening to the rerun of the spilled ice cream debacle, I had to laugh when Molly scolded Kensley and it sounded like, "You can't even hold on to your ASS cream!"
  8. I've been to restaurants and even stayed in a hotel in vintage converted firehouses and they are really quirky and interesting. But I agree this one appeared to be just a big garage type building with absolutely no character or charm and not even located in an interesting neighborhood.
  9. Or "JAHL-uh-pee-nos." But we are getting off topic here...
  10. I once heard someone order "Fuh-JAIGH-tuz" at a Mexican restaurant
  11. I know, it was my lame attempt at imitating how I thought Evelyn would butcher the pronunciation
  12. Is it PIKE-oh-day-GAL-low? But I don't think she was making that as she was shown frying the chopped red onions (which had miraculously changed to slices) and there were no jalapenos, tomatoes or cilantro in sight, although I guess they could have been still in those huge bags of stuff she came in with.
  13. Wow, nothing but the best when Chris entertains his lady friends
  14. You're absolutely right. Josh probably had the quickest and cheapest vasectomy available and maybe he even crossed the border to do so. Then again, maybe he's lying about the whole thing and it's just an excuse NOT to have any more kids.
  15. At least nowadays a guy, especially in his 20s, might consider having some sperm frozen for the future, just in case. I absolutely LOVED it that Aika said that Filipino men consider vasectomy as losing their manhood and it was the "biggest mistake in his life." I'm sure that he reassured her that it could be EASILY reversed (and that he was willing to do that) but now he's trying to do damage control because she believed him.
  16. My guess is that Moneybags Chris bought the building which has been abandoned as a fire station for a while and is now being lived in by David Poor and Annie rent-free. Maybe the spiral staircase (and possibly a pole) are the only ways to access upstairs making it not up to current safety code so Chris can't collect rent for it. When I was a Brownie leader, we used to have our meetings upstairs in the local firehouse and it looked like a similar layout, just the basics, (but ours had a pool table, Bingo wheel, dart boards, bar, etc.) but I remember the smell of the oil from the truck bays downstairs was nauseating.
  17. Maybe Josh could give Aika a choice, which would she rather have, a $ 13K diamond ring or a $ 15K vasectomy reversal? "Choose wisely, you can't have both."
  18. IIRC, he then went on to say something like, "Haven't I treated you like a queen?" All I could think of was, um...sure, you gave Aika your exes' engagement ring, picked her up in a Jeep instead of the promised Porsche, took her to an apartment with roommates, and told her you can't afford a vasectomy reversal. Apparently that's HIS idea of how to impress a woman
  19. Maybe their wedding registry included those miraculous blue pills!
  20. This! I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my entire life. It's like if she drives a Ford, is in love, and happy, who cares?! Driving a nice car is not the end-all-be-all of happiness. Libby's dad is such a pretentious asshat. In my area, Mercedes are really prevalent but they're all LEASED to anyone who can make the monthly payment or by the company the person works for! Personally, I'd rather OWN a less prestigious car.
  21. Yes, they appeared of comparable "vintage" as the place they looked at, in other words "rundown dumps"
  22. If would think that if a child dropped an entire dish of ice cream in her lap, EVERYBODY would hop up and fetch a handful of napkins and not wait for one person to be ordered to clean her up.
  23. Of the three harpies we've seen, one is a sister-in-law, married to Libby's brother, but she's equally as opinionated
  24. my friends and I used to be amazed (and intrigued) at that trashy, colorful Fredericks of Hollywood catalog! Evelyn looked so mortified at the THONG, I wouldn't blame Mikayla one bit if she got her revenge by throwing her a Claremont scandalizing "Fuckherwear" lingerie shower.
  25. Evelyn had to leave Perfect Claremont NH and travel over an hour to that lingerie store in Manchester, VT, but I thought the merchandise looked pretty tame, not even as risque as Victoria's Secret.
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