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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I've been wondering if your screen name was a tribute to Dr. Now! Sorry about your iPad!
  2. We'll know for sure if he says "Ow, mah laigs!"
  3. I don't think Nicole is the least bit motivated to lose weight, exercise, or eat healthy no matter how much Azan asks her to try. She has continually expressed the reasoning that if he loves her, he should "love her the way she is" and that "she's not going to change for anyone other than herself." Besides, "It's HAAAAARD" and although she won't admit it, it's obvious she's very lazy. The ball is in Azan's court, if he wants a green card badly enough, he has to accept "Big a Little Bit" because what you see is what you get. I think that now that she's snagged a man who is totally "beholden" to her, she's only going to get worse.
  4. I thought she said something like he had told her after the first month of online "dating."
  5. In response to Luis's freaking out about Molly's supposedly religious artifacts, to quote Annie "Oh my, Buddha!"
  6. I didn't see any regular swings there, either, just the one she used and a couple of those little bucket shaped baby swings, so maybe it was a playground designed for younger kids
  7. I think that Luis was lounging on Molly's bed and consulting the "Sanky Panky Exit Strategy Guide" on his phone. Chapter 8: "If all else fails, a Sanky should stage a bizarre out-of-control rant about Satanism, speak gibberish, act unhinged and gaslight your American 'mark' into believing that it's all her fault you're behaving this way."
  8. Molly said it when she was talking about the wedding guest list, but that the rest of his family in the DR wouldn't be able to come.
  9. Good point! If that doctor thought that she'd get free advertising by appearing on a reality TV show, I think her plan backfired. Now no woman over the age of 35 will want to go to her if all she can offer is bad news. I still don't get the gloomy "low egg count" prognosis, sure Aika has thousands of eggs less than she did at 20, but as long as she's still menstruating she typically releases one a month so even just a couple of hundred eggs should last her for many more years.
  10. You watched that shit more than once? I am impressed by your stamina. It was driving me crazy what "Cher's" real name was, so I fast forwarded through everything, also I'm a little anal...
  11. While I was rewatching, I saw that Libby's "friend" with the stringy black extensions is named Shannon. She must be a Woo Woo girl because that was the only words she said the entire time, and the only sign of animation on her face was when she was swinging the balloon penis. Now I have to add Woo Woo girls to my ever increasing list of things I learn from watching this show.
  12. It seemed like a line straight down on her lip and just prior to showing her putting fresh coat on she wiped all her lipstick with towel. I didn't think she would leave that much on if she was redoing her lips. And it definitely would fit with the weird lip thing she has going. But this is just my guess. I took a screen shot of Libby's Lip and to me, it doesn't look like a repaired cleft lip but it's definitely some kind of scar and an injury would explain why the right side of her lip doesn't move.
  13. Libby’s friend the Cher impersonator’s name is Shannon. She must be a Woo Woo girl because that was the ONLY thing she ever said while swinging around the penis balloon. I have to add Woo Woo girl to the growing list of things I’ve learned from this show.
  14. You'll get lots of opinions here from moms because this can be a real hot topic, but there seem to be plenty of three year olds and even older kids with pacifiers nowadays. My daughter is now 35 and I was dead set against using one until the pediatrician pointed out it was "easier to take away than her thumb." Even then, she ONLY used it when she was in her crib, never out in public and I gradually weaned her off it when she was about three. I did hear May speak when Nicole was having a face time call with her mother, I think it was supposed to be "Grandma" but it was unintelligible to me.
  15. ugh, me either. And I keep forgetting to comment on the bucket full of grease he put on his hair before their dinner date. That stuff will still be all over Molly's house as a reminder, long after he's gone back to the DR. Edited to add: His big eyes and pointy ears reminds me of an elf or some mythical woodland creature
  16. And unlike SYTTD, I bet she won't say she wants to look "sexy" on her wedding day, but she MIGHT say she wants to look "like a princess".
  17. I laughed when she said that, like she doesn't normally wear lipstick!
  18. Oh my! Overwhelmingly disliked on the forum Sister Jen actually SMILED for her mugshot like it was a head shot for a modeling portfolio? I forget, who was the dimwitted brother we saw at lunch who wondered where "Maldova" is? It appears that Charles/Chuck may be the guy married to Megan, part of Bachelorette Coven. All this confirms my suspicions that Daddy Chuck is a hypocritical asshole. Thanks for posting this! Here's some info I found, on Charles, Sr. (63) and Chuck M (36) with possible relatives in common. It also looks like there are three girls and three or four boys in the family: https://www.spokeo.com/Charles-Potthast/Florida
  19. Thank you for confirming I'm not going crazy. I thought she had a name (Tonya?) and "Elizabeth's friend" on screen, too, so I just re-watched but it must have been up there so fast I missed it this time.
  20. She was always shown stone-faced standing next to Jen and never interacted with anyone. Maybe she was the girlfriend of the douche-bag brother who was so nasty to Andreiiii at lunch with the father? I, too, wondered if she was a man in drag, but she didn't look tall enough. That's why I said she reminded me of a Cher impersonator.
  21. Did anyone notice in the Nicole/Azan Farewell restaurant scene, there appeared to be two plates of (what looked to be) French fries on the table?
  22. I think Evelyn is wearing her mother's wedding dress because of her love for everything "vintage" and not due to modesty or church guidelines. Pastor Tim's church and the nearby Claremont Christian School are Baptist, not some super strict fundie cult where she would need to be all covered up a la Duggar Bride. What's with all the brassy and fake looking gold bling David Poor wore to his family dinner?
  23. I noticed neither Jen nor Becky appear to wear any kind of wedding rings but are supposedly married to rich, successful men so I would expect them to be flashing some major bling. Maybe they took them off for the bachelorette party, (hello, Nicole!) but I remember another scene with Jen where she was ring-less. I didn't notice if Megan (married to their brother) wears rings. And who knew you could have a Cher impersonator come to your party?
  24. It would have been appropriate if Molly asked Luis to "please go get a bunch of napkins" so she and Kensley herself could take care of the cleanup. Instead she sat there barking orders at Luis like he was a servant and making comments about how a father would handle the situation. Luis's dislike of Kensley is palpable.
  25. I wondered about that, too, but then Ashley said something about "our mother" so I figured it was the same woman.
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