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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought they met in Mexico, but I might be confusing them with another couple
  2. Brother Charlie kept saying he didn’t want to go to “Maldova”
  3. The mother of the Little Person sounds like a bitch. Period. End of story.
  4. IIRC, she didn’t think she could get pregnant while breastfeeding
  5. What’s this Asuelu theme music supposed to be?
  6. Her hard looking friend has been engaged 13 times?
  7. Maybe we have that to look forward to with Family Libby!
  8. Andreeei’s biggest issue is Libby’s family “being a double faced.”
  9. You obviously don’t watch “My 600 Pound Life”. Colt’s scene was pretty tame in comparison
  10. I think Debbie’s cheek mole is growing. She should get in touch with Dr. PImple Popper.
  11. He could marry Darcey, Stacey and Raina and two of the sister wives could really be sisters (although I think that has already happened in the history of polygamy)
  12. Wasn't she employed by a resort when she was working? There must be plenty of minimally skilled jobs she could do, not necessarily working the front desk, but behind the scenes like food service or housekeeping.
  13. Yes, I suspect the Lisa/Usman wedding ceremony was a basic, possibly not even legal, one. Usman said they "didn't have time to have the traditional Hausa wedding." I'm not sure if the Muslim/Christian religious differences might have also factored into the type of ceremony they had. Angela and Michael are both Christian and maybe the rule about their wedding requiring Angela to have a family member witness there in person is based on a different ceremony. Anyway, I predict that Skyla and Angela's dispute about going to Nigeria is going to play out over several episodes and in the end either Angela and Michael are not going to get married at all or there will be another solution like a Skype wedding. edited to ask, I wonder which of the three Nigerian tribes that Usman talked about does Michael belong to? That might also factor into the wedding rules.
  14. I had to laugh at the Tell All at the end of the Steph/Erika shouting match when BGL said, "You're my baby girl, Erika!" and Erika just sat there with a blank expression.
  15. At least when she wanted Skyla’s “aig” Angela put Micheal up to asking for it, and she got mad when Skyla turned her down. This time she didn’t even ask, she outright ordered Skyla to accompany her to Nigeria to witness the wedding. But I suspect this isn’t going to pan out since Skyla has a houseful of kids and a sick grandmother to take care of. Edited to add. During hate-watching the Season of Lisa, I found myself being nostalgic for Angela. Despite her bullying, abrasive behavior, she sometimes showed a tender side, acted respectfully towards Michael's Mama and had a sense of humor about herself. Unfortunately, last night's preview reminded me of all the cringeworthy things I disliked about Angela. But if I had to be subjected to either her or Lisa, I'd still opt for Angela.
  16. Ah, so you’ll just have to wait until Sunday night, but the first 30 minutes was the same in both formats (featuring Colt and Angela.) The extra 20 minutes was Larissa and Elizabeth and Andreeeeei so you really didn’t miss much, IMO.
  17. The sneak peek on TLC Go is 50 minutes. Almost twice the dysfunction! Good thing Larissa is happy with the work she had done on her face, because I think she looks terrible! Her nose looks like Silly Putty! And is anyone surprised things didn’t work out with “That's Eric With a C” because he’s cheap and doesn’t like sex? (With Larissa, that is)
  18. Angela’s hip hop dance teacher is wearing Darcey’s “Tell All” wig!
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