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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. The annoying naked lady is only getting 15 minutes, (and will soon be forgotten) obnoxious Vannessa is getting a whole season of fame-whoring. Plus potential "specials," spin-offs, cross-overs and update episodes.
  2. He might have a local following, but I don't think he will ever achieve "international superstardom" beyond appearing on TLC. Kim sure did a total about face about jealousy when she originally said she was fine with him having other wives and now she's furious that he wrote a song about a girlfriend after his marriage to BGL? I still say he purposely waited until the last minute to tell her about Zara while banking on Kim being so angry she'd break things off.
  3. Usman telling Kim that Zara broke up with him was exactly the wrong thing he could have said because that made it sound like he still could have feelings for her. If he was the one who ended things, Kim might have received the news better because he was now ready to move on with someone else. I think he realized that too late, then he backpedaled and claimed he was the one to initiate the break up. Or maybe he said it on purpose knowing that she would break up with him...
  4. Even with hair, Gino was unfortunate looking:
  5. I noticed them on Georgi's ex, Octavia, on the D&S Waste of Time last night, too, but she's quite beautiful and if she was wearing a wig, it was placed correctly.
  6. Good point. Many are Stealth Creepers that you don't suspect until years later when someone comes forward with accusations from their childhood.
  7. I can imagine all of them driving around in windowless Church Vans (with no inside door handles) asking children to help them pray to find their lost puppy.
  8. All too often! Wasn’t the other Ben (of Ben and Akini) also a youth pastor?
  9. I am swear to God-ing, that was truly a “show about nothing!”
  10. Memphis has a raging case of RBF, she just looks like she's always ready for a throwdown. I wonder if the "bling-y" engagement ring from Hamza was a real diamond? Did he spend more than $ 270?
  11. According to Merriam-Webster: "Conversate also upsets some people because it's most frequently used in song lyrics, particularly rap and hip-hop lyrics—as in the Case lyric "Tell me can we conversate/So we can get to learn each other" ("Conversate," 2001). In this instance, as in "Conversate for a few, cause in a few, we gon' do/What we came to do, ain't that right boo?" (Notorious B.I.G., "Big Poppa," 1994), conversate seems to be chosen in part because it's considered nonstandard: it's more striking and surprising than "standard" English, and it has a more dramatic effect. Much of the reaction against conversate involves accusations that it's "not a real word" because people get it from music—or that it's "not a real word" because it's rooted in African-American slang. Yet conversate is not a product of rap music, and the earliest examples of its use seem regional, not racial. The word has been in fairly consistent written use for over 200 years."
  12. All discussed on their respective couples' pages.
  13. I'd thought her question was "Why does Jesus allow so much suffering in the world", which wasn't really answered. You’re correct, that was her original question but somehow it turned into a discussion of Jesus’s strength and how He suffered. I really believe she just brought it up to distract him from discussing their relationship and didn’t really expect any kind of answer.
  14. Let's put our heads together and come up with a name for that cocktail!
  15. She talked about Jesus like he was a Superhero. Okay, I guess He is, but to say things like “He was the strongest man in the world” and Ben’s response that “Before He suffered, he spent a few hours in a garden...” just sounded like a child’s Sunday School lesson. Oh, that’s right, he was a Youth Pastor and used to discussing the Bible in simplistic terms
  16. I’m holding off on voting until after I see the Mike doing the promised Pole Run. That might be voting option #3
  17. I did the pills the first time, about 8 years ago, but my doctor doesn't use them anymore. However, I just read that there's a new pill out there that looks really easy and effective: https://www.ccalliance.org/blog/prevention/new-colonoscopy-prep-tablet-approved-fda I'm going to request it next time!
  18. I always request the prep with the least amount of yucky stuff to drink which turns out to be two small bottles of magnesium citrate, refrigerated and drunk through a straw. Then I follow it up with some spoonfuls of frozen lemonade concentrate.
  19. Less than 5 minutes into “Unexpected” and I already hate Jason and his parents
  20. Speaking of dogs, sadly both Truffles and Teddy have passed away
  21. He expounds on everything like he’s an expert, just like Kody.
  22. Does everyone from Michigan sound like Gino and/or Memphis?
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