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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I always thought the cast didn't see any of the episodes before the Tell All since there have often been surprises but maybe they see a couple that air early in the season before the Tell All is filmed.
  2. The need for the Blue Pills might explain his reluctance to have sex with an actual woman
  3. Memphis also claimed that she was losing a lot of hair due to stress and that's why she got the short 'do (which looks a million times better than that wig!) Is that some kind of side-effect from being on this show? I wonder why Jazmine's friend the hairstylist (remember he was the only male invited to the lame hotel party?*) allowed her to look so outrageous. edited to add: *I forgot the stripper!
  4. I had to rewatch this scene this morning because I wondered the same thing. He never used the word Predator (pretty rich coming from him) but said lions were the "hunters" and that Kim's aggressive quest for Usman was a "turn-off" for a man.
  5. She sure got revenge about the "noot" photos that were posted on the internet. A couple of other thoughts about last night's Tell All: In the preview it looked like Ximena did a total about face regarding Mike's claim that they were back together. Maybe she planned to do this all along to embarrass him on television. If so, good for her! He "deserves"* to be knocked down a few pegs! *At least five of the Americans have used that very word in the past couple of weeks, Memphis, Kim, Ella, Mike and Ben all said they DESERVE happiness, love, etc. (I'm drawing a blank, who am I missing?* Oh, that's right, Gino! I don't think he said anything about deserving anything) Kim flirting with Ben when she met him was just cringeworthy, "Oh, you're so handsome!" and he returned the compliment. Then her opinion of him changed when he hinted that she was a predator. His ridiculous analogy "If a gazelle attacked me..." (No gazelle is stupid enough to attack a lion!) was as stupid as his Runaway Train story. I've posted before that Memphis got her hair cut in January, so the Tell All must have been filmed after that. I've read that she had the baby (a girl) in November, so she would no longer be pregnant but that would explain her even BIGGER BOOBIES (which Hamza must love!) I'm sure the baby will be mentioned in Part 2, maybe even brought out from backstage to show off.
  6. I had to remind myself that Ben grew up in a religious cult and raised to believe women were subservient to men. A woman's sole purpose was to cater to her husband and have as many children as "God sent them." We've seen guys like him on the Fundies and Sister Wives shows who explain everything in Biblical terms that they've interpreted their own way. I had to laugh when Mahogany was running away from him and called back over her shoulder, "God bless you!" before she fled into the car.
  7. Gino had asked her if she was Sicilian and her response was no, but her HUSBAND was very Italian which must have squashed Gino’s plans to hit on her. Brought to you by The Easter Bunny!
  8. Her number is on the men's room wall at the local dive bar Larissa flushed her ring down the toilet!
  9. thanks, it's coming back to me now! Her last name is Siciliano so that explains why Gino texted her in a lame attempt at a pickup line, "Are you Sicilian?"
  10. Are we sure these 'friends' really exist though. Remember when she showed us her vibrator collection? Maybe she gives them all names! Cuz she is the town mattress….they don’t care about her. and they're not Asian
  11. Mahogany No, it’s somebody named Jessica but nobody will explain to me who she is!
  12. I love how BGL is “she who must not be named”
  13. Ella’s little boots make her legs look even bigger
  14. First Gino showed us his stash of viagra, now we hear he masturbates and doesn’t have sex with a more than willing partner. WTF?
  15. I’ll bet he has a vintage Members Only jacket
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