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Everything posted by bankerchick

  1. Thanks. I went to the site yesterday and found it. I can't add anything to the comments but 'crackpot' is pretty accurate. I don't like the Browns, or most gimmicky songs like Elvira or the one about the billboards, but the Skeeter Davis song is beautiful. I like John Mellencamp's cover of it as well. It sounds like some interesting choices are coming up, so hopefully it won't take a year to get to the top 10.
  2. Also, and I don't mean this to sound mean, but what was with the actress who plays Bridgette (Melinda Michael?) Not sure if it was the makeup or what, but she reminded me of an alien trying to pass as a human. She looks normal in her imdb pictures, but there was something off about her in this movie. Not to mention, he agreed to go along because the girl was supposed to bring up the rear in case anyone fell behind, but whenever we saw them, they were both right behind the leader.
  3. Funny. I came here to find out how the Tyler Hynes movie was (I thought it was playing in the US yesterday?) I also thought perhaps Baby It's Cold Outside was another movie playing in Canada only, like that Winter In Whitbrooke or whatever from a few weeks ago. BICO seemed like a hoser movie to me (I realize they're all filmed here but there are not usually so many Canadian shout-outs.) Joe Shawinigan? The Canadian Tire guy! The guy from the egg commercial with the giant pants is the hotel reviewer? And I also couldn't figure out his character. Sometimes he's French, sometimes he's not? First he acknowledges who he is, then it's a big secret? I found about 10 incongruities while watching this movie, but honestly, forgot almost all of them because the movie was not worth thinking about after it ended.
  4. Me too. And I spent 30 seconds trying to think of albums titles with the words colour or honour (or jewellery.)
  5. Not an unpopular opinion at all. What I find frustrating is if I decide, 'fine, I'll watch an episode of Mom, maybe it will be funny but will at least kill half an hour.' Perhaps it is funny and I decide several hours later that I will watch another episode. Nope. Same episode on again. Bear in mind it's not that Mom is on at say, 1pm and replays the episode again at 5. Mom is on 10 times a day. Not sure if it's the same episode 10x but based on my viewing experience, I would say that yes, it is. I agree that the movies are fine in the background. Perhaps it's because there are no laugh tracks. Or maybe it's just because the movies are all the same and you have a pretty good idea what it going to happen at any time you tune in, based on how far along we are in the movie. No surprises. You can ignore the first 30-45 minutes of bickering because they are going to start getting along, perhaps even almost kiss, somewhere in the next 30 minutes. Then the festival/bakeoff/townhall meeting will happen with about 30 minutes to go, leading into a crisis between the leads where one of them (pretty much always the woman) will misunderstand/mishear something and storm off, only to change their mind and come back, or at least call the other lead from home to apologize, only to find he is standing outside their front door. Both say 'I love you.' One may even propose. Only then will they kiss for the first time. You don't really need to concentrate too hard.
  6. OK, I got hooked on this page for the countdown but it has now been over 2 weeks since the last update. I know this is not on you, UYI, because I have followed the link to the site. Is there any rhyme or reason to the release of the info, or just when someone feels like it?
  7. Well then, I guess it's a good thing I have a piece of cheesecake in the fridge that I was going to eat today. Maybe I can find a candle and since I'm the only one eating it, I'm pretty sure I can blow the candle out and eat the cake safely. I guess that makes him a Taurus, which is extremely compatible with me (Cancer.) I might have to find something on demand to watch today. Perhaps the 12 Dates of Christmas.
  8. Interesting. I like Tyler Hynes but don't think I ever had an opinion on his hair until the promo for this week's movie where it looks so terrible and started the conversation here. Maybe it's all I'll see now but it does remind me how we all have different opinions on hair (and looks in general.) I had seen the movie Christmas Getaway a few times and never gave the lead actor a second look. Not that he was unappealing, he was just meh. This year the same actor (Travis Van Winkle) was in Project Christmas Wish but now he has longer, covid hair. His hair is also really curly and man, I have had this really ridiculous crush on him ever since. I have since seen Christmas Getaway again, and he still doesn't do it for me in that movie but I have watched Project Christmas Wish more times than it is healthy to admit. My girlfriend took one look at him and said, 'that guy needs a haircut.'
  9. Now this is becoming an obsession. Currently watching Flip That Romance. Tyler Hynes' hair looks good, but it's combed back from his forehead, as opposed to parted in the middle (yikes!) and combed to either side as in the picture above.
  10. Here in Canada, most Hallmark movies appear on the W network, which shows movies all weekend (usually 4 or 5 movies rotated over and over, including a couple of replays of Saturday night's big premiere) and two early-morning movies during the week. The rest of the time is taken up by Law&Order:SVU and Mom. And the god-awful remakes of stuff like Saved by the Bell and Punky Brewster, for which they show the promo during every break and I have become quite adept at diving for the remote. I guess it's a good channel if you care for any of those shows and have an hour to kill but to me its just another channel to surf past most of the time. On topic, Winter In Vail was on this morning. Lacey Chabert and Tyler Hynes. From last year and I have to say, in some of the scenes his hair was pretty bad. Maybe he just has a weird hairline (or forehead) and styling and length are really important. Many of us can probably sympathize with that. Anyway, it fortunately did not detract from the hotness in any discernable way.
  11. I was just coming here to post the same thing. What the hell? How hard is it to style a guy's hair? It looks ok-ish in the Twitter picture above, but in the clips for the film, ew. Maybe it will be like the girl's hair from It Was Always You. Horrifying in the promos and most of the movie, but the odd shot where the cut is actually sort of cute. Lumbersexual. I like that. Jeans, boots, flannel shirt, beard and longish hair. Mmmm.
  12. Making Something Great is on W Network in Canada tonight. We usually get the premieres a week or so later than Hallmark channel. The Lacey Chabert reruns are probably just to prime you for yet another upcoming movie from her, this time with Tyler Hines, who may make it watchable.
  13. Thanks, Cetacean. Another Erin Cahill movie, yahoo! Perhaps a pass. I'm currently watching Love Is A Piece of Cake and not hating it, but I swear, if you are thinking that it might be better to close down the business your grandmother started and you have carried on because your building might be sold and you might have to bake cakes somewhere other than the precious kitchen your grandmother used, I hope your grandmother is not proud of you.
  14. The charisma-free-athon continues with Love, Fall & Order, a pumpkin patch movie which seems odd today when perhaps a spring fling might have been more appropriate. Trevor Donovan, who I like but who is not the best actor, with Erin Cahill, who is without a doubt the most charisma-free actress on this network. I have yet to see sparks between her and anyone in any of her movies. She's not a bitch like many of them, just uninteresting. Tonight's movie is something called Making Something Great, the avatar for which is merely a filmstrip, and the movie isn't found on imdb, so my guess is it was originally named something else, but I guess I'll have to wait until 9pm to find out who is in it and whether I will stick it out. Fingers crossed for Paul Campbell/Kimberly Sustad or Andrew Walker/several actresses but not holding my breath.
  15. Now that we can no longer put on a bulky winter coat, it's kinda hard to go out that way, at least for those of us over 30! Sometimes I put on a bra only long enough to get to the grocery store and back.
  16. Kemper, I am quoting you on this again because I have actually seen the movie now (Don't Go Breaking My Heart.) You are so right. My overwhelming thought while watching this movie was that it was a rehash of several exact storylines we have seen before but with zero chemistry. Zero. I think the problem is that the actress seems cold. I noticed it in the Chad Michael Murray movie as well. Every line is delivered in a way that makes it difficult to warm up to her. She's pretty enough but I never get the impression that she's worth the trouble.
  17. In a way it did, though. There were years between the end of Art Fleming's run and the beginning of Alex Trebek's as opposed to now where the show itself has been continuous, albeit with different hosts.
  18. Just as my friends and I can solve all the world's problems with just a few drinks, I'm sure if a few of us could get together, we could create the most realistic, suspenseful, funny, logical and romantic happy-ever-after movie that Hallmark has ever made. And since we would insist on casting control and we all have such different faves, it would probably have to be a movie with several couples as leads. Perhaps a mini-series with a focus on different primary characters every week.
  19. Hard to imagine that a man whose masculinity was threatened by 'diet' would be ok with 'zero.'
  20. 'Dad, I know it's been hard on you since Mom died and I know I haven't been home in a couple of years, but You can't sell the inn, it's home!!!!!' So I guess she'll stay home for an extra week to help Dad bring the inn back up to standards, then leave again for a couple more years. This is her plan, but of course we know she will end up falling back in love with her high school boyfriend and after all, you can run an app from anywhere, right? I know it sounds like every movie on Hallmark. It's called Love In The Sun. The lead actress is quite unlikeable and the old boyfriend looks to be about 18 years old so I think I'll quit it. My One and Only is also on so I guess I'll watch that again rather than stick this one out til the end.
  21. Now there is an understatement, but I never realized how awful it was until l was listening to the Various Artists tribute to King of the Road. I went to the video to figure out those voices I couldn't identify and was shocked to hear how bad his voice sounded. Maybe it's worse as he gets older, or he had some throat issue when the song was recorded.
  22. Nope. Not a favourite. I would be curious to know how the powers that be decide who is going to star in the movies, especially multiple times. I listened to a podcast with Travis Van Winkle (Christmas Getaway, Project Christmas Wish) and he said actors don't actually audition for Hallmark. Hallmark reaches out to the actors and offers them the roles. So, who decided to reach out to Cindy Busby 5 times in the last year, as opposed to literally thousands of other actresses? It can't be based on fan reaction or ratings because I don't believe her movies were bigger hits than others and as you mention, mikeb, I don't think she's ever been mentioned on here as a favourite of anyone, even though we all apparently have quite different tastes!
  23. If I could like this a thousand times, I would. I wouldn't watch Anderson Cooper's CNN show under any circumstances and I thought he was terrible. It sounded like he was using a cartoon voice when reading some clues. Does he always talk like that? I will still watch because I love the show but if I'm busy I won't worry about it and I wouldn't be interested in watching him as a permanent host.
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