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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. Im not thrilled with how a lot of minorities have been portrayed but I am mostly ok with the portrayal of women on here. This is a show about a patriarchal medieval society. I did not expect it to be super progressive. I wouldnt exactly say the portrayal of men has been lovely either
  2. His felt a bit more Mary Queen of Scots to me although Mary was beheaded with an axe
  3. I do remember a line asking how long it took for a city to be sacked. I dont remember the who and when but it was Dany’s story
  4. Google Margaret Pole’s execution. She was and old woman , the last Plantagenet. She fought the execution and had her head and shoulders hacked up. There is something to be said for the guillotine. Id rather die that way than crucifixion
  5. The girl he was talking too, the little bird, was from the kitchen, I would say he was trying to poison her.
  6. We bombed Hiroshima ostensibly to win the war. Many Historians think we dropped the bomb on Nagasaki to prove to the USSR that we had more than one bomb, the opening shot in the Cold War so to speak. Sometimes, its definitely about sending a message.
  7. On the behind the scenes show D &B said they wanted it to be shades of Dresden. Funny thing is I have mentioned Dresden before when talking about the dragons. I never liked them in the show mainly because I dont like fantasy but in part because I always assumed Dany would eventually go Dresden with them. You cant rally make a show about the horrors of warfare without going there.
  8. You cant choose who you love. I dont think he made a choice. I think it just was. I actually think he really wished he didnt.
  9. It seemed like 2 different characters were going in 2 different directions. Jamie was evolving throughout the series while Dany devolved.. I wanted Jaime to evolve, to get better, to grow and it seemed like he was. But he did what many of us do, we fall back to who we were before. To me, he is a sadder tale than dany. So many of us move towards redemption and fail. Its a very human story
  10. Oh and I thought it was hilarious when Cersei high tailed it past the hound right before Clegane bowl
  11. Sorry, I copied the wrong post. My friend who was on last night said I did 24 days on there - one as an emergency Unsullied, the rest on Kings Landing. Played skewered at one point and given one of the crowd scenes, barbecued. Though I’m also running past Arya coming out of the alleyway so I’m claiming I survived. ETA, apparently Liam Cunningham is the nicest guy ever
  12. He has been hinting about it for a while but only fully revealed it today. There are a couple of clear shots of him . Im. hoping he spills some details. My other friend was the white walker sam killed and the one who delivered the baby. He has some stories ETA.. I just asked him if he ended up original recipe of extra crispy
  13. Years ago Dany said she would burn cities to the ground to take the Iron throne. And she did.
  14. Just found out a friend of mine was an extra in the kings landing scenes
  15. I feel like Jaime And Cersei are going to go today and what a wonderful job the actors have done, Remarkable performances
  16. I would love to see these titles all go away, no king of the North, no IT etc. Let people keep their ancestral homes. That can be done with out having total power over the people involved. Let them do what many in France did after the Revolution. The ones who did not die sometimes kept their homes but paid the people who worked their lands. I stayed a Chateau in France that had one belonged to aristocracy. The family still own it, but have no official title anymore. They still employ a lot of people in the town but keep the chateau going by renting rooms. And thy have sold off much of the land over the last 200 years. Let Sansa keep her home but no more ruling the people. Id like to see a Westeros that is without authoritarian rulers. I dont care who it hurts, Sansa, Dany et cetera
  17. Im here for the Doctor Who references, especially with half the cast of GoT having been on the show. Maybe Sansa will get her memory wiped and go back to being old Sansa. Although old Sansa was quite awful much of the time too.
  18. Why does KL look like its in the middle of a desert now?
  19. I did what you did.. Hah. Except I noticed it said MA(LSV).... so it added a different warning on top of the others. But I dont remember the rest of the episode. It does appear that that episode had more warnings than Sunday's does. Hopefully its more implied rape than anything else.
  20. If wikipedia is correct the warnings for pay TV include, Brief nudity, Nudity, Strong sexual content and Rp for Rape
  21. I though the warnings for this episode were out and they had one for violence but not for rape. ETA here is HBO warning for Sunday V-MA|1 HR 18 MIN|2019|5.1|HD Adult Content, Adult Language, Graphic Violence Latest episode of the award-winning HBO series.
  22. I dont even think her going torched earth after the bells ring mean shes gone full blood evil. It makes more sense that she just does NOT trust that Cersei would really surrender. She may think it's a trap.
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