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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. Are you talking about the girl that had the first date on this episode? The blonde? If so then that would be Lauren B. But if your talking about the girl that got the first date of the season, or Monday the 11th episode than that would be Caila. Which was confusing to me because I assumed you meant the first date of the show and that Caila needed a different hair color but then you said she had gorgeous hair...lol. I agree she does and is very cute. I think Lauren B's hair is dyed because it looks like she has darker roots.
  2. I got a different take on this when Ben said it. To me he wasn't specifically meaning the show because he didn't actually say "The Bachelor". He said "to bring you to here". I took that as meaning "to bring you to this place in your life". Like she should be proud of the fact that she's overcome all she's went through and is doing as well as she is. Some people may not have coped as well and possibly ended up with a very sad and tragic life. Obviously she has scars as she's admitted as much. And it didn't seem like he was interrogating her but had a genuine interest in her life. To me he seemed more in awe of her and was treating her and the conversation with the respect and seriousness it deserved. Yes she was very uncomfortable. It was obviously very hard for her to talk about those experiences but I also think she was probably grateful afterwards that he now knew those things about her and was accepting.
  3. Wow. I had always wondered why any sane woman would go on a show like this but now even more so. Surely during the casting process they are told and are aware of these restrictions which makes me even more so question why they are willing to go through this. Now I see why so many call them fame whores and such. It's about the only thing that makes sense. It's ironic though that as far as I'm aware none of these contestants (men or women) have gotten any legitimate fame from being on this show. They are minor celebrities in a sense in the bachelor nation but it seems if fame is their goal they're kind of defeating their purpose since most are known for making fools of themselves. Maybe a small percentage naively think they can find real love but it makes more sense that many are just treating it as a lark. Speaking of the real world some of these women have good career jobs. I can't imagine them asking for leave to go on the Bachelor. I'm sure in Olivia's case she was told no and she just quit to come on. Makes me wonder how many have done that.
  4. I am really curious about a lot of comments I've read that says the ladies aren't allowed any media inside the mansion. What?? Do they have to be sequestered like a jury or something? According to different posters they're not allowed tv, cell phones, internet, books, music, etc. I'm assuming if there was a emergency the families have a number they can call to reach the women. I can see no internet because of the potential to leak information but tv, books and music? Come on are you kidding me? How could those possibly cause any harm? It's like they're prisoners. Is this some kind of psychological mind game the show is playing to make the women more needy and complacent? Who would agree to something like this? I can see situations where something that rigorous might be needed. Like the military for example. But for a tv show?? That's seriously messed up.
  5. This right here! This was exactly what I was trying to say in a earlier post but you said it so much better.
  6. You may be right. But if she was directed in my opinion it seems like she probably didn't take much prompting. I think she was already pissed off. I mean the women had all been sitting around talking about it and fanning the flames so if she was told to go confront Jubilee I think she was more than willing. She didn't seem shy of the situation or the least bit unsure of what she was going to say. Like I said she's either a really good actress or IMO had genuine anger towards Jubilee.
  7. But we did get the TH from Ben where he clearly was disappointed and not happy that Olivia decided to talk about herself when he had just lost friends and wasn't up for it at that time. Was that edited too? And for your scenario to work she would have had to talk about something silly and inconsequential. She clearly had tears in her eyes ( possibly fake) when she was telling him her cankle story so that's anything but silly. Regardless she was being emotional ( and men like Ben tend to want to fix things when they see a woman crying) at a time when Ben wasn't up for it.
  8. I don't know if I agree with this. Amber seemed totally into confronting Jubilee almost like she was relishing doing it. Unless she's a good actress. If she wasn't really wanting to do it she would have stopped when Jubilee said no. But she said, "ok then we'll come to you". And then to go back for more when Ben was there! Do these contestants get paid for being on this show? If not then why are they willing to come on this show and make such asses of themselves if they're clearly not there to end up with the lead? For fame? Exposure? None of them have parleyed it into any major success and most times take a lot of bad press and ridicule for it. Seems like their kind of defeating their purpose. That doesn't make any sense to me.
  9. I agree. She was clearly making a play for sympathy oblivious to the fact that she was coming off completely uncaring and self centered. Get a clue Olivia! People can be callous and mean spirited without cause but when you act ugly and obnoxious towards them you're opening yourself up for criticism. Nobody feels sorry for you. She can't be gone soon enough IMO.
  10. Oh gosh me too Judy. I laughed out loud a couple of times. She's hilarious.
  11. Jubilee strikes me as someone who finds it hard to interact well on a social level. She seemed to hold her own for awhile but I think the 24/7 living arrangements with all these women are starting to get to her. Even Caila said it was really starting to dawn on her that she could potentially fall for Ben and the competition would be hard to take. Plus factor in that it must be hard being the only black woman in the house. On the surface yes I can see where her remarks might sound off putting but I really think it comes from a place off social insecurity. Where most would have said, "does anyone else want this date" with a laugh to show they were kidding it's like she didn't know how to do that. But that's what she meant. I can also see where she might seem to come off as above it all to the rest of them but I wonder if any of the other women have really talked to her and got to know her. I mean almost everyone thought Lace was crazy and even she said on the live aftershow that she had made friends with Rachel and one of the other girls (can't remember her name right now) and they had even left nice little notes in her luggage before she left. And of course editing is playing a big part in how these ladies are coming across. But darn that made me so mad the way the other women just went in for the kill like they did. Even if Amber was told to seek her out by the producers (as one poster suggested) she should have at least tried to explain in a calm non threatening way why she wanted to talk to her. She should have walked away when Jubilee said no and left it at that. I'm sure if it was producer driven they didn't tell Amber what to say. That was all Amber and it showed her true colors. I don't think Jubilee was acting above them all. I think she was trying to hold her own against that mob mentality. I don't think she'll go much farther because I don't think she'll be able to handle all the drama but kudos to Ben for manning up and showing himself to be a thoughtful, compassionate man.
  12. That would be Jami. Which I thought was odd. Up until this episode she had kind of flew under the radar and what we did see of her was a kind of easygoing nondramatic type. That all changed in one episode. Wasn't she one of the group sitting on the couch when Olivia whisked Ben away (for the umpteenth time) and flaunted her time with him by shouting down to the girls from the balcony? Why did she then feel it was necessary to start drama by telling Olivia what the girls were saying (and which she probably participated in) about her? Then she goes and interrupts Jubilee while she's giving Ben the massage with a outraged attitude and demeanor. I'm glad she's gone.
  13. Wow what a group of insecure women. Yes Jubilee's a little hard to get to know but has she gave any of them any reason to pounce on her like that. They thought she was being ungrateful when she made the comment about would someone else like her date. She was joking for goodness sake! Brought on no doubt by nervousness and some anxiety about that plane ride. I was really glad for Amber when she was able to finally talk to Ben and get a rose and then she kills all that with her pushy attitude to Jubilee. Really Amber? How about talking to her sensibly and not come in with a "your going to talk to us or else" attitude. She was not respecting Jubilee's wishes and was being rude. Then to interrupt her and Ben to push it again. Not the time and not the place. I won't be surprised if she goes home next week. As opposed to most other women who would monopolize the bachelor's time when they already have a rose I actually didn't see anything wrong with what Jubilee did in giving Ben the massage. Olivia was all about her cankles, (and I think she dropped a lot in Ben's eyes over that) but other than Amanda none of the other women thought to console him in any way. I think what she did was very thoughtful. She wasn't trying to push her agenda and I saw nothing suggestive in it. She was just trying to relieve some of his stress. Good for her. Which is why I wasn't surprised at all when Jami got sent home. She interrupted and that was the nail in her coffin. Lauren B is really sweet and I see a good rapport with her and Ben. It looks easy and effortless when their together. She's definitely going to be top 3 unless something dramatic happens. Boy did Lace come out on top or what? I totally didn't see that coming. Maybe she was right all along and wasn't as "crazy" as we thought. Good for her.
  14. Ok I admit I'm not as schooled as some of you ladies (and gents?) in a lot of the details of bachelor nation and this may sound like a stupid question but how and why does Reality Steve have so much information? It just seems unbelievable that ABC would allow that much information to get out considering they supposedly guard who the F1 is like Fort Knox. Like is this a inside job? Should ABC be culling the employee ranks to find out who's the traitor? Or as they have show they do many times is ABC actually secretly feeding him information to get more buzz going about the show? Seems like that's kind of defeating the purpose to me. I know this is probably old news but enlighten me please. I think it would be awesome if ABC would put out false information and prove him wrong. I would get a lot of satisfaction from that. Knock him back a few pegs from his smug, I know all attitude.
  15. Jade posted on her Twitter account that although her and Tanner were getting married fairly quickly that she was not "preggo" as many were speculating. Seems kind of stupid for her to say that when it could be easily found out if she's not telling the truth. So I tend to believe she's not pregnant but time will tell.
  16. Yes I noticed that too. I was curious what the meaning was behind that too but it makes sense that the show would mess with the viewers and make us think he didn't end up with anyone or that there was trouble in paradise already. They have to do something to get people more interested and talking since Reality Steve has took away a lot of the suspense for many.
  17. Exactly. She seemed so much more attractive on the first night. Whereas I think many of the others have improved, to me, from my first night impressions. She looked hideous without any makeup on, which to me, shows she's not a natural beauty. And on the love lab group date I noticed she looked sort of like a Amazon. Thick legs and hips. No definitely not the "winner" she seems to think she is. I kind of felt sorry for Amber at first but last night she was really getting on my nerves. Really Amber? Instead of whining about not getting any alone time with Ben do something about it. Go talk to him. Duh! Or did you expect him to come to you? As many times as she's been on this franchise she should have known better than that and that she had to take her chances when she got them. I also believe she wouldn't have got that rose if L.B. had not of left. I didn't watch Chris S season so I don't know much about Becca but she really impressed me last night. She seemed really laid back and confident when they were shooting hoops. JoJo seems levelheaded and confident as well but I don't get (as another poster stated) Ben saying how much she opened up to him when they didn't even show any meaningful conversation between them. Unless you count, "oh this is so beautiful" and a kiss or two. I wonder if the producers edited out part of the conversation or Ben just overstated it because he has a attraction to her.
  18. Loved seeing Tanner and Jade again and hear their getting married soon! Really hope that works out. They seem so genuine. Why is Chris S. still hanging around? The fame bug has bit him hard!
  19. Now I see why last weeks previews showed Olivia getting so much hate. How obnoxious! Looks like she's taking a cue from Courtney, (Ben F's season) with the smug attitude and favorite detestable catch word..."winning". Yuck. And can someone please tell her the big Grand Canyon mouth isn't attractive at all. Lace needs professional help. Loved getting a better look at the women this week and seeing personalities emerge. Caila is adorable, Lauren B has that confident elegant vibe going on. Now I see what Ben sees in her. Jubilee at this point still seems sweet and genuine but looks like she has a meltdown coming soon. Curious to see what that's about. Amanda seems like a good mother but why does she think going on a dating show competing with 20 plus other women is a good way to find someone for her and her children? Although I think Ben's acceptance of the fact she has children was really sweet and endearing I don't see her winning this.
  20. This really got me to thinking and I realized a lot about this made sense. It's also true that Ben and Shawn have been close ever since they roomed together during the show. Kaitlyn and Shawn have always been very vocal about their support for Ben as the next bachelor and started voicing it right after her season ended. Now that could be because he's a great guy that's extremely likeable but what if it goes deeper than that. The night Kaitlyn came to their room and hooked up with Shawn, what if there was a conversation to the extent, "If you keep quite about this I'll see you go far enough and push for you to be the next bachelor". I know we saw the conversation where Ben told her he knew something had happened that night because he sensed a change about her when he came out of the shower, but this was only after he was already in like third or fourth spot and they could have used that to help set up the "poor unloveable Ben" scenario. Besides the producers knew at that point that the show was a trainwreck and realized Ben's admission wasn't going to hurt things any worse. Also I saw hardly no chemistry between her and Ben at all whereas she had tons with Jared and seemed to genuinely like him. She even cried when she sent him home. I remember at the time that made no sense to me why she kept Ben over Jared. Even if that type of conversation never took place in the very least Kaitlyn knew that Ben was aware of what happened and they all realized (her, Ben and Shawn) that she owed him one. It may be far fetched but on this show at this point nothing would surprise me. I hope I'm wrong.
  21. You could very well be right. That would be unfortunate. Has there ever been anyone on this show who's ever not been affected by the limelight and was serious about finding something lasting. I know Des/Chris and Trista/Ryan come to mind but what about others. I can live with them breaking up if they at least give it a legitimate try and not ultimately show they were just on for all the fame and notoriety.
  22. That's what I'm hoping. That after the premiere they will settle down into their persona's and will we be able to tell a lot more about them. And I'm sure I'll like some of them more as they grow on me.
  23. This is going to sound shallow but I think Ben's group of women are not particularly attractive. Caila is cute/pretty, Jubilee is pretty and seems genuine but other than them the ones I thought had a natural beauty, Jessica and Laura, he sent home. Lace is pretty but crazy. Lauren who he seemed to have a connection with is in my opinion not that attractive. She has thin hair, a high forehead and when they showed her in profile sitting on the couch with some of the other women she had a prominent, pointed nose. I don't know the season's young but if she goes far, (which looks likely at this point) maybe she'll have a awesome personality and grow on me. I'm just a little disappointed with this season's women considering Ben is very attractive and seems to be a great guy. Which makes me wonder. Chris S. had a abundance of beautiful women. Britt, both Ashley's, Kaitlyn, Amber, (who I think is prettier than Becca), Samantha, come to mind. Even Kaitlyn had a slew of awesome guys. Cupcake, Jared, both Ben's, Tanner. Why does Ben get a so-so selection? I hope Jubilee goes far enough to be in contention for the Bachelorette. I think she would be great. She couldn't be any worse than some of their last few picks. She would create interest and the producers could say..."A Bachelor First".
  24. I noticed this as well and even posted about it under the episode 1 heading. To me none of the women stand out as being stunners or have a "wow" factor. With the exception of Caila who is cute/pretty the ones I thought had a natural beauty and were the prettiest were Jessica and Laura and he sent both home. Honestly I think Lauren B is one of the least attractive. She has thin hair and a high forehead and when she was on the couch with the rest of the girls it showed her in profile and she has a very prominent pointed nose. Sort of a disappointment considering I think Ben is very attractive. Why is that? It seems like Chris S. had a bevy of beauties. Britt, both Ashley's, Kaitlyn, Amber, (who I think is prettier than Becca) Samantha...etc. And even Kaitlyn had a slew of awesome attractive guys. Cupcake, Jared, both Ben's, Tanner. Why does Ben who is very attractive and seems to be a nice guy end up with a so-so group? Oh well maybe Lauren will have a awesome personality and grow on me.
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