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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. So if they are there, can't CPS just go there and get them? If David is using his mom as a decoy, that's shitty.
  2. Did that guy Photoshop himself into the back middle? Cause that guy looks huge in that picture. Right? My boyfriend and I said at the same time, "not literally dude..." Not a big fan of Luke. Despite finding Jesus in the shower, he still seems full of himself.
  3. Soooo does she wear that ski hat in the summer too? After Monday nights episode, I really, really want her to step into a life of someone else. Having your dad come over to sit with you? I get the break-in was scary, I've had it happen...twice! But life goes on. Plus, just dependent rely-on-a-man type women just nerve me to no end.
  4. I am thrilled about this news that Kaiser may be free. THRILLED. She's the biggest dipshit that ever shitted.
  5. *Raises hand*. He's worse than some of the actual Teen Moms when it comes to drama and attention. He thinks he's being funny and quick witted when someone screws up and he posts about it but it just makes him look thirsty. You're a grown ass man, father, grandpa and dentist. Surely you've got a lot more going on than what the other girls are doing and saying. He knows Chelsea and Cole get the perfect sweethearts edit and eats that shit up. His opinion on himself and his daughter is way too high. Also didn't appreciate his quip when Nugget was shot and killed. Once again, stuck his nose in and was trying to be funny and it just came off all wrong. I noticed during the dinner scene last week, when Chelsea Grace arrived it was like Randy and CG were having a discussion about Chelsea's near death experience at the mall (not making light of anxiety attacks, I have anxiety and depression as well, but they keep going on and on like this is the worst thing any of them have ever gone through) and as soon as her stepmom basically told her it's just something that happens in life, she'll be ok, you can tell Chelsea was pissed. Just like when Cole told her it's not that easy to sell and buy a new house. She's not used to someone not bowing down to her.
  6. Hello fellow SA'ers! Far west side representing. I only fit in half of it while getting ready for work this morning but I enjoyed it for the most part. I too was disappointed no one was really from here. I moved here in 1998 and I've been here longer than any of them. I also wasn't crazy about the jumping around. I realized many scenes later that they were trying to tell the story of the group text or birthday party? See I can't remember now. Only thing I thought they left out which is true San Antonio is none of those women really spoke Spanglish. It was either or but most everyone I hear around here is speaking Spanglish.
  7. Well, that was when Andrew was her soul mate and remember, she's the boyfriend chameleon. Andrew & Beach Bunny Jenelle was before Keiffer & Stoner Jenelle, Gary & Military Jenelle, Courtland & Crackhead Jenelle, Nathan & Gym Rat Jenelle and David & Hillbilly Jenelle. But wasn't the 911 call news out before they posted anything? This thundercunt. Like welfare is the norm and if you make more than that, you're just unlucky. Fuck off Jenelle. Poor thing. Have to pay rent AND water and electric? Wow, that sucks. As usual, you're such a victim.
  8. Now that I'm reading it, I kind of recall that being said. Not cool Derek.
  9. I think I missed that. What did he say to diss PJ? I get that. I grew up outside San Francisco (Pacifica) and drives me crazy when people say they come from the Bay Area and to find out it's like Redding or something. And I always say it just like that, "a little town south of SFO/outside of SFO". I liked Briar too but can understand some who don't. I'm not a huge fan of contemporary/lyrical but really noticed her during the redemption round and thought she kicked that thing in the ass. Was peeping on Ellie's (of Ellie & Ava) Instagram, saw she's besties with Eva Igo. Wonder if she had anything to do with getting them on the show? Glad The Kings won. That was phenomenal. Loved the slow motion parts, the spear "through" the body. Loved they added some Bollywood stepping. Will miss this on Sunday nights. This was also good replacement for Dancing with the Stars since it's not on this season.
  10. I thought she learned not to post her whereabouts and when she's not home on SM anymore?
  11. I think his issues run way more deep than gluten. He's very troubled. I am beyond thrilled she's fired. I posted the petition link to get her fired last week in a TM FB group I'm in and I could not believe the amount of people who said it's not fair to fire her based on her husband. Or they shouldn't fire her because she's in a DV situation and someone needs to keep an eye on her. Please. She'll never leave him. She's got the resources to and never will. I also blame her for the dog incident. Blame her for not teaching her kids how to properly handle animals. Blame her for encouraging David's violent temper. Blame her for buying him ammo. Blame her for not leaving is ass after he cold bloodedly murdered her dog. Hate them both.
  12. I'll be watching. This is my hometown. Penny already gets on my nerves because her realtor ads are always playing on the radio.
  13. They seemed to kind of touch base on the Chandler-hate. They didn't dwell on it too much, but did mention they haven't been in contact with her for some time due to her boyfriend. I checked Nicole's IG and no mention of him anywhere so I'm assuming not together. But if I remember on PLM, she dumped him after finding out he was a cheater and if I recall, was a total douche to her at one point at some party. I completely thought the same thing about hyperemesis. My friend and I were pregnant together, due 3 days apart and she had that. Almost spent the whole first trimester in the hospital because she kept getting dehydrated, but nothing was life or death. I don't remember this girl from PLM, so wondering if they are playing up the condition for drama? Or maybe she's the hypochondriac overly sensitive type? Chandlers got issues if she keeps getting knocked up by whatever boyfriend she's with at the time knowing no one is really set up in life to have a baby. Extremely sad to bring a baby into this world with an addict father and while she's living on her moms couch with another child.
  14. That his advertisement for his backpack? What does he even use it for? Running errands? I could not get over her whining last episode. Snapping at Aubree because she had too much going on. God what I'd give to see her get a taste of the real world. When, as a single mom, you have to spend your last $40 on doctors copay for a kid with strep and still need money for antibiotics and it's not getting better because you just took unpaid time off work to go to the doctors. You have no one to vent to and don't have a break. She's never taken the kids anywhere by herself before? You shouldn't have had 2 so close together! And it still wasn't alone as her producer friend was there.
  15. Major eyeroll on selective mutism. And the girl she finally spoke to cried with no tears. Three things that have changed this season that I don't like: A) The sob stories. They are have them. Stop it. B) These "funny" judge moments . Bromance between Neyo and Derek. Jennifer the queen. Besties always. C) Going back to the duals, the constant fake antagonizing and baiting each other. The forced move to say "in yo face!" during each dance.
  16. I vowed not to watch it because I was getting ready to wipe PLM off my DVR but I watched when I had nothing left on my DVR and am enjoying it more than PLM. Crazy what editing could do. Nicole went from a classic C U Next Tuesday to regular mom.
  17. I can't even today. I can't concentrate at work, I'm heartbroken. And fuck you, Jenelle, always a victim. Poor, poor baby. I've never signed something so fast in my life. Thank you for posting this. I was like, "here's my credit card, my first born, everything I own, I'll give it to you petition site to sign this!" I will cry tears of joy if this bitch is fired.
  18. I read about this 12 hours ago and I'm still seething with anger. I've never felt like I've wanted to kill someone before but congrats David, you're my first. Something tells me they have never taught their kids how to handle animals. You bet Hoenelle will back her man. Then on the episode it'll be "the dog attacked the kids so David had to put him down and now he's receiving a lot of hate online and it's not fair". I HATE THIS MAN WITH THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS. FUCK YOU DAVID.
  19. I've thought about this quite a bit. I really, really think he thinks she won't get fired. That her drama makes the show. Look at how much she's gotten away with without being canned. He literally thinks he's big shit, he's got all his toys to boost his ego, make him feel like a big man since his dick size would normally dictate the opposite. It makes him feel good inside to bitch to everyone on SM, where he can hide.
  20. My first thought too. Seems to be the baby name trend lately. Just put shit together. Similar names a few people I know have named their kid: Payson, Cayson. I guess good ol' Jason is too old timey.
  21. Yep, the Swiss Miss girl. There's a lady on YouTube who frequently dishes on 90DF and SSW and I can't remember her name but she posted in a group that she did a FB Live with Jennifer. I know we can't post info found in a group, but the Live was for the public to see. If I can find a link, I'll come back and edit this post.
  22. So, Jennifer's "sister" who was on the tell-all (and who supposedly texted the Aldridges about appendix-gate) passed away back on April 3 of a suspected drug overdose. Jennifer is not listed as her sister in her obituary. So maybe a situation of good friends calling each other sister or just Jennifer lying per usual. Regardless, very sad.
  23. Watson has the cutest smile. For all of Chelsea's "I only want girlsssss…" her whole life, I think her tune has changed with that little guy. He's adorable. I can only see Randy when I see Layne. I hope this is a lesson not just for them, but for all people in the public eye. Quit posting on SM every time you leave the house. Get a security system. Take precautions. Just this past weekend, she was posting a pic of her bag she sells while at Target. Not smart!
  24. David talking chit to Leah. He really needs a job. He's got a lot of nerve talking about how her children have an addict for a mother. Just like Jenelle has a lot of nerve bitching about how Leah uses Plan B as a backup when she's had an abortion, or 3 herself. Don't necessarily agree to using Plan B as a backup, but it's rich having Jenelle call her on it.
  25. How did I miss Chelsea's home getting burglarized? That sucks, but here comes Cole with another opportunity to act like the big man. "I've never been so pissed in my life!" Except that time when you had to pick up Aubree at the Linds. Or that time when... She wants to move now and Cole told her "whatever you want, we'll do". As much money as they have, why don't they have a home security system? DeBoer's home burglarized.
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