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Everything posted by Noneofyourbusiness

  1. But Jughead's not a first born. Charles is older than he. It can't be that it only counts on the mother's side, 'cause Hermosa and Veronica don't have the same mother either. Of course, Betty didn't even tell Jughead that Charles was back in town, so maybe the show's forgotten they're related.
  2. I hope that next season has more episodes to allow for that.
  3. No, she just told her to kill Superman. Bizarro Lana presumably doesn't even know that Bizarro Tal-Rho is dead. The fact that Edge also talked about using a process to become one's best self might make him wary, though.
  4. Yeah, it seems like this season they've forgotten that Jon was technically minded and a brain over brawn guy and was hanging out with John Henry, based on his dialogue in the mines in "Lies That Bind". And the tease from that episode that he'd get his own suit has just been dropped.
  5. Ally is the only person who has merged, and there's been no description of a merge failing or even the possibility of that happening. You might be thinking of how going through the portal without either the pendant or Kryptonian powers led to a painful death. As I said above, Natalie said that to merge was to die "from a subjective standpoint". As in the individuals that existed before have been replaced by a new one. Not death as in becoming a corpse. Right. Unless it's disproven next episode, I was assuming that was likely. And Kyle may have been transported to the other world. We don't even know if there was a Bizarro Kyle or if he died young and that's why he hasn't married Lana or shown up at all.
  6. 1. Natalie said "subatomic recombination", and that it would be death from a subjective point of view. In other words, the two 'incomplete' people would 'die' in a sense as the merged person replaced them. Not literally die. 2. She may not be able to do it yet, without the pendant, until the worlds finish merging. Ally ordered her to kill Superman at the end of the previous episode, so that was her priority. 3. Bizarro Lana is the only full human from Bizarro Earth who showed superpowers, probably from Green Kryptonite, which works there the way that X-Kryptonite works on Earth-Prime. We saw Jon-El using a Green Kryptonite inhaler when he and Lana-Rho touched down outside the high school (he would have needed it in order to recharge after spending so much time in a world with a yellow sun), which she must have brought him when she busted him out of DOD custody, so she likely uses them herself. 4. We'll find out. 5. We'll find out.
  7. Yes, this week's episode was originally scheduled for last week.
  8. The people seemed skeptical of the expert, too, though. Or rather, of the news anchor who said "experts say". Yes. We saw them being wheeled off on carts in the high school hallway ahead of our protagonists as they walked away from the gym. Yeah, even an obviously contrived explanation like "Too bad Kara's been missing for two years" is better than no explanation at all. It seems to me that whenever a main character is in a position of political power on TV, the people they need to work with are extremely fickle. When Sam said the boys were good in a fight, I rewound to see if Jon had done some fighting that I'd forgotten. But no.
  9. In the same world where Central City was publicly invaded by people from the other side of the mirror not too long ago. (Which was never covered up or treated as a hoax after the fact. Support groups were formed.)
  10. When the flat and spherical worlds merged in the Apprentice Adept series, they became an hourglass shape. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/ApprenticeAdept
  11. Yes. John Diggle showed up last season and he and Lois talked about Oliver Queen's death. This is supposed to be Earth-Prime. I can't have been the only one expecting Jon to tell Jon-El he'd merge if him if he let Clark go. Just the latter, I think. That's why Lana said the secret was more important than Sarah knew.
  12. For Season 1, that is. I don't quite know what you mean. EJO has never played Joe Leaphorn.
  13. But villains won't know that she knows. What actually might put her in danger is being in a relationship with Jordan, which Lana also doesn't want. But even then, if anyone knows she’s his ex, she might still be used against him, because you don’t expect people to be indifferent to the fate of their exes. I was waiting for Jordan to say, “Sarah broke up with me because I couldn’t tell her what I was doing when I was actually saving her dad’s life from that fire. Does this seem fair to you?“
  14. I'm not sure what the first sentence is implying about the Naomi kids. Pretty sure they won't go the incest route. Even if their moms weren't the same person, they had the same DNA. A genetic test would say Natalie and the boys were half-siblings. We're safe. It was already cancelled. The next season won't start until late August/early September.
  15. That reminds me, my Mom thought there should have been a fire because the dining table fell over with a lit candle on it.
  16. For a character on a CW show, Lana was shockingly thoughtful about what it must have been like for Clark. So I pretty much knew it was going to be followed by something breathtakingly irrational.
  17. The problem as far as the footballers were concerned isn't who was selling it, it's who was caught with it on him, thus exposing the fact it was being sold and getting the football season cancelled.
  18. Lots of producers seem to think that if casual or new viewers hear any reference to something that happened on a show they didn't watch, they'll throw the remote across the room.
  19. You know, it's too bad that Bizarro and Tal-Rho were Clark's only options for someone to help him destroy the pendant. No cousin on Earth or aunt and uncle in Argo, no sir.
  20. I mean, it's not like any teachers could possibly notice and tell their parents. ;) Just ask Nash Wells. ;) Mjolnir!
  21. Yup, the shaved heads and hospital gowns make them look a lot like the X5s in the flashbacks to when they were kids at Project Manticore. Well, we already know from the official novel Suspicious Minds that El's biological father was Terry Ives's boyfriend Andrew Rich and that he died in Vietnam after Dr Brenner pulled strings to get him drafted.
  22. Yes, book form at any regular book retailer (Amazon, B&N, Target, Walmart). It's the third of four official novels there have been so far. Suspicious Minds - how Eleven's mother got involved in the project Darkness on the Edge of Town - Hopper's past as a detective in NYC Runaway Max - Max backstory Rebel Robin - Robin backstory Lucas on the Line, from Lucas's perspective after Season 3, will come out in July
  23. When Buffy got one, he died soon after. :( The official novel Runaway Max also has information on that.
  24. Exactly. If anything it makes us seem easier to bully.
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