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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. I have avoided this season like the plague. Especially after knowing two of my favorites got cut. But I went and found the three vet cuts in the last episode, just to see what everyone was talking about. As brave as Brennan and Hannah were to try and speak up a little, it didn’t do any good. The minute ANY TC candidate steps out of the “I’m so grateful for the opportunity” mold, Kelli and Judy are just DONE with them. I mean, I could almost see Judy’s mind snapping shut when Brennan starts to talk. Nothing B said penetrated, other than to shore up in their minds that they were right to make that decision. Also, I really lost respect for Kelli pushing the decisions off on the judges not scoring them higher. Especially since we know she is perfectly capable, when she wants to, of disregarding the judges’ opinions. Way to distance yourself from the cuts, Kelli. Kudos. I’m glad I’m done with this show. By holding a dangerous camp in a year when she ought to know better, by cutting vets for dancing mistakes in a DAYS long camp instead of a months long one, by valuing untried people when she herself said it wouldn’t be mostly about dancing but interviews and ambassadorship this year, Kelli has proved she’s not in it to make the best decisions for the team. Bye. And I do appreciate the opportunity the girls gave me to see them struggle over the years.
  2. I love this routine! It’s a lot more interesting and flashy than some of the DCC routines. Cattiest Moment: Vivian’s “I have problems with self-esteem” and Melissa’s swift reply “You hide it well.” I wonder that they didn’t have to stop filming for a few minutes to let the giggling subside.
  3. I just noticed - if you turn on the captioning when watching the seasons on Pluto - you get the lyrics to the original songs that have been replaced with generic icky music. Need to go check the couple of seasons I bought on iTunes to see if the captions are the same there.
  4. Thank you for that article! I've always liked Kitty and had no idea she went that far for her students.
  5. I'm watching season 8 on Pluto right now (Vivian, volume 1.) Solo practice at Kitty's. I think the whole Tin Man dance was a planned play to make sure she was featured in the series. Her actual solo, done just two days later, was categorized as powerful. There's no way Vivian could have a choreographed solo ready in just two days. There's also the lack of embarrassment she showed when Kitty told her how screwy and awful it was... SONG request: The makeover episode, where Jenelle almost has to have a short bob....the background song is so catchy, but I can't catch enough of the lyrics to find it anywhere. Is anyone familiar with the song?
  6. I loved Dr Now...it looked like he was provoking her on purpose... “Did you want to discuss that with the scale?”
  7. I love when Dr Now defeats their delusions with math and logic! Oh, ho....he has her medical records now!
  8. Ugh, the mottled skin on her arms scares me. What is that?
  9. Hello, Pounders! I’m going to be having ice cream while I snark tonight. How on earth do we pronounce her name.
  10. I love makeovers, but my favorite thing to do is spot recognizable faces in the crowds at Prelims, Semis, and Finals. Even more if they do a talking head and completely miss the point.
  11. It's not right to raise a child with panic disorder in the middle of all this chaos, let alone another child on the spectrum. Plus, how evil of Kody to bring the kids into the discussion (argument with threats) and pit them against their mom!
  12. Yeah, her constant "I feel like I am being attacked" is so manipulative. It was good to see the others not really falling for that line this time.
  13. “What do you mean, you don’t know? Could it be that you’re overeating?” I heard that in Church Lady’s voice. “Could it be.....Satan?”
  14. I suspect feigned helplessness. Up until now, she probably horribly failed at whatever someone asked her to do, so they’d take it back and never ask her to do it again.
  15. She found the snack bar, and is charging food to her room....I’m so over this one. AND.....she lost the damn diet. AGAIN.
  16. I like Dr Paradise. He’s the right choice for her. I hope he gave her a thorough screening for depression.
  17. Unless you wore them to important appointments, you are forgiven. (As I sit here in my llama leggings...)
  18. When her voice overs are happy, it’s quite a difference!
  19. I think he realizes how immature she is, and that she’s not really an adult yet.
  20. Aah, so mom didn’t kick her out, she gave up the apartment and moved out of state. And Derrikus ran away... She really does need some help with depression before she even starts the program.
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