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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Wow, mom finally booted her to the curb? Nice going mom...finally!
  2. “I cannot get her to eat her vegetables.” WAIT, Dr Now knows about the potatoes and corn? Does he talk to the filming crew behind the patient’s back?
  3. What is she wearing on her feet. Fuzzy bear slippers? She’s scared to find out her “progress”. I don’t think that’s the right word to use in this instance.
  4. Ahh, he’s her paid caretaker, but paid for by Cricket. That’s some guilt parenting, right there.
  5. OMG. I just realized I’m sitting here in a blue shirt, eating pizza. Somebody come here and smack me?
  6. Hello, Pounders! Tonight, in the Minion household, pizza IS on da diet...
  7. I really think Kody’s big home is him realizing that the wives would be just as happy in their own homes if they no longer made space for HIM. It’s his struggle to remain relevant. Meri splits her time between Flagstaff and the B&B; Janelle contemplates going on the road in an RV and spreading her time at her kids’ homes. Christine wants to protect her Mom identity by remaining separate. That’s her realizing she is a single mother and doesn’t need Kody. Kody has never really spent quality time with any kids other than Robin’s. Their mothers don’t need him, either. How does he stay relevant? He builds a house that none of the wives could leave. They couldn’t get their share of it if they left, so they’d be financially stuck.
  8. It’s the Aaron Loy Band. I went looking because the song got stuck in my head.
  9. Oh, my goodness. I’m kind of glad I missed last night’s live, because my hate mouth would have gotten me a seat on the bus. So I listened to it at work this morning, and had to keep pausing to look at what I was hearing. Dr Now was way too patient with her, but I did love his sassy mouth when she flopped and faked a heart attack. I think he didn’t confront the enablers because he recognized that his patient wasn’t serious, on top of their obvious long term stoner faces. My friend was listening at her desk, and turned to me with, “Melissa, I love you, but I will never reach up there to lever your fat from your hoohah so you can stand up.” I agreed, and we now have a murder pact between us, triggered if we ever become too fat to wear pants.
  10. I liked Jenna dancing better, too. Mostly because she didn't pull the same 3 tricks every time she danced solo. Watching her dance, you could just tell she was having fun. Watching Holly dance was uncomfortable, like she was trying way too hard to be sexy. I've been listening to season 7 on Pluto today, and missed the scene where Jordan missed the team bus, again. Did they just edit that out of season 7? Or is it every time it comes around, I just miss it for some reason?
  11. Meri’s face during the couch conversations! She’s on the couch, but she’s not even in the same room with them.
  12. To the tune of OPP.... ”You’re up to 603...don’t lie to me....”
  13. Are they using Crystal Light in their water? I’m so proud!
  14. I seriously love his wife. Hopefully, he’ll feel guilty enough to drop the idea of snacks.
  15. Whoops, I spoke too soon. A few snacks? Ease into it? Noooooo!
  16. I’m starting to have hope he will be one of the success stories. No whining, said right up front I eat too much....
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