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Crazy Bird Lady

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Everything posted by Crazy Bird Lady

  1. Been there, done that! ...When I first married my hubby (about 45 years ago) I discovered that, while he was seemed remarkably nonchalant about his mom & almost worshipful of his father, he absolutely hated his younger sister and only sibling. He avoided her completely whenever possible, and when forced to be in her presence he wouldn't talk to her. Even at our wedding, he wouldn't talk to her. When asked about it, he said it was because she's a mean bitch who uses drugs (or something to that effect), and the only guys she likes are the ones who can beat her up. Considering that I enjoyed a few brews or a little weed from time to time myself, and a lot of people have a violent relationship in their history, that just didn't seem reasonable to me. I decided to "repair" their relationship, bit by bit. I would call her on the phone and pick up the phone when she called. (Hubby still refused to be handed the phone, but I continued in my quest, undaunted.) Finally his sister said that she and her boyfriend would be "traveling through" our home town and asked if they could visit for a week. I said that sounded great to me. Hubby threw a fit, of course, but we were madly in love... a young couple with a baby and a toddler. The first thing that annoyed me: they both smoked, cigarettes and otherwise, inside the house --without asking. When hubby told them to take it outside, they said it was too hot out there. So, to try to keep the peace, I would take our little ones into their room to play while those two smoked. (It happened a lot.) The place where hubby had been working went bankrupt so he was out of a job at the time, but they never bought anything or paid the tab for a meal --or even offered to go "Dutch". "One week" had already stretched into 3 1/2 (with no end in sight) when a loud, belligerent argument between our "visitors" led to the sister's boyfriend using his fists on her and knocking her down. Right in front of our kids. That's when hubby informed them, loudly, that it was time to get out of his house and never come back. (The sister, of course, protested "it's not his fault, she made her boyfriend mad...") Hubby had been right about his sister. We didn't need that in our lives.
  2. Sometimes people compliment you when they have no idea what else to say. I think Greg may be a bit shy -and more than a bit intimidated by her.
  3. I really don't mind Elizabeth --but I'm not around her 24/7. I do think most of her incessant talking/joking "quirkiness" is probably based on insecurity, self-doubt. ...I mean, look at her parents! ...Especially her dad. I've tried to reserve judgement on him till now, but he's way over the line.
  4. I certainly won't disagree with you about that!! I have no respect or sympathy for those "Bachelor" and "Bachelorette" shows, or for people who choose to become their victims competitors. (Sorry, but that's how I feel.) Ya' think?! Indeed, and those "others" are far more practical than people (like Iris) who actually take that "For better or for worse ...Till Death do us part" thing seriously.
  5. It's a very, very serious problem with the show. I know this puts me in a very tiny minority --but I don't disrespect or disapprove of Iris being a virgin and proud of "saving herself" for her husband. It's not what I did in my own life, or what I recommended to my own daughters -but I think (so far) Iris was -and is- being honest and true to herself and about who she is and what she believes. I also think Iris has "drunk the Kool-Aid" about "experts" creating "compatible" matches for their victims couples, creating a solid basis for them to forge a lasting marriage. (So feel free to snark away... 😁)
  6. Absolutely. And re: bustles being "a problem for MAFS editors": of course they are! MAFS producers and editors want 'the girls' to bounce around as much as possible! Referring back to some other comments: It's super-difficult to find a great, well-fitting wedding dress (off-the-rack) with less than 2 weeks' notice!! These women probably did the best they could. Yes, MAFS could totally have paid for the necessary alterations -but that would give social media and website commentors one less thing to snark about.
  7. It all depends on your point of view @ Gem & Adeejay. I have a feeling that having "saved herself" for marriage is something that Iris is quite proud of, not something she's embarrassed by. Iris made it pretty clear she expects her 'expert'-arranged marriage to last a lifetime, so maybe the remark about spouses "peeing and pooping in front of each other" was her way of telling him she's "all in". Using the toilet is a very personal thing, but it also could be a metaphor for having nothing concealed inside the marriage --no secrets, no lies, no sneaking and no hiding. It wasn't eloquent. But if you stay married to the same spouse until one of you dies, there will come a time when someone is so sick they need help doing things that they cannot do for themselves. You may never speak of it, but it's there. Love so strong that one spouse will not only stay by the other's side when it gets smelly and ugly, but will actually assist when it's needed --that is true love.
  8. Keith Manly! Iris is obviously into it. I take back what I said before... the Love Boat might be making another run (on the honeymoon, but probably not the wedding night).
  9. I agree. And hey, Matt can grab stuff off of high supermarket shelves for her! I don't think her being a virgin *should* be such a big deal. She's uber-religious (and possibly afraid of sex) so she's been "saving herself" for marriage. That means as soon as she's married --it's all good. Time for some good clean married fun, right?! Just kidding. Unfortunately I don't think she'll "give it up" on her honeymoon, and I doubt she'll even "do it" before Decision Day. (Even a super-religious, unusually understanding hubby would be unlikely to keep waiting for her to be 'ready' that long). Yeah, Dave and Amber were a horrible combination --and I still think the "experts" did that deliberately, just for drama. It was easy to get annoyed at Amber for being Amber --a weak-willed woman with very low self-esteem, such an easy target for a gaslighter like Dave to disrespect, manipulate, demean, and humiliate. But I agree with you, Elizabeth is no Amber! If Jamie tried to gaslight or humiliate her, he might find himself crumpling like a used Kleenex.
  10. No!! Dr. Pepper is no longer their "sexologist"!! I don't know why, but they apparently decided that the newer, younger "expert" they brought in is better qualified for that role...
  11. She did give kind of the same 1st impression as "Queen Christine" (who I liked, later on). However, as a 'ginger' Elizabeth would have grown up "different". And as most of us know, when you're 'different' you have to find that self-confidence within yourself (and from your family), because you may be teased and/or ostracized by many others.
  12. "The Free Spirit" (redhead) + "Mister Picky" = Disaster. What were they thinking?! ☹️
  13. I'm not even sure that's true --although I wish it was. Luke now has face recognition. Even people who only saw commercials for the show, have 'seen him somewhere before'. ...And even serial murderers have enamored 'groupies', so...
  14. I think the nail in her coffin just might have been that *she* was the one who encouraged Kate to stay with Puke, not leave when she could have still had a smidge of dignity left.
  15. We will never really know the truth. I can certainly imagine Kate going out to celebrate her decision to divorce by getting smashed --and people who are too drunk to think often do habitual things. Maybe she took a cab to the place she had shared with Luke?!
  16. Good idea! If Keith went into Physical Therapy, he'd get those abs his wife wants a lot faster! ...And he wouldn't even need a gym membership.
  17. Keith lived with Grandma for all those years, so there's a pretty good chance he's the one who fixed things around the house. Yes, Grandma spoiled him with her home-made (probably all from 'scratch') food --and Krystine made it clear she's not his Grandma! But Keith is adapting to that, and he started going to the gym because she wants a man with a "six-pack". Did anyone notice any changes in Keith's abs during the reunion ep? I didn't...
  18. I've never bought into that storyline about Keith being lazy. Of course he "sleeps all the time" during (most of) the day --because he works all night!! Working the night shift does not make a person "lazy"! And neither does not knowing how to cook. In the previous season, half the participants had no idea how to cook! When you're working night shift like Keith does, you still have to do all the things that can only be done "9 to 5" --and that includes most social occasions. But once Keith has enough seniority at work, he should be able to do day shift. Krystine will probably be happier then. As for "buying a fixer-upper": if Keith lived with Grandma for all those years (and we all know that his dad is a total loser) --there's a good chance Keith is the one who has been repairing things.
  19. Krystine is a Real Estate agent. So I assume that means she wouldn't have to pay her *own* commission...? And as someone else said earlier, Krystine probably gets first chance at some really good deals in housing!
  20. A.J. has a personality that's not for everyone. I think A.J. was the most nervous groom I've ever seen! But, again, what matters is that Stephanie loves him and he loves her, "dad bod" and all. They've always had great chemistry together, despite all the blowups. (And really --A.J. *wasn't* wrong about Production being a real pain or about Puke being a real douche!!)
  21. When asked if there's a chance they'll get back together, Will says: "Well, umm, ummmm...." Such a romantic and articulate guy! lol
  22. I'd heard they were doing 4 couples again --and I really don't like that. Too much jumping from couple to couple and back again, and it seems like the number of 'flashbacks' tripled!
  23. I think there will probably be one couple left for tonight's finale -at least that's my best guess- but I don't know which couple it will be.
  24. I was thinking of asking the same thing! Who thinks there will be even one couple still married for the Reunion??!
  25. About Keith being called "lazy": Dialysis tech is hard work and very stressful. It's an honest living --but a meager one. I've wondered why Keith didn't get further in medicine while living with Grandma. My guess: he probably spent years wasting his life and/or trying to make sense of his dad (and why he didn't really have one). That situation is toxic for a young man. Getting that Dialysis Tech job was a major achievement, regardless of the salary and the hours. Keith does have goals, however, and with a woman like Krystine by his side (if she stays) Keith could still achieve a lot. Wanting to get into Med School and become a Dr. probably won't work out, especially since he wants kids asap... Doctors end up in debt up to their ears long before they ever have an M.D. But there are paths in pretty much every big city that make it possible for hard-working students to get nursing degrees, even advanced nursing degrees, while working a full-time job. It just isn't easy.
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