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Everything posted by allicatexp

  1. Now that everyone has mentioned it, if Greg was in pediatrics, why would he and Kelly have crossed paths on the hospital?
  2. Just caught 3 instances where the writers have absolutely no idea when the Walsh twin's birthday is. In Dylan's dream sequence about what it would be like to marry Kelly they end that scene with Kelly being mad about him giving her an emerald...Brenda's birthstone. This would suggest a birthday in late April or May. Then when Iris visits to dissolve Dylan's trust she calls Brenda a "Scorp", suggesting a birthday in late October or November. Then when Brenda tells her family she wants to go to school in Minnesota, Jim has a line about the twins turning 18 in the summer. These we all in the same season! Dammit writers, get it together!
  3. Seeing this episode and reading this thread reminds of the time me and a co-worker (who is also a 90210 and AWT mega fan) realized we were old at our office. We worked at a corporate office for a women's specialty retailer at the time and had a LOT of younger co-workers (mostly women). I can remember the day vividly, seeing him talking to one of the younger women and hearing perfectly "You mean to tell me the words Donna Martin graduates mean NOTHING to you???" with this incredulous look on his face. So classic. They also were reading the list of the a cast of Dancing With the Stars when it was published and had no idea who Babyface was...god bless.
  4. I think she was in a wig for both looks. Pre Kelly-cut mushroom lob and Kelly/Carol Brady look.
  5. Oh man Pop is airing the Paris episodes now and I just witnessed "you'll spoil eet" within the context of the episode. My god, had Shannen Dougherty never heard a French accent before? Was it some intern's job on the set to knock a tape player (the 90s) out of her hand if she attempted to practice???
  6. I am about to date myself but Kathryn saying her kids are getting older reminds me of that scene in "Look Who's Talking" when Kirstie Allie's character is trying to convince her son's birth father to get back together and he says that he is too old and that "he's raised his kids..." and she was all "Raised them??? They are 11 and 9. What, did they move out and get jobs???" So ridiculous.
  7. Did anyone think it was odd for Kathryn to show up at a modeling agency looking like she rolled out of bed? She (like me) should never leave the house without eyebrows. We scare people.
  8. I totally agree. The kids on this show use that phrase all the time. What college kid talks like that? It is as if the writers were forbidden to use the terms "have sex", "hook up" or simply "bang". I wish someone had the time and patience to do a tally on many times "make love" appeared on the series. Any takers?
  9. Continuity police here. Except remember the slumber party episode? When Kelly is telling them the story of losing her virginity she starts off with saying " everyone was getting drunk, well except me..." So writers, was she or was she not a party girl???
  10. Can we also talk about the horrible Tara wigs we had to endure
  11. Just to note about college newspaper columnists being paid being ridiculous... I went to a big 10 school and was paid to play in the women's basketball band. Both rehearsals and games. We were also outfitted by Nike head to toe. Did not get paid to play at men's games. I guess the thrill of watching them play was enough...
  12. Can Sarah, Tara and Dave PLEASE do a podcast on the Zack Attach episode??? It is on right now and I did not remember how cringe worthy it was! How on earth did they get Casey Kasem on this show?
  13. Also the child actor who played the model was god awful.
  14. Another thing that has always annoyed me is that they all refer to Kelly and Donna's home as the "beach apartment". Ummm no one else on the show ever lived in an apartment so why put the word beach in front of it? Were the writers afraid that we would forget the geography? It just was so pretentious.
  15. My sig other and I were talking and think that we really can't blame Rex. With all this stupid baby talk/whisper line delivery no wonder the boom mic is in every shot. We'd never hear anything...good job Rex. Pop is running season 8 and the Donna whisper delivery is unbearable.
  16. Give me strength. Pop is airing the Jasper's Law episodes. "Keep it Together" is such a POS song. It is way worse than "Precious to Me" and dragged out over waaaaay more episodes.
  17. I don't think it is from an episode. I have no idea what that is. Someone help! This is killing me.
  18. See I love watching this show knowing the outcome. It makes me really look closely at how it is edited and really shows you how easily the producers can manipulate the audience.
  19. It was also this episode or the one before when she manages to save one of her dad's patient's lives when she filled in for one day as a receptionist. Wow.
  20. Oh god. On Pop TV is the episode where Donna is the fashion/weather girl at the tv station. She is unbearable to watch. The mugging and "stuff" is so overdone.
  21. The chili contest episode was one of my faves! I love when Iola brings the 3 bowls out to Vint to be judged and her line is something like "here are the 3 entries...A. B!!!!!, and C..." so funny.
  22. Yes. There was the whole Val teaming up with Tracy to plot against Kelly thing.
  23. Yes. I believe they mention in the episode that the girls always wear the same dress. I can't remember why.
  24. Speaking of St. Donna...we all can look forward to her and Joe's car breaking down in the "bad" neighborhood and them taking care of those kids whose mother had to work...they really did lay it on thick making her a savior.
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