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Everything posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. I like Aria a lot more this season than any other season. My favorites have always been Spencer and Hanna. I've never really had any feelings towards Emily but season A last year. Seriously bated howlovestoned she was all over Allison to the point for choosing her over everyone else. And this season she seems to be diunbv the same thing with Sara. I just am kind of over it.
  2. Sara is still really boring to me and adds nothing go the show as far as I'm concerned. I feel like she brings the show down. Eh, this season started out so promising but I now find myself nodding off and possibly missing important plot points buried in between spencers drug induced Maddie from dance moms latest Sia video. But hey that's just me.
  3. Yes, I think Will has had a problem with social anxiety. I remember reading an article where he said he would probably just stick with doing voice stuff with cartoons. I'm glad he's dealt with it enough to appear on this show though. I wonder if a lot of him being able to deal with it to be on this show is maybe because he knows Ben, Danielle and possibly people behind the scenes, so it's comfortable for him to be there, maybe? Either way, Eric was always my favorite on BMW so I'm glad he is on this show.
  4. Really? That's interesting. I didn't know that. I mean nicknames I sort of get, but going by your middle name instead of your first name. And you are probably dead on about the spelling. I don't know why but I always assumed it was easier for them to say Gracie instead of Alleah. Like they never call Ali Alaiana or whatever her name is, they just call her Ali. Ugh. They really are some terrible names with terrible spelling. Even the baby's name is terrible I never type it because I don't think I can ever attempt to spell it.
  5. What terrible name with A can she come up with? Also why is she obsessed with the letter "A"?And knowing her, it's not going to be a normal "A" name like Ashley or Anna. We should also keep in mind that it could be a possibility of twins again. Hey it happened once. Could happen again.
  6. Janelle tends to twist the truth because I think she too, thinks Barb is "evil". Remember she always seems to say things that make me think she believes Barb took Jace away from her. And while yes that is what happened, Janelle seems to edit why this happened. Barb didn't want to take Jace at all- in fact, she feared that this would be the situation. She knew who Janelle is and knew Jace would probably be better off adopted. But Janelle said she would raise the baby and obviously once the situation got to where it was, Barb had to step in and take care of him. Then from what I can remember of the first season of TM2, Janelle was leaving for days at a time and Barb was sick of it and wanted to make sure Jace was taken care of and Janelle wouldn't run off with him. So she stepped in. And Janelle should be thanking her for that. Because Barb took on the parenting of Jace means Janelle gets to see him and still be his Mom even though she isn't much of one. The fact that Janelle edits the truth is what makes it worse and makes me wonder what really goes on in her head.
  7. The Tommy reveal really did have me gasp! I don't know honestly if I like this season more because they're throwing in easter eggs from BMWs or what, but I don't know. The fact that some of these things are happening and I don't know about them before hand and then I get to watch and a surprise makes me smile. It was a good episode though. I always love Eric.
  8. It is. Chelsea is the best out of this bunch. Also you are spot on about Leah. Remember the unseen moments when the pet died and Leah was FLIPPING out to the point where it scared one of the twins who asked what was happening and Leah screamed at her. Ugh. Chelsea also doesn't let Aubree hear bad things about Adam or any of his legal issues, she sends her out of the room. I also like that her home seems to have a quiet atmosphere. Every other house lacks this.
  9. Can we rename the thread Chelsea: Beauty School Graduate, Opener Of Mail. I think thats fitting.
  10. I really do think Kail is a liar and is a very shady person in all aspects of her life. She was shady about moving with Javi and she always likes to make the situation harder for Jo. So I have this feeling that Kail texting some guy or getting texts from a guy isn't a new thing and jaci is sick of ot. Granted Javi knows who Kail is so he shouldn't have expected her to be truthful. I love how Janelles logic works. The season finale of last season when she said she was only doing drugs after Barb took Jace away from her because she was so upset when the reality was she was doing drugs and going out all the time after he was born and on last nights episode telling Nathan that she waited this long to go to court for custody was because she was "trying to be nice about it" is hilarious. Same with Adam. Speaking of Adam, it's obvious that Adam always does this custody thing to hurt Chelsea and make her worry and get upset. It's sometimes why I hate that it always gets filmed because Adam probably loves that he can get a reaction out of her-I wish she would not have much of a reaction. Don't get me wrong it's serious and she should always take it as such but I have a feeling Adam loves watching the reaction that is shown.
  11. Yes, I said it earlier, something is off with Kail being upset that Jo is moving closer to her. He is moving for Isaac's benefit but also helping her out as well, as there would be less driving. Something that I'm pretty sure she complained about in a past season. I swear she did. I don't really get what her deal is with that. Like I said, I think she also likes having obstacles in her life because then she has cards to play and to use in her deck when need be.
  12. I was too young to watch this show when it originally aired. I do recall however trying to start watching when TAT joined the cast back then this show wasn't really my thing. Thanks to soapnet and other channels though, I think I have seen every episode in reruns. These podcasts are the best. This episode was kind of hilarious. I did love how when this episode was starting the assumption was that this was the episode where Brandon meets a blind cheerleader because of how the actress was cheerleading. And that sounds like something this show would have done. I agree that this storyline is a little too heavy for this show. But also, Andrea really grates in this episode. That's about all. Oh but also I agree it was nice that Jim and Cindy were supportive of Brenda. This is probably the only time ever because she is not Brandon the golden child.
  13. I follow some of them on Twitter but I actually don't read their tweets too much. The only two who i had some indication of what was going on was Leah because she was always in the magazines and Chelsea because of what I read here via Adam's legal issues. But aside from that not much of anything. I keep saying in all my posts that there is more to the one text message that set Javi off. I also stand by this because then Kail was like, "I;m not going at all now. It's bad to leave when my marriage is in a crisis" or something.. and that seems like an extreme thing to say to me anyway. There seems to be more going on. It makes me do a little smile everytime I think of Chelsea from when she was on original 16 episode to where she is now. It also makes me wonder why none of these other Moms can get their stuff together.
  14. Yeah, I don't get why she's upset about this, either. Jo is moving closer so that there is less driving back and forth. Also, he is still with Vee, right? So essentially he is moving his life to make it easier for Kail as well. I seem to recall her constantly complaining about the drives back and forth for the pickups. I think she likes it when there's an obstacle in whatever she wants, it gives her free reign to play a martyr role. Which is why I'm not sure we saw everything in her fight with Javi last night, I feel like there's more to the story that we just didn't see. As much as Chelsea's segments are fairly boring and a lot of "same old, same old", I enjoy her segments only because Aubree is adorable and always happy and it's really nice to see one of these Moms have it together. And I don't worry about Aubree when I watch the show. Which is more than I can say for the other kids- maybe not Issac so much but I hate that he is obviously around a lot of yelling. For some reason I thought this season was going to have the same format the OGS had when they broke the fourth wall but obviously not. I don't know why I thought that.
  15. I think "Keep it Moving" was the powers that be having another meta joke with themselves and trolling us over their titles of these shows. They did the same thing with this past seasons of TM Ogs. Those episode titles had to have been them playing a joke on us. Like, "ha ha, you're wasting an hour of your life on this!" Agreed. After the court hearing, I noticed how unfocused her eyes were. I suppose until the drug test results come back, there was no substantial evidence for Corey to get full custody. Yet, anyway. I guess. I'm always on the fence with how I feel about Leah. I don't dislike her as much as I loathe Janelle but.. I don't know. I personally hated that the show edited it to make it look like her and Corey divorced due to him wanting a truck rather than the truth which is that she cheated on him but whatever. Like I said she's made bad choices but I think there's a lot of underlying stuff with her that she's never dealt with. But maybe I'm reading too much into her and it's not really that deep.
  16. I felt for Kail a little as well but for some reason I think it's a bigger issue that has maybe been building for some time. Something so small seems strange to set Javi off like that. But maybe I'm wrong, it just seems like it had been building and he was over it. I don't think he has a right to demand that all her passwords be broken and unlocked- it's how I felt when back on Teen Mom original recipe Tyler wanted Catelynns phone records because she hooked up with an ex-boyfriend YEARS AGO= but, something else seems to have set it off. Cole seems like a nice enough guy. Also love when Adam was all, "I'm glad she's moved on, finally.." like, shut your stupid mouth Adam. You aren't a catch. At all. Also on a side note: SO. MUCH. YELLING. Tonight. More than I had anticipated, actually.
  17. Wow. The only kid who I don't worry about is Aubree. I fear the rest of the kids will grow up in terrible homes. I feel like in some sense, we've seen all these storylines every season. Janelle has been saying she's going to get custody for how long now. Leah fights with her husband about work or to Corey about what the girls need, Kail fights with Javi or Jo about..something. Nothing is really new with these girls.
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