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Everything posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. Yeah, she tried to wear the hot red one to Ian's and Ashley was like, "yeah, I get why you don't care sweetie that he's dead but respect Spencer and her family". Hm. I don't know. I really, really want it to be Ezra. I really want it to be Ezra and Aria is in on it. Like, so bad. It would be Christmas. That's my dream for this show. But it won't be Aria because I've seen pictures for the time jump and that kills any hope for Ezra having any involvement in being Charles. Well, okay, it clears Aria's name but I'm convinced that Ezra will sadly still be in the time jump too. So, yeah. Noel could be fun. If done right. Although, during rewatches I had before this season started, I remember when Noel was like trying to be bad and the girls all thought he was A in season one and on rewatches, he looks goofily. Like the show is trying so hard to make us think he's bad and now that I know he wasn't. Its funny. Like it's so funny, Ezra was the most convincing possible A ever to the point where now I can't even believe he wasn't really anything. The show lost out on a gold mine there, not even making just Ezra A but AriA as well. When I rewatch the Toby ones, it's hilarious because KA made funny faces behind the girls backs. So, I'm on the fence about Noel, unless the actor has more than what we've been shown.
  2. You know, at least with Ezra and Aria, there was actually some residual left over from his A reveal for a bit. Not that it matters, they ended up back together anyway. But with Toby once he and Spencer rehooked up at the hotel, it's like, "eh, whatever". I used to like Spoby but then they ruined it, first with Toby being A and then with the fact that Toby was always crying about his deal with A and then when he became a cop, like shut up. Plus add to the fact that Spencer has more chemistry with every other guy guest star they bring on for her. Seriously, I was so rooting for sober coach there. I hope she ends up with him. Hm.. as for tonight, I know I shouldn't be even a bit excited but I kind of am, I do however expect to be let down. Honestly, the only thing I can really hope for is that since we're jumping six years ahead that this big reveal won't give them the possibility to backtrack like they've done in the past (see Toby and Ezra), but who the hell knows, anything is possible with this show. I found Wren really boring, so if it turns out to be A, well, that's lame. I don't even know if I care much about who's A at this point.
  3. I agree. I honestly don't think TBTB for this show ever know what they are doing, with anything. I don't think they expect viewers to have questions. So supposedly on Tuesday, we will find out who Charles is- like I care ANYMORE- who Red Coat is and who Black Widow is? I highly doubt any of these questions will be answered. I really do not care who Charles is, either way it's a grown adult male who has been running around and doing awful things to teenage girls for years. It's messed up and the show is going to somehow try to make me feel for him and I'm just like, "no".
  4. There was one teacher who told them to leave. But that was it. I don't understand why Clark was there being undercover. I guess they thought Charles would attend anyway even though the girls had been banned and Charles would figure that out anyway since Charles figures everything out. It's confusing.. this show is confusing. I liked Aria's dress and thought it went with the theme well.
  5. I know! There's a bonus scene from this episode on MTV.com where Barb calls a friend to discuss the court papers she got from Janelle and underneath the scene there is a commenter who says that Barb should give Janelle her child back and just be a Grandmother and do the right thing. And I sat there and read this whole comment and was like shaking my head. It's like.. are we watching the same show?
  6. Same. I've been doing a rewatch of some episodes and I watched "A is for Answers" the other day and I loved, loved Ali on the night of "night of many yellow tops" when she was talking to Ian and threatening him, "and you're going to jail!" Loved it. I don't know how she became such a bore. As I said before, I really believed the first half of season 5, she was playing games with the girls. Using Emily's affections for her, ("can you walk me home? I'm scared, Em"), hell, there was even that moment where she was staying with the Marins and she had Noel fake attack them. I was really sure she was playing games. But nope. And now, we have this Ali. Even with her brief periods of awesomeness, drugging her Dad was a brief flashback, she's still just this giant ball of..boringness. Eh.
  7. I never really understood how Brenda is terrible at being a waitress so then she decides to make it a joke and be this character but yet she is still a terrible waitress but it's fine because look she's singing and having fun, so.. wait, what? Every time I see this episode.. I just.. it's not like her being this character made her better at being a waitress, in fact it made her worse! NO ONE WAS EATING! They were watching Brenda dance around and lip-synch. The hell? I mean if I was Nat after Brenda's crappy first day, I would have just be like, "don't come back.."? I just.. have never understood it. It's stupid. I don't care much about Brandon's plot because it's just another thing that I'm slowly realizing they did a lot of with Brandon, he meets a girl for an episode and sort of has a thing but then we never see the female guest star ever again.
  8. Um.. when was Corey nagging Leah? Also, Leah has a hard time hearing an alarm? I mean... I guess some people can but I honestly feel like thats something people need to grow out of in order to go to school/work/have a life before it's 6 p.m.. maybe that's just me.
  9. You made very good points! My feeling on why this left an awful taste in my mouth after I saw it was more of annoyance. I, like, everyone else am just annoyed with how things went, re: Amy is drunk and depressed and feeling rejected, she hooks up with a guy. But why did it have to be Liam? I know he was hurt and rejected and it's a double whammy they both wanted to hurt Karma, kill two birds with one stone. But then the interview with the CC. he seemed to imply that it wasn't a conscious choice for it to be Liam, he just happened to be there or something. So, then I ask, why couldn't it have been any other guy? The show made it Liam for that reason, despite what they say. Or.. it could have been another woman. I think Karma would have been just as easily hurt if an hour after Amy confessed her feelings, she hooked up randomly with anyone, actually. And then another thing struck by what was said in the interview. He said something like that the teens are 16 and they have no idea what they are doing and acting on instinct and aren't aware of the repercussions of their adult actions (re Amy and Liam and the hookup). I don't know. I don't buy that noise only because like I said earlier, the show made it Liam. There is a conscious choice in that. If it was a random guy, girl, person I would think totally different. To answer a few of your questions. I don't understand why Karma didn't tell Amy right away about herself and Liam. Mostly for plot, I guess? I guess the show would argue that Amy hates Liam and Karma knew talking about it on her Mom's wedding day when Amy was already stressed would not be good but I feel like a few days passed between episode 7 and this one and Karma would have told Amy right away. It's not like Karma was ever shy about talking about Liam before and Amy was never shy about how much she disliked him. So, yeah it's confusing.
  10. And like someone said earlier, she wanted it to be on the show... I think the fact that she scheduled it with a day of shooting is something as well. I would have had no problem if they had wanted a party/reception, thats fine, but like someone said not only did they have a wedding, they had a wedding show- and I think Javi had a bachelor thing of some sort, unless I'm having a fever dream of that, I don't know..It just feels like they did a lot of pre wedding stuff that didn't need to happen because they had been married for some time. Its crazy how paranoid Leah is. Like, her first thought when Corey asks for more time is that he wants her to look bad and he is ought to get her. She has repeatedly said this. That's where her mind always goes when she is telling Jeremy about it. The problem with Leah-and I think we've discussed here at lengths about it- is that she is, for the most part, surrounded by enablers. And I mean, most of the people she's around- or at least from the show- are her family, so I mean, it would be hard pressed to find someone to tell her the truth.
  11. Yeah, that sneak peak was... what?!??! "We heard your story! We understand!" Yeah, the storys going to have to be awesome because as someone who has watched this show for 6 years, I know what Charles did to the girls and I don't understand how they could forgive him.
  12. I don't think Charles is going to be A. We've been let down before. I honestly hope the time jump doesn't erase the parents because we need them. Last night proved how much scenes with the Moms were needed more.
  13. I know, right? Ezew is his name from now on. Thats what I am calling him.
  14. Seriously, Caleb is best boyfriend. Always. I did get a laugh out of Aria just assuming that even though she and Ezra are not even together, he still plans on chasing her to LA. That made me laugh. Oh, Aria. I liked Hanna's dress the best, followed by Alis, then Arias, then Spencers. Emily's was not good at all. Also, more Sara scenes. Ugh. I don't know. Aside from the Mom's scenes which I mentioned above, I kind of thought this episode was boring. It was watching the liars and Ali walk around the school for no reason only for us to come face to face with.. a person in a black hoodie? Thanks show. Thanks for nothing.
  15. Um, Drunk Mama Hastings is probably my new favorite thing on this show! Screaming for Mr. D and whatnot. Loved it. And I love that it's clear that the liars are just carbon copies of their moms! I loved every second of that. And shut up, Ali! I hate her holier than thou martyr attitude. "You never even liked me!" Um, Ali, when they thought you were dead they went though hell on earth to avenge your murder because they loved you so much. God. Clark's an undercover cop. Color me not that shocked. In fact that's been a go to thing lately on a few shows I watch. Haleb. That is all. They are awesome. This show makes me need as many glasses of wine that Mama Hastings had.
  16. Well, watching this episode was painful. For me, anyway, it was kind of boring and god, David Sliver was such a jerk throughout most of season one, wasn't he? All of these episodes he's just always around begging to be part of this group. Honestly, I'm not sure why he wants to be friends with Steve (I mean, I get the he wants to hook up with Kelly, he's a freshman boy and whatever) but I don't know.. what does Steve even do that is remotely cool? So, anyway the episode was painful to watch.. the podcast was amazing. And the podcasts are why I'm making the choice to watch the episodes. I feel like a lot of season one was a hit or a miss. I do love bitchy Brenda, so that was a highlight but since I didn't watch 90210 when it aired and only remember it from reruns I've seen and I know I missed episodes as I would watch reruns sporadically, watching them in closer sequences because of this podcast, damn, it seems like a lot of the Brenda and Dylan relationship is yelling and screaming..and wow. Honestly.. it doesn't seem like they like each other very much. I also didn't realize "Presidents Day" weekend was..a thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the extra day to sleep in and whatnot but.. whatever. I didn't know it was a reason to go to Palm Springs. Davids grandparents are awesome. David is not.
  17. This is like the tagline for the show. Or at least the tagline when they try to make a cliffhanger happen. See, "Toby is A" or "Ezra is A" for references. I feel like the show was testing the waters when they first made Toby an A but then looked at tweets and comments and backpedaled the hell out of it because "Spoby FOREVER!" But its why Ezra will never be evil, evil in the shows mind because of the "omg! so cute, he loves her and only wants to protect her!" I feel like I had the same reaction to a couple on another show that I will not name here only that it's final season this past year reinforced why I disliked the pairing so very much but clearly that's something for that shows forum (although bonus points if anyone can guess the show ;) ) But seriously, I bet the tweens loved the hell out of the fact that Ezra was right about Clark being no good because Ezra and Aria forever! But still, I can't help that it bugs and like I said what really bugs me is the fact that Ezra planned for all this to happen. When I do my rewatching of past seasons and I see the stupid moments when he hems and haws about how dating Aria is so wrong, blah, blah, blah, it really bugs because he wanted this situation to happen. So, yeah.
  18. There's a lot of good stuff with them being cute in season one and season 2. There's a good episode, I think it may be season two, where Sydney finds a dead bird and the two have to decide how to explain about death and heaven.
  19. I think what bothers me most about Ezra might be the fact that we as the viewers are supposed to believe he's a good guy, when he isn't. It;s laughable that he is telling Aria to watch out and be suspicious of Clark. I really wanted Aria to counter attack that with, "well, you would know if someone was asking many questions, wouldn't you?" but she never would because for some reason she still loves him. Even if we all forget the teacher/age issue-which okay we shouldn't, THAT IS A BIG DEAL but I am making another point and the show stopped giving a damn about that storyline and that being an issue when Aria and Ezra were still dating and he was back teaching at Rosewood high- the show is also asking us to forget that he STALKED Aria and the others. HE STALKED THEM. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about that. And that is a horrible thing that he did. For many reasons. Not least of all that because he was stalking them, he knew they were in danger multiple times (and I'm calling BS on the show if they try to act Ezra knew nothing about the "As", I'm pretty sure he did because how could he chase them around for info on his book and not know they were being stalked.. he totally knew!) and he did nothing. And yet he loves Aria, so it's all okay? WTF. The show basically is asking us to use the men in black memory eraser pen and forget anything about Ezra and Aria, except for the good points. Which for me there aren't because I'm sorry show and MK I view this show with honestly goggles and can't ignore what actually happened. That's why it's funny and ironic that Ezra is just being a "good guy" and telling Aria to be careful when talking to Clark. This episode needed Caleb, that's for damn sure. I miss him.
  20. I didnt know the info you posted above so thank you for that. There is so much wrong with Ezra and Aria, and I'm sorry Ezra's motives will never be pure and he is a bad guy. For the reasons everyone has mentioned.
  21. The age thing wouldn't have bothered me much either. I mean, it's gross but I think the rules are different for each state and I think 16, which Aria was at the time she "met" Ezra was 16 and legel. It was the fact that he was her teacher and the power thing. Also now that we know later on, he knew exactly who Aria was when she was sitting in the bar, he knew he would be her teacher and he still went on this tale of "we shouldn't/we should" because he had to keep getting info out of her. Then he knew she was still being stalked and harmed, and yet he sat and did nothing. That is wrong. That's a bad thing to do. Ezra is a bad guy. Those are bad things he did and yet no one on the show seems to remember them at all anymore.
  22. The problem for me with the Ali character is that the show doesn't know what to do with her. Last season, she was screwing up the friendships with the girls from my viewing eyes, she got in between them and even though I hated last season, I kind of liked how Alison was sort of making the girls second guess each other because I thought for sure the show was going to make her "A" and I sort of liked it. But then that went nowhere. Honestly.. I would have preferred Ali to be big A versus Charles. Only because I don't think Ali is really sorry for the things she did. Ali was mean girl and was doing what it takes to survive. Also pre faux dead Ali loved games like this. She lived for it. She was so gleeful on her Halloween prank to the girls, it would not have surprised if she had been the one to do it all along. Plus, I hate the idea that it's always been an adult doing these things to the girls. That makes the whole situation even ickier.
  23. Ah, Andrea getting the "we're such great friends!". Clearly the whole first season is so out of order or something because it doesn't make sense. And we're back to the status quo of "SHUT UP BRANDON!"
  24. Or maybe Mrs. D's clothes that Ali wears have special powers that give her the folding of the laundry and making soup.
  25. The Aria and Ezra thing is upsetting for many reasons. First, the teacher student is NOT okay. That will never be okay, as someone said above, the power balance is screwed up. Then we learn that it wasn't random. He planned to meet Aria so he could gain information for her for a book. A book that he then kept writing about her and her friends. It's disgusting. And yet, they are meant to be together? Whatever. I don't have a problem with Hanna yelling at Ali about Charles. Was it out of line? Eh. I mean, I guess it was but in Hanna's place, I would do the same thing. When Charles was a little kid, he was nice but then he grew up and started to mastermind a plan to torture people and that's not okay. Its also why I don't think I will ever have any sympathy for Charles because I don't know if Charles is really mentally sick. Like I said earlier, I think what happened with Ali was legitimately an accident but Mr. D flipped and forced Mrs. D to put Charles away in Radley. For some reason this makes sense to me. I don't think I will feel bad for Charles, so Hanna is okay for me for smacking Ali down. It was needed. Dead Ali was so much better than alive Ali. The only brief moment of intrigue she had was last seasons Thanksgiving episode and the Christmas episode. Now she's just sort of there. Plus I don't think she adds much to the group and she certainly messes up the dynamic of the show. I feel like the friendship between the four girls has been off-kilter since she returned last season. I don't know if this show meant this to be a choice or not but I notice it consistently and it makes me mad.
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