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Everything posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. Seriously. WORD. Ezra always has been a creep. He was also stalking the girls for a year and obviously knew they were being stalked by someone else, someone who was causing them harm, and this man did not help them in any way, no he collected this information for a BOOK. And then afterwards, he hangs out with them during Thanksgiving and Christmas? WHAT THE HELL.
  2. That's how I feel. I also stand by what I said in my post above, the fact that the show has made the choice to make Charles BIG A, the long lost brother is the worst thing. I feel like the show wants us in some way to be sympathetic to Charles because of the fact that he is Ali and Jason's brother. I also have a theory that Charles isn't mentally disturbed. I think he did something to Ali by accident and Mr. and Mrs. D put him away. I personally don't think Mrs. D was that much for it but went along with it to save her marriage. She did a lot of things to keep that marriage afloat. Anyway, the reason I don't buy Charles being mentally disturbed or ill is because he seems way too aware and smart and able to figure out how to track the girls, how to trigger them wna the what have you. It doesn't seem like he is out there as much as other patients at Radley had been. It also makes sense that he would be out to get Ali so much. He was unfairly put away. Maybe he killed Mrs. D because she didn't fight harder for him to take him away and instead only took out a few times but knew he wasn't sick. That's the only theory I have I can get behind as it paints A as the true villain, because I don't think I can stand behind the show making him into a faux villain by adding the mental illness. That bugs me because to me it gives an excuse to all the things he did. Also, yes, please send Ezra away SHOW! Ezra is a piece of work, whoever said that first. You had an agenda when you "met" Aria too, Fitz. Stop pretending like you didn't. Its just..ew. There's so much wrong with that relationship. There always has been and I'm getting real sick of the show glossing over it. Its the one relationship I can't get over how gross it's been. Always and keeps getting worse. Spencer and Toby suffer from stupidness that I don't understand but it's not as bad and while Emily mostly just suffers from boring ness, Ezaria are GROSS. I don't understand. And the more the show has tried to make a "thing" and okay, it's just..bad.
  3. I just can't.. only because the things Charles did to the liars before the Dollhouse and then when they were in The Dollhouse and now, he keeps doing things to them.. it's hard for me to feel any sympathy. I know I should take into account that he has a mental issue, but he also seems very smart. He knows how to trigger the girls. It's awful. And I know he has mental issues which I will get into. And the Ella and Ashley scene kind of broke my heart. Only because sadly they are powerless in this situation and all these resources in which are supposed to help their daughters are kind of useless. Maybe it's hard for me to find sympathy because honestly.. I don't know what the show wants us to feel with Charles. I feel like turning main "A" into Charles, long lost brother of Alison and Jason may have been the worst thing ever. Only because the added backstory makes it a lot less harder to look at it at a classic villain tale now. Because that adds a layer of sympathy to the story that I honestly think shouldn't be there, at all. I don't want to feel bad for the person who did all those awful things to Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily. I'm sorry, but I don't. And I understand good stories are complex, I just feel like this is all too much. Is Charles no longer the villain because he was mentally sick or because maybe when he hurt Ali it really was an accident and yet Mr and Mrs. D put him away unfairly-if thats the case, then it's even worse. But if he is mentally sick is he still not the real villain? Even though he did all those things? It's getting to be too much and I'm not a fan. Perhaps that's just my opinion, it's just becoming too much to swallow because this show complicated things.
  4. Yeah, whatever. Ali hardly knows Charles though and she's now aware of all the things he has done to her friends and he's clearly not after her to share cake with her today.He wants her to hurt her. I don't think he wants her for a big family hug. It's obvious. And it makes me mad that Ali would probably let him go free if she gets to him before the cops because she knows that they will hurt him if need be. I bet Ali would let him go. And thats messed up.
  5. I do love that Ali's defense from why she feels for Charles is all, "we shared frosting at his birthday! There was cake!" it's like when Ezra flipped out when he told Maggie he knew Malcolm wasn't his kid, "we went to movies and bonded over his stuffed animals! IT WAS A THING THAT HAPPENED!" Ah, sometimes this show has laugh out loud moments. I'm glad the Moms are somewhat coming together and realizing what a cracked out team of police Rosewood has. Yeah, Tanner, why do you sound so excited that Charles is finding out info about you? Thats not a good thing, at all, if you ask me. You should be the one in charge here and not waiting to find out his next move. Hanna is still the best. Emily still continues to be worst. And why didn't Aria ask more about the fact that Sara didn't seem to have a chip? Spencer and/or Hanna would be all over THAT bit of news. ETA: Because I'm still trying to figure out how to use a tablet touchscreen keyboard, even though I can work my iphone one just fine.
  6. Yeah, I'm more on the side of the fence where she was okay with the actual act but wishes the guy wasn't a jerk to her afterwards and treated her the way he did. But I can see how people can be confused by the story. In another fun thing I was thinking about since we discussed how Amanda must have kept her pills in a terrible container for them to all fall so easy, I wonder if she now keeps oreos in a terribly contained container in her purse now. Or maybe m&ms.
  7. I always go back and forth on the rape issue with it. Because of me seeing in reruns, I always wondered if this show was trying to painterly veiled it was rape and that's why I've never known if that's what the show was trying to do or if it they were trying to leave it open-ended because of network issues, it was the 90s. In today's day, I would for sure think this story was rape. Also I'm wondering if (and forgive me, this may make no sense) maybe Kelly herself didn't want to say it was rape. Perhaps I'm going too deep into this show but I think at a young age when the circumstances are grey and not black or white, it can be hard for someone who was Kelly's age to admit what it was. Once you do, there's no going back and I don't think she could have been able to form this opinion on what happened on her. It's a lot. As adults, it's easier to make this determination but I think at a young age, if things aren't firmly set in one camp or the other, you can't automatically declare what happened.
  8. I always assume they were in a bottle because who carries pills in their purse without them being contained in some way? Whatever. It doesn't matter, she doesn't care anyway now that she's got Oreos! Also I didn't say this earlier but again this episode did not make me hate Brandon. I feel like there are reasons for this, one being that this episode he was strictly B-plot and I'm thinking "THIS IS WHERE BRANDON'S STORIES SHOULD STAY, ALWAYS!" and last episode was the teen mom story and seriously I can't really give anything Brandon did issues because that's not something that's quite easy to handle when you're a first time junior in high school and your date is all, "I have a baby! And Hi, I've known you for two seconds can you watch him?" Anyways.. I didn't watch BH when it aired because I was a kid but I did see the reruns so I remember this episode but yeah, I always forget that somehow Andrea was invited to the sleepover and I always feel there was a scene where Brandon made Brenda invite Andrea to it but clearly I made that up and Andrea got to go just because. I'm glad our lovely podcasters pointed this out as well, because for some reason I saw what episode was on and I was like, "YES THE SLEEPOVER!" and I was like "oh yeah and Brandon makes Brenda invite Andrea",.. which doesn't happen.
  9. I think sadly for most of the kids when they watch this show will be very upset when they are older and seeing their parents behavior. Aubree might be better for it, granted Adam is doing a lot of damage right now but I hope that with Chelsea and Randy and hopefully a better male figure to take the place of Adam, she can be okay. But I think the other kids will grow to detest their parents if they even see this show.
  10. I startd to see Kelly as more than the 'spoiled rich girl' after Perfect Mom but whatever Jennie Garth really did bring it in this episode and yeah the story was mello-dramatic but then again, at 16/17, everythings pretty mello-dramatic and wasn't that always the issue when after your first time the guy never talks to you being a thing? I recall other shows using that trope as well as to not rush things. Poor Steve. Also Brandon's saying his tie is from Canada may be added to the things said on 90210 that I will have to try to work into my everyday life- with Dylan's mad, bad and dangerous to know and his love of cumin.
  11. Even if it was a snack and not dinner, it seems much right before going to sleep.Seriously peanut butter and jelly. Also, are Miranda and Corey expecting a baby? I thought i just read that in someones posts.I can be behind on the times with these girls, I hardly look on twitter too much.
  12. I think i might skip this episode. And we had been doing so well lately show!
  13. I also think besides the not wanting to pay child support, Adam also does the custody things because I truly believe he likes screwing with Chelsea and her emotions. I think he likes getting her all riled up. It brings me back to when he told Chelsea after she had Aubree to remove his last name from her birth certificate because that baby was a mistake. THIS HAPPENED. I will never buy Adam will be a good father. The fact that MTV didn't tell us why Nathan and Janelle were fighting makes me think that the show wants us to feel for Janelle because I think in some way MTV wants us to care a little bit about these girls, they are he protagonists of this show. The network wants us to have some feelings for what happens to them, Its why they hide the drug problems of some of them-Leah,Amber- so instead of showing us the fight where Janelle wanting a solider to die, they have her telling her friend that "everyone ganged up on me!" which.. is not really true. As for Leah and what she could have fed them for a dinner at midnight, what about a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwhich? If the kids had to eat dinner at midnight which they shouldn't have but not the point, i find a PB&J sandwhich a much better choice. Look i'm not a parent AT ALL, but watching this show even I know most of these girls are making terrible choices.
  14. This show.. I only know these people from my tv screens and my god, they make me crazy. ' Adam is a real piece of work. Of course Aubree doesn't think you're mean because you are the "fun cool" Dad which is what most not together Dads get to be. It really isn't fair that a lot of Dads get to make the choice to be this way and Moms have to be tough ones. I say a lot because there are some Dads who are not like this and want to tough but also fun,looking at you Corey and Jo. BUT SHUT THE HELL UP, ADAM. Also Kail. I said it in previous episodes forums, she hated having to make a drive for pick ups with Issacs. In fact, during her time with the new baby she made the choice and broke the rule that only she and Jo could do drops off. She sent Javi one time. i guess Dustin finally got an office further away from Janelle and she can no longer find him.
  15. These podcasts.. love them. I didn't hate Brandon this week. But what a bore this episode was. Seriously, however this may be where Steve Sanders became awesome, his fear of the baby was hilarious.
  16. I think the writers were trying to give Brandon the whole "teenagers tend to think the world is all about them, they blow things up to dramatics" but the way they do this with Brandon, first with the 'free at last'speech when he quit his super fancy job- I mean, really.. anyone knows where that quote comes from and no teenager THAT self centered would use in that context. And this 'now I know why convicts want to escape prison" WHAT???? I feel like Tara and Sarah need to add a "shut up Brandon" to the podcast. It applies. Love Kelly's drinking logic: "My mother drinks.I sip"
  17. I don't think Clarie was being paid, and during the lunch Sara was asking questions only Sara would ask- the puppys name- and learning he was no longer a puppy. Sara brought that up first, I for one hope we are done with Sara. Just a long line of girls who bring Emily down, if you ask me. Maybe not stick Emily with a new LI fo a while, I know this show can't do that ever but they seriously SUCK with Emily- granted Spencer and Aria don't do much better but at least Spencer is awesome when she isn't around Toby, and Aria has her moments, Emily's girlfriends of the seasons keep shadowing her moments and bringing her down-seriously writers read some message boards.
  18. Well, I guess i happen to be alone in the unpopular episode of not liking this episode. I just feel the showis taking too long to tell us things we already know so they can fill in the time crunch of this episode until the finale. It bothers me a lot how the show can't seem to have all the parents in one episode lately. This season we got an episode where all the moms were present but it upsets me when things like this happen and we only get Ashley's reaction. Granted we did hear from Mike that Ella and Bryan were upset but Emily came home to a dark house? No way. Pam would be standing in the dark and switch a light on. Same with Spencer's mom and or dad. I hope Sara's gone for good. Emily is getting really bad as a character, the first half of last season did her no favors and then Sara runied her. The fact tha she put Sara above the others made no sense. I sort of understand why she did with Ali last year in a sense but.. Sara? Sorry writers, no go.
  19. Yay, Sara is gone. Can I like Emily again? Well.. I think this show is losing me but i am here to the end. i wish i knew how to quit you show. God, if they wanted to make Toby worse they sure as hell did it by having him eating Spencers laced candy and getting high and still being.. hinself. You guys its episodes like this when I miss Jenna and her stick walking around Rosewood high. I'm just sort of meh on the show now,
  20. Seriously Jim and Cindy treat Brenda kind of awful.I know she's a brat more often than not and granted deserves a smack in the head. It it makes me wonder if she's always on offenses with them because she expects to be the bad one. It makes sense.
  21. This. What? I mean, no one talked like this,ever. The line, "so, you like movies?" would have made sense..'you like videotape'..what..no one today goes around saying "so, you like dvds?" or..do they?I love the Dylan yells at Brenda, throws a plant, Brenda gets scared and runs away and then Dylan then runs after her and hugs her from behind and.. they kiss.. what? B plot of this episode.. all I can say is fail Tara and Sarah the MVP should have been Steves eyebrows, for their AWESOME eyebrow rise.
  22. Even though this show isn't in HBO, to me anyway it goes further than I would have expected from an ABC family shoe. Granted myonky other ABC family show was Greek and I thought that was a bit much in terms of implications that the shoe did. And then this show happened. I sometimes forget what network its on. Anyway. Sara is just boring. Lately the summer season are getting pretty lame. Anyone remember the summer of not Maya s cousin Nate.
  23. Yeah Chelsea normally is good about not talking in front of Aubree but I guess she can have a few slips here and there. Adam is only fighting for custody because he likes to get a rise out of her. Aubree continues to be adorable. I somewhat get why at this age she gfts all excited when her dad shows up because she's a kid and its always fun to see your dad if you don't see him often or a lot. Soon she will grow up and Adam won't show up when he says he will and she will get it. Probably
  24. This episode was infuriating! Ugh. Watching Janelle be to run around st Thomas makes me mad, watching all of Leah's A babies scream, watching Kaitlynn and Javi have a fight about nothing.. Not an enjoyable moment tonight. Although Aubree in her Christmas concert was adorable. But Adam being all 'same thing as last year right?' Its your daughters Christmas show! Who cares if she's singing the same songs?!?!?!? Shut up Also Janelle and Nathan. I'm sorry I feel like there's something we don't know and that Barb would not just shut Janelle out and not let her see Jace. I feel Janelle was editing the truth there. Honestly surprised leah passed her drug test.
  25. Same. I feel like I always want to find a way to say delicious cumin now. Also want to somehow use Dylan's s stupid " bad dangerous to know " speech.
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