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Everything posted by bros402

  1. He's not autistic. He seems more paranoid schizophrenic, with a dash of avoidant personality disorder.
  2. They *really* need to have Mike get a Bachelor's Degree online (Hey, maybe from Greendale! Do a crossover with Community. He can bond with Jeff, learn some humility). Then he can do law school - just have the hacker modify it so he is going for continuing education or something. Do a time jump 2 years because Mike is SuperAwesomeMemoryMan - so he could get a BA in 4 semesters (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), then complete law school in 2 semesters, because he is ExtraSpecialAwesome
  3. LifeLock actually leads to more instances of identity theft than not - even in people whose identities have not been stolen.
  4. Hobo Christian Slater was referring to Elliot's promise with his father as a sacred pact.
  5. I think Louis & Donna will stay together until Louis has some significant character development - perhaps after Harvey learns to manage his panic attacks through therapy. Or maybe in the season finale, Jessica will steal Donna from Louis. Though I have a feeling that ambitious senior partner or w/e might be this seasons ~*big plot*~ - the one Jessica mentioned off handedly when yelling at Harvey (although I was distracted at the time, maybe she wasn't talking about someone at the firm?) It'd be hilarious if a senior partner led a coup with the rest of the senior partners against Jessica and demanded that Louis be appointed Managing Partner... and he didn't handle it like a Kindergartner.
  6. I like Hobo Christian Slater. But I don't even remember the character's name. So he is HSC.
  7. Elliot seems to be overprotective of the women in his life. Due to his social issues, he expresses his concern in the one way he knows how - hacking. He protects them by learning everything about them, so he can protect them in his own way. Judging by the brief glimpse at his childhood, and his little crying session, he obviously has extreme difficulty processing and handling emotions, along with a heaping helping of abuse in his past. He obviously has many layers of protection built up in his mind to prevent his real self from being noticed, but he lets just enough shine through so people he knows aren't extremely concerned (Like, "Let's involuntarily commit him" concerned). It would be interesting to see him have a full blown decompensatory episode. He'd probably just go catatonic. Also, I kept referring to Christian Slater's character as "Hobo Christian Slater" in my head.
  8. Boris' plots are hilarious if you picture him as a benevolent Bond villain.
  9. 1. The stores probably have cameras out front - it IS the Hamptons, after all. 2. Boris' sharks decided to go live in the intro to Shark Tank
  10. This episode was hilarious. It's the only thing on USA I can hatewatch now that Covert Affairs got canned.
  11. Yeah, that Axis II line hurt my head.
  12. Harper saved Fusco because the Machine offered her whatever price she wanted to keep Fusco safe.
  13. I'm guessing that in the season finale, TM will hit Samaritan hard - we know it has been recruiting assets - harder than it expected to be hit - maybe disrupting its connection to the govvernment feeds?
  14. The best part of this episode was Robert Patrick appearing on The Price Is Right the morning of the episode and presenting the Showcase as Agent Cabe Gallo. He looked like he was having so much fun, it was hilarious. Also, people with high IQs, even in just a specific area, can be... different - I am rated in the 99th percentile in a lot of verbal tasks, and around the 32nd percentile in things like processing speed. So not a genius genius, but someone with superior intelligence in tasks of verbal ability. Personally, I have issues socially - more anxiety related than anything.
  15. Accident happened near Tarrytown, NY (aka Sleepy Hollow)
  16. This was an interesting episode. Odd placement, though. When Reese pulled his gun before the commercial break, according to Carter, he shot & killed the guy, but not before he shot Reese.
  17. That's what I was thinking too - the company she performed for probably took out an insurance policy on her legs and she probably also held a private policy - I was thinking THAT would be the motive for the leg removal, not a mentally unwell individual obsessed with fame.
  18. WiFi uses specific radio bands. Perhaps the Machine made it so she can detect the bands it is on (I believe 2.4 GHz UHF and 5.0 GHz ISM) - and I suppose if the cochlear implant were modified, or perhaps had a part installed, she could detect WiFi signals - as there are FM transmitters that hook up right to Cochlear Implants (Not for listening to the radio, but for a mic to wirelessly link up to it)
  19. Why did the President only have 1 Secret Service agent on him when he entered the place the conference was taking place? ...like what
  20. Yeah. However, I sincerely doubt that a doctor would prescribe the Secretary of State a medication for an off-label purpose - they wouldn't want to face the potential liability if something goes wrong,
  21. Most likely - everyone can't have plot armor.
  22. I'm guessing she was given either Klonopin or Ativan for her PTSD - most likely a pill to take as needed to stop anxiety.
  23. The Machine might be keeping Harper in the NYC area for use as a potential asset in the fight against Samaritan.
  24. I forgot this show was still on. I was shocked when I saw it on my DVR today. Then I was like "Well, nothing can be as bad as the last episode they had." Then I watched it. Damn. That was pretty close to being as bad. I *really* hope it ends after this season. Then do a spinoff with Aubry at some FBI field office free of the Jeffersonian's grasp. He might be entertaining for a 2-3 season show. He'd be more competent than the FBI on The Following.
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