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Everything posted by goodolmom

  1. Twitter has an article posted saying that the dead and repulsed comment came after Luke and Kate had sex for the first time, not after the first kiss. He also says that they had sex because he knew it was what she wanted (he wanted to make her happy, you know) but about a month in, he wasn't just doing it because he felt sorry for her (my words).
  2. Will they be in the same school district? If the houses are that far apart, chances are pretty good that they may be in separate schools.
  3. I believe I read once that the first wife is the most powerful because if something happens to the husband, she is the one who determines how the money is divided, etc. Basically anything a legal wife can do and there's not a lot the others can do about it. Meri basically gave up her position at the top of the pole and slid all the way to the bottom. I wonder if she was secretly wishing Kody would try and talk her out of divorcing him. Instead he jumped at the chance.
  4. And Kody didn't even realize the ring was the one he gave to Meri before everything went south. "Oh, a claddaugh ring." That had to hurt. She has to be on contract for the show. In the picture someone posted above of her boarding a boat, she looks so much happier. She is so done with all of this that it's painful to watch.
  5. If you look at Luke's FB page, Kate is a polar opposite of the girls he seems attracted to. I can't imagine why they matched the two of them!
  6. I wonder if Meri offering to divorce Kody was more of an effort to get his attention, hoping he'd try and talk her out of it. She did go to the lawyer and asked about it before Kody and Robyn even had an inkling. Once she found out how to go about it, etc. she brought it to the two of them. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for her, he jumped at the chance which pretty much let her know where she stood with him. There are a couple women I'm aware of in my town whose husbands openly have a mistress. They live in million dollar homes with their husbands and all they have to do is look the other way, which they do. Perhaps Meri sticks around because she knows she can have the nice house and the perks of being a D list celebrity. I do wonder how much time she'll be spending at her B&B.
  7. I've watched from the beginning but am having trouble remembering. Were Meri and Kody having trouble before Robyn came along? I continue to think Kody could divorce Robyn anytime and put things back as they were with Meri as his legal wife. I don't think he's ever even considered doing that. I can understand Meri feeling like she doesn't fit in. She's lost her first wife status. It's also clear that Robyn has never considered giving it up now that she has it. It's so maddening that Meri is willing to be treated like a door mat by Kody simply to keep the gravy train going. I just don't see the big draw that Kody without a show could be. They are all so different now than they were when the show first aired. I continue to think that Robyn changed the dynamic of the family and that's when problems began.
  8. This is a link to the guidelines for lay midwives in Arkansas. Around section 407 it addresses when care for a patient must be handed over to a physician. I'm no good at legalese but if I read it correctly, she was in labor way too long before she was transported to a hospital - unless the midwife was in contact with a physician at a nearby hospital. http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/aboutADH/RulesRegs/LayMidwifery.pdf
  9. Just a couple random thoughts. Tonight I was searching for Debbie's modeling photographs and realized her maiden name is Donato. I wonder if she's a distant relative of Evel Dick Donato of Big Brother fame. I've also noticed that this season the focus seems to be more on challenges than environment. In past seasons, contestants were faced with terrible weather - especially rain, a lack of food, blisters or other injuries, etc. This year they seem to be fairly comfortable (at least to the point no one is complaining about being cold, wet, etc.) and much better fed. I wonder if that was just coincidental or if they planned this season that way because they're all returning players.
  10. Perhaps the molestation had been so glossed over and ignored by her parents she spent years feeling that it really wasn't that important. It was only after the word got out and she realized that outside the Duggar bubble it was, indeed, a big deal. No, molestation is not common in all families. Now realizing that, I wonder if she is finally experiencing the trauma that has been shrugged off for years.
  11. My daughter is morbidly obese and has PCOS. Five years ago she started getting sick after she ate and they scheduled tests to check her gall bladder. What a surprise to everyone when we learned she was pregnant - with twins! She carried to term and the girls weighed 6.12 and 6.13. It was definitely something that none of us ever expected to experience but it does happen. Immediately after learning she was pregnant, I Googled PCOS and pregnancy and it seemed grim. We worried her entire pregnancy, expecting something to go wrong but she breezed through it, with her only complication being what they thought was cellulitis her final week (the doctor who actually delivered the babies did not agree that it was cellulitis). She and her husband were very lucky. This new season opener really threw me. The awkward scene with her friend and her inability to afford a home without her parents' co-signing after having her own show for 2 years were definite "Huh??" moments for me.
  12. Megan does seem to have some success and exposure before the show. http://megology.com/
  13. All of tonight's program actually did happen on Monday so JMac's statement was correct. This all gets so confusing toward the end!
  14. Sorry if this has been addressed before, but do the Duggars by chance still have an unfinished contract with TLC? I ask because their show is still listed on the TLC website, as are full episodes to watch.
  15. You can only imagine how the rest of the evening went. It's very difficult to top how delusional and disgusting those two are.
  16. I am stunned. Amy is not considered a major celebrity, is she? I can see one of the Kardashians needing 26 hand towels and/or a $140 trash can because they seem to know a lot of people and spend an inordinate amount of time entertaining, but Amy and intended? I'm further stunned by the comments following the Instagram posting about the Dillard's (or Dilliard's as Amy posts) shower. So many of them are all over it, even though Amy and intended insist they don't want gifts (but hey, Dillard's IS having a sale) Incredible.
  17. My first post here. I've never seen a goodbye to a child and her family as cold as this was. First, normally when there's a family prayer, most families turn inward, forming a sort of circle. The little ones in the front automatically faced the camera. Then the 5-second side hugs exchanged with the sisters. They looked more like casual acquaintances than sisters. Jill and Derrick may just as well have been leaving for the weekend. The only genuine show of emotion that I saw was between Jill and Joy and it was heartbreaking, as was the sound of little Jenny sobbing. I'm a grandmother and as a previous poster said, if my grandchild was leaving, I'd be holding them until that car door shut and they drove off - especially knowing how quickly little ones grow up. How kind of Jim Bob to tell Grandma to come over and say goodbye to Jill. Where in the world was she when her granddaughter and family were getting ready to fly off to another country? Throwing another load of wash in? Finally, Jim Bob's little speech had about as much warmth in it as an icicle on an eave. All for the camera. And what a ridiculous time to bring up Derrick's dad. I feel so sorry for those children.
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