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Everything posted by MiseryIndex

  1. Our father didn't hint bodies were important ...As long ad we are skinny with strikingly good looks
  2. I am the only one bothered by the pointless detail that Emma took the time to put the tape that was playing back in its case before she played the tape she found?
  3. never mentioned it, but did the news reporter outside the finance people building really say something like 'oh it appears we have some protesters' when the vamps start jumping off buildings & attacking the rich people? who would be protesting people trying to rebuild? why is she out at night anyway? why is that gay club open & everyone acting like things are normal?
  4. Why was lot 33 there in the first place? Build something there and make it something not worth snooping in. Did anyone ever need to go there? if the tunnel led to the mountains you could get into it that way.
  5. Dom was at his food truck today and would've say if he comes back or not but said to keep watching.
  6. I'm kinda bitter justin warner doesn't have a show. He is a local dude with a great restaurant. He won his season by a lot. Has he best personality of anyone I can remember on this show. And got nothing. I don't know why this show exists if th winners don't get a fair chance. Even the ones that win get 8am Saturday morning timeless.
  7. I'm so over intentionally bad canvases. Neveremind the girl who passed out. They know not to let people with few tattoos get hard tattoos. Or to not let people in if they want something that won't meet the challenge. They just want the drama.
  8. Kinda bummed this was so short. They're basically stretching one season out across two summers. I get the reason to send divya to medical school before the series ends. but she is raising an infant and now planning a wedding. I guess she could go to stonybrook without having to move far from the Hamptons. But still. She is pretty much going to be doing the same job if she keeps working with hank after she graduates no? It's a lot of money and time away from your baby for a title. The adoption thing seemed rushed anyway. She wasn't an incredibly friendly or enthusiastic mother. She just wanted to get it over with. Not sure why they jumped at the chance to raise her baby so quickly. I was also kinda made they made this poor girl go all the way to the Hamptons for doctors appointments. Maybe it's better care but they let this 8 month pregnant girl sit on a 3 hour each way train?
  9. But they didn't even mention the first generation ring wearing leader people until the next to last episode. It seemed out of nowhere. And they basically win in the end. It's unsatisfying. The amount of technology he brought to the future that he didn't even known would need is absurd. He has so much survalence equipment not knowing he would use it to spy on his own people. My biggest issue is the power but water and food sources are also something that never gets mentioned. And all it takes I'd one short conversation to offer some kind of explanation. I feel we were owed that.
  10. I hate rosanne so much. That fake laugh during people's sets I'd unbearable. I guess it's more of a cackle than a laugh. Ether way it makes me want to stop.
  11. I haven't end this whole thread yet. So I don't know if this has been mentioned. But doesn't Kate wonder if it's a fake experiment how ethans son is still only a teenager? She has been there 12 years. As far as being frozen. Even if they had enough money and space to hoarde all that technology. People. Vehicles. Food. Etc. They really had enough power for 2000 years? And what if there was a nuclear explosion and they were destroyed anyway. As far as the kids go. Are they living with other couples paired up once there? It seems like most people are individuals and get paired up. Not really any families going together.
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