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Everything posted by Fretful

  1. I like Kyle but it's exhausting to hear him SCREAM. EVERY. WORD in his talking heads
  2. I agree there would be a satisfaction to that, but it doesn't leave much room for strategy. Once those 10 skulls are out there, the real fight for the skulls begins. If you're Fessy and Aneesa and you win, do you throw in 2 strong players (say CT and Darrell) hoping to get one out of the mix and knowing that whoever wins that battle STILL doesn't have a skull and is coming for you? Or 2 medium players like Kyle and Cory who might come after you but probably can't beat you? Do you hold on to the weaker players like Mechie so if you do get thrown in you have someone to go against?
  3. Actually, I don't think Theresa's plan was a bad one, she just executed it poorly. If all 5 of the women were in the same alliance (I can't keep track) and 4 fell quickly, they would be assured a win because the other women had already gone. If Amber wanted to win so badly, Theresa should have let her, with the understanding that either Jay wouldn't be the house vote, or if he was, he could pick his own opponent from the other alliance. I really hope that once all 10 skulls are won, the game continues. People who have been hanging back would have to go after the people who already have skulls, and those people who got their skulls against weak players would be challenged by the strong ones. I don't really like Devin or Kyle, but I relish the idea that one of them takes away Fessy's skull the day before the final. I'm not sure Theresa knows what "receipts" means
  4. For those of us whose math is from the pre-computer era: could someone explain how the binary code clue worked? I wonder what they would have done if Devin didn't get it. Would he and Tory still have won for getting the farthest along the route?
  5. The women would be crazy NOT to go after Natalie this elimination. There are only 5 skulls for women in TJ's final. Natalie has one. The alliance should figure out which 5 go to the final, and fight to take skulls away from anyone else. Once someone in the alliance wins a skull, you start throwing lay-ups in against alliance members, Of course, this only works if eliminations don't directly impact your partner. The men n the alliance might oot want to throw in Kyle again if it puts Kam in danger,
  6. Didn't Romber work with a couple of teams to pay a bus to take off? Then they got him to let them off the front and keep the rear doors closed (or something like that). An example of forming an alliance for as long as it's helpful.
  7. Alliances have been around a long time (Oh, Brother and the Twins had one on season 3), and can serve teams well. I don't think it makes sense for the producers to limit the help teams can give each other on most tasks. We've often seen teams work together to get through a task together, and I think it adds an interesting dynamic to the game. There have been bigger alliances (again, season 3 and the Twin Hunt, or season Lyn and Karlyn who complained about having to wait around for other alliance members before driving off). I think the difference is that this is the 1st time the editing made it the center of the show- every episode focused on the alliance. I think that is a producer problem. As for Will and James- I liked William a lot on ANTM, and I think they're both probably decent guys-as someone mentioned, they haven't really degraded any other players. James just seems a bit whiny, so they come off as bad sports.
  8. With Aneesa out, I'm really out people to root for. I begrudgingly like Bananas and Kyle, and Fessy and Kaycee seem like decent enough people, but I don't care who wins or moves forward at this point.
  9. So, even on season of returning winners, a woman of color is the first person voted out. Never change, Survivor.
  10. Am I mistaken, or did Zach actually apologize to a woman? Miracles can happen.
  11. You could check out the Facebook group-- REALITY TELEVISION FANATICZ or UNSCRIPTED TV FANATICZ. They often are able to point you in the right direction.
  12. I;m not sure they had access to all the coins. There were several sets of buoys, and I think each team had to search between two. So. it was THEIR two coins (#5 and #6 out of 6 in their section) that they couldn't find. But, yeah, they basically told Colin and Christie to jump to the other task. I assumed Christie had a stringy weave. But then she got it wet, and now I think she just has bad hair.
  13. I found the contrast between last week in Uganda, and this week in Switzerland quite powerful. It went from a genuine risk of being arrested (or worse) to someone casually asking "so, are you guys together."
  14. Bret is a police sergeant, not a firefighter, Bret LaBelle Age: 44 Instagram and Twitter: @bretlabelle Hometown: Dedham, Massachusetts Current occupation: Police Sergeant Describe what you do: I supervise police officers.
  15. I feel like Colin is as intense as ever, but instead of being intensely competitive, he's become instensely mellow. I was happy to see Brett and Chris. I remember on Survivor they seemed liked two pretty genuine guys. I watched Janelle's first season of BB. . On left profile, she looks vaguely like Janelle , but straight on- I wouldn't have recognized her in a million years.
  16. Please, please, please let this be the last season with chicken drama. Neither side will ever accept the other, and the chickens truly do deserve better. Can't the producers come up with something new?
  17. It must be hard being a vegetarian out there. With so little food to start with, not being able to eat the little extra they catch could make a big difference. Do you ask for extra rice because you're not eating the fish? I vaguely remember Mike White being vegan, so he wouldn't be able to eat the eggs either. I've thought about this and wondered what I would do. I think I would compromise my principles to eat food that we caught ourselves (finding a crab, for example), but nothing sourced outside (so no burger on a reward), but I don't know. How much can one contribute to camp life and challenges when living on rice and coconuts?
  18. This actually does make sense if you think about the nullifier. The way it stands only one person went to exile. That person HAD to be male (because there are separate baskets of new buffs for men and women), so only a male could get the nullifier. If Bi hadn't left then two people, one male and one female, would have gone to exile and had access to clue. It would have been a lot more fair.
  19. Five years seems like an awfully long time to be a street hooker in the 70's. Those girls didn't look any worse than they did at the end of season 1. They should all be looking a bit harder.
  20. I am shocked to find how invested I am in Phil and Martina doing well. I know they probably can't win, but I'm always so happy for them when they do well, and I hope they at least get to the final. I didn't think they would be my favorite team, but here they are. Although, if I ever go on The Race I think I would want Taylor as my partner. He seems darn near perfect. I am also gobsmacked that not one team had a single person who could speak simple Spanish.
  21. Didn't Lee Anne used to work for Top Chef? It seems a bit unfair if she gets to compete again.
  22. I keep going back to that conversation between Devin and Ben, some episodes back (they are sitting on the beach and Ben is wearing his cowboy boots). It seemed very significant. It reminded me of the Parvati/Amanda/Cirie talk on the boat in the first FvF. Add to that the editors over and over showing Ryan impressed with Ben's gameplay, and I feel like they're setting up a Devin/Ben/someone (Chrissy? She and Ben had a strong, strong alliance) final three. On the other hand, it seems like Ryan and Mike get more screentime than their play deserves, so maybe they make it to the end.
  23. And I remember when Caleb almost died for salt and pepper.
  24. Camilla isn't even in the MTV promo picture. I think she is finally OUT. http://www.mtv.com/shows/champs-vs-stars Loved the tiny chairs!
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