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Watched the premiere and my problem are the infamous Eight Deadly Words. I don't care about any of these characters. There is no one to root for. Poor man's Duncan Idaho, a.k.a Desmond Hart came close but then he killed a child, so... Everyone's a jerk. It's like GoT without House Stark.
S02.E08: Shadow and Flame
mrspidey replied to paulvdb's topic in The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power
Yeah, you're probably right, but comparing the scenes, it does look quite similar. -
S02.E08: Shadow and Flame
mrspidey replied to paulvdb's topic in The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power
So the fight between Galadriel and Sauron totally happened in the same place that later will be the stage for Frodo getting his first glimpse of Mordor via ring vision, after Boromir has tried to take the ring from him, and also were Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas start fighting the Uruk-Hai? It looked very familiar, especially that U-shaped thing at the top. -
Yes it is. This issue is a major focus in book two. It's a very common misconception, though. And it was even more prevalent back in 2006 when the book was written. But who knows, the Trisolarians seem to know a lot more about this stuff than we do... D&D writing again. It makes more sense in the books. I mean, the story assumes that String Theory is correct. Also the principle of complex 3D structures having huge surface areas is a well known fact that can be easily demonstrated with everyday materials. Take an A4 sheet of paper, wrap it into a ball and it will fit into the palm of your hand. The surface area of the interior of the human lung is as large as a football field. The author simply applied this principle to the additional spatial dimensions postulated by ST. This is absolutely fine by me. Honestly, i have a lot more trouble accepting that Trisolaris is Alpha Centauri, when every astronomer and hobby astronomer worth their salt know that Alpha Centauri is a stable trinary system.
Valid point. Just keep watching. That's a stupid show thing. They can't do that in the books. They use the E. T.O. as muscle. That is very likely. Again, show only. It was sort of implied in episode 5 when the Sophon explains the plan to Wade and Jin. The Sophon unfolded down to two dimensions, wrapped itself around the planet and turned its transparency on and off. Yes, it is that mundane. A lot of what the Sophon does is smoke and mirrors because it really can't do much else. Same with the countdown. It's just scare tactics. The only real thing it can do is spying, relaying information and blockade fundamental research at the quantum level, creating a wall that most science branches will eventually run into, be it physics, computer science, neuro science, etc.
The mirror thing covering the sky was the Sophon showing itself. And it actually took a huge risk doing that because it is super vulnerable to physical force. It is still just a weak ass proton, after all. The only reason that stunt even worked was because no one knew wtf was going on. If it were to ever pull this shit again, it would have numerous ICBMs coming at it immediately and those would be more than enough to blow it to pieces. The Sophon knows this, if course, so i guess it just folded back to atomic size and continued fucking with particle accelerator experiments, writing stuff on human retinas and spying on humans.
Technically, you're right. But since the planet's mass is negligable compared to that of the three suns, you can view it as a three body system. Also, the planet is not required for the system to be chaotic. Here on Earth, the tide is higher during new moon because both, moon and sun are tugging at it from the same direction and the gravity ads up. So this does not seem far fetched to me at all.
No, the problem is that the signal strength decreases rapidly thefarther the signal travels. Transmitting anything from Earth the regular way would be akin to a mosquito buzzing in a storm. But with how they use the sun as an amplifier, they are essentially transmitting at the strength of a Kardashev Type II civilization. That signal will be heard across the entire galaxy.
Don't forget Maggie the Frog, who gave Cersei the prophecy of all her children dying and made her all paranoid about Margery. That prophecy turned out to be quite impactful.
From your other posts i take it you've played the games. If so, this problem should feel very familar, since every villain faction on the games is like this. The Master, the Enclave, Caesar's Legion, the Institute, Vault-Tec, they all want to be the only ones left standing and rebuild the world as they see fit. While VT and the Institute were content with waiting it out underground, while preventing local surface factions to rise to power in their region, the Master and the Enclave took a more proactive and genocidal approach. Caesar's Legion just wanted to absorb everyone into their "Ancient Rome Revival"-society. It is a recurring theme condensed into Maximus' line about everyone wanting to save the world but disagreeing on how.
Well, that's just being extremely true to the games. Trust me. You wanna know how my Fallout 4 experience went last night? I just wanted to do a quest where i had to kill a specific raider. I did that, but when i went to loot the corpses of her crew, a message popped up: one of my settlements was being attacked. I fast traveled there. 3 weak ass raiders. As i engaged them, another message popped up: another settlement under attack. Rince, repeat. Gunners, this time. They also attacked one of my military checkpoints right next to the settlement. I cleared them out and got another message: settlement Nr. 3 under attack. Just two super mutants with planks. Easy peasy. But wait, there's more. Fourth settlement being attacked. Tough fight. About 10 Gunners armed to the teeth shooting up the place. Managed to kill two of the named npcs too. I looted their corpses and gave their gear to the remaining settlers so they'd be able to defend themselves better next time. With no more settlements under attack i went back to where i had started. In my way to finally loot those raiders, i ran into a threeway fight between Gunners, a BoS patrol and some super mutants. Helped the BoS and looted corpses. Then i finally got to those dead raiders. Looting them made me overencumbered so i had to slow walk back to a settlement close-by to dump all that stuff. But as it turned out, a deathclaw had decided to make the ruin that housed the workshop station where you dump stuff its new home. Now, you do not want fight a deathclaw overencumbered. Hell, you do not want to fight a deathclaw at all unless you are extremely prepared for it. So i snuck away from the place and just dumped my stuff on the ground when heard gunfire. A checkpoint close to this settlement was being attacked. My Minutemen were trying to fight off two Yao Guai (the irradiated bear from this episode). I helped them and as i was looting the bears, i heard a little kid calling for help nearby. There was the ruin of a house with a fridge inside and the voice came from the fridge. I opened it and out came a ghoulified kid. Apperrantly, he had been stuck in there ever since the bombs dropped. Now i have to help him find his parents, or rather, their remains. I never got to turn in the quest i actually had wanted to do. It was an eventful evening in Fallout, sure, but 95% of it was just me happening upon random bullshit.
Probably because Filly is the only bigger settlement in the area. Lucy gets directed towards it by a random wastelander, Wilzig goes there because that's where he was told his contact would be waiting. Maximus gets there because him and Titus were literally ordered to go there.
Yes. They were founded after Fallout 1 by one of the game's npcs. In Fallout 2 they are a fullfledged nation state. In Fallout: New Vegas, they are expanding into the Mojave in order to claim Hoover Dam as a power source. But they are terribly overstretched and things back home aren't looking good either (water shortages, famine, etc.)
Loved it. I felt right at home. Yep, that's Fallout alright. Love how they gave us Lucy's character sheet in her introduction scene. So Repair, Unarmed Combat and Small Guns are her main skills. The way she handled Chet when she left suggests she also has the Black Widow perk.
Not Star Trek. That was straight up from The Martian. Mark Watney just did not have the luxury of a PMU, so he had to use the air in his suit as a propellant.