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Everything posted by annabel

  1. KA looks tired. She is a beautiful woman, but she just looks exhausted. And I am still convinced that Daniel Cosgrove has a portrait in his attic. I don't get what they are trying to do with them though. Is Aiden behind this guy confessing? What is this guy getting out of it? If Aiden is seriously trying to get Hope back why is he being all underhanded and sneaky? I don't like Ciara staying at the mental hospital job, or Marlena letting her do it, but I did like what she said to Chase.
  2. Ciara should go immediately to the head clinic guy who offered her the job and say "I appreciate this opportunity, but there is a patient here who raped me a few months ago and I do not want the possibility of seeing him every time I am here. So thanks, but I will have to decline your offer." Then talk to Marlena again and have her refer her somewhere else. Shady Hills can't be the only mental hospital that Marlena has an in with in the Salem area.
  3. The most entertaining thing that happened today is that tivo's plot sumnary referred to Marlena and Chard. With Vic's remark about Tate, that's two vegetable references in one show!
  4. OMG, when Jade kept whining "this is all my fault" I just wanted Steve and Kayla to whirl around and yell "YES!! IT!!! IS!!!!" She deserves no sympathy, her with her stupid scorpion brand on her hand. What an idiot, and here I mean both her and Joe(y)
  5. I am trying really really hard to stay interested, but Show is making it very difficult. There is not much that makes any sense at all and I have no idea what anyone wants, or what anyone's motivations are.
  6. The last 20-30 minutes here were all Louisville/Ali. Can someone please sum up briefly?
  7. I do wish there had been more flashbacks, maybe Bo on his motorcycle at the end of that long plantation driveway? Holding out for a hero...
  8. So is tomorrow a Hope standalone episode? And Peter Reckell has come back for it?
  9. BD needs a haircut though. He looked like he was wearing a helmet or a plastic wig of some kind. I'm not much of a Lucas fan anyway, but he deserves better than this.
  10. You are NOT. VI is as hot as he ever was, if not more. He is aging exceptionally well.
  11. I think it was nighttime. Kate said she would go pack and they could fly off to Vegas and get married in the morning.
  12. I have never cared for Kate as a character or LK as an actress. I like both AZ and VI, so even though I can be somewhat iffy about their characters, I'm interested to see where this is going. I won't say again how much I hate the Dario actor.
  13. I think that the therapist was on several episodes of The Grinder, playing a judge, or someone pretending to be a judge or some whatnot. Anyway, he and the kid who plays Theo Carver on Days of our Lives are both shoo-in casting for the eventual Barack Obama movie.
  14. I remember once on AMC Greenlee was depressed and hanging out at home in a tshirt and leggings and fluffy slippers, it was so refreshing.
  15. Taggert!! So happy to see you, though of course they have to tie you to one of my least favorite characters at the moment. I FFd all the Joe(y) Jade stuff, so they have fallen into a cult? I think VI does actually know how to play the piano, so that was him playing for realz.
  16. Yeah, this is all pretty stupid and I don't want Hope to have anything to do with him. t don't think they really care about how anything matches up
  17. So, is Aiden not dead? Who tried to kill Hope and was killed by Bo? Is this why we didn't see a funeral? Is Hope doing the Abby 'seeing the man who tried to kill me' thing? For me, the show lately has been pretty entertaining. I FFd the Hernandez family earlier in the week because I was in a hurry and I hate Dario, but I will not do that in the future, because I liked Mami Hernandez today and I appreciate that Show is trying to give A's character some reason for being. Just please let him shave off that thing on his chin!! Theresa has been great all week, Summer is still the worst, and I actually kind of like Hope and Rafe, though the 'I love you's seemed a little fast. They have been friends and work partners and know each other well, so whatever.
  18. I have such a previous dislike of the Dario actor from when he was on AMC, but does he really have such heavy facial hair growth that it is impossible for him to be clean-shaven? If so, he should just grow a damn beard. Theo is the best. I also like Ciara. And Hope and Abe are looking out for their kids and also acting like people who have known each other for decades and may not always agree but who will always have each other's backs.
  19. The Trump rap was great, as was the Lucifer in the flesh trailer. And a few nights ago Trevor commented how Cruz's face could look so much like a mask and also be melting, which was so apt that it's all I can see now. I don't care much for Ricky Gervais anymore.
  20. I thought that was a little weird too. Marlena is not related to Ciara, but Ciara is Claire's aunt, her brother(Shawn) is Claire's father. And yes, Hope being a grandma has not really been addressed so far.
  21. Isn't Claire's date gay? I thought we saw Paul counseling him awhile ago. Does she know that? Theo is the best. I didn't like that he kept beating on that kid who will certainly turn out to do something terrible, but he was defending Ciara so I will cut him a bit of slack. I did love Abe and Hope being all happy and proud of their kids. And they have known each other forever, so talking frankly about the kids' relationship without any sort of antagonism was great. Also, Hope hugged Theo both times he showed up. This is my show that I love!!!
  22. She has been FF for me for exactly that reason since the beginning. That, and because I cannot with Joe(y)
  23. I think it is everything. The color. The waves. The fact that to me it looks very unnatural on an actress I only formerly knew as a dark brunette with fairly straight hair. It also is way too long. Mostly I just hate the character, I think she is useless and unnecessary and want her and her horrible hair to go away as soon as possible. Sorry if that was not helpful.
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