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  1. Reality TV money? The only reason she should've even bothered coming to this with Brandon is to save money to get her parents over before the divorce.
  2. Buck's amazing loft? It's a studio. Where the hell does he put his.... anything? I guess he's lucky his only hobby is video games which fit in the TV table in front of his single seating option.
  3. Man, you could just see Ryan thinking "You PUSSIES. Seriously?"
  4. I think she came in as an eventual sacrificial goat to the plot. Their deal was too weird (I still don't know what Pascal's past is about) and they were never going to be a happy-ever-after. I was starting to think we'd find Damon beaten and dumped somewhere by his house, only to die from his injuries. But that seemed too much.
  5. It can definitely work, but she listed all the things REQUIRED to make it even possible, while knowing those two would be incapable of any of it. ("Communicate? Be self-aware?" as they tilt their heads to the side like a golden retriever.)
  6. Yeah, so did Watson choose her because she's a sociopath?
  7. Mouch, you're a first responder in Chicago - you know that you're only dead when you're warm and dead. Cold preserves brain function. It's like resuscitating someone who went through the ice. In reverse. I was surprised he was giving the doctors such crap.
  8. Jesus, he's a dumbass and the bad guy is playing him like a fiddle. Just call Voight and have the bad guy taken for a walk. Or learn not to telegraph every goddamn feeling and thought you have on your face and in your body language 24/7. If anyone in the firehouse was observant, they'd be groaning and wondering what shit Cruz got himself into this time. So he has a GSW that he can't get treated anywhere without a police investigation and there's a dead body (connected to an ongoing internal investigation against Cruz regarding a fire where Cruz's mortal enemy died) with CFD gear on found at a robbery attempt. Yeah, this'll go well.
  9. Srsly, does Sue have a skin pigmentation condition? Because I cannot imagine she could be walking around looking that filthy that consistently otherwise.
  10. Josh and JoshTwin should be thanking their lucky stars they managed to get two hot wives, not making those wives' lives miserable. Looks like JoshTwin's wife put her foot down and convinced Lisa not to be a doormat, but Lisa still thinks Josh will change even after 14 years of this shit. C'mon, girl. ETA Was there a "where are they now" for Josh and Lisa? My recording ended without anything for them...
  11. I mean, it seems he really did think he was just going to taze her. He didn't consciously opt for shooting her right away - but I did think they had them put the tazer opposite the gun specifically so they wouldn't get mixed up.
  12. SovCits make me want to shoot them, too, but damn, boy. Yeah, the actor was pretty good at giving me the willies. Brad's "redemption" will last all of an episode, I'm sure, before he reverts to an a-hole and returns to getting fawned on by Captain A-hole.
  13. And Josh thinking that getting rid of the garage will improve its value. I mean, it might benefit someone willing to live in a shitbox while their tenant lives in the brand-new suite.... But that house is a fixer-upper at best right now and he's worried about giving Granny Tina a suite worth more than the rest of the house where his family is expected to live.
  14. I hope to god Nelle leaves Josh behind hanging off Tina's teat, takes the kids and moves to FL. And have a tiny guest room with a twin bed for when he comes down for visitation. I love that she tells tells Tina and Josh (essentially) to just fuck already and she'll leave them to their faux-marriage.
  15. I would have expected Violet to call in to an actual doc who would be able to authorize it and/or talk her through it. If they had come across a dead mom pinned in a train wreck, I believe that's the kind of thing they would do to save the baby (based on other TV shows, granted). She didn't even start a dialogue with Dispatch about a deceased mother with a live fetus.
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